thb acton pbee press thtmboav iphil 1xk lmt the week al ottawa m imkniuui audtn oshissiw staff wrtte ottawa ct the rou whlcb canada will play in providing aod stuffi material for ronsl ruction r llf and rehabilitation whi hnstlnttea in europe caw was discussed by i ii me minister 6ukwuj king n th house of commons last week whm re spoke of plana fur aiiada participation n th ratfu war mr king gas aasurame that full employment a walled service erstnntl 1v be demobilised when the fighting rtiim tn kump rtietr will lie ample work 10 do tn this riunlr for all whom ii will le ioit le ta demobille th prim mln titer rffrtn to food requirements of lit i iterated peoples in europe and those of the united kingdom retailed i a it a da s special responsibility a an aitli par tlrlpant in the program of tli t tilled nation kellef and itrhahllllatlcr ai ministration isetnands uf ana la or food and otter oorontiktillcs would continue at a hih rate lnuglas abhotl mirtiamciilai as alstanl to iwfrnr minister mi naugh ton aaid during tl uulont of arm attmalea in the war appropriation mil he culd not estimate the nunler of men ihrsjrm would roqum rtur ing the lomlnf ear ai w a done jn other eat rtmaetjut nll estlmatrs had to be made nn a month t moniu basis col j 1 italston ot liter defen e minuter brought up the tjursilon of th rights of utruii ttooea in tie dominion postwar latnr markri aftd mr abbott said he woult tak u th matter of seeing if defence headquarters could consider protect v measure ensuring that men dis charged in canada would hae no ad vantage over men oversea in this regard trgwa clssvsis veterans are en til fed to reinstate nsent in the poaltloni they held before enlistment but col ralston said that airing his tour of the baltlefronts he had found the men overseas keenly la teres ted in their i names of ettin jobs at home and thought the govern mertt should take steps to assure troop discharged in canada would have no advantage details of contrails between l anuria rut the i nlted kingdom for the pur chaae of bacon ham beef and egs in ims and tabled in the commons by agriculture minister ardiner provide canadian producers with an assured market for thrlr products hut emphasized alao the importance of in ereutn hog production as advocated recently by dr g s ii nation de- uty minister of agriculture while contracting to purchase not leaa than 430000 000 pounds of bacon and ham in 1m6 the united kingdom has undertaken v accept whatever ad ditional quantities of beef and egg are available provided shipping apace ean b provided in referring to a aharp decline in hog output in the flrmt quarter of this year dr barton aald canada was 1ong on wheat but short on meat and should concentrate on feed strain and hog production to meet current commitments and to safeguard rer postwar market position though cattle marketing are holding up well the agriculture de partment said in january that hog marketings were likely to drop suff iciently below the 1944 volume to mors than offset increased cattle marketing ihk11iwhe altls vancouver ict mrs elizabeth dunbar was fined ss and ordered to pay 10 to repair a doghouse she damaged when annoed by its occu pants barking sllvtr an fngllsh aatter was not called on to testify against mrs dunbar to gontinuetotpay milk subsidies the iomlaloa government wui continue to pay the same subsidies on milk and milk products during the w months heglnnlng may 1 as in th period may i 1w4 upri 10 iw th tkjjntnton tepartment of agriculture announced the subsidy at 10 cents pr pound of butt erf at used tn the manufacture of treamery butter and of jo cents prr lsi munds on milk for bee manufaiiure wll im ald throughout the ear in aulhorlied imu a sub- bid of v rents per 100 pounds on mild milk will tw paid to producers from may 1 1ih5 lu srptemler k 1u4 and vh ots er uki pounds imm vlobrr i ilms lo april hi 191k rreftt in certain areas where it will continue at i tints v or milk ummi in ire mamifa lute f cmicen tiatett milk proilucis and of milk sugar subsidy will be paid at the rat f it rents per 100 pounds from may i ims to kptember to ims this mill be raised to the winter level of ui rrnts per 100 pounds at october 1 ims subsidies paid al present and up to april m are it rents per tound of ttutierfat used in tte manufacture of i leamrry butter jo rents per 100 kunds on milk or cheese manufac ture v rents per 1v pounds for fluid milk except in certain areas where ii is n rents and m rents per 100 ikiniti of milk used in the manufac ture of ritnrenlinted milk products nnit nit ik nissr tiktrniinii drought laiisr ilrnvy io irtrctje mraaurff planned to rombat aridity and soil kroalon shnn australia a 1 miliums til tons of mi1 are telng swept away and millions more are itelng ownl nnd shift rl by the drought which al ong with its erosive influence is hold ing in its grip a large portion of new south wales and other areas in a us tralla tn sdnr morning herald sjiys that the combination of drought and war is bringing romr to the com munltv leon that should have been learneil ionic ago hut w hlrh hae never hitherto hit ten dee pi enough into the national life lo fori e ov ernments and indlv tduals to adopt prot ret i ve measures against the worst features of drought and soil erosl n it is not onl the death of live klok that matters it is the death of the soil itself adds the herald some where in the great outback there la a frontier beond which man cannot malntnln permanent hi agriculture or his flocks he may succeed for a time during of comparative produrtkit but with every swing of the pendulum back to aridity he llnds himself thwarted full mala faeur there was a time when the strug gle sometimes ended in his favor but those were the davs before his stock had eaten out the natural cov erase of the soil ms me had dest rov ed the scrub that stood between him and the desert or his bare fallows had exposed the land to denudation as these protective barriers have dis appeared so the frontier haft crept eastward forced antlerotinn measures are planned but according to professor wad ham professor of agriculture at the university of melbourne land owners will nnt take k indlv to a board of inspectors under proposed legislation many landow ners ha savs regard inspector as being worse than rabbits australia s recuperative powers with good rains are emphasized bv ijinds minister tullv of new south wales who savs thst despite the drought the demand in that state for gracing blocks of home maintenance standard is greater than ever russian women form brigades rebuild homes ruajinttarf housywlfa hurted a sdin wnldt ha ba taaetjlpauoeta soviet union uoavy f nuaaian houaewtv- rs h hoolteai hers office worker and even grandmothers ar rebuilding it r e ruins of war credited by uusslan war heller in new yotk with starting the organ jlallon of women work gsns now in attlon all over itussla is alexandra herkasova a housewife who liean with her own home in stalingrad two rars ago nollilng was left of the house but the rrllar ovfred h iumii with the help of tier two i lillilren mrs 1 1 rkasova nianag- to remove tike d tuts sour the walls break through n w indow for light and air an i eet up housekeeping all of stalingrad lay devastated the onl inrn left w r invalids or old j wop i e h was up to tlw women to restore the rlty and mrs i hei k aaiva got an idea she called some frunds and nelghtmirs together and onvncvd ihrni they ould work tfl trr and faster as a team itiey skenl hut w here ip start and what to do afrit was ire problem kasvajr apsvet sliiif hotitn wt te ttadly necnted for th wounded mrs htikasova and her tram of nineteen women all srr viclinoii s wives started lo repair i he famous 1avolv house an aart- ment building w hit li was defended for 39 days in fbrte door to door hand thaiid enounler doing things they had never ilone beforn as brh k layers tinsmiths plasterers and earjienlers they attrarteit the at tention of all stalingrad in less than five davs other teams of women volunteers had stsrted and the idea spread throughout the city vomen without any previous evjter- lence formed what is known in this country as work gangs they ad opted the name of cheikasova who started the movrment and there ara now 50 000 or more herkasova brl gades in the liberated cities of orel kharkov kleve sevastopol minsk odessa smolensk and elsewhere ttiere la not a single professional worker in any of hrse brigades made up of women such as maria vlllach- klna a kindergarten leachtr klka terlnn konnhevtsevn a cxtok alex nndra mnrtynova the mother of a large family anna maurklna a grandmother over seventy with three grandsons in the red armv and agtl- plnna mnrchukova also a grand mother who stood for several hours a day wain flcpfn uater unladlng beam a tighten machinery ration rules british nav vi airmen return pletur uten on board a brltlthtlrcratt carrier showing fleet air arm pilots and erewt who took part in uiceeuful attacluun nmny hlpplnc he cot of norwayi a troop tranipprciupply ahlpa and an mcortlna armed trawler wen among the enemy m- aeli damased photo ihowe commander plying thoutlng landing initruetlone through loud haller from the ply control platform r ai aircraft return from a etrike farmers are urged to continue to repnlr and keep in operation farm machines which they atreariy own and are strongly advised to consult their nearest farm equipment rationing officer before disposing of the ma rhlnery they now own with the thought of replacing it either tm mediately or at some later date abuses in ihe distribution of farm machinery have necessitated an am endment lo the wartime prices and trade hoard order no 147 the present provisions make it plain that if a person disposes of machinery which he owns and is of a class or rjspe which is rationed with th thought of replacing it lafer without first having consulted the farm ma chinery rationing officer for hla dis trict his application for new equip ment wilt not be considered a number of crises have heerj reported where the farmer finished some par ticular operation early in the season sold his equipment to a neighbor and later made application for new ma chinery stating on his application that he had no marl- lner of that tvpe farm equipment supplies for can adian farmers are equal to those u ing made available to american farmers in relation to the output in both countries during the ears 1m0 and 1041 in both the united states and canada how ev er the supply whlth can be built under existing circumstances falls short of meeting the demand saintons nifi roiae in invasion task 1 osdoyct for months it was a secret that london had a big part in launching the d pa armada of in vasion ships and the subsequent buildup at the beadheads but now it has been disclosed that fromtthe be ginning of operations to august hat london loadings included more than u 000 personnel of the british liberation army mor than 121400 vehicles more than 666000 tons of general stores including am munition the workmkjnf fommercjal ihlpt in the port vital to london s dally food aris supplies proceeded at the same time as the invasion work tnv invasion task involved the load- lng of about 2000 ahlpa or all types and almost all th operation was handled at docks of the port of lon don authority the job i was don in utmottecraey and a aoaclal secur ity organization had to be wt up young l0bd pupil at vlllagst school kxvedcn england icp hnja- ntln culnneae is the nam os th reg ister of th dolls house school la this norfolk village hut th seveta year- om to th relr lo an aaruoai and a fortune of c70u00o0 3s0oou0 benjamin formally vurount kl- veden walks te school wvty morning with his utile slater kuxa the boys like him for our uenjua a good man in scrap the viscount is all hoy tjveden is what ts an estate artsr for it is owned by lord lve- agh benjamins grandfather in the same class at school are stella j ark son daughter or the karl a game keeper llrlsn trett son of th head gardener ieter foutd son of the trartifritrlver and toy iludden whose father runs the parish garage coemmojuxt comal cockroarha are nocturnal inaacu and spend th daytlm in th warm est locations thsy carynad la th kit chen after th ughi are turnad off fr he night they rem out and run over floors tables and pantry thatve in search of bread crumbs and other similar foods for ihelr control th tchiomologteal division dominion iepartmnt of agriculture says tl at afler their hid ing p lares have been discovered th neighbouring floor or shelve should lie dusted with sodium fluoride or by one of its registered ptopriefary fork roach powders in such a manner that tlte insrtts will run over the powder in their nlkiitly earunlona alao by means of a small hand duster the powder may be for red down bet ind lie skirling ttoard and into any rrarks hat may afford a hiding place nod turn fluorid u polaonou and not be exposed whin it usght asi- daagar chlidran ospttm or m tnt contact with th food a atwexn but safe malarial to ua la ppwwisl boras ioid chum oiuno vout own the royal commission on education winch lias keen apfxumej to enquire into am rrpnrr upon the system uf education in ontario will hold us firt srvvioni in the senate qiamler of the university of toronto at 10 a m ami ar 2 nn on april 11 ami on april 12 1915 under the chairrruntlup of the hon mr justice j a hope such briefs at ire submitted on or before april 10 19h will be given preliminary convidcration ar the liru seivions hriefi submitted after april 10 1915 will be considered at subsequent sessions of the commission trie sessions are open to the public all organizations interested in any if the problems related to public education arc invited to submit briefs to ft r fl ai vrwrrr es lmmtiim ldmttt g ft vtv yur tasjsa fa lsfv st ojsv wjsfc att how efttn have you said if i could onljr rane iheflhncy tf yotj could whatwould jtta do o improve your farm and increase your pro duction would you build a modom barn or buy now machinery or modornlio your houio or locfrlfy your farm you con rait short term money from your bank and long term money from other institutions by way of mortgage but there are some things you would like to do which require mnthat r neither long nor short that is whert tki banks operating under the new farm improvement loans act can help you the gap has been filled intermediate loans at a specially low rate can now be obtained for periods of two or three years or even longer in cases up to ten years so if you have a project in mind to improve your farm drop in and talk it over with ypur local bank manager ask him wliat he is now em powered to do to help make your farm living more attractive and your work more profitable x lis wllhsh yos nd showyoo thry6kmk is lust as eager to meet the sound credit needs ot y the farmer as of the merchant or manufacturer his advocr iiomouf is 5onsor iv ypur bslr 1 1 v i a ir 14- yfau ihy a