Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1945, p. 7

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thursday june 14th ims the acton free press pack 8evem leusonon dav wbm i have cut my ballot lat ma i mark an x far principle today i did not vote far party or for man bat far ttnat warn to b the wlaaat pub t asset til pnnnl naad with opao i walkfcaa each daad and promise that tie blind lead not the blind but high oer all i prayed that cod would hear a peoples call a call sot made for selfba1 for the whole fliahllwt rjght to govern and con- i prayed that love would sume has and greed urns knitting hearts together la one one politic one party aw one plan the good of all the all dc goad for man huth d smith twenty years ago rra the isssaef tv rue free af jaaa 1st ims the splendid rain we had on satur day ntfht was the best weve had for si areas s mr ii ijnpey of iracebrtdge gave an interesting and instructive address on masonry in the mssonlc hsll on monday evening the post office iepsrlfnnt has honorad actons blk petition and have appointed mr j chcilrr matthews as postmaster of acton the sunday school lesson mnday jlnr itj leaders of the way golden text ye khali be ray wit- nesaea both in jerusalem and in all judaea and samaria and unto th uttermost part of the earth act 1 8- lraon text ac 3 2935 3840 42 time a i 3035 place jerusalem exposition i pte and the other apostles before the sanhedrln 203x the rage of the sanhediiq wu tempered by fiar and they brought the apostles without violence file high priest dare not ask how they got out of prison neither did he ask a on a former o i toun in w hat namr thr miracle were wrought ca 4 7 1 j irtrr found a way to trstify for jrsui and his resurrect ion thi oftr point thi high prii st made ui that lhy had rommaivim itwm that they should nut irath in l hi a namr i his mind that ought to settle the maltrr without further discussion hit- high ptlrst said that in plle of the prohibition of thr er tlestastlcal rourt they had filled jer utalrm with their do trine litis fttatrmrnt of the high prti st was vry murh tn ihrlr ledit men are mut h nrrded to dav w ho w ill follow in i hi ir bucreeilng i str 11 nil ln ex wilh the dot heed to ourseles what we intertd to do touching any man v 33 dm i lirl was quite nght too in saying if i this work be of man it will come to naught ilu 8 9 10 matt 15 13 but tt does not always come to naught i tn a day or a year note g mor- monism and mohammedanism gam- allel was even more right when hr sad if it be of god ye will not be able to overthrow them isa 43 13 dan 4 35 1 cor 1 25 tfom l 34 in counted worthy to suffer shamr 4042 the apostles did not eacape alto- gethrr without suffering they were sorely beaten in that they rejoiced counting it an honor to suffer dls honor for jesus sake i- very day in tht trmplr and at home they ceased not to tea h and preach jesus as the hrist hit father who filled i he oalllon from the days when at ton wi a mall hamlet an interesting ordination service was held at the luplut liunli on tuesday when itev ja u boyd the new minuter was ordained mr iioyd graduated with high landing at uruiitrr university m wish for a successful pastornti were tendad on all sides mahkiii martaccaitl smaw on saturday june tail 1dc h the llrv 1 i u mckerroll tluaheth va shaw daughter of the late mr and mrs hugh shaw toronto lo charlr c uartaggart son of j a maclag- cart v- and mrm maclaggart of naaaagawey-a- m ei kennedy on friday june 12th 1925 at toronto mary olive ken nedy widow of the tale james ken nay georgetown uncle samy store busy spot in paris 11 s army quartermaster kale storr sw 100000 pemom pauis cp business u booming at the uk arni rtt jmrtnient tore in tarts an impriksive mathlr walled building which the ermnns ucd ni propaganda hi ndcjunrit r the quartcrniasti r snlci moit now is doln a datl grnxs huwlni s of between f1r0uo nnd knx nil pin rs ael at cost and the manau r cnl led thr sales officer b the arnn is umatci 300000 llulunura hac txtn aerveil since the ojm ntng dn sept jo thert a force of 7 enlisted nun and 100 frvrn h tlvlllnn implovifs serve a clientele confined to officers male and female iced crosit person nel members of other allied forces attached to the us army and urll- uh cmllans its not justn matter of going in howeer all customers must he electing an article and bu ing it quipped with a uniform clothing and accessory card but once equip ped with such a card there is avail able anything along uniform llnearf tnerr from caps to shoes plus such neces aar equipment as sheets and towels the store is set up and oaerated as nearl a jsoxslhlr like a aepart mcmit store hut unlike its a men ran prototie net effort u made to stlmu later sale and kood are not allur ingly dlsplaed ilad lreioiw esperienre all of the enlisted men serving ai clerks were drawn from a sales com- pan compwsed of mi t with previous experience in men hnndislnt french tnllnrs suieilhetl b am erican fitters ami consultants who were bnught to 1rami i sje tally for the job turn out men nnd women in anappt well titled uniforms e serve nboul 7 100 vennw n a month capt iiene jennings in charge of the omen s department ays the rome in ftom nil ovel the contlnentf we mn tit most of the girls but if there any difficulty aboul that it s eas enough to send them to the tailor for a hurryup job and most of our jobs are hurr up onea each department in the store ts plainly marked shirts ciuits underw eat one of t he busiest place in the bustling store is a coun ter marked insignia officers line up to pun base service ribbon i and liulcnta irlnr of n rtsan and 1 sine saviour 1 t r k anvw m v r mu li totln minl wi ttiut cln- ia1 rnlhri himn tn it vviimi iitallcik it uhnt tin dloil niikukt ash- nit i n mmiinih if od unutinn is tiling diffi rent li ler did not ui i is oui pi to oltev jorl mfslnkl the oinmnnd of men ni ithi r did h mi n 1 wi ah in hi a ouhl to oim y cod mtim r 1 hnn mi n he snld vsi ml is i obey od ralhir than mi n in thai nuikt thti u tin mirrl of tfussednrsx and mir v e ouht to lr olteillent to all pmjw rly ronvltut authority eci leslaktl a i and i ivll ni long as it doe4rot itnflut with the commandments of cod but juat as soon it does we should turn a deaf ear to human aulhorllv either ec eleslaktlral or civil and obey od tlir council had bidden them not to teach in thli name but od had said to and speak v jo the high priest further charged thrm ulth try ing to hrtn jesus bltxnl ujmn thrm the ought not to havi nhjei teil to that for thr had uil1 itu hid be on u i malt 27 2t without any finr of thrlr ktrrn hxtk nnd lni llitl threats irtrr lookid tin ni in thi it and ld hr c h1 or f itli i rnistkl up lru whom v ill w nnd hanged upon a tree it shivered th ir claim to autluu itv it j i l th rioi niilv of tl c it uxilt it is n tin iiliu i w 1 tfl r in nil i ik n i muns nnjs th ilniuc on thi kiiill of mnn s mm in hi- lulitimnt of likiik ml vtt nnnit i olx ttijil mi nt of mini hi ill i i in i and a sa ioi 1 ii is is th t fold oftlii of tin mil text ti ist 1 in luu uffkih io liurlln i it we wish him n snvionr mut t ik mini nv rnnri ntwl if wi wish him ns irtnct wi must tnki lllm ns snvlour there are two cittn i lliins linki d toetht r in this versr itcjtcntnnce nnd forjlvrnevic of sins one inn not he had without the othir il uki 11 1 j4 47 a j th 2 tih hepintnncf i here said to the gift of thr exalted christ nh t jt 11 1h j tl tl t3 tzek tt j6 j tim j jt it is a gift he 1s willing to bestow upon an one who wlshis it 2 tet t 0 something mitrvcloui in elers skill in the addrikms ret orded in the acts and we do well to itudv them carefullv let us learn from them above all else il to expose to men the blackness of th ir uil in the n jed ion of the glorious son of od j tp open the door of wilv ntlon throughthls same lesus ider nnd thi othir niton h uih not the onlv wltmtosek to thi n sunedion of ciuim hit liolv spirit olio was a witness and hi is b witness ti1l he io mi s to nnd uves his wilmss to ill w ho olv t od that is suin ndi r thi ir twill ahsolutilv to tixl lno 7 1 ino 14 i ii jh 1s jis ii lnmallil 33 to triers answti un iffntlvt it tut i them to tin heart ills woul had a wniilar effed on the dav of vmteoost t j ti hut look nt the differenn in the ultlmati eff e t on thi two oc aslons on the dav of pentecost it led to repentance and transformation in this case it led onlv to bitter opposition and ierse- i lution the i ntaged count ii proposed to slav them at once ijno lv 2v luke 4 jh jo 6 lit but the time had not come in lod s plnn for them to die so he raised them up a de fender gamaliel w as not by any means a model tea her he uri a shrewd politician he advised tapr diitrli orchards almost huincd itrtiullfut anjefi lbrtrirt of llhuw kiutrr ivvajded by nftxia or wrrrfch hy war r inihfn holland p tlie flnt fai iiiiti are laenlnntng to ftltct ta k to hollands great on hard ountr the rltti luluvte ilutitct the island i f ihnd i ing lwtwn tlie lower ithine and the waal wist ftom aitih in and finding ii a vi r dan m rous t usini s 1 hi onhnrds whidi inn win ritmiiii i hi ouk in ut llomitnd nnd nt uatud thousands of vlsilots t vi r ik ni nlinosl oitildit iuinil mnnv viii ul downhy hi rmnni hi rs win mm it l ilnmngitt hv wnlir ii lli hint tftnk ixdli r n hi n nnd alllitl w hi h i hui in d up ilniost i tij jiud of ground in thi itilumi duitng 1 hi unit month thin distil t w ns n hrttth iiri m wlun the smoke of iwtlle had i h and awn tin on luxurlnnl lnrdin ilklrlit of hi llduwe warn a wnstr innd whin vvrrda wen krow i ing uittfrttvinn the stalks of unharv i sled k nr the air w ns tilled with i i hi stllentlnl odor of ikmiics lying unhurled in the fields i ultfm iseatrsyeil the fruit warehouses that were scattered throughout the d i it rid will i ncarlv all have tn he rehullt virtu allv everv village tn the hetuwe la devastated and there la left hardly oni personal posesyvn belonging to thi fnmlllrt that livisl in ihr region itn rntnna drove nwnv nil th rat he nnd turmd i hi huusr intti pllllxix ftirtllkcntions s mi f i in f ii run rs hi i nve oim l k lo i hi 11 iu hiouht ni n si me ios fn tn hrnlmnl prov in r hut th v ind t throw tut the in ik l ins tl ii vt i ni thin t ki i m in mut ii wiiv to iriinsii tl it to tie i nun rit s nnd inniuulii at hi h1 n ol 1 town i f lluissen miiivi lit ilvir fioin at ilium vt hi h i tire ui n vltinl mil tun of fai nib s thi uhim s found burtd undi r the rums now totnr jimi in iln little vlllat of tndt i f nind n t venr old man who wns one il tin llist fninem to return to the ilituwi lc hns lline s ns who nn prinonerof war in tin hands of ihe inpnnese when i got to his farm he was nut in thi held looking for minis willi tut wnlking slh k he told nn much about the prtv nlions ihal will face the people here whin thi rdurn lo dnd thrlr vlll aes houses and churches nearlv all ihstroved hut he inslsteil nearl atl t how w ho had bei n ev acuated have but om thought to get back i to thilr farms despite the bleak out look and the poor hard vears thiy will face pithy propaganda for nazi invaders pointed questions ajikftd in iwt- uui amihihb ifter the fall of pvanre j i omjon cp pamphuu i the iermans what do you charge for swimming lesson i were dropped on the continent by the itoval air rorce when hitler waj preparing to in vade britain subject matter gf some of the prop aganda leaflets dropped on ihe enemy from the air has been disdowd fol lowing the relaxation of censorship regulations during the 1 umpean war propaganda material was atrtct security one pamphlet railed manhlng against i- n gland w ns dlv tded into t hree trrchani lrfnre during and niter invasion some tvph f i iuet tons were w hy does not ihe 1- urhier ome wllh ua hie sea ia gre iild and slot in how often tmit we prni tlse laiuling what li tlu alnli uf uc sea we are aeaslrk where is the huikef where is our fleh av here ii tlie i uftwaffe we liave liad enougti we are still in hohpltat w here did you get that nil e eold lumteeuo neurnonia nerve shin k pleasi win re i an i see the lut of falal takualtlrs i a mtirl1 offere1 n kh ki t kui v lo ihe i- n k had lanune to mi timnn vovngii in h ndnrst on his mrlinl in an hnllh j r lsmt i d wm nni slibwav prints prove ihmitlar nfu yohk june icp more vian ljstmio subway prints of art masterpieces advertised in new york subway posters and sold by the met rujsohlan museum of arts for 1u or 15 rents have been bought in tlie three years since the scheme was inaugur ated printed in color thev are of a slie to lit on 11 by 22 inch osters the nmvaum has just maile frames avail able for those wishing them at 7i0 or h purchasers are more apt to be wo men than men phey want the prints moally for themselves but sometimes nv gifts some issues hnve leen used to deiorale mililar i amp recreation ii among ihe most npulnr rle tlons nnde inoiithl in ronnet lion wllh iium uni evhihitiiui or on the tutsla of metal n eal nie nvsella a jiiuimv of ihe mngn monet sunf lower homer a northenater and inms i em r nn i id nl i here itit at lli paiiilluua in hie attics vrck plax growers to disinfect seed saskatoon saalt cp saak- alihewan flas growars tost vtoo000 beiween19t9 and h by failing to disinfect seed university of saskat chewan plant pathology officials said they estimated a laboratory report said that hi treatment tests during live past thraa yeaia have shown that treatment with organic pierrury dusts at the rate of one ounce per bushel of seed has in creased ttie aland on an average of more than js per rttit i real men l wllh chemical dust pioted young settlings from paraalt es and pntdured more vigorous plant imhttmprjl ihrmubutoab hauurritlvwn ct fox fur ntrr kaoul heymond has derlared war sgaltisl dogs prowling around his lamh lhe have no designs on 111 lnu lteiniind eaplaina hut i hey ar niiliik duiirner and he has flvaa nfdeia lo hi men to a hod tiiem down hke dofrs munloincn sec iiniiiw of v2 mitjitn nah tiiriu tr willis th offlilnl mnknini of it itnvnl nnndtnn air r nrr telti tin htm v of a suadron lndii slntuinetl ui nn tum onst ill who nlw ndid ns si iiulmnhli r of n i loop of llo s outa an n fid i projii t h nskiit nit nun from his hint inn in nr tivi in town om nlkit in a urtnln hus i hi sntil would 1m- walling for hum nnd nfter giving i htm n hunt alnrl up the husy atnds thiv would trv to bring thrm in lo hendjuaitira it unml vi ry long lefore the sinuti n turned to headquartrn with four struggling nnd kicking airmen iv of them were artlcularly upset ob out the procnlure not being arnoni the orlklnl four and knowing noth ing of the squadron leader or hit hoy stouts iliev wanted to know wlun thla cr w of lough yugoslav kuerllns disgulstd a ik stout nirlved m town picture taken hy an it a k official photographer of a feetman v j secret wenpon whirl fell and exploded in a field in belgium picture ahnwa herd marshal montgomery with other officer c mining the n main of imr of the cermsn itorkel bomba known as v j ing off and watching results ifjn had been a man of enrnest convict ions and courage he would have ad in a corner pf the room a bo in a vised finding out as soon as possible halmet trie on an overcoatan op if peter and the rvt were rigamt ration somewhat complicated by the if thev were to cst in their own fact his amy is in a at i lot with him at any coat a but what iothcrjrtpf theojxasecha was keepthairownkm ond lieutenant stands before a mirror whole on the one hand bv not taking adjusting a garrison cap at arlo0i course that might proved to be jaunty anle fl against cvod and on thi other franr zmm m of ihanxuutthahotirbyotfrnhlfyihg themselvea normouahf high colffurta currently with the apostles- clamallel as far affiled by women here work beside as is known never became it chrlst- anlltled men write ttlesnljji nd ian- timeiervers rarely do cama- ribb up ijles all aalei are caih of i liel s advice uai in part ood u far course on erican caah reglfcterm as it went it u always wlie to take iutius see chicks iutciied in school l iikalo it p lb ssle the little ii d hi n at unv r li mi ntnry school inn si i for jl tn ip kindergarten dnxs until hit brtkd of diirks hrul hatthitt i in l dnldti n in mhool fr1 hi r tul in id for hi r when the first two dm ks j n kctt tluir way out cyie of the lit 1 li hovs sjtid hi- it dot six t look ns though tht v iitiiu out of th si shc lis does it- it was till i art of a inn instituted hv mn alvn d nrmic k klndergar tin tiathtr to tiach her cit reared i lsj tht slot v of thi lltle red hen 1 her husband went to a farm near chit ago nn1 hot row tnl hessit a kiumii island red ben who was riady u s t he prepared a net for hen wind was plaotd in ihe classroom 1 ihe duldren sing a song about the little red hen and at t out the story on v have honored bessie by ttrawtnft nture of her and her chicks meanwhile ilesie and her family are being returned to the farm mrs mccormuk reiorls that the experiment was a success for the children learned to love the little red hen in real life fishing nightmare vaneeiver-ttp- h j wattotpt lus had an exciting day s fishing he caught an octopus on hts line and managed to shake it free but the undutrittr4urrptmrappemta fourfool tenacles around a motor boat which tnme to his res a and his rescuer escaped only after ham mering the octopus tentacles until ii it let go and disappeared i u at little cost you ran incit more people and eontaet more prospective luivers tjirou a eondmised advertise ment in the kree press than in any otliev way as little a 25e will put tmr messiigc before 2mm readers anil get you in eontaet with all the pros pects in your community dont take our wonl for it ask those who have used condensed advertise ments for buying or selling lost or found strayed animals etc the modern market is through the advertising columns of the cton free pre- where you can put your hand on all the buyers in cton and district j costs are moderate 25c for twenty five words or less if eash accomp anies the advertisement otherwise minimum charge is 35c per insertion additional word charge lc per word the acton free press acton ontario j a dills publisher

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