Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1945, p. 2

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v p aim mm the acton free dress thursday junk vuh ims tjlj acton 9 ttt wbb isjuiaui tawa tvwo ii aaaaa oalart mucmumoh lattstaaa a i uauluuvai ujiiuaal alaau aalaa la aak m4 2tiismw oau ka alx amag gatznaa aaatuaitaa aa m aiaa tataa i aaaij advkwuma to aaakaaa miiiii ahkaagk f aaaaaaltaa ahwaa fv aaaaaallaa win a iaaa aa tka ulauullu tkal ii hi u k llama to w aaaaa to a aaaanlaaaaaal riw aalaaa trad al aak aaaouaaaaal aiaajlaaul la tllaa a iu uai ajaaaftaa aa maraaa m tka sr uh tk ww r m wiil uui mtml i wlm lbf a ft ii mf mm m m4tt i aw staff t tv ft hlt ii wtvlul skull mmtub lb flimll jtlllmmi rw 4j tt lu ft4j lv us kjl p44 bv swab 4ftal r arior nil ia uui libvf i tllltv nwatum it oik cii crxr launtik hnj iccrcation anj icw vit of kilter h the tics no i the time hm through the counitcu i up nrrou witcm ihton of wartime- imnj for man ol ihrm a catin m ttc counln cor hilt of a fc rrk cnt auinn a aintul un burn harrafcacd m thcr rctlc ith thr laik of cooking ocr a hot ool moc and tr to ohr the food problem hcn a comforting corner fir cer more ti nonrtent children arc bitten b pk mo i qui tors and pomon thcmlc b c hating through the more unpopular varieties of n after fitful leep on lump o tired fathers trv to ckh fih in uilcn here the pu lure ponard beauttc hae learned b ear of experience ho to i elude the vucvulcnt orm and the other baits touted t ur- fire lure contra t ihi unvvm fort able puture of eitcrt ion in pursuit i plcaurc the summer o a ell regulated rural fm h orkin on the land the ovupation hnh philosophers trll prodiucs the comletel happ man horn about a holiday on i hi farm again ihr jcat the farm oftirs a haiue lor tht cit famih to jet a a fr m the traditional aatii n cison hivh ircqucnlh adds up to disumfort undir unfamiliar conditions our farm friends sa that firm life is rural lic at its best canada s leaders tell us that the dominion should produce all the food she possibu in to help in th i figantu task of feeding starving 1 uropc and at this lime farm labor is far irm plentiful no i an opportunit for the urban famil to ge in touh hh its farm counterpart and hetp pro duve the masurium from the countr s broad acres svni ktjrht tni of i nit sunda ilt be dominion da and mondu ill be a public holiday canada ill mark hir stvtiitv eighth birthda and horn she has ron in thos wrcnt eight cars just emerging from the hrst half of the orld ar f lloucd b a iv vine al and dominion election canadian mlht tll on this dominion dav ol 1 m pause a moment and conttm plate if the uni hoped for seent t ghl mar- ao has made the progress n should n that t nu and perhaps make a self exam nat on it uhat has b m their contribution to a real unitv ol the prov nui a unnv lhat as tnisoned b tht hathcrs of con federation back in 1m looking bad en the histr of confederation c find that the question ol confederation as iu t raided about ivm and tha lord durham had advo catcd it in his report of 1sw from ivm until lt the matter as under con aideration b the provinces so that it as not a hast decision that brought about our present confederat ion through the vears it has been assailed b manv hat and impatient tongues but at seventv eight it withstand its assailants and has emerged jrom the first part of the orld war ith a contri bution and a standing excelled b none canadaians hae ter reason to be proud of the canada of to da her institutions and her vontn button to the war and the part her sons and daughters have plaved in bringing it to a suvcessf j1 conclusion ha this lesson of umt of purpose learned in time of threatening danger be the means of rore and more canadians realizing the need foi comme the union that as consumated s eithtyeirs ago new blood was needed in the dominion qeyarnment to face the many problems con the country today gordon guydon mouae leader of the pro gretaive conservative party spoke there it was for all who ran to see and most of them were running hard for it was monday june ii if that still means anything to you hection day and after leaving all the dard work to gordon graydon for the past several sessions of parliament while the leader of the party toured the country the globe and mail was unkind enough to describe him on election day as a mouse leader it wouldn t be muih use to sue hem fur lib either all the best lawyers must already be engaged and maybe gordon graydun has a forgiving diapos itinn we wouldn t know hut we do read mansard and wr certify that gordon graydon dues not mak apeeshea like a mouae we have seen pictures of him and we do not think that he looks like mouse me know people who knuw hint and ihey do nut think he act like a tnoutr however we shall walth the page ot haiiaai d mure c lonely nrkt ration msvhr hr wit gn nut on a imih m jftia of vuea factories oi something i lora i ipres sjimrwhere in lh pari he 4 or almost sn rar anada has leadof the ex p in it ul tier tiglitiug uni under varying date i ml some hnr in hritam win the dateline when the 1st i anadiaii division sailed up the lde in the uiormnit in4 ol a mid december day in himt sonic hi 1 1 in southern i tig land marked the dateline on soi of invading anadians for t dispatch i anie itoni the continent hi n hemic a ull bugadts tte thrown back at bloody dieppe in l mj on ttiioiilli pi4 iiiuu other datilinen of ioliiss horn sonitwhen in ltulv a eai ato bi ln llu md of tin anudmn annv s h and llu advann of tht diitthius rolkd sonic hcie in normandv somewhere in llel in in somewhere in urnimy 1 hen came victory in i uropc and names of censored cities oiue again made the datelines hut the anadian army war is not over dy september the anadian far fast tortc will start its training mmewhcre in the united states and before mmtl has gope far canadian ground force ill be in battle agafli somewhere in the pacific for the voung canadians who ear the hesa gonal nuilti colored battle dash of the far east 1 ortc it ill be a different war no more snow anj stcct no more tanals and hooded polders hut there ill hi crush i ni hi at dead jungle diseases even more fanatical foes it will be a different nr but just ns deadly the arm s ar is not ovir nor is the anadian pioplt s in this lull bctecn to great battles hilt the hovs come marching home ihe coiiiitt i must pn pure to support its fighting sons to the i utmost js the put thl finishing touch to their war time ub sonulurc in the pacitu j ilrw kcpofimibilit on drew overnment l hi a front page article tnst wcclnhc rfninciil post hich has for some tunc urgid that a clean up be made of stock silling in ontario bv hi ontario sicuritus i i mniission pins nspoiimbihtv for thi situation dirictlv on the ontario doi rnment a f it r i riuini at sonu ungth thi responsibilities of other issisuiict tin nftiele concludes ith the following hut neither ol the foregoing onsidenitions mi i tilate om i in tht responsibilltv of the ontario virnnunt it has the dut of enforcing ls on ihe statute books it has h seturitics commission ith the task of examining and licensing men ho nt to iiilale m hrokirali and stock selling to see that the art ol jood nputo that thur business recrd ajid their ch muter nexomnunds them is hung nun who c in he tiusted in tht handling other pe pk v m nu the hole c an idnin mini h rnlustrv and the t median tnvistmcnt eommuniiv suftcrs fr m the depredations of the hilh binders and ti mil the idt spread vocilerous outcrv that their wtiv ties have hnillv educed nothing but h irn can result tr m turther ontario dt lav and the dean up has t tt in fad not lusttn thturv pvhtff bavk 1au1bn0 toiionto cp toronto mar- bt baakat tha larga vagatabla erosv- uu ara at naarby slolland marsh urvlvvd ih rout wt spring with llttla of th aatanalva damaga suffar- l in other parts of ontario the holland hlvvr level waa kept near su mmer normal by pump tnat ailed rec ently at itjuhlandkavb xiumu ciac1c ay n4 t cap d re tun highlander will soon have ttlr own rulora tbaitka to fuad ralimt uy intjierlat order jaughlara at the empire in ape lirelon mil itary heailuartera ites teh askant rrnlulim for die new tade whlrh wnutd imlude the tliianderailtl tji ikro at 74 af ta n iwrrxr i fnllnnlry in rtltna ktfrlint nftvy prrl i it in nin iv i ln v r nil rn ni ina ltrititi i- in irt mrilnl in i la 7 4 til r ir itll itifmo ti ran o luiajliftfl 1arilir la nn rrniit irn a 11 1 n la a riimi r ii r in iwat i m ii r mi ill i in kit t inr willi that nirnp iar with tliat mrnnauijr at a maruuint caia cj iba ij in tliat irv editori 11 nott amttiir urfac is hcing applied on o js high bcliin avton and milton looks like the amc sort of application ruen last car and should he good or a fe months anwa i we npiat again a naming to ihe holder of utot londi beare of the slick salesman ho tries to trade them for mining stocks these days ou can casjh m an da on bonds but ou cant on ajl the stocks that are being peddled these days i it seems to be hard for north mellington jo be sure hcther the int libera1 or consersatue rep reentation latest report gives the provincial sea to the liberal representative and a recount has been ordered to settle the representation for thedoni or mir and men we might have expected it from the toronto sia but from the globe and mail still there the words were printed and e cjruld lt be wrong staring from the pages of cfeorge j mcculloughs own paper e saw it claiming that with this issue tht fre prtscompletesscventx years of publication in acton it is the only paper ccr published in acton during this oeanv time prev ious as e enter thesecntvrrst year mav c pause to jut our appreciation to those who have assisted in keepi it upmth the grow b the community carrolls ipboiax quavjckb whole wtttiat bib0uit1 muffets chili sauce in i6e avluir alimt dlcaa cajimots s xsa kmhr parttt i tea iv it a j7c sc ca ran i ulata 11a t ia svit aki 44 maist jatkiaai jlffr porridob a no hrisf jaiciaa lin p ckust x4b posts bran pk toe lfe cwaa tiaaa cara srmup ha c esc itaici lc uaab irraa alh coffee i 4sa qwkt outn oats h 1u flour he 5c ovalttne ssc scil ckaw aia sa ualkf aia coffee olives la 2c 1yvmh ch01ci tomatoes ss 1 hiihj ccdtmsto h soup tomato 9 certo 9c kin a ami tic crystal itje hflai lah haaavt sour s ssc haatutia k rm snacks k iii fl n shell tox special atgrmelons eeh cuu variotw pricea jlicy valenci oranges urge sin 28rdo7en fhesh spinach aib tor cnn1n strawberries see our prleoi ma aa4 wtaumayfiiiae amkjaettaaatltm neatiihui tavahaw lllafa sstli oaaxuteos pkbabbvbutewpi bctrrim so tain biuinetw directory wnwui dr w o c kenney rtiratauat saaj ilium to or j a wemtvawr otrvra in syaaaa moek miu trc omu ii blaalllli st iham u dk wm q cullen lmcc nrawaa ul bareiia orne lloura34 auu tt dj eirapt wadnmay ane sunday mill htnat nlar fracurirk straat piionb iu oentaj iu muoii s austin isutaj fturen mill hlrwl cornar fradarlck actun offu lloura djo a m to 830 pm kvanjnss by appolnlmant taoapkau it itttuai f f tpathfwland ba harrlaur uad ttollrlur nalvr pua laauar uf marrlaga ijeanam itaglilrar of lllrtlia mirrlagaa daalm a1tn otrlaai is llwoaai waihaaia iu kl nni til m lanouon hatruur hallrltur nalary puklu oflla ticiiritfluwii frfgoiy ihralra uulld i apfiolntmanta in alton on itaquaat vetuuvauv ii i youn v b u vsc vaurlaary hirgai frric llro4jkvlll ontario ilona mlllon hr c oakib vb u vsc vatarlnarr hurgvawa of flea and hrsldaluvknok avanua arton 1hon 130 itxai ehtatc willoughby fakm acency ijargiat and olilrat agrnry in canada lira i offltr krni lllilg toronto irgatuwn l pmacntatlva tom itawaaia rben jorgatara iii uau ratal llroliar tanarml inauranea wm k hkacken rnor x acton out time tables canadian national railways oolng wmi dally rxrcit sumly satunlny only lll rx 1 1 sululay morxtny only dully rxrrpt sunday hyrr rorflon dally rxirpt snt and sun ilyrr at uclph dally x- ci sat and sun oalnf klaal dully rxrrpt sunday daily rxrji sunday dally rvrrpt sunday sundft 4 nl lrr diiil eorgflown 1brr daily at urlph 8 01 am xas tit pnv 1208 am m tm 813 pjn 713 pm s4b am om am so pm sis bm s3s ivm 850 pjn ra coach lines 1 oalmks 1 kavh acton raatkaaiaat mf irn 016 am job pm s3 l m i ii i m- hi m p m ytaatauxmd y hi vi am y31g pm asos pro z7t1pm hhtdprn all 29 pm a to london bsundays and holldaya only to garlph dally to kltebanar sunday and holldaya yto khchtnrr to stratford w t panbrsoh ro in cya rraaataihin offtsanttit iu wyndua1i st ouclps pmaaaa sim coraolatary equlpead offioaa bale mahar shsa atan haedonaliys usedfurnijture antiques vskakawlnc fisalltmln bafmlh guarantaad hlghaat quality wort at raaunabla prteaa v 80 havcdoatn st cntjpit t s ja-

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