j ht man mtt k seventieth year no ts acton xntakk thursday may huh ilts fight home print page pive cent germany again takes defeat 1 parades and services make ve day in aclon turnery whlutl u signal for the i kurt of rulmitlnr corauin lalirge congregations ttnl memorial through dark days the uh is i unconditional surrender ends over 5 years war ity kerrir in united church had audienr thai parked the kdlflee iarade iauaea at the monument in trihule to war dead art on celebration of the iurren der of rmn irfmh spontaneous with r cor i pi of the word the tan nery whistle shrieked and there was no mistaking the ntessaga t wu con veylng it wu the real thing tfr many had surrendered it rime about 045 u the high school cadets were having their official inspection in the park a few minute later the pre pre received a wire from l canadian press giving the official news release on tha time and place of surrender and this was displayed in tha window nut the word finished the cadet inspection and it was only a mattar of minutes until the hos hand was fn the street hearted by iteeve mr donald and irlnrlaal stewart and the boya and girls were leading the xlr tory parade they headed for the public school and were joined by teachers and all the i and par aded the streets flags hroke out in business place and homes this wa thr day by noon proclamation were posted an nouncing a public holiday for lues da m hth oer thr signature of keee j m mrinnam in the afternoon nt 2 4 a parade of thr nm band with uecvc mr donald and the count 11 ctcranx of the last war and the liner war an t thin iccnt wnr 1 o p r haptera iln scouts cnilet and other oranl sal ions inrmm up at the town hall the parade uml li howir axenue ti medtrltk street and mill sturt lo the soldier mnnuirw nt h rt the parndt f rnntl up hefnie thr mi nu ment w hcri krf r m i onald pdd tribute to thoe who had clvrn thnr liven in the present war ijim post and hcclll wire hounded h mr a mason nnl a hrlef silence ot arncd the band plnxeil the national anthem then the crowd filed into the inlled church v h re the perlal mr ice was held for the whole communlt th church was parked to rapacttx with man standing and others unable t get into the scrtce the order of sen lee used was the one arranged h the cannd in covin rll of church for the oifvtlon lit forbes thnmmin of knv clunh was in charge asxlated n it v a f pulker hnd hev a w fatuurv was also on the platform but jut rto ering from n recent operation was unable to take part in the set n e there were well known v praers of thanksgiving and dedtrnt sttvirr on sunday i jjonnnlie and members of it charier if the iolr attended tn n ixaily the memorial servle tn knox hunh on sunday evening for pie tolin ibhons and nr r rank i in w sear a rungjntnlln that filled tin church to capadty joined in this ser vie of tribute t itev mr thomson choavc his text for his discourse from the nlneth veffce of the tenth chapter of st john are there not twelve hours in the day during the service mr jas ionald win toronto sang very effectively the nolo number there is no death may mket1nc ok duke of devonshire chapter of i o i e the monthly meeting of the dukf of devonshire chapter i o d e was htld at the home of mr j w wolf- tht regent mrs j c matthews pre siding mrs shroeder and mrs mat thews were chosen to he the repre sihlatkr to the c htldren s aid so- clet the war convenor report was glen xe ral members offered lo help at the i mood lonor c hnlr a new member w 111 he w elrorrsrd into the haptt r at the jun meeting mia nll ane a n ort atout the war hi i h nccjtion commlltee a i r mterefttlhtt nnd unusual talk n 1 qui im n 1 i rmont llnr was kiim h mim snitih mia loro ii ss renull snni two d llghtful solos ln w is irwd h the host cvs at ii tlnsp of 1h 4jpjl five winners are announced as aclon reaches half way intrratl now centrra on when the objective will be kearhed in victor ioan altn nnrt dklrtrt nnrttrd hnlf v iiv ntnrk in ihc rlrhth vtrtor lxwin on ihunwln mn inl nt m7 p m nnd thr tnnrr uhtntlc announced ihlk ftrhtrvmnt in n lilllr inter ihnn in thr int loan and theae lait dai will have lo niake up or the 1 lime and the time out or v f clay i lehrntlnc this ear the local content hn flic u inner and the time of their eltl c- tnate and the prize are announced ion and prnver tor the he ec the h chairman j ji boulton and mr klnb and a praer of rem mhrance n n narhlln of the publicity com the addret a given by rev mr muti follow thornton and haed on the flrt ert jrt m braldo with an mtlmate of patm k5 prale walteth for thee j j r 17 lpl uryj tj adult ticket o cod in slon and unto ihee hal i ihr orerorv theatre the o he performed second fvleda harrl xlth an eitl thin hour of detlm ald mr m at 5 42 p m won a half ton o tfeumtoa will be rccaucd in th anthracite coal da to como a the mot l third wm crom etlmale of sv hour of our lles ii l tin defeat nl jsofl merehandlae vouch of a nation that ilellltsl eeothln i rr f him decent and luuiorable we rejoice in fourth pan let with an eillmate our dellerance from rll the diplh ot s m uon h no mpr and lnlenlt of which we are onh nmher h binning to undentand p roroth footltt with an thli hour he ald hould he one r l nl iis pni won a baok of thanktllns for the pal and dedl child admliulon ticket at the tin- rton hoinhcr juiif tliroiifrli jum hattltscarrrd mnn in a t n hii oft n wnraltrnj whnt imtani of tlu mokiulto lutinba i unnx d for a ion ontario after it en oveisns and into the war the nnswr rnme in a letter to mr nnd mr rt d sail this week from thnr m phew st bill wchtwood f ihr k a r tt slwoo1 xlslled n arlt n whili itntloneil in canada with mr nnd mr salt ltie acton tximh r came throng i th war hndl ttntiu inirel hut still going strong it was a coln idence that on its inst flight sgt west wood was one of ii m crew hut unlike th most burned out bombers the acton t nt n4tind to uoscraijieaii it is being mounted at om of the training depots in t ngland and will le used from now on for training purposes the bomber carried the name acton ontario canada on it just as wax when it left canada except for the starring of battle woouvsldk ktom mwkaisk rinds in tinr draw a i li asnnt i ninj w ns sent las hridn nlht nt llnnno khurn st ikmii when tht nmuid it lory club htld tju ir ui in i and dance ner wt re slxltn n tables for uthii with mis riid mt arthur hna mr ht rt sinclair helni the winners i he prizes ui re war stnmpa tlie luck chalf wns held liy mr fred mt arthur little marjory mcdonald drew the lurky ticket for the quilt with mrs wilfred harding being the winner irllne dordnn drew the door uckt with miss joan matthews helng the winner i unch was served and the ml of the evening was spent in oanclng with njvitlr supplied by the shortlll orchestra the quilt brought the lathe um of 14350 and- their euchre x22 25 sa5 00 of thll amount was tlar to the acton war service tongue and they are also sending 75 00 to lllluburg lied crota another quilt was completed at the home of mrs r u davidson on tues day mnrr soldier hrtuni to acton iyom ovrrmiih f nriillen and f rlftidi nfr glad to wel time home more alton s idlers dui log tt e wet k after long am f ovefm ns servile syt mill nlctdak we are informal it among those ntently returned al uhwe haven i had tha opportun ty of meeting loin t pte eo ulddell in the army five and a half years and yerseas for live year was one of the arrivals home tlds week and met by his wife inee r ranres c hlshnlmt who resides here he was with the it ami and served in the dieppe itald stance holland and ermany tor lunately he came through without sustaining wounds lie wu employed with the weston flrvad before enlisting returning to canada with the same group was pte jim wllklns who has leen in the canadian army for a year and overseas since christ mas he was greeted on arrival on saturday by his wife nee jean fvans before enlisting he was em ploy it i with the maey harris co in tor onto i h too i ante bat k escaping wounds i pi john drvsdale n wel tt hied home from overseas hy his tarents mr and mrs da 1 1 irs dnle lit tins u en in the army for ov r hirtt enrs and went oeira two mars ago with the perth kegl mint in rehruary 1dh he was inni roumly wounded in action suft rlni injuries in the lower right ah 1 inn n h n high explosive motor shell hefti enlisting he was em ployed here with the beard more cn all are glnd to see these nit n back in canada and hope more w lit noon join them in itelng reunited in theit homes here r ration for the future he paid tfl butt to the satrilice of thos who gave that we might be free eer man and w oman w ho fought nnd served eer mother father wife and child who paid in sacrifice and separation put when we think ot our weakness at tlmea and the strength of the nemy wa must acknowledge that the battle was the lords mr thornton urged that thts da of thanksclvlnjr alio be one of dedl- nation to cod thousands hae suf fered and died and is that the end of it are we to return to the old life of seltunness and relax and dream and hope that everything will work out all right let it be our plads that the tragedy of war that has amlt- continued on pace four n kcr theatre alton bond buers are getting to he close estimators on victor bond rtsults and this ear there were two ties for prizes miss frelda harris and m crofts tied for secohd place and drew with the aboe result mkki dorothy footltt and mr fred lambert were tied tof fifth place the drew and mr camhcrt wai eli minated there still is time for nae more winners to be declared when the ob jective u reached here in addition thla year a service mans home is to be won b bond buers in halton or w en t worth counties get your nom ination entries at victory loan head quarters at f l wright office at the corner of mill and main streets 1 winners in victory loan f 14 reported killed while at dieppe now coming home pte hill turner frvttd from a erman prison camp and la rack in enffland news that has gladdened weary hearts at home has been received during the week last friday morn ing mr and mra fred turner sr received word that their son pte bill turner was released as a ger man prisoner and was back in eng land and would soon arrive home officially reported killed in action i in the dieppe luld pte bill turner was later reported a prisoner of war in germany although badly wound ed he reco and has been a pris oner of war in germany he has been heart from as regulations permitted and now it is hoped is on his way home again almost miraculous has be n his experience and the parents brother nd sister are overjoyed at the proskect of seeing him again further word has been received by hu parents that tpr harold hobson s wounds sustained in action were burns about the hands and face and that his progress is satisfactory rind or fermanys hid for worttf ikmiumi cam on monday morning a review of ha im portanl date in a war out shook the koundatlona of civ ilization br ims france monday may 7th it riimsny surrendered uncon ditionally to the western allies and ituula at j 41 am french time to day fhe mur render look place at a m hool houe the headquarters of ieneral i- isenhnwer thai w as thanrtprwit rare via on monday morning hy ri fsss isah from hie canadian press association while rormal details were not com pleted until the following day it was this message nn monday which moat people accepted as the finish of tha war with aermany irlme minister hurchlll proclaim ed the surrender tuesday morning in a statement made simultaneously with tine frtim president truman in wash ington 14 hours after kdward ken nedy associated press war corrsa- pondent had broken the news of vie tory to the world mr church told of the ceiman surrender at 341 am monday r uroean time five yaarg eight months and six flays after hit ler invaded i oland and started tha rnoat devastating war in history ftand admiral karl doenlts an nounced the surrender to the derma n people in a broadcast ordering the high f nmmand tn cease fire on all fit rt in nt ordanre with the sur- remler term imptwd hy the allies allied radios qnihd orders to all cmnn nl t rman controlled ships at ka to go to the nearest port and wslt further orders ikaenltr dc lared in his an noun ge nu nl to the defeatid fermanfe that the nail arty had been severed from the ferman state nnd has left tha ne of its activities wild ielehrtulasw i he victory flash monday was tha signal for a day of celebration throughout the allied world by tnesday officially ve day cat brat ions had quieted down in most elites and churches were packed for thanksgiving services chairman j h boulton and chairman of publicity b d rach- tin hand out prizes in tha acton and district eighth victory loan campaign winners of tha first lot were nino braida frelda harris miss dorothy footltt and wm crofts dan lee another win ner was unable to be present at tha presentation mora prizes go to flva other winners if and when the objective here is reached it now stands at 80 we present herewith a summary of the important dates in this flee years and over eight months of world strug gle we suggest you clip them as a ready reference for the future our weekly feature of war commentary hss kept you posted as tha war pro greased and we know thla referanos feature will prove concise and inter esting lata 9ept 1 oermany invaded 1 sept v- britain and france declar ed war on germany sept 10 canada declared war on germany sept 28 germany and russia par titioned poland april ormany invaded norway and denmark april 19 british and french troops landed in norway may 3 british evacuated southern norway may 10 oermany invaded tha low countries may 30 british evacuated dunkaev que june 16 canada declared war sss italy continued on page eight next steps in sewerage system up to citizens for years acton citizens hae talk ed about installation of a sewerage s stem in many quartet it is a dire necessity council has taken tha first steps plans have been prepareo on monday evening a public meeting will be addressed by dr berry and mr anderson announcement u made in another column- tha town hall should b packsd to tha doors whether you favor installation or not you should be at that masting and hear tha question dl trussed coming events a aiaatnl i uttlwii os rtt tw otfttrt gvmis msff tku hmdias- ev dure tm rest pr lia wtlli attisuenss chares br tar lakeside chapter i o d e ww of money saturday may 38 legion dance in acton town halt saturday may 13 hamey rtsse orchestra admlsaiosvoe osa4 and help build a memorial hab for the boy saryt anks with i