Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1945, p. 9

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r thursday may jilt ims the actoh free press wwf wcey to tftkat easy to ptt om of tha bugbear of rmluviliv mock u colic but not all umun i raeocnli its lyptoma dr maris barkar vetariiiaryeurectnr general aaya that an animal u ukejy to b euifarlnf from colic when it threahee r valla abattw cu op and u down ajala looks at its side pewi and tamp wtlka in ctrclee nrnu and nlii out la pain an animal afflicted with colic may not ahow all thee atsns of dlstresa at use tun time as colic has different forma th word colic is really a word applied to all form of indtjre- uoa this indication may nut last tefrg nor is it always aerldua hut in ua acuta form of bloat colic soon itfji an animal for this nation a farmer is not wis uptake chanc on a colicky cow or sheep or horae tatting better on its own he u safer to call in a veterinarian and promp tly th treatments which rave been ua throughout the a include norne of the most fantastic and useless var devised live stock authorities ano human em aatd tn ail arrtouanee that if an animal afflicted with colic were led to where it could see a swimming object pre ferably a duck th animal would recover another iloman live stock pundit said that aee were equally as good ai durks as indeed they are rteitrer being any ffnd whatever ay a colic cure another old tlmrr rcrommendid that an animal suffering with colli tie dosed with medicine made from the lugwort herb hut and this was important the herb wai effective only when gathered with the left hand and before dawn hits ancient sup erstition would 1m inughahtt if it were not for iti usremne in relieving an animal in intinw iln even in mmlrn ttmi uvi m ck owtiett rne iwen known to reit t useless and im harmful mell lne in treating colic one of th m w1 re i pulslve treatment was ptlnk n irk i animal with chicken dung i the point wr rrmrmht r atxtut colic is that it u a rtiemke distuitanre which need nmr occur anltnnls on range do not suffer d1getlv trubls unlet lhe are clunked htuptlj j from dr ti urcul nt jrin or the i other waj n round sometimt an hn imal gets colic whrn it is permitted too much fod or dftnk aft r m peit d when it rai been underfed and thlrs ty another rauw of colic is the feed ing of froren eklahes in hort colic is entirrlj due to had manage ment it can be completely avoided toy seeing that lic stock reoue nnl good feed and are necr perniittol sudden chance of their diet at this m of the ear liv stock producer should take cart t avoid feeding lle kto k with fraren potatoes carrots or turnip whl h should a1wa he mored where the cannot free hut if for it is 01 another rluw ome of tre anlmau develop colic don i hope to cure them by leading them to a duck ond in stead call in a veterinarian rarmfrh havt dikks am1ie11st ns lirt hiklust tides in ean in cumberland hjn battered dikes ihu ear and tide ranging to a height of 27 feet threat ened hundreds of acres of farmland the dikes were strengthened how ever by the labor of farmers who turned out to patch them and damage was alight decorations of canadas fighting men and description today one sees many of canada flahung men with verl colored rib bons upon trelr chesu signifying gallantry in action service la certain campaigns or long and distinguished service it is difficult not only lor civilians but for uniformed parson nail too to be able to readily recognize many of the ribbons currently worn here then u a brief description of the better known awards their pra- cendence of wear their ribband color and their abbrevlations mfmals a allaatry victoria cltoss nils is the mo bruaxe symbol of the iugheat moat supreme courage and self sacri fice it can be won only by the per formsntr in the pre s n e of tre en emy of some signs act of valor or ovollon to the country wl en worn this coveted distinction takes precede ence over every other decoration ttte ribband is aolld maroon in color and superlmpoaed upon it la a miniature repiaof the fvuaa in bronh bottt the cross itaelf and the replica until a few years ago were made out of cannon captured in the crimea war but hen the source expired and now it i made by the koal mint tre decoration was instituted by queen ictoria in 1k5c and has remained klnre the most hlghl prlted decor stlin a warrior can win ltoth off i n and other ranks are eligible for iht c froiw r choss dnlike the 1c tnria mx which it lmmellately fol 1 urn in preendenie the h c can im vki n hot h in t hi pr teticp of tlie t nern and out if it at in tht ase f main nllnnt dritltrx win wtie le orated with the mfrt for deel tf jnlliintr til himu during the dnx of l tit lililz it is a deioratloii vtnhlio el hirini tl i war b 1 tka mvt kuu iiti l in nrttyr h nt it muns it tu of nlantr done hiiliu i hi m ril us t inn s 1m w t rthy li n ir f r men nryl women in all vnlks of lfi tin re a military diuun of tie rosi to permit its aw aid to menitkm if the flkhtinv kerue who lave performe acts ii mini within tie terms of the war tani i hi ntl nnd of the dcoratln is a tolid medium i lu ihsiim lnim sfrkvk t ok i f- it hi next lmmrtant decoration nftr tlie leotk i row the dso i a coelea decoration stahllshed in lkwf r vcwnnllntt individual in- latins of mt rtlorlous or dltlngukhed nrvice in war it i awnntetl only to nftiiem who have leen khlally men tinned in itntiliis for surh service in the field or tef re the enem the uhlwtnd of thi iiso has a hripht red centre onleretl on i ither xldc by nar n w tvar of medium blue mil itain ross the mc is awardid onlv to arm officers of or ih 1 ivv the rnnv of t apt win an to warrant oflidis f r arls ofhmtlnct l n or callantrv in the field one of the belt r known aw ardv tlte mc was lnlduted in ivcember list 1914 with thi provision in i awarded in recognition of distinguished and miritoikms wn l e in lime of war 1 in riblwind of thm decoration is cen t rd with a block of deep blue bordered with xllkl tl broader blocks i f avhltc nn cither xtde iiistint iishid conduct m 1a1 this decoration lor alour and mllantrv ranks alongside the dlstln- kuikhel s r li order and is coun ti rpart for non ctimmissloned officers and nn n of the army only i null tutad in 185 it is awarded for kal ian try in action on the racommendarv hon of the commander-in-chief- ab breviated the d cm the tucoratloa bears a ribband in which the centre block is deep blue and the outer blocks medium red ututary liedaittls is th counterpart of the military cross foe ncos and men it uvvrdd soldiers of indfvcauaj or aaaoctated acts of bravery brought to notice by the recommendation of the com maadarjrichlaf in lb jlald the rib band of the m u is very colorful consisting of red white and bjue hues the blue forms a block on the outer edges the white filling the centre wlere it is striped by two narrow bars of red running through it king eorge v instituted the military medal in 1916 koh- muai created at the umc time as the ceorgwfroaa 1h purjmjae of the c m is the same recognition of civilian and mttltary bravery and although the stand sm is high it if awardett more frely than the croat the ribband 1st a brig tit red background with qvv light blue stripes running vertically through it a4a twins and warbride from britain ohitku or tiik immiiii im riltl- the most fscallent order of the urituh kmplre was establuhed by king owirge v in 1917 for aervlcea to the 1jnptre at home in india and in the domlnluni ami olonles it can le conferred upon officer of the litchttng aervlcea for services of a non- cotiitiatant i haacter iloth i-ummla- ttioned and warrant offlcem of the ami are eligible for the b r phe inslktiia for udh the military and l ulan divisions are almost identic isl hie rtbltnn for civilians is rose link eilueil with jtearl grey while the military ribband hai a entt al nar row xlr1ie of pearl grey added to dls- llnolnh it i hi re an hvi lnlmi of tin onli r f t txtl iik n and wumtn knights itind nui iii- knlhl torn m in iers kill ommimd r 1 offlcem ilr i and memliers i mill- worjun ran ih awarded ii i dumcs- rrand cross fit k i jhih s t omrtinndi n ii f and ns in ihi male llfct itankit twlow t tnmandi r off lei rs arul members wirinnt off u i r in the military re nlve thi llrltlsh t mpln modal uk 1 i as iounterirt of the alove clns- is lln riblminl for this awiird is unnilir to the obi- i i t that it is de in r in i lor nmpain awards afrltlca si alt mrdai ills maj vt 1 he king inilltuted the star to commemoratt the cpulion of the pmni from the continent of africa dunn ife pn m nl war qualified for tlikx campaikn medal are hiom troops wlio nersed in north africa from june jkmh 1i0 ot may 1m 1943 in abys slum from the same date to novem in r ttth lvi in llrltlsh somaliland fivm august 4th 1940 to august 19th t hi same year origin malto from jum 10th 10in t may 12th 1943 a emblem tn iim fbiiik of an aiahic h ion personnel of the 1ijrth arms and in the form of an at aim i for person ncl of the rlrst armv tan worn on the ribbon to denote the award of a clasp to the j star fhe ribband it pale buff in olot with a central vertical red stripe ami two narrower stripes one dark blui and the other light blue t hit buff is intended ax a svmbol of i he dent rt the red fttrlpcs stand for the armv the dark blue for the naval lor es and tre merchant nav and tin likht blue or the air v ore i 1919 1941 si all king eorgo re- lognized the ierlce rendered by ills majesty s forces during the first four jean of the war by the institution of tills modal hanking after the africa mar this award tabes in serlce in france iraq persia china burma niu ulnea italy etc the ribband is dnrk bluoi red and llht blue in thrct cual irtlcal stripes the dark blui marks the wnlrm of the naval servles and the merchant navy the il stripe tlu armj tic likht him lh ir rum ships of royal navy coits akk addm m kk moke hkkf wlxwiht ohio ii merl as litstmk fiiinurs stntti mnj lc usint lillmto wiudim i irn robs tn stivtch i tin nation corn rnp fir j rovlu th n of mori 1mm f an i pork i i hi cuito slat agrl ulturnl y mh riment stition ln his londudetl j ttt for two tars on u n ti higher than normal riti of t rn rol a to uhi lied torn foi sto k fmu natures ratio u four htunds of torn tlu mid from nn oun 1 of corn j tiba ittsint tii hnve ihs n con- duited with normal c rn ind tob nnd mtal in which an extra ob has hem ground into thi meal for tiuh car of j ox er 200 british bridea of canadian airman nnd soulu i am in cana recently hero are shown mrs vinci ul honijrand ht twin boys riprmondntwvovhfh graphed at the canadian pacific railway wuuihoi st i- tion montreal as they paused for afewrhourjj befoio continuinjr their trip to the homo of tac vincent ifonitf at eastend saskatchewan thetrio will make thclrnome witlumr and mrs o honlfir until their air force hus band and father at present fighting in germany returns to canada paul gtrlaufih ohu f of the autmal 1 indumrj ixparmunt lun bas piir i nsultln two complttcil tita an 1 a thi iil tvst which i unlcr way hne ihi n such n to tiutuato thab the lobs lmt born worth half n much as their weight in sholltnl corn i man petk hnirmnn of the am erican feed manufni luron asaocia- tttfn v commltico recently wld we ma and probably will bn short of corn before 1v16 nets here people nro burntnj corn ioba to act r4dnf them thu ltn itst economic oste that could ktrttch our corn crop to produce more beef victoria cp tw elv earold golden standard s myrtle a jersey cow ranc up her ninth record this year and qualified as a 4000- pound fat producer llrltlsh tiatlleshlps in line ahead with soul t anipt ism cruiserv on hie left equality of service and sacrifice llic king manpower policy the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on a nation is a national disgrace and a blight upon the good name of canadian citizenship to give political considera tions priority over the nations interest is intolerable and un arguable dominionwide disunity is to day the gruvest danger facing cnnida the political abasement of the king governments man- 7iowerrollcyteaped in wartime the seeds it sowed in peacetime king or chaos of the 1910 election campaign has been king and chaos ever since national unity to which the king govern ment has paid only lipservice was sold for political advantage in time of gravest national emer- gencj the price canada has paid for the unequal burdens of die king manpow er policy is be- jond measure army statistics tell the story tragically the casualty lists bear mute witness to it the progressive con servative party has consistently condemn- ed the injustice of a c f0leal a purely political man power policy we do not hesitate therefore to describe the king manpower policy and all the furtive political manipula tions which characterized the ad ministration of that policy as a gross miscarriage of social poli tical and economic justice as our forthright progressive leader has said itwas and is the greatest hoax ever per petrated on a nation national unity and welfare must come be fore narrow political advantage divideandrulc policies have no place in framing the basis for peacetime go em inent only a party that will recognize equality of opportun ity for all in time of peace as well as equality of service and saet 1- fice in time of war can solve the pioblem of national unity with the confidence of all canadians we stand f0u8squam f0h equality of service and sacwce w was w k4ce equality ot oppomimy ro ail win with bracken vote for your progressive conservative candidate pi tlllliltj to tfc fifolm couarvrntlv rtrty ottwt i advertisers meet he most people i i- lflij-

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