Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1945, p. 5

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thursday nme sta ims the acton free press pack ttvs i umt cardm baatty u borne from camp bardon as furlufc- ur arthur labc of toronte call- ad on acton frlmite laat t hi h smith of kltrhnr wu a visitor with arton friend this wasvk- ur uui un will lane o ortcii vudud mrs nelson r moon on sun day lj c gordon uccutcheort of p 4ald rld n b u honw on fur lough- ills fare brown visited relative and frlenda la toronto ovr the kad mr and mr frank browning of toronto vidua acton relatives during th weknd i fn un counmcnw of de troll visited with relative in town during th whil mr and mr u d shorty of bob ayfn railed on arton friend dur ina th wkeid mrs b corlees aftd susan of clin ton ar vlilllnf thli week with arton ralatlvm and frlenda nursing slater lieut nora kenney wu home from kingston for brief vlolt during th waok mr and mrs ja ford nnd teddy of milton r pending th wek with mr and mr ju hlggtm mlu thelma aahton of toronto vulted wllh mr nd mr gordon ragnvaldeon lut weknd mr nnd mr j ii illmlecker of toronto wire weekertd visitors at th home of mr and mr s j luld lac and mr own maaales and tiab terry are visiting al the homa of hu parent mr and mr uoyd uuilk dr a a n kenney of mapla creek sask la vhuing hl mothar mr wm kenney and brother and alster here mr claranca rognvaldaon of to ronto is vultlng al tha homa of mr and mr gordon rognvaldson with her husband who ha just relumed from overseas little marilyn rognvldson is in the sick children hospital toronto for treatment and all wish her a prompt racovary before leaving petawawa camp for oklahoma usa to take a special cours suff sergeant carney srfrne vtalraatal the home of hl parent mr and ml t j byrne church street on sunday mr john agnew ol hartney man la vlaltlng relative and tnends in actne and toronto for a few weeks tttbi oumtttt nf tfuttiuj aetea oasaili tha friendly church- kv a wlitis foedmjkv parsonaga suj hoa a bower k thursday j una 28th 8 pjn pra- kratory srvtc sassloa meat- ig at 7 jo pm sunday july 1st 145 1100 am morning worship srmon is tha world to b 3av d holy communion 13 is pm church school 7 00 p m evvnlng worship sarmon ha shall hav domtn ion from saa to kaa th lord u nigh to all that call upon him to alt that call upon him in tmth rvfkybodv wflcomf vnosc csftjatcr aowwt tv rokbbb tookaon bju- willow strsat sunday july lit 145 10 00 a m sunday school 11010 am morning worship tha i aervtr wll be xndur1rd by mr murray coim no lvenlng servlc july 13lh th satramrnt of the ionj bupnar thy that wait upon tha lord shall rnw their itrvngth ha wai in arton thli waak mealing old frlenda who are indeed glad to treat wm again and learn that in anlte of year away from the home town acton u at ill the town baptist erttirtrj aoton kkv w il walljlck sunday ju1 y itl ims 1100 am morning servlca 12 is pjn sunday school 7 00 pm fvenlng service flujarrh mt ah xlbatt tljr atcrtsr sunday jui y ut 1m the rlfih sunday ftr trinity mlnln iy tin am holy t urharm the hector 7 00 p m fenaong tie hector trusses abttamlaaj trim aaul ftanmha kxrvmtw rtttbd alex stewart ud amgva ataauualy rrx bc oaargva sajwva aaalpa liberators met by smart guard at prison camp grwsdier guartto sll enubllshea excellent moral among sick and hungry heroes or anthem battle falunbosteu ccrman cp kegtmental sergeant major j c lord of the grenadier guards vsu king or xx britlih and american prlaoner-of- ar in stalag xi b her taken irloncr at arnhem with aeveral hundred men from the lit airborne dl itlon he apent klx montha at thia camp the prtaoneri here when he arrived were in hrlpleaa mler but uhen maj ualph cobbold of the coldstream cuard brought a part ot offlcen to the camp on tha daj it was liberated be found it the gate an tmprsie uard in maroon berka wr thought that the 6tb airborne dkuion must nomehou haa got there flrat aald maj cobbold tut when i asked the guard commander when he arrived hu antra er wej juit after arnhem it was fauhleal turned out that guard the could have gone on rfut at b palace and dona credit to their corns- then the reginvantal areant ma jor himself appeared hu trousers had rajboredge creaae his boots were dazzling his brass gleaming and his webbing immaculate in the office he productm chairs and offered tea in reply to questions he had a corp oral bring in the most complete files k of camp personnel touring the camp the coldstream guards officers found evidence of ex alientmoraleanl uimdstpltneir place of the contusion of six months earlier dally inspections and guard- mount ing unpopular when flrst in- troduced have restored the prison- era waning selfrespect and revived their military bearing 3cetevtor man in vhectmft hart been hungry for montha and many were alck their dall meat ration wti tb coubuckets of horseflesh v a floyd smith jeweler watches cinoh jeweucbv 75 quebec street west guelth ont e p head rrrsatmd oplomclrut 58 sl ceorirrs sq oi ruii phone j5j9 qulrlt repair to uuuea gregory theatre tlllbhdal and fuida june talk ana hu thunderhead son 6p fucka la t mor b iar o llara ith rnrlrt m tr fat- ter rita johnson comedv birthday blues cartoon mlht mouse 2 barber flicker flashback chapter 6 tiger oman saturday jive sutkr matlae at j irentiti inknowv rlchard aru n cherj 1 alker a americana- philip terr ee arddn fox new mondw jily 2nd keys of the kingdom -gigory-pckr-thonuu-3llttoliau- cartoon ti gun rusty campbellvdlle a successful tea was held by the patriotic society last thursday after noon on the lawn of mrs a t uoore about 37 00 was realized miss olive us hon of the ontario farm service force of curksoa spent the weekend at home llr charlee norrlsh spent a few days last week at a convention at niagara falls it u hoped for a good attendance at the st davids sunday school picnic this saturday at barbers beach mr robert elliott and evelyn of iondon are holidaying at the home of mr and mrs thomas mcphall mr eorge allan milton visited at the home of mrs fred garrett for a few days last week friends of mr and mrs william m 1srrn are sorry to hear that they relved a telegram saying their aon ivter was mining in burma ospringe itr keith burrows of camp i- m rwsili waa hurne over the wet k rnd mr and mrs harte kelthoft and joan of toronto wrtr kunday visit un at the hotnr of mr end mrs kail kaltholt mr and mi alvln mthuttheun mrs autfut yuung and mrs i ken n- f iurlph vtalted on sunday with mr tirgc anderwmi and mr auitin mulbeon i lana are under way fur the annl vrrry mrvle at the local rliunh un sunday when the speaker will be hr 1 m bryan ii a id of mortulon and also the annua gar den isrty 1rlenla of jim stanlnn who r tt ntly ihumnl from overwu will tw iilraaud to har he has relvel hli tlt hargi 9 hie i lilldrrn of the to al school ttrrt at leiitn hurt h on monday aflt moon taking part in a musical program under the direction of mia annie jolllffe the combined ounn iroplr t of itrton and rlne held a picnic on saturday aft rnoon at th kallhoff home lim urr sixty wrr present to enjo the rogram of lares con trits and ball gam a a lountlful su per of landwlthrs and ire cream was served mr and mrt cordon smith and c harlm mrm stanlt y smith of tulla mor m r and m ra john black of j- ort t rlr anl their son jimri of 1arla vlalted n sunday titu mr and mm charles bruce mr w j jackson sent a couple of days at the home of mr and mrs alf winter at ousllc utile flvena winter hnd her tonsils and adenoids removed al the uelph hospital lett6r to the service league from overseas nassagaweya srfltnn7 onngratulat ion to mr and mrs chariot barber nee marlon cose uho uere married on r rid ay at nas- uigaweya prebyterlan church mrs joseph i- rank mn jennie howard held bui bee quilting last week masttri tom kennedy and martin ineninrt are on the kick list with mump conjral ulallons to mr and mrs robert hamilton milton inee jeile service upon the arrival of daughter carol also to mr an 1 mrs dnnzlel ijiw pence milton nee marion miller uhn the arrival of a dnuhter marlon y llznheth jean ilwmt straw berm ar on the menu again mr and mrs j rph i rank and mr boh riank upent the ueekend with rclntir nt mount h rest mrs a ex andtn r rnnk and miss minnie r rank uited nl mount 1- n t tht prect dln we k irienu f the late mr tho bell 1 oronto wen sorry to henr of his kudd n d nth inst i riday night 1 ly fun rnl wns held monday afternoon with service at the home of hl son and dnuknter idna and llaroll at four otunk with interment at nas miknuimi prshterian cenn ter smioth ii exit ndtd to thou tw onl uriln nu mbers of the fnm il in tlu ir loss mn sian itoblnson uitod lur mothir who it in toronto ho pltal fortrtntmtnt sun 1h we truly hope the found hi r mm h improved ixlr a mr ttoht scott and bah here are some extracts from letters received by acton and vicinity war service league from some of the canadian from acton aervtngthere cpl e f waller writes well here i am at last to drop yjq a line of thanks for your grand gift of chocolate bars and cigarettes which i received a while back i ve been irytng terribly hard to get this letter away and just couldn t find a rhanre to do it as a few weeks ago i was hurt and sent to hospital away from camp in ermany and then i came out and was back in again before i had time to settle down iney treat ed me there again for a couple of days and then decided to send me to nrussella some 350 miles srway so here i em and i guess i wll be for a considerable length of time both wounds in my legs are coming along una and nope xbey will heal up soon er than espected i see by rs fsss istas that the toy are coming back home from the battle fronts ood lurk to i hem f guess if this hadn t happened to me i would have been getting ready myself but war is war words really rae t ecpresa my gratefulness towards you and all the rest of your groqp who have been so good to me during my stay over seas and all i can say for now it thanks from the bottom of my hi art you have d me a siuendld job n keeping mine and all the other los spirit up to pitch please e cuse thli writing as it s a little hard to write in bed 1 ii rome to a rlo now anil thank again for everything you re all a splendid group and won t le forgotten fod bless you all hope to see you soon now tpr jim rahatn write from er many just a few lines to thank you fur the ixm of chocolate bar which came this week now that i am in this country there li absolutely nothing to buy outside of our own canteen and i can assure you that this siieclal treat w a realty appreciated i afso want to thank you for the cigarette w hlch have rome so regularly have juit received the latest one postmark ed march ith well the war in t urope is kaput but not before it should have teen wemi to me like a long u year hut that s all in the past now anyway 1 hote you folk ran itart enj ylng the peacetime pleasure n w 1 teiee you deserve it as much as any of u by what i ve een of that institute and there mudl he a lot ilk m it han worked wonder we arv all i hiking forward t i the trip home now nnd it ran i te too soon in the meantime thnnks for everything a rut i m looking forward to seeing the hometown f ilks thl year cheerio for now and good lurk pte onion iamtert say ueci ived your carton of rim nnd t tif tho bar yesterday h was sure j leased to get i hem it was the flrat mail id hnd for week i am ittll here in italy and hne to he on my way soon thank very much again for everything you have dom for me while i have been in this j country cpl a beirn with tl e k c a m c write i had a letter from the imperial tobacco com any stating an order of cigarette with your name wa com ini for the month of march i would like to let you know that they were received on april mth with the great est np nclnllon hi re have been difti rent time that i ve written ycu hut i foil thnr my i iter of thanks hnve not rearfwl you f r me rrn son 1 get the r roe press from tlm to lime and alwnys lo k for my nnme in the list of thank for it o minaret tes that the hoys ict regularly but i hnve fniled to tin 1 mv nnme listed with tr otht r tov whtrh mnkn mi f i that jnu hnvt not been rc kin mv thanks tint i rave ent i i litvi titivid ivirv rd r t f ik nu tli s ihnt v ur nue lns s r t an 1 i wuld nls hki v u to kn w that i hnvt niirtcinti 1 th grand j in sou hnvt 1 m in k j ing all of our town bov in tmokts nil thi win 1 1 rough tr hattu which 1 n 3ust led not only thi nnrittik but tht pnr en nnd thi box s of t poinds vm hnv reiivd ivry now nnd then and t till hivt om bar loft fi m jb 1 tst box whi h i jupt reieived inst wtik in ftlnxing i lend mv rrntett aj i iti m to th li ajue f r the lov t iv tlft which 1 lavi rtcelved and ali f r tht kfnl j h whuh you all years of war well i will ring oft for now hoping to thank you all in person soon letters and cards were also received from the following p l tournour mel jordan frank kelly w 3 cole man ted clifford o mulder gordon cook ceorge hargrave e a nor- rtsh fred beavts e elliott un korhe fd craffy e b grischow f patrick d arppleysrd j warm- ington bus nicoj a a martin it j braida it langford a e john ston norm gibson j ii marshall j v swlndlehurst j moore g w stroyan floss swackhamer j nod- well w g wll ion dill caldwell woman kills huge python ingham australia cp with a cane knife in one hand and a torch in the other mrs w f biggs a widow who lives in the bush outside this north queensland town fought an 11 foot rock python and killed it afler a minute battle llsarlua a- noise near iba fowl yard she found the snake in the fernery when she managed to get its head within reach of the cane knife he dealt it several swift blows in its death throes it sank its fangs into one of the battens pbe snake wu brought inio town to verify the story this is the eighth python mr biggs had killed in a month all at night nnne wu under 10 feet in length sj e says the is not afraid of snakes and ha killed hundreds engagements mr ana ur ivan m harris with to announre tha engagement of their eldest daughter uabel xjoxti ta p s william maxwell archibald aaa of the iv c e archibald and mr arrhlhald of toronto iti padding is to be held in arton united church saturday june 90 ims at 5 pm news spotlight continued from page one monday final step he fore the plan may go irtto effect la ita retlil- catlon by all of the major powers plus a majority of the other nations the new charter will he presented to the nest session of the canadian tarllament in august it otltlmaa the work of the united net ions or gsnixatlon iti organization divided into si main parts cunsirts of the general asttemely comprising alt ml inns and able tn d any within the scope of the charter the peaceenforcing security c ouniil com- pot of the nig five permanently plus sli smaller nations elected on rotating twoyear ha til a court of international justice and an econ omlc and soclsl ounrll to seek to remove wsr breeding conditions the conference finally accepted the stand thai any one of the nig five can veto most action proposed for enforcing peace but that no country ran veto discussion of art lort meeting of citizens a meeting of citizen will be held in the council ciiamufck on wednesday july 4 at h p m to dimust plans to have acton make a contribution to the new ituilding of the sick hildren s hospital this is a very worthy cause and all citizens are urged to attend and orgsnire so that acton may make a contribution worth of the community j m mrdonalad rem dominion day celebration monday july 2 jive races 1500 00 in prizes retting privileges on the rounds haldlera in i alferm admitted free j tt ci imlr starter stan tlttlns irmln jiide uatthlll smith 1 resident ur g ii camillfl i liepraa lft cooney sectrees dancinf at mciit in the main hall or the orangeville fair irounda mltrrtmaivnu nuhditm i atttjfdwck 75 i ii tt mi iw m m ii carol toronto were guests of mr i and mrs nell martin on sunday um s a j 1s u the dance last tuesda nlnht sjvm n lv w sored b the bu bee th ial mor lw ln hralth s orchestra was a sood success tended n the last lew months let me hrst thank ou for the tigarettes wea preibrla church hy the now iln nwaker of the church drew al bu h t large crowd- and the entertainment i of around u i v it hard tlm edlan of ths exenln mr mr- lll ttnh me nmv n 1 mpi fen in england now for sosne tm l u mttn 1pmdlnr momhslo the i mr mathew job and mrs u ward wrt front i left whenthe not to brltton of acton motored to atwood the rhine mr t m s12 the res lue qullerhera in fritndv sr n vu ekland now after the v etjj cele friend further north brmlon hw b mr and mrs stan robinson and time in canada when they heard it 4gmrejttejidhljliewaadln o tha w allovervi uauaoonjtet back j former s nephew mr edward jlobln- there and settle down toa nice peace- aon to miss dorothy post o omafh ful life once more- but 111 going to on saturday mm a little strange alter nearl su custom curing smoking u hat is finer than vour own smoked sijc baon peamealed or tmoked bstk baton or vour own smoked tcnjcrired hams am this and more is ours when ou brmj vuur pork to elslev s fririd lookers es friends we hac the griffith twins to do just this for ou our grifhth pathfinder pump arterv pumps the hams and our griffith elcctncalv operated smoke house as sures you results whuh are always consistently uniform to re a look t enj th pducu this service is open to all at a very- nominal vharge the vem next tlme ov butcher hog be sltte to bring it to elsleys frigid lockers phone 131 milton wdbr pmda qtofmh tyuuu i t v u w

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