Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1945, p. 3

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thursday otjufle loth ims the acton free press paok nun of interest to women the bowl m hello homeroakers this being the traditional month of wetldlng we should ilk to offer a little assistance to that harrmawd individual the brt- das mother the una 11 informal reception at the home u becoming increasingly mhi lar end if thu it your pttn th ar rangements may be somewhat atnip- uflea but muu be painstaking for a wadding breakfast nothing la nicer than hot chicken and mushroom patties or serve ttie creamed food be tween hot tea biscuits then include rolls or cress fingers assorted cakes coffee wedding cake and jmnch for a buffet supper you might choose molded vegetable ulid or lob iter patties with latticed potato as- aorted canapes coffee ire cream or sherbet with amall rakes bride a cake and punch a more simple repast fur an aftrr- noon reception might include a fruit salad that is a picture of color and arrangement assorted sandwiches of u1nly proportions rolletllunwheels f end r sent the small caki layered and ojnfarod of fanciful pattern tea delicately tinted merin gues flllrd with ice rream salta nuts weddln inkr anl punch for a buffet scnice plnci the ioll- esl tlolh on thf dlnmk iixmi table centre it vtlth the ilnlnllrst of flowrn then glcamlrik andlfstl k aiu a wed ding cake mill complete a must effe live table lakh a iiv 1 one infer windvurh inaf cutt into fio to 70 slier nn wnnll loaf utt into jo to j i kllres one inro loaf reuulrts j lb butlrr spn ad this mixture li made by thoroughls crvamini ih hurt r and itcming ihi same amount of n am into it odd salt nnd a little llm colouring one large loaf nuiis to 1 ih sanrt- w ich spread 2 it rnulres 1 itt tonal aks to serve 12 people and 1 loaf or square cake to irnr 10 people an k x h- inch cakf mi be rut into jo piece x 1 lb domino suar is ample to serve 100 people 1 qts of 18 cream la ncrevsfir for ho cups of tea or coffee 1 qt hulk be cream or 1 qt brlrk m res 10 to li people halad clrheti er ej 4 lb chicken 2 heads of celery 1 i cups salad dressing 1 large head lettuce seasonings tills amount is sufficient for 1j ser vings one lame knuckh qf veal may be used instead of chicken tba ta serve 1s i h lea r gal boiiinc water lie tea inohclv tn a lak made of two thlrknesm9 of cheesecloth 2 place a bag in a largv krttle of boiling water coxer t iht l set hat k where it will not boll 1 steep to s mlns remove the bag fritt rvncll t serve 1 doz lemon l do oranges i cup grnted pineapple or 1 cup peach juice h tups mjnr 10 cup water make i up of uate sugar and rind of 1 lemons and 1 oranges boll 10 mlns j cool add fruit juice strain 1 lllute as required note a few spras of fresh mint may be used to flavor add to mix ture let stand j or 3 hours of chop mint ev flnel and add to the punch before serving flllir 1ayku cakf s cups sifted flour s tsp salt 1 cup fine ginnulated sugar w cup and 1 thsp milk tanned or sugars fresh fruit 1 tsps bak ing powder h thsps shortening 2 ego 1 tsp minttln measure flour and sift twice with baking powder and salt cream shor tening sllghtlv and giaduallv blend tn sugar heat and add egs sift in dry ingredients itlternatelv with milk combining after eat h addition and in cluding vanilla with last of liquid turn into 2 greased and floured 7- inch laer cake pans and bake in el ectric oven 375 rtegs about j5 minu tes when cold put laver together rtth canned cr i with sllghtlv sweetened w hipped creanj or melted marshmallows and surround with additional fruit ber ries peaches fresh bananas fruit salad muturest etc are suitable for this delicious cake this is an excel lent cake for baking in an stnrh square pan in moderate oven 330 de grees frost as desired maid of il6xor tarts cup rnifclns s cup currnnts s cup orange juice 1 cup granu lated sggar few grains salt rich pie- paste 1 cooked figs w cup water grated rind s orange 2 thins flour jj cup vhoppod wal nuts spoonful of fruit mixture tn oantre of each square and fold paste to en close filling dampening edges to seal well prick topa dake in electric oven 420 degs about 30 nrina mrs n c says we use sour cream instead of water or tomato tatsup to make a good meat loaf with lean mrat ttoc duuvhofc 90x mrs i m asks would you make sandwiches the day before a luncheon with dayold bead answer we used to say use day- old bread for sandwlrhrs but if you chill fresh bread j or a hours in the rlectrtc refrigerator it slices easily and the resulting sandwiches are bet ter for being fresh mrs j k asks when you serve an evening repast of a wedge of choco late layer cake small cakes and cof fee what is the protedure answer serve the cake n a small plate with a fork then serve the cof- omm chronicles ol ginger farm wrttua hprtllj in th af4a frmm rraa fry owknuuijnk i- jtbu gilds study wild life for science m913 ily the time this week s column gets into print elections will be a thing of the past will you be sorry wt won t tie anyway hut still we do hope that whichever arty leads ranged on n large ftlate mix k j nks 1a ou servp the htide nnd groom fir at at a reception ir the grixim a parent atitti ihc lt l la mrvetl first tin n th iimiin hie mlhuct r tin cum i luiiditk ii ru i li hrtdu s pa- ii nu attiuillv it do mi t make nn lifdiiiuc it k ixttir lo rcrvr llic kioup imvi ni nils iiinlntmn in founnllt mrx ii nski ue would like a re ih rit n froi n puilding to tn sirvil on kln t wtslnns anut r nrm irtxtr iuflfltn i i up ld wiili r j llws plain gi inllm j rupn hit milk i ikk m pnriilctl t tbsp nuts up inkina j up cul iitton 1 tui sugnr 1 up vanllln hint gg lkn lugithir with stjtar lir inlo hot milk ik t t 5 mln oi until it ronts n skmii stirring in- stnntlv dlwoki kdallne in old filler add in hot milk mix and mir unltl dlnaolvetl ihrn add rnlmns ml niul vnnilln t lull in refriger ator when cold add nenten egg whites nnd a few grains milt put in fnving trnv nnd chill until firm hav ing el control to ctldvt i olnt sakatfhran fann como undrr itamintt rrmirtre exprienrea land oom hiui many sal en i southern arwi opposing parties will give it credit fur honest convtrtlons no tarty u al together had any more than any one jmrty is altogether good and in a democratic country the majority rules so if we should he on the losing side i he least we ran do is to hold our fire for a while and at least give the other fellow a chance to show what he ran do lat monday we went to towtvbe fore klng to vote ami partner sug- ulfml taking a cut across country to the polling booth in our section we did hut we nsrly dldn t you see it was a 4 lay road kep the car klijuuhl 1 ruuldn t 1 i ft a trail be hind mi like a snake roll fence and hit n we gol snto mud soft stlrky mud nnd ihi t nr stalled we were nt miu t two- mil a from town nnd n inlh froiif the hlkhwn hie tar fused lo ro iilhr iiik k or forward mi its ovv ii hwt r i wiii surt we uiic n n1l nnd projm rly stuik and wiii i kind it hnd ctmi partner a nug- istlon nnd not v that ave taknj that rond of murv isirlner w as soon out of lh i nr to m c w hut he timid do i hints ivldcntly wire not iiili a tmd n i ihoukht mm nuve to in v km nt i lit f ttie t ii r slowly but sum l imnn to niov e ll i hi lime iai wt it on solid kouiiil agnln i w ni nisi sltt i ik nt the t i as if i hnd dom all tin shoving pnrt nt r i miht ldd iltt the hlglit content o nnd lo onie hmi stont rtmds vv e have reiillv iot our gnnlen iluntil nl inst on jum h to be mh t nntt if moisture is a good omen thtn wt should avv a wonderful krtli n at nnv rnte thi re should he pit nt v of h ns wt- howetl three munda of seed you see i hope to put ome nwn in cold storage in a n w frigid lot ker plant that has been itmd up in our nenrby town quite up to dale nre we not itcnllv these modern lot ker plants nre n marvellous invention so far w i hav stored onl lieef and pork hut i hom to cxmtimenl with frulls nnd vegetabli s inter on there is onlv un thltta i don t ltko about the plant it la so cold and i hate ttcing shut up in the lot ker room i hale tried leaving the door njar hut ihnt doesn t work becnuxe some- krtina cp saskaltlewan is om bts the door liehind ei iteming its greatest innd honm warm nlr m mc pl kl m 10 vurs with nuilltineers in south- a 1 in i like handling tin sitions of the province nttendtng i tm in p knus in m hunt 7or fat in xatcs nlmnsi evt rv dnv offmnls of the saskatrluwnn innd mortkngi ompnnics nsvtu latlon rc- itut the bujing is not n nntuif hut inrgelv bv have mnde surprising pivmt fits hit spet ulntivo tenants vvhi largi down t mints were nhle to put aside small sums duilhg the depression iirsnnd thiuugh thrift and inhla- live prepnretl during the war etirs t ihev snid one firm with onlv 10 form sale in lmo itjxirted more thnn 100 tils vear while another with onl nn tld nl in the lnte 10a had m in th hat i wnnl the other dav i was looking for 1 bom sit nk i knew il i ie wna mme there but after turn ing i he pnrt els ov er nnd orr my tin mis got numb t flnnllv picked up n partel nt rnndom ind i ame out it wns hnmhurg o our vultors hnd tmnt lonf for dinm r next dnv instead of a i holt e plete of i bone slenk it la fuiinv too the things that tan h ippen nt a frigid lot ker plant the t ker room is const rin ted with n htnvv dooi nl i ilhcr end with n light svviuh outsidi inlmni nre supptised war ajrricullure and game iveswrvalkmi washington ioi women scientists in the united states interior departments fish and wildlife ser- vlt e are helping tn the war effort behind a st reen of anonymity dr triors hard a nilcroanalyst has made studies of furs under all sorts of conditions and early in the war was assigned to find answers to questions posed by the arm many a soldier they say can ftmnk her for escaping frostbite n frigid climates because she was able to advise what tyjie of felt shoes or feather sleeping hairs would keep the boys warm she discovered too that the bunny business has financial possibilities one little angora rabbit he says that can he fed for about one dollar a year will produce at tout 12 ounces of fur a year it will also produce a ran slderable number of little rabbits and requires only one attendant for one ihousand rabbits a not her of t he women sclent ists mrs i utile mlrktel junior biologist ll msklng experiments with insecti cide nlt dlchlorodlphenyl trlrhlnr ethane and has found that it will kill moaniultues on stagnant waters hut sometimes it kill the fish and ra prewnt mrs mtukrl la conducting teata on game n f ugea by airplane studvkng the results on wildlife of tfie potent olson mny that ker cooke sulvunt bio logist knows where 110 000 birds go each vear and then hy helps w llrl- llfe nnv rvnllnn plnnnt rs in building up depletetl slot ka with nn ee tn the food shortage mrs itose i kerr gives the low down on dlnhe mm h ns ronst muakrnt with onion ditssing twilled tienvt r hplced ioiiki iniiikin nnd roast sturted i ran licrrv glne lb r knnwbdgi of fotl plnntiiiik in m m ml wns held in such high i slit m h tin aimv that it mr l lit r fiom i hi int nor iepiirt- t for ii vinr lo arinnie nulrltlous et onoinii nl nn nus in arm unln- i t dirt a doo in nie uancjek kitchener ont cp a real dog in the manger reported by kitchener police had bitten a girl womens experts studies au the was placed in a horse msager at 111 of one sale of k2 x lnn- tielow freezing ghost- town porhaib cut raisins and figs tn small pieces and combine with currants add watt edmonton- cp thirtoeptend- er and cook in double boiler for 20 rs were received b provincial fores- minutes add orange juice and rjd ixy department for buildings nt the ihminuiii -tii- in mu ih ghost town of brule east of jasper rrk abandoned years ago when mining operations closed down thf property came info control of tne lrolnee thenitlowly stir in sugar mixed with flour and salt stir and cook until thickened add walnuts and ool roll pie paste to 16 inch thickness and cut tn 4inch squares place a i in the lnte 10a fust in months or lifh in two venrs mortgage indebted nes will l nil written off in saskat t hi wnn said the manager of on huge firm unrv will rn- t leaned u spiing he kaid man oear titles ai tstimaud m of the farmi rs held dear titles n vear ago and letts nre for another 10 nr tent to gmn tlenr titles in lim it was staled this vear has been the best i and we ve olletted moiv monev than tn the palmv dai when wheat was ji a bus- hel another conlpnnv manager beiunetl j ijind prices in stmte cases have j been bnxhl on nhillt to na and ranue from 31 nn aire to jvt an acre in the heav loam dlstrlcu agriculturtv authorities attribute the sale partly to fathers buvlng land for sons returning from overseas ami alsm to retirement of mnn aged couplesvho have eerlenceal diffi cult wartime labor prohlems itth off the light on thelt out 1 he othtr dav ttcnwtiin were huiv pet t inj ment from t heir sep at ale nises 1 he tlrst woman out lorkettink the other wns left in switthtd off the likht imagine it t rimini nt iomethlnk nnd irr the dark m tmlv jkissihle thing nrefullv hut hestitat- i told tint lot ker sur name to one of the fore next ftl nd did the fell her w nv inslv along tl fates until sli nv v doors nnd i tuis out to mifetv light and warmth mavbtt it doesn t sound erv serious but i wouldnt want the evperlent e pun t font e me in is nn theme song nnv time i kit tiur lot ker plnnt urxrrv vum for iikroes of r a f mknumm btmik- srnt t soldirrs hy london burr worldh iarjrrwt collection reading matter in stacked dp st servicer central rook depot i onixn cd on an obscure west knd side street la one of the worlds large t collection of books nnd it ktill is too small at the services central hook depot ou can find any tyie of reading- matter in an amount which would tiikt a thousand lifetimes to read the library bogan early tn the war whan the iord mayor of iondon appealed for hooks for the british espedltlon- nrv foeee hie results were startling exten sive qunrtcrs were taken over by the army at the city of london ter ritorial barrnrks in the east end from here six field libraries weje op- rated nnd many in training camps nt home before the bllu began in 1m0 more than 1000000 books were distributed but the public kopt sending read ing material and more floor space wnn rieeded so the central poolc pepot was set up no one knows how man books the depot owns but dtr- et tors estimate there are more than 7000 000 since the llhrary began 30000000 hooks nnd periodicals have been dis tributed to the forces said maj t bisboott deput officer in charge large ttaff required operating the bookshop is a large stnff of soldiers auxiliary territorial servhe girls nnd civilians because soldleafcirid it dimlllt to keep a hard iwickefvolume in ihtlr knap sat ks most books leaving the depot nie rebound with paper covers sjmhlnl arrangements nre made with publishers nnd nuthors for t heap editions of bestsellers i he british i i herntinn arjnv alone take lonooo frtt- honks a nipnth i he nppronihlng end of the war sees no htup of the pepot s work be ginning to think a hold iost wnr life sirvlceman are delutlng thi centre with requests for tethnhnl hooks ranging from volumes on flv masting to tuie ori ciman psv litogvror dierwho wanted to keep one step ahead of nn unnll daughter the depot besides tilling individual requcstx will help in the governments resettlement education scheme and will have to provide in ono hooks or each command lihrarv and 40u tor eath unit lihrarv city pound police said in court they could not produce the dog because it had gone down a hole in the bottom of the manger and we cant get him out kpav may mamualxjx haukax cj he projuted halifax dartmouth bridge dream of many halifax area residents for more than half a century will i the object of a drive by representatives of munlcia trade bodies who would have the dream become a reality by a grant of federal reconstruction funds tragic beitniom kingston ont cp capt w cray former documentary reoastti officer with 37 yesrs in the permsja ent army died here waiting at the railway station to meet his son csu it d cray from overseas inr gray js a vnteran of five years and flv months service that uacuona1j1 clan i oitawa ft if you thought that jones or smith yvas the most common name in the canadian army you re wrong a survey of statistics showed trie largest number of men in khaki bear the name macdonald or its variations there are atm of thtmcompared with 171 browns hie jones could boast only 1603 t nktlp mykl i ondom cp a new exclusive luurv cluh has been openetl in ixtn- tvn catering to the heioea of the it af first function of the tlub was a dinner pnttv for 10 of the raf im mortals men such as wing cmdr stnnfond tuck wing cmdr cow lev rondov cp during the ve- millmg 11 roup oapt syilor matnn i dnv celebrations two british tommies ilroup capt scott maiden and croup walked nrmlnnrm through the capt j ohnmie johnson guest of hon- crowd on the mall vvith streamers or was legless wing cmdj- nouglns around their forage caps renting rnader dsordpc who recent lrptly thppnor unpmpwyed wns freed- from n prison camp known as the belfrev club the centre was the former home of sir uncejil vaiuardniulonairetndustru silt and vas converted ata cost of approximately 450000 on the walls hang ancient tapestries magnificent paintings nnd examples ot antique weapons heeding progress noundlraualtagrp v-moro- than 50 per cent of wheat was seed ed in this district by june 1 and some farmers were working overtime feeding nt night with tractors equip ped with headlights d b household cleaning pact for aix hotkku 1junino futier ttaa oake er pewite iiurth ovlt dot al all graeary aaj llsrslware hur4 dosthane prwfads ltd 71 king mr eot toronto ont4juo wi 99 outstandingly good flat srar jalaiia ii ab sffbi earrqliks vacuum pattt 4 rlil linnli 1 n elh cm cat fwcir ikkhtt t golden corn kernels 14 ei tin for 23c t ixc cslkantu llau hanf powdim flour wuk cbh oia custard mm coansfkax ts tie sfa quakiii cituls carrots s fry- cocoa u ic 31a oats 19c qnix 2 25c muffets z 17e pmif m wrra wheat ml i7e corn flakes posts bran cut beets peas ifc coffee 19c j oxydol 9c lc urs sllc n 2lc carroll 1 0m clkansbb fslmeli sf hn 9 0kt- 01 cmc clbanssa u s s u 1m i ito ue heinz vacatasla banp vfcttau1 with vat i rcmm wit im uuu o wcra vtcrnut- x io im sce uikhas teas coloctt nr 44 oub o oahdic ssc 4 ssc wheat k cubm w 0 sisal wo nwrro tko tum to ult ciauiutloo of id morchudlw valencia caup0rnia orvvne size 314 dozen 31c size 252 dozer 4sc fresh daily asparaous markh price rtlesh green rvns petltfo j 21c halermelons lettuce radlhhemtomatixh cucumhem- spinach special weekend prices i rrnlt aad tinuhlo ytinu nhjtett lt mm jlum 14th 8tjoabm to ro tbxibbvilli s3tou btjttem so to 110 x

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