Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1945, p. 3

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thursday mink tatt u48 the acton pree press rxam rtaam t of interest to women m bowl lrsst hallo llommakrv all indlcai- lou point to a scarce supply of flfmimllr fruit ihu mtwn when ordartng think of olhora and buy only whit you nml in thu way there wui ft mm for evary on to help stretch the short supply trv fruit i in uii tugjhi4 h low rather than in urge individual portion straw ukiuly i1avakian ohkau 3 tthsp granulated gelatin is rup tereal rrtam 1 no fresh strawberries cup sugar 1 th iwnon jul- ttotlen gelatine in s cup of cold cream scald remaining cup of cream add gelatine mlture and ugar t ir until dlsaohed and allow to cool wend lemon juhe with berries and add to ilr cool ream mix lure chill thoroughly mir eery half hour ti prevent herrles from sinking the bottom when part tally set pile lightly intu sherbtl dishes keep in refrlgvratur until serving lime damlsh with slice of at raw bet ty kltll i l hlilalr akr stft together i i uj take flour 2 rupa sugar tup i oca j up soda i tip tall add j egg unbeaten v cup butter or shortening melted cup soui t ream ui huttermilk j up vanilla mix well hake in three laei in oven at 171 degree for minutes turn out and cool i lace lara in tier with crushed sweetened trull between vk1vkt it cr1 am ino a hipping ream itcqulrrd 3 cup cereal rem 1 tap gel atlne s rup bugar 1 egg while dun of salt 1 tap anltla cream ahuuld he er cold tour 1 cup off the top uf the bottle real until froth with m dover rgg healer remove two than of remaining rap of cream and dissolve gelattne tn this raid the ret of the cream in the p of double bnilrr add aoftened gal tine tlrrlng over hot water add sugar and salt when thoroughly dis ovd comhtne two mixtures add vanilla po into refrigerator freer las tray when partially froten re move from tray and fold in a beaten ct white stir mixture thoroughly ualng a fork and preaaing out all 1ump keigrn to refrigerator and continue freeutng stirring occasionally to keep smooth freeze until firm but not hard if firm before ou w ish to use it turn rontrol to normal re- frtferatlan temperature to preeni mlsture from freezing solid serve topped with fresh fruit futppfp vn tit wont collapse when served- 14 graham iraikrn s tup while augar v tup soft butter 1 tap cinnamon 1 t up diced or small freah fruit j cups milk rup white sugar j egg olkt tor one whole egg 2 i hap corn starch 1 tsp anl11 roll cracker until tine add augat and cinnamon mix well huh in the soft butler ireaj this mix tun into bottom of nlneltuh pie plate reserving i up if t rumlw for the top make a uvtard b n aiding milk and pouring on mtved etit olkx sugar and vm stanh kctuin to heat and sltr until ihukened add vanilla aad pour in to graham crai k er shell if demixd whip two eg whites with two tps of ugar arut put on top of filling sprinklt with crumbs and fruit hake at de greet in oxen foi tweuix minute takf a tu hen baking trull pies lse a deep baking duh and heap fruit mvij up in the centre springle w nh kukr mtd mix m i thap of coin btni it th fruit it er jukx f1aor to taate lemon juue l al t was gohl and n kupukon of a et can do wonderful thing da sure to lit the trut tor silts are not jut decoiatlte thiv previn siuigine byallowing ateam to euape deep fruit pies are baked m an oven preheated to 4js degrees 1 he temperature hould be retluced to v0 degrees after ir minutei baking and pies left to continue ohakefor an other 15 to jo minutes twb q1kstiun box mrs m s ask break moulds rry qulcktyln our bread box u i pre this loss and inconehlenn answer bread storvd in a ventl- inted bread box should be unwrapped of its waxed paper covering once a week the bread boxshould be given a thorough washing with hot soap suds scalded and let dr a little vine gar added to the uater will help kill infecting moulds a canada shore welcome view for returning troopw linm hall irtta hjlfn iltwrinc tlwhiaawb of mm eirhy awajlifw iuuniu4i wttb v ilpttwfywiulj halifax ci mardl a day passed in tha port without th now familiar sight of a troop laden liner learning between the headlands hrtnglng another step lor to home the canadian hoys ivhu have pjayod their part in lh defeat of the r mini in furopfc and italy hrs sight of canada after yeas way from home tilings some cheer ing among the hoys hut more notice able is the air of quiet happiness iii troopahlta many of hem former luxury liners show little etl ierte of their former peacetime lux ury v here on re there were coin fortahle atalerooma with ttne hialhly j two itetls and all modem ronvt nienres now there are aa ntan ae ami will imtinlt mealllmea are wike1 out j on split second timing lo avolt con- fuaion in feellng a few thousand men itetween thr lime of arrival atul itoltatkatlon the 1m s aland aiouiwl i leaning aaln the rail talking anil foklng among ihemselvea many of tlim urar on the arms i he gold atrlk w hit h indh ale n wound in a hon amiri nt rvn w i i t nie the almuiu h filindahlpt eiihiilel aiming nun who flrw in m miih rew fought lde t hule wi the hatllu tlel is r shaiett the fcilm life in n pitsomi of war tamp on tht tonlln enl 11nse apluiel al imeipe duilntt itohihln mtsxloni into the iii1uathtl heail of einan aft r the i day munition anil tin flichllng u tluomli llnlv have kmtwti die hardvhlpa of timan rrlmin nini for rr pe know what ii la like to le shoil i of fomt dav afler dn and to he foifedto ntariti awn from on oni i it k allied lrops with lllerallon al most in sight lte too realize the work done hv the hid tnss anil without ex n ptlon will agree that without the regular fid parcels ntgn of them would have slanetl one young an adlan paralrimper captured a few days after i iav paid a minlrular tribute to the canadian rett osa when tvr said that in hta ramp the canadians were letter off than an of the primnera tr lte1 nu alwavs seamed to conic lhrvugh wih parcela and lei term from canada itiex were swell chrohicles ol ginger farm wrtttaa h fat tk aataai fe feaca hy owkn1mmjnb f 3 llteae days we are waiting just so many others are waiting for the return of our son frofii overseas one letter laat week said he was still in i ertnaiiy the nest thai he was in mullanu and eituii lu leave tot england the following day we listen to the radio and w hear three txia1 of returning men espe ted to iim k next week on ui vlednesday one on rilday and the ijidy nelaidi on satuiday ue wonder will it m nlnest or tflda or is ie still on tttgluh slioies naturally wi would lie glad to have our soli home al anv lime tut in ue jw lal l now w li n hla help so tilgenlly n tiavd a iaitnet i ty no menus w ii nnd t t arry oil u llh tut soint i nr t klirir the it hinslhlh1y is pia tli nll jiihsill1e u lint a won dirfiil thing is ion1 health spei inl l whr hasn i kt it it looks as if iheie might 1m pit lily of meld woik lefoi long ihe liny l jual tiltoul n n tv to i ul an i it i hiks ilka n good io i he whtt u w ii oui lii li nd hul ii tteni w hnt n ihhu w kdi lnt wek i una on in w n foi do mail nnd in nulng i lki i ni hi wh at nnd 1 nnir miu mi intu h hinitl lu m lit h mm h n i t l home i inui to intt ni hit w tenl ihal wluat lat rait sin w linttd it lu answer vv h html th ti uhle die looln i mtn hiim i find si n i 1 told mm and ul i tv look i nt other wliial tiops in th dutiht and sur viiiiuhti fifi iinr of thetu was wl spilnklcl with unul however i ait nrr think a lot of ii will wah off and 1 imikl admit it ilo sn t lok to nrlv as had now n ii did n wek ago some of lh spring imp nj jm arx to le sui prlalnglv k that is the oats hurl y hna an tilth atttiy tinge of vellow through excessive mitlilurr and i old wrathtr jfisl imagine we are already start log n the se ond half of the year riom now on ll will se m strange for dnk to gradually get shorter mrnnge when this is the first week w have had any n a i hot wen i tier and it m lnen hot hasnt it hul don t llticrallon dav for the bos in 1 date omplnin folks we hnve rampa across termnnv was tlav of supreme joy and as one soldier said i he stars in the sky never shone brikhlcr than hit htars on those tanks eara under f erman guards were years iheae oanadlana will never for get hut now when they tell the stories the smlh lie a use thoughts of home and reunion with wives fnm llles and i hlldren ate ust ahout all that mailer skeeters talk sruiitits say krwmirch hoeau ichio mnnquit mn lurk itellon and shriek m ohk rxl plsoverv of n mokipilto innkunge inaudlhl lo hu mun hv w hit h niostpjiloa nil to m h olhr la dcmrilxxl in science the ofti al joiiinnl of amerian stlrntisl i urn ii medh nl vclenluta nxnde tie diitrtvtrv vvhllt xetklnt stuindx v hu h an h ui t tt lure m iuit es to ii ith imps pmtltulnrlv nintniial miuitma i in in istjuito tnlk lu luilihs mutiny i nlu link t hoim w ni nnik o it t it k nn t oth i in ssns ntd vi i n lif 1 pie mmuit04t tluik u mow in i ink m minn l ainplifum million of units nnd in ved on ph nogrn h m oni vhiiklii r bellowing hv tie fi mnl s u n mating t nil hoth nn 1 vv t ii d nil ho fttnnh oumls 1 oin 1 wi tlmh th male i he male an wti with n shrill xound vihuh an 1 lu thou ki h isiinhle n dive honiht r all tin oun w aie in th mug of human vol nu idu tom hi at mid in four wnvs on hv light whu h tv i sound huihnn hear ivo h thating wing when otherwise uh identfirtl mtm hanism that makes pure hudlikc tones the mojit atonihing anil imior tnnt ohihrx ition of thi exihttnunt the rexirt mates i thit the noie of a mgle female will cause the miiestrf n tht tame apex ie to hurst snto an an- aw ntg i horus moreover when the alt ui fe nlale- is trnnsnimted to tvfo oi three males u ter the nr unptm hni pn e lnen waltln for it a long time and it wilt he em agatnaoon enough re member laat winter 1 suppose the prohlem w ith pioi stamen these day a is ahopplng i know it is mme hut every time i g i a hit imthered i think how little we have to complain altou and how gladly we should suffer a few short njes in ont i lo help those who have i huffcied so much afler all we inn flll get all the milk ega vegetahl s and hn nd that we need and given an nhudnm e of these things we can not hglllmatlv omplaln pnxslhly our most senoub problem ia not in the thr atened shortage of supplle hut in how we face it for instance we hnve ik onir so accuttomed to a phntltude of potntoea thnt we hardlv know how to keep house without thim and xet thev are nol realty essential just mor of a habit than nnv thing i ise e i an get nlon julle well without them although i inuvt admit thi are o d fillers nnd i iiiuld do with a ling in the i liar virv nt i iv mv worst worrv is siigni hul if tin fruit la going to u arc tin pound- of inning sugar will e lentv i hop s nn t finning to s ni out in th fane nt l his vei v ml nut tl ilvlt i tut n mi pulling tim amis t n tin xlts and then is a tihtsfumer in tin trin k jum for us u wr told ih woiim probihlv luiv ii iowt i n hv th nd of fum hut w wi ht kinnint to hnve out tl uihts as nflt r raising hie po s ii nn n smiplv imsl i i mi i this s th fust hnv stn of them fir tin wtks and thtv me juil us liklv it dis p ii nun s r unoth t thre wctks hut h u s hoping th v lont so nnr nn i vet o far hire is the house all vvlr d tht re are tlu in us in tht lane and on the road i bete is the tr msformer hut ii k the swit hes tn the house and xtil n think happens fhosa fixtures iv head that twowax swltth ihvs plug tn the wall thev nie ii juxt promtse hut those lamj 1 nnmg th it thnt mods tilling thos lions that need h ating thev are teallttes and that ba k breaking ii imi miwer washuvj mat tunc i 11 y thita u a it jilltv soillegg farming promoter robust and rapid growth vanuvr export in ilydropofuei ijom a 11 of kxpsrihnu work in tlingxshantory vancodvch clt vhe experts will tell you that hydroponics means i he a lenre uf chemical farming but to the jonetufhmltli or uruwni it means just plain ordinary farming wltti the farm tjlen allen of vancouver ib liallevad lo lie one uf anada s foremost au thoilllt mi soilless farming most uf ids expeilmrntlng don in hit gar age with h he has turne1 into a lat- oiatoiy mere he prepares the powd ere1 rhemhal that form the liaala for sollleu plant growing aiul puts thein up in artons for shipment to his rapidly in r aslng numb of cust omers outside th gwiagp i s veial es ttciliiumlal lauks ulud will giavel in w hh h nuniritius varied of plants and uwere aie tested aillmxigh h is onllnually working ith new solu i ions mr allen said the slandaid mitilent is made up of elements ih more than ara found any typ uf jetlllljr i ht gietn i ish sotutl hi tan he use seveial hums in fore ii tos its rffe ilvrness ii innl u pin fl in a trough or flower hii with gum i and is ftn h h j an d solution oth a week and iiuml lw w nil i td vi i 4m hoiirk feeding imporuuit mi all ii tnpliasle1 tha nit tho1 r pdlng ihr inln mis u hnpii tnnt n oidlng lo the ityle of tom iliiimh fanning defllud if i he lualoinei ta n eiit housu ajjjjt i inning for the i hi iii of sntplii oul on ltjjlillo lo ph k n louinlo liefoi tilokfiisl lh hotll i ullurlnt has just tht thin i hi glut h fi 1 1 am vilnius i on nisi ink of thi ihiiiiii plant sumli lent lut ing it bpe in i hnlf iall n lunlnlio i and a ai ton of lh pi nted mill will klllt ihl ul hm i he not as la so onoillh a i thai ii woika oul lo a tost of tin nnd a hnlf i ills tit mill plnnl in one sen nol only llh n f mink out btnmlliik or it onmiy hul also for lex inpld and tohut grow til or 1u innls mr all n salt h prove this hy planting two hlenlhal vgetnhle rood sliuullaneoosly one in the garden and on nroidlnk t tin hydoiminhs system in hv weks there wie i inches of additional giowlh to the henih al fi d plant akstraija plans modkkn aiuroitt sylinh c1m a iilofnal 7 jtkinoo srheme lo make mascot a few mllei out of sydney australia moat modern airport la under wiiy for very many yean dating bank lo the pioneering flights from r ng land tuaustralia mascot a- one of australia principal airports but ii haa not he n an eatabllahment of which the commonwealth fqujd feel proud in un general appearance and equipment or in ita approach through the iltys crowded industrial areas it la promibed new tunw av more than douhle the length of the longest existing strips at mas nt will take the worlds largest planes fully load ed inrluded in tht plana also ai pass enger lounges cafes nataurants and all the othtr amenities of an airport which it is proposed in to modernize as to he ahle to deal with interna tlonal and all other forms of air traf fic ixith pnininger and freight junta unsighted ovkb nobth pols union cl rhe recant arlan- tinr night over tti north pole by the it a v aircraft arte caused eight- year old rosalind wilkinson of farn borough hampshire to write to the editor of the hunday ks press uear mr hdltor i hear nuitnmy and daddy talking atout a story in the sunday k- a press it was about the north 1ole i asked them if it said whether the kaf men saw father hilatmas they said it did not say so lu the taper ho you thlnw you lould tell me please t the editor repllil squadron llr w slniiitiia v who jaw the airmen when they rrtuiued aays that as ihey did not aee fsther hrtstiuas he wsb prohahly having hta summer alef p wrtlani lookfl for farm labob rdinnurnil ct dmplu th fact that ao0 prisoners of war wtll help gather hcottand s harvest tku ymur i2 0iq volunteers from offtow and factories wilt be needed to harv est grain along with 1000 school children over the age of 13 to lift th potato crop the da pa it men t of agrkutture has announced ilie department said these numbarf were made h ry by the vast in crease in tillage area from 14m00f a res in lul lo j 113 ofjq acres in 1ml i iiaiimlinxwn i irlnoa iwaid laland farmers ruslmd aawvl log ttiifrstlona in june reports indi cate that esept in wet land aroaa the hulk or the grain had baan i lanle1 hut liters- were ahout 30000 a res till to he planted in potato quality youll enloy c a i all jf sir sc ibai tq ftma ftcuul wrnf every patting vsrnml ciruul drswi nearer to peace snci a chsngcorrf frtsm military to civilian pnaiuamtn unjcr our lystem of free entrrpritr far ughtej mini itirn arr alrwrtyliyinji trtpgrormftw fry the- crs uf irxluunal expansion prunnscj by the future they are making new plans developing new pmhim pre- paring for greater dmnbution this rink now over 100 yean ou with ample rnourtrt arnj wide csprnrntr can be of invalusnle auitlarue in all vuth cihlejvihirs great or small vtfiat- ever ynn ihiviiicu plinv or problrm ycai are cordially invitrvl to ilmuta them with tlie manager of our nearest branch- bank of nova scotia ov cmtltttf i tu tapttmmm t9uuiqitou a f jk nmnlltrsttubr tt htt ffrt-ob- u rhiundor thp mtcrojiomh llmt l nnlennnr of ihr mnlrs will turn to vvnrtl the sound sinitlt momjultms usuall jvnmln llvnt two or motv uhen tobethii outhronk of wnr dritish imporuto fctnrt a conxrrmllon when two moijllu aripntlnf have ateadil declined qutoeiothe ame ex tire tllent 10 mhereni those from the united statei amhor the rrivnlof third of tha haw tnovin a compnratrcl illaht oppojlte tex utarts conversation increase i mtb1 kincimim imiokts to the arorvtinr bl enos airesever since the thr uf at th right speaks for itself hshotos what has to b tlone just lu cult h up with work which war has ohltcel us to defer t te nrril een ope of the alilllinnul work r who ilv jouiril lis smre war urpun e are ejper ti ui home hark eerv dell cliiilnmciiu rn at war n li oflhat tttiltnfitoeiliiiri1ill more workcni to help is luinlll- this postwar joli its thrhiggest we eer faced yctolk taffmaoni op s mi f5vi

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