i- seventieth yearjjo 34 acton ontario thursday ffjikuaky 22nd ih45 four home print 1ate piv catft annual meeting of acton red cross shows fine year pkua uu fa causafri wuaji opnu mauvt slfc mrtme ar eutti the annual meeting of art an eaul district kerf crae society wm hstd en tuesday evening in the council chamber whm reports of lha year work ware rwtvd olticenr mn elected and preparations mad for lha annual fled cross campaign which thi year open on march ftth and u to he completed b llw end nf the month prealaent a mtum wn in chars snd there was a fair turnout of workers treasurer w k rahm reported thai in the war yaan of had cross arllvlty over 19 00 had been raised tuck home again halton to participate iji ontario reforestation rhhiktkd woj1ndko pull report en iimhii rarvk l flv by revve 1 m mcoomu uul aj raufcej far lav imvntlm service ubaly to keyta in may cosily malta grant for baoiu for goaraty ubrarla tlie lubruar meeting of halloa i ounly oun ii va held in mlltoa la ii lti ii- usrilen presided mil nvftnliri vm iiewnt with tlie esreptlon i i he vi lllllniri of oalf i vlllr rullowlnif iht rta ling tit the rota- ulrs and minunh thm tijum ii wm ite frank holme who week i f n mi i i uar- rturnert home lo aclon after our nm epaitme ear overseas llr was wounded at j i end tonits mi umrhl general hrcrktary anintessfcn meeting op the h v i ii by thr locl hrsnrh itecelpu last itoulogns and isc the 111 of ute r tir loun11 on ihe r- yeer totalled saumjm and the ram palgn brought in a tofalof is mo a3 t oi ihl smount mttnift had lieen i sent to headquarters wool and m p- h serials hsd cost spprolmslsly t7n j uiik ilfllllm r ltd expenditures in connection with ij yl the mlood donor n in les had a mount ml vruhlkt t jltl km m- o wr jak f r oversea room cuppllmi mad and forwanlari it waa iirvwhlkl by mr ii 1 mr cradually the hoyi ara omnlno donald- j hack home again and art on frianda knllllng ml iwaatara ml ialr of wll aa hli wir and molhar aorka 30 pair hmaocka 75 pair mltta hrolhrr wr rtcllhtml i 34 pair bv 4 ararvaa h lutml wrimf hom ln fmi frank llnl turbln j baby i vaata a total of bhl atflrlaa hawing ml pair pyjamai 1 1 1 nightgown 4417 imndkorrhlefa 1 tiratminl on the nthn ryv but oth rrulw look a hlmwlf and has addtvl a little wflgh wr njnyd a brief vlsli with him and of iounr the flnt qucullnn as aklrt drraan 1 pair jtanllet 2 pll low pair pillow curt 2 fur coat a 2 pair child allppara 14 quilt a total of 1 llfi bwn artlrlm and a grand tola or 1 73fi artlilp appret latlon nd vote of thank paaaad to the auditor the head of the various department and the officer of th urganlxatlon and all other who had made the year so luroeiaful th rort of the illood donor clinic wit praaentad by the tacr- tf mr h o boyaa u fellow tn premtrff tha reiwirt bf tfte ar tlvltle of the acton illood hinir clinic lncr ju 1041 i feel confl i dent in laying tht you will trrlnlnlv uit a r wsf w llihlre v nijanrt 1 agree with me that our proirreu h hn most uccurul w u nn lr mrmljrr turnl up tor j a meeting of llir nllef ub committee two emept ion and t heme w ere j j j i clerk ionard iluie ttlnu alone due 4o the weather condition we i j h ha ihnwn t decided tncretr tr after four ear oversea and mmi five tur in the arrn e krank la wearing dark lane ii ount to pay ba k all tha coat at lloulogne in i- ran or that he f ihr utyeai plan to the govern wounded and t lha ftighl of ment lite county from then on to be hi right eye he l itltl receiving entitled to all return or ev i a iegor gvneral arcr tary of ite iuplit convention of ontario and quebec v tilted tha a ion hurt h lueblay february 11th lie howed a tethnicolor film ofb y i i activities at amp k wan kind during the 1944 maaon prior to knowing the l lure mr re addrecaed the group and told something of camp life and the benefit deilved from atl nrtif g atnp memlteia of the i niird i iu waraala in at tendance 1 tie i ienident iontu ted a brief dctuounal ierlod and introduced the kptaker lite eivle wa tirougtil to ont luki m w ii h the lenedl ton pronounced by itev ragory i unch waa eiet ly ihr cnntmltta tmh tftr group enjned an informal hour with the apaaker the regular meeting of the h y i ii a held on tueday rebruary jiitli houht b lh i ounly roud be plwm th ftom 0 hr prmlnn wlth under the uervuin of the jov rnment who would auume all fla anclal reonjblllty at tha aaptf- atlon of the in ears t ounty would itave the choice of 1 count to reia th govern- menl half the coat of planning and umrtalon for the thirty years and fn m that time forward the govern rvd i he i unt to khare ex pan i union agreeaieni complete al the beardmore plant ivan ti keia w i i wai week offhlally ic mid wuumlit wlitf mlvirik wllh the 1 anadlarib in hullanj forfhlatum alread done in the nd them end of tha ounty and kplail ed how thi might be furthar in ieaed and niproet bj the adopuab j of a vrear j ian h which any tl tovernmeni tn land li whit h uunl gulred t rr i imulli to rust of the would be re l claim there- all ihr o lion to te free of tnt trl the arena eret open again frank did tome net mind itenort of the standing committees ing on the hockey team oversea nd were conaldered in committee of the it say that while he may nnl ba whole with mr chlert in the chair able to watch ahots from nil angla special communh alum concurfed now he feel he can enjoy a pljft r lit in a request from obourg that a the rooter hencba with the real of reuueat be aent to the iroum lal and u federal government to int rsaaa thar trrstntt to rtiflitrett aid snrteflea thiim rnn n more eiultalile dl irlltulpn tic the ever int n aalnt col tit adm l nlt ration hit ti are lrcom int man mrttino itroui i he inn i- e annual meeiitijt timinlllm tf lh lli llm waa held on rlda ruarv iii in tie nun ll hamhei hair man im joot ave a lenunit of the w ork done l i lie itmiiillle iluiint ii paat mi arul ft ll that ihe i rull were ginllfy idk and thai i ho uoili ink n erlouh thaln ujkin tfie finance aflernoon f of mint u cnunl it ul ml nc ommltlee icunduote- thr bntstreaa tdmsetf a n niptaav local mmunu one man suboommltte reading r vm w filed j jmyment ng commit tecs were a fallow finance fducatlon printing count duilding agrtrullural ucforetatlon artpn iroup of max si ou ik kimt good attendane 1- ollowlng tha bu j urilt hrihrfts inea period olive itonl led in an i interesting and informative dlaru ion on the flrt of the series lilt ufe and our 111 haptlim mr chg luindkhornugh tondut ted the devotion mlas jean matheson conlutted e era llvelv game and lunch waa wr veid hrlnivlnu to a close a moat eno able evening memorial service last sunday for pte wilson gordon i iffitn omnire order and lto sonuta join with ryiefida and fmil in tribute member of a ion hranrh of lie canadian icclnn of the artmi 1 f t and the thht atti rrtrrthp ho m u ntlend t nl nt with manv tit in i frlindb t e it tmnrtiil nervlce sunda nvollallu or hvrj hu0 itmcttkud tn muttatj afr mnt hign4 yiauritj lieailmoie t o limited artom tmtailo rrpmted to b ttk hamu tannery in ihe mrlllih emnlra y isrday signed a rollerhv bargalaluc aieement wiih ihe national untoa eat shite and leather work lt t the aiieement providas for grtv a nee inn hliiery that enable a ialae stewsid in attend lo com plain tt of woiltn ilirht ftm ihe start any 1i pit if without loa af imsic pay the company will dfdurl union 4uert the i tif employee at lha r uet of ihe emploee thnae who ar mtmrailly lranretred for the ran venliioe uf the mijuny rrrymlr higher fate to he new job or nkftv j in ihiiiwifsmftijfiitriitiwiin ittrtrxniinnjitiimiiiii ii i i i lorily la irtognle and lay off and promt i ma ale auubjeefffl with the union shop committee uk mthti ref eil l u pnivfdmrrmmlrtv l and nflernimsii lie union i rcoj- nlie1 a ihe sole to let live bargalnlauj g nt y rehabilitation and employ ment of returning erv icemen arut vatatlona aiv intvltletl for the agreement also provide that rvty effort will fee made to aeltle dlaputee wllhiut teaortlnn to kiikes alow down tir in k outa ihe acreemt nt waa negotiated by i committee rtinalatlnjr of marry arhle tthalrmani mra a pe raull r rank dlhlmtns an 1 jack rruce mr f ite s4oui nod t ut iaik lead llv hodttes national hepravt- tl m om uaj el nu h in llitli m tnlm auiated in the in hil th l along negollallnna tninmlltee also etli ndeit ihelr n e kincere thank lo ihe not m thtra asmkiallon for their geneiou llnan t lal and material akatktant e during ihe rar sunilmmlfr itev k f i imnim n kwikt- on i la wuitt with he smula and waa very favorably impressed wttl ihe i ni ihe loa weir loak inu lit ft ll imwiver that the jroop u nt rnthei unw n ldl aa ihe tf mcmlet and thai mu t ull te tlone if the lnxi wets siiltt mr s nenmt i resjtlenl and mr w j ileatty secretary treasur er signed for the company white ii aihlt rrrsident nf oral m nusiw and oliver hodge itepreaentallve algned for the najlun union of shoe and i eat her worker ihe agreement was algned follow ing negotiation ei tending over sev eral tnonthk and finally through hoard of onrlllallon iterant ne u got tat torn hae been carried on in an morr atmosphere of mutual mat and de termination to see thai the agreement v his puiiuiiiiiii iivt iraiuink number of ikmors which eak wel account iiaaaed for r tortpstrtotlam and ho xtxtt z p prosing i pp roved haartedness of the ilonora and the untiring of the executives ma wr continue with the good work and notbe wear in wll doing with the confidence and satlafactton that our effort have more than likely been the means of saving the live of some gallant boy who are offering their alt that you and and all of us ma live in peace and comfort tn fieedom m vlctpr attend them and od himself defend them and i bring them back in triumph from the riceti on extamlgioeib of water delivery of new pump to be made here this month mains to be secured an soon a paaalble t nne3 1hs7t 45 on 347 74 ks1k c0k2 07 koad accounts tnwsrds the rnd of thr snulon a dlsruulon took plaic and an as-rco- mcnl was renctim whereby ths coun ty will co operate wllh thr provincial covemmrnt in a reforestation is-o- ject for this purpose it w moved h mr near seconded by mr cleave thnt the clerk lie instructed id write the minister of inds and forests re questing that the properties owned h the county he placed under the mr marrttt had previously tlllne lo lhecbuncll that a decision as to ihe final dispensation of re- now for the- details titer has been held clinics ulth the follow in donors ltuj july rd b7 donors ims seplembee 4th no donors 1041 tnn public utilities commission november lllh ob donor 1044 jan nteetlni held on monda eyenlna reforestation act crrled uar 21mb t donors 1944 april hth commissioner c m hansen 136 donors in44jllnexjtbj3ldqnjlai oh 1im4 octolier 1st 11 donors j k macarthur presided 04 februarn 10th jill donor it was decided to renew the tldelll i vitsllon amu doe not we to lis men reehed hronie huttono lhnd and fire insurance on office fix m un p c the for three donations ut men received lures with mrs h u mrlonld itovear term silver button for six donntlons x a letter from the consolidated ms- 1 tlerve j m mi lonsld irave a full ladles received hronie button forjchlnery company sllvlsed that the report on information secured by him three donations new pump for the sprlm would be fr b with regard to amount of blood elen durlnt these shipped fsbruar ilrd some dlffl s hool hralth service at the pres- perlods a total of 151730 c were iult had been experienced in obtain l pi that only the donated equtvajent to 623 imperial ln certain part but these had now- f f ru townhlt vlll take ai i sir antsre ol this service but that later pint he n secured in looking over these fauces for it a iteel mine cabinet was order belnaiicuralml tlirouchoul the small vlllaite one can uwi sn at to in purchased for the office to ke county in urban as well as rare bast i think that we have endeavored lh records of each department in centres i nderifhe county health to do our part if onlv s small part order iserviee there would be a rurr time for the ood cause it was decided to secure prices on i mm officer sanitarv inspector officers defied were a mason tyic cost oflavtna water mains in a w count office this it wa president mis t i midtmnld firsts cerlntn section these prices were to thou ht would be less expense to tht vie rresidnt mr 11 o liovev sec- ih d s soon as possible urh their present et ond vloepreldent f k rhan the following aciounts wrc or up fxpense of tin committee in treasurer urn mlddleum se r dcred paid connexion with the ohm hmountel hydro dept to ji9s5 pajment of which was uri a b mtljian who hiu hnd nl telephone co ser los 3 13 authorized b the coun ii charse of th work room for thehfpc of ontario supplies lor i5 a blaw wn prerel and ilven past three vrars felt she could not hfpc of ontario power 414609 three readings to authorise the ex continue the secretarv was asked to jedirsl wire cable supp 1797ecutlon of an agreement regarding wjite thr lakeside chapter of the maeionald tj ltd school health service between the io d e to requeit this society to- kupplies tale over thi arranging and super- llnr 4 cable supplies vision of this branch with the assur- cmn ceaeral elertnc upp ance that the present committee and force electric supplies workers would give everv assistance northern electric supplies the plan for the annual campaign express and office cleaning tor tunds were to be arranged as in mr h l v ponald innur former eampargnsthe tibjectlw mas vlss brown posjmlatress the same as last vear and the cam- postage and uemplo- palgn opens on march 5th to be com- mfnt stamps plated that month be telephclne co line at tachments irpoil on the hi re available sre president r n jnne ice irekldenl w i ole se resv 1 1 iii hsrdmin t iimmlllre i w aisr h psrfieler 1- klngsmlll kannry itev mr pulker scoutmster itev t r rhommn assistant moutms jrjnj arton ler jack malnprlze troop leader lxug davidson cmbmasler no p dvftftlr 1 mason ubmater pack no wv i rmih wllaon tordon w ho wnv killid in at lion overi a itte kerv it e w as in 1 he united hurt h and corrttuetert by hr a av tohui the pastor during the irnlir ml- doio h simmon sang the very apptoprinte olo someday 1 11 i nderstand tr message that mr foshurv kve the famll and congregation n one of hope and inspiration an aurantc of a continuance of eternal life and that juat aa in the mineral world ont m re so waa nothing waited there ta but a tranaformatlon and continuance or life mr foabury based hi message on the scriptural text found in 1- irit john 2 2s thi is the promise that j he hath promised u lire he tressed that length of life that count- qualltv that goes into that life he 2- tillq wml ald ihe spirit that prompted younkiotflulfti i tt vjtjk mm who had every delre to live who loved life but were wtllin to tnto two groupa and tha unliot tmir k mll panla thla feeling was voiced at a oeneral union meet ing railed laat night lo ratify tha agreement try ivnldent harry artuc he aald i am atlrtet1 that thla t a good agreement for both the am ploy cuh a k n llvttlea eea and th company it is my intan- the nftlren foi tvii lion ant the intention of lha ttnlort to maintain and davalop a ardrt l mutual trual and cooprratlon betwa- en lcal jd and the management of ileanlmore a ompany nothet si ulmhkler 4 i urett 1 he a p le da kuiis t reattd a let on i lal rimeetla lelng silt at nn to ihe ahsence of mi vv mnatm and mr eorje llolllnfrr nn ike llollinger anothef cksually 7 7h reported for acton nt but the arrived laftt werk i hrat at the bride of acton aarvlr men coming to canada to join thalr huaband arrived last friday they are mrs f c turner wife of flying officer fred turoar and mrs lao close wife of pte ia claa who was invalided home a ahort tlma ago they are now getting arttlad in aclon meeting and gelling acquaint- ed with mambai of lh farnllt mmnr n for he thing they behev j f thr vvlly of our can- ed right ha the essence of the eter thia month deanlu word wnlrit whlf anfortunataly nal in it vlrged that aorrowlng awahd by fyitltaa thi year was a very savara ana friend endwj to look ty ond the un g h ej of mr momentao darknas and try to aaa i vvord ha been received by acton mrs hellly mallnj ilosd ml la end the hrtghtness of a bright ar day and f flxwn h im who now portsmouth hants england and aha reside at cah field that pte ivan make a determination that the suf and pte cloa ware married octahar frrlng and sacrifice of war shall not v la officially rsieortr wouded i lit a on rebruary oth tha nature or many friends of flyliif oitlewr tifr- rxtent of the wounds are not known i ner and pte close will walrama thaaa and word is ajaiously awaited by tha new actonlans and endeavor to matu family and friends here he had f hem feal at homa la canada and juit returned to the line recov ered i more particularly in acton from a alight wound received in sep- j t while the congregation stood bowed alienee last post and ke veille were sounded by mr chan landaborough pqil ku tucks london cp alllad plana ara being flttad with idantlflcatlon llghta that can be chanjrsd durlnf flght tha jdenttty color la changed several time dally to foil tricks by carman in truder planes 4160 provimt and the countv it is tt 98 pectcd rvlc w hi begin in ma of 6 70 this fnr kmtti a grant of sd50 was given to set up 4833 1 a supply of books for the count 710 ubraiies the- books art be ro- 14j5 lalad by the diffarant librariw so slf i towns ubuld ha benefit of the books purchased tf 5 33 coun ell adjourned to meet on march 13th 1045 44 00 u i k466b6 wa4aweaita dent power and heating at sprimr 53734 s h mccron supplies 34 can pan electric supplier 2350 18284 rofrrwak hebvuk qn sunday aftarnoon at a service in the acton united church leglanpaires l o l membars aid wmr awrycanadlan youtras4botflsuta and friends joined with 15ajnt john n b cpa years compulsory military service after tha 18 or was sukfeeted by justice w h harrlaon irraddraaslnt tha saint john brsuult o tha c3snajuanlfloo t ember dni waa serving in the hot land set tor pte virkeia enlisted in november j ltmj and went overxek in july oil laat year hi parents mr and mr louts vlcker moved from alton to anfleld some time ago hi bister mr lto denhy realties at south porcupine and another vuter mrs n hurat in toronto a hrolher ftosa 4 is at home wlfh hla parent man friends here w ill coining events hrahin ra rsmlt ul u ilhrr ftttii half i as scoijt mothers plan local night jkbcoutsand curs- the family in paying trlbuttjp pte wllaon gordon whdwm filled in ac tion overseas junior farmers meeting in loma anxiously school monday fehnnry at hjo await wond with ihe family and hojie p m varied program with thrm the wound do not prove vertous legion dance town hall aetonv t 1 friday feb ilrd harvey nahara orchestra admission sue s3 j rapid turhre y u c a friday 1 march jnd auspices seni m a i card club admission 25c the february meeting of the scout the ladles of st wpstpha church mothers was held m uie form ija a tea and baking- sato euchre al the horned of mra it-spll- aaturday march it at 3 oclock in vogel those winning prlies were itovvii hall actor mrs n anderson mra n morton mrs w kentnar mrs c desser- eault mm klngsmlll and mrs lovll the auxiliary are planning to enter tain the cduu and cuba with a oclal inthe ear future a valen tine lunch uas servad by the itostassea w eharft skating carnival paorfetown arena rriday march 2nd prtaeafor races and costumes followed by pub lic skating for all wtiste by 15 poctl band ausplcas lama seu banal b ausnlega tome scots band admialon he anil 25c b p m 7 y i 1 t t tr-