Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1945, p. 1

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v ht jvttim sttt ttss sevenlyunt year no 3 acton ontario thursday july 19th 104s eight homeprint pages five coot i erin council makes revision of assessments school ana pu11 strongly oppos es by several ratepayers tht municipal council of the town ship of erin met in lllllaburgon june stan all member present iterve huxley preddtna orange lodge here took fart in parade at vvoodhtock members of the orange order in this district took part in the celebrat ion at woodstock last week the hall ar crewsons corners is now the centre for the order here and last ttiurda there were sivteen members of the ladles orange association and il members of the iiyal orange imtfre u ho went from here to wood slot it itve iadie association is llt- youngest hrani h in tle province and plans lor reservoir and water mains now approved tm counrll went into lwnmlttee j thry wrtr highly ompllmenled court of revision as par jourtunent of june 6th when the following appeals were dealt with nlrk reman yk iot 7 west ounces alon 1 maseaament sssiy reflured 1 100 00 ii a harris iot 12 west conrvaalon 2 assessment f2700 re- durwd taoo wm overland it 19 coney ami on 2 assessment e44o0 sus talned the court of revision having cain pteted its work arose and re sorted the aasaeaament roll as revised no stands for the year 194 the following tax arrears wire at rue k from the collectors it oil for the year 1040 to ltm4 inclusive same yo he deemed as uncollects hie arrears of dog tax 40 00 buslneas tax sx2h the following accounts wen pal 1 central account noiv relief accounts fi 45 road accounts 5li 11 th quaallon of a townahip school area as shelved for the precenl le cause of strong opposition on he part of sever ratepayers council adjourned to meet in hills burg on august ath at 1 o clock pm or at the call of the reeve thrlr appearance in the arede w oudstock on the twelfth memor ta in ebenezer chitrch for late john marshal a memorial tablet in memnr of the late john marshall was un veiled in ebtmerer church b hia son n s marshall rev r u plrkersgtll who was in charge of i he service read the following tribute just over a ear ao there i swd from our midst rrn john mnnhall he was a good man nn1 a treat christian he loved hi home and hit children rise up and call him 1 lessed he was trulv a illar of this rhunli and he labored mon atundantlv it an moat for its welfare lie w n trum ed and honored ubllr wnnnl dili gent in business loval to mi hurt h faithful friend and n uim- renin ellor a valued tcartu i le revelll most in preaching the inpcl hla interests were mum but hti deepest devotion was to his xt aster lie uim ntoat re hv thnae who knew him best and after a long and useful life he passed to higher service in undtmmed christian faith he i an example to all and hit memorv is an inspiration to the clnrv of od in gratitude for his life an inborn we unveil this memorial to john marshall the sermon was addressed rtmartl to in young people from the tet teach us to number our davs that we mi applv our hearts unto wii dom appropriate muli was i i ox id ed hy the choir four children riuht grand rhlld ren and four great grandchildren were present at the service one grandson waa absent on mllltnrv riutv eramoka coitle honored in iwemk and oij vkkiuors a verv ha p vu tnl mun rin i k i lace one urnlnt last wek wt i mr and mm willnm ami h wire honored iv m ithhon fiunrti nn i v sot lates of the m m o ur un i at the farm wl h 1 t e i k home far manv vinis it h n n of th renlnu tinged n little with regret as mr and mu imble are leartng the neighborhood f r their home on park avvnut in a t n ar 1 will he greatlv mlvmsl after a short but verv rtne pnokam of duets solo reading ind tnstru mental ending wlth a heartv irn aon the chairman mr fred oakes aakd mr and mrs amble to come forward mrs fred cott read an flying officer r m ay is worth of trenton who has opened a law nrac lime in acton following his discharge from the h la f ixpou purrham proprrt for hall i on main strrrl llie ironr1v on main slreet owned b t and mrs t 11 iint tor the pait twentv tlv vear rnd w hlch hn lo been tie i xnl x rl nnge f jlr llell telej honr o ha ikm n stld t attnn hran h f tie nnatlijtn 1 e n nn 1 will lc uwil is 11 t lr rtf w n nilttn in ai 1 n it i- ctntral has jltntv of inrul f r epan sion n required and would seem well ulltetl fur llilk piirjviite mr and mn ijinti har purrhted he collate on bower avenue rrct nt iv occupied bv mr and mrs hrnn and will real le there the bell telepht nr exchange l i nv inc tjuarlers in the llliamfton block at the corni r of mill and main m reels renovaletl nn i put into con dition suitable for the ai ton ex i aruje the offlft will be larger and i the pitim f rmi rlv occupied l v the bank of nova scotia worc tie recti on of thtlr n w 1 ulldln c onrrauon made where farm lands are on extension may take in new kuhdivbuo if survey is made in timetend era for work u be called for at n re joint meelinic ourwll and rtllllie tommuftion alton count ii ami 1 ublli utilities tiutilmloii met lst night oun iillus u j o oake- j davison j h b ulton wete present with commissi nera c m hansen and h mm artliur and liir j m mrion abl i reading hie ian ant bjmm iftt atlona of tt i rt himii ifv rvolr at the spring jfotitv wre tin into ami artepled h the liieelll tf submitted by th engineer mi anlrrwn i he n k smt extension to the water ninlm waa also gttne inlo ver full i he engineer was aulhoriied to advertise the plana of the council of matalllng water mains and reaer voir for the corporation i he ounrtl fi it it was only fall that the owners of farm properly should not a frontage tax on farm lands but if said lands were dlvldel into hulldlng lols a frontage tn would te i barged hie follow injc mot ion w aa t hen jmismed b t h oumll ihiat the- kerve hi llialruited h approach the owners of farm prop rrt affected by the proiosed water works extension informing them thai they will be assessed for a frontage of w feet as long aa properly is used for farm purposes and when property la sold or used for residential or other urokkse the rcifular barge per tainln to th vlllne will come inlo fte t mr anderxon suggested that a ct m mrrclnl testing laboratory be named t i heck pipe materials and concrete mixture to te used on the jobs coun li wilt tnk this mnttir up m lie regular mtmitlng tnjtneer anderson is to havi n numlm r of lopies of the mn s f ii e prooed extensi n nmde nnd foi wanted to the t lerk a numter of roxmmt sutntlvls i nie trojetted in the corioration and if lnnv it lise miikiu kions nn tub nilttsl in ttnu uitetnl tint the wntr mnlnv sh mid u inld when the eijuii i m nt wna hen and o save the om of niovtnk the eiulpment a m tl n wni taued authorizing ti iteeve to issue a rroclamation a in ntr i r vears proclaiming august ttr nx a civic hotldnv another joint mtetinj la to be 1 el 1 w en tenders are to ik rcct ived nnd iend will id t oumll nnd com uiikmon acton lontrihiition to hospital fund si ill short of mark hit alton y a men s lull ummlt tee in i harice of th a ton i aiiipal n for f ltio to contribute o the building fund of tie slk 1 lit ren hospilal rein rt ttie follow g rontrlbullona this week ai know l dged lm ee k 1j00v sti tf love o so hi jnmeo mciulloui 5l ilnnnr 1 eld by joy e rr helm keelan blllle m hut an 1 jim r er 1j7 itev 1- a iulker j hi ai ion reamer iii 2wki mnxon knltilng o 25 01 mrs m i m kiln hen kntiertson j no mrs f jikglna j0o mix m mncdonald noo james it held 700 1- 1- barr voo john fjtmlecrt j 00 t rnploye s arton machine shojs 5 00 f teil blow 10 01 mm a malnprlm 100 a brown 1 oo mrs klngshott 100 li juignvaldson 2f miu k howell 100 rrank toth 1 hi r n ji nnlngs 2 00 1- brnldn 200 j k ardinr j on h- j hnssjird 5 0 herb l io on 11 h illnton mx anonmoua 10el 11 mlih 1010 1 ainr soo u i inl jm k hnrkrave 5 0 j e wl ithnm 10 hi rnnk mix intoh ms id v i- i homiwin id tn hni nikt 1 if 1 1 uml s i p 1 uchn 1 jb mm u r o oikis 20 b m leinn th knox church organizations hoi j annual picnics linos ywa held their annual pic nlr at mrs- ceorge musselle s last wednesday it was in the form of a gull ting in the afternoon then in the evening everyone enjoyed a i t lurk picnic upper whirh was follow ed by games aeveral solos and a amg song a jjlnt plrnlr of the knqx holr and young ieoj le s was i eld satur day afternt m spltr of tie bad weather an afternoons entettu n merit w aa enjoyed by everyone in uelph and su per was held in the i luh room of yw a at turlph prisoner ok war home more acton soldiers from overseas are welcomed home hilt pa at week has brought mora happy retpnluns in homes in arton and dut r let as another group return ed from overseas i ompany sergeant major j irvine has hern a prisoner of war sine the 1 dieppe itald it was back in august 1 mi he wat flrst reported muautf the month oreyjxius ha had baaa awarded the canadian ffflclency medal in may this year he was re ported released and hark in england and last week be was greeted home by mrs irvine and their two sons keith and teddy j overseas for four and a half yean jpl ceo ingles arrived hack in can ada last week and was greatad fey wife family and friends he is with the inrne scots and having v day leave before proceeding for duty in the iarlflc ime iercy rlllolt is a not iter acton soldier to return his wife and baba had preceeded him to canada and with parents and family were on hand to welcome him bark altar several years overseas cfm w hall a brother of mrs h rryer acton was another local man to return during the waek and b welcomed home again cpl frank a vanwyck was also a returning soldier atmard the lie da france franks family have remov- od to london since he enlisted and he nt course went direct tn tne bw home and has not yet come to arton c s m j irvine who has been a crman prisoner of war since the ilepe raid was among the soldiers who were welcomed home to acton durlnti the week 1 1 i ii lit nnd dvtes for fairs in ovrrlbvjftr ims re wnoitsced the lit of fall fa ivmied tt in wii k f r ontario it in lu lr nil tin mr n shj the number held tn vnr 1 he f how in aim lr r n ien llrtm ti tt y r t ei rn t wn uton i a ksvilb rxn v uk alt rand nllev sht i bourne hilton talndivi mil ton au rf ov e 1- rin markham streetsxllle texswater 1 i distn ill n int awt a nt l e feelings of the communiij toward mr and mrs i amble ant mr harrx uoree presented them with a verx fine floor lamp after mr gamble had made a suit able reply and expressed bis keen ar prectatlon of the honor paid mrs gamble and htmself at he nt made the recipients of such a beautiful anj ttrnelx gift and also the pleasure the had enjoved in this fnendlv ne gh- borhoocrand their regret at lea vine it short peechet werr msde by mr james oakes mr henry ren ham mr ernest croft and mr roy laalla delicious refreshments were then served and brought the pleasant er mlna to a close thf u lr diti s has bet n tf i i rovlnci i f t 3i t a rs bli k i t in rease ovi r tt t lovtmc liat are dat s of th t in w hi h our rkld n j t ember 1 t s ptemtwr s j temtier s i trnilkr h 1 si t ember ii 1 s pteninr 11 11 s 1 1 mler 2tj sej tfmler ii s t inn r 1 u s temler j5- septmber 2s 9 s i temb r 2s 2 ox totter 1 j otober 6s october 4 october 3 october 23 o w rock wood girl injured ix hen milk truck wnvked stru k 1 tin ci it in electric lnsnnjtr trnin m hie ictorin bond ir xsing in ucl h just before eihl o ink inst thursdav mornlni n milk tru k wns bill damnked with mb nn 1 inkini irnttl nll dim lixhexl rn rhatchtr ltvmrold daujli f mr nnd mr hnt l ti at t r ium kw nxl as ii itsi ni r in the when tuppuaa of kapok for life rats ware cut oft a chemist at canada national research council devised a rffhtftrv t camall ncr xntaxina jwnrs london wireless installations hospital dtspensarx ant fresh water plans are part of the equipment of the nrt of the new british whaling fao torx ships the ship the southtrr enturer is constructed according to the extraction and production of liver the latest ideas including a plant nr 1 and th dehvdratlon of whale meat the wireless instahatlnn en ables constant communication w ith the whale catchers and there is also apparatus for direct communication ilh britain ithe equipment is so complet even to the extent of a hospital and dispenser that the vs sel is able to remain at sea for very ions periods a constant supply of gyh water it tte r p tiu k nnd ntelvi 1 injunex n tntin lr tmimil t th mini 11 pil wllhim rihui irlvir i u irn k wax un njured he rt si 1 ni li yuet n strut llnni1on mix i t nt hi r mi it rnduntc nt jt lj 1 i him mi nn i st tutt ini win t ni 1 il an cb rk in tt e ffi t of tli fed int win t n u i t s n e ai nl s hn 1 b tn nt t a rtit fn m i ko d t w m 1 n it i tru k rrfham t ii poll tt it in stoppel f ir tl t r xk tn tl i n w is roc edin vr tit intemtiti n ni a sied tt about flvt mi it nn h ur when he saw the npproachtn train throw ing yie truik int reverse he tried to hack from the trmk tut the truck moved too slow i hu truck had mi r ri m eani three- of whuh were full th vehlch hi lon to m alteman brampton i un s biik it i itiuhlin at ton urnnch no in n ndlnn 1jl n b i- s i mr nnd mm eo musm lie mi nnd mm stewart hhott mr nnd mis r i wrirhl mr and mrs j irishman mr bowman nunn mrs robert wallnre miss annie blnck mux mah4 i rnrlv miss margnret thompson 60f r aoo 100 100 100 100 1 fxrmer airforce officer to open lau prctice in acton another sev iceman from out of town hns selected acton as his com munltx for kt war service flying ofttir r m alswonh b a has i p ned n inw offh i ben under the lirm nnnm i f jnngdon nnd alaworth nn i in jnrtnirshlp with mr k m iiindin of eoretown his offic js in th cooper block on the corner f mill stmt nnd mnln street nnd l nnd mrs a l worth will reside on b vii ni e hln off i avnwirth la n lwi kt i 1 i tie i f t i nlvi rsltv of toron t ii uiiii his 11 diiru nl thnt un hi kiilinltd from ogoode i iv s i i tn lns he i rartlsed in owtn sound nn i miaf rd until 1v1 wt n it j ned the it t a 1- he wax ii njv nt i in tht b mu r command v nx si t d w n ov er ct rmnn in miiih f this vtnr nnd waa a t rmnn pis ner until hi mn u hla fm in k tt i nilnnd ft has just re- itive i is discharge from the alrforce nnd ix jtttlng established in acton hvirn oftict r ayuworth la a son jtf ir and mrs b b a i worth tf i nnun hia wife was before mar irian mis patricia j mcfaden a duughtt r of mr and mrs alexander im faili n of i urt franes rraniosa council makes presentation to fnmk diiv lrank in r enll rellrel clerk tn as urt r colliwtor of f ramoaa lownshlp was gui st of honor at this weks towns i foiincll meeting kttvi i i iiiv in the jresenti f lownshlp iff i iik t k thenmr tunitv to ex iex nrerlnllon i f the township f i mr inv s fnitl ful und flicient m rvki ti the munlrlitallty as lerk trintunr nnd lollector fori mnn nrx cn lehnlf of the town- i ship council nnd offh inls mr da wa prts4ntel with an enx chair mr iay thanked council and offic ials for this gift and expressed bis niprelntlon of the cooperation ha hnd received during his term of office he went on to say that i- ramoaa t wnship has a tradition of honest and efficient government which every member of council and oftlclnls should maintain rach member of council and ffli inn sjm ke of uh line co- ojerniion in tin ir township asso tat ions wllh mr day arch mcsabh presented the aud llors report for the period of janu aiv 1st 1m3 to june 10th 1045 which was accepted on motion of c ounclllors benlssn and rutherford correspondence from the county of wellington in regard to the dia ivnndrnent of the civil guard was or dcrfd hied routine mattera in regard to roads wfed control and tax arrears were j d st u smhl the clirk waa instrurtwl tn secure inf rmatton aa to the rocedure int adopting the 1045 assessment for 19lfi nnd chnhini tht erlol of assessing i in tie t wnxhlp to the summer months i tiounls nmiuintlnit to jv 2 0 were nssd fir luivmmt nnd counrll ad jouined t meet at the call f the reev e j i vriki roram at jiiv meeting of knox m s knov churrh w m s hrlil thrlr nnfttnk al lh manu on thursday j lal mr thomon uai in coarse ol ihr merlin- the devotional period wa taken hy mlm d folter reading i unitfu w m s mct at the home of miss m z itennrnr the regular monthly meeting of the woman s missionary society of the united church was held at the home of miss m z benneti on tuse day evening with mrs t j caldwell presiding the devotional period was in charge of mrs a orr and mrs a w roshury contributed a site solo there will be n august meeting mrs w mcdonald was appointed secretary of the ufe membership dijartmenl a pajter on tithing wna given hy mrs l mcarthur and a tnlk on that suhjert hy the pretj dnt a committee was appointed on m w membership for the society miss bennett axsisted hy miss d slmoni seqed light lunch a vote of aj prestation was given miss bennett for her home united kknday school holds annual picnic at riverside park the arton united sunday school hi id their annual picnic in the river side park curlph last wednesday july 11th it was rather chilly but everyone enjoyed themselves in the afternoon the children played on the awlngs ami discovered the different sights in the iark after i upper the following races were won as follows under 4 claire lambert betty bean marie lambert under 6 claire lambert jimmy cullen sheila foabury iris f 7 and h betty mse lam bert merle chandler nancy lambert bovs 6 7 and b erald hunt em erson baxter johnny ituffnagle jrls 9 and 10 chris lamb joyce ijimbert joan chandler bos 9 and 10 amy thorarinson honald kola ton jimmy hunt iris ii ami 12 ixuralne roabell ina harding barbara mooney bos 11 and u dave richardson iris 12 ifi shirley hoist on helen luelllng johnna veld hu is w heel harrow ran ronald rol- si n and dave richardson shoe rae barbara moonev whispering relav mrs karl lam berts side kit king the shoe mrs rhhardsnn then for awhile some of the people played ball and when everyone was tired thy started for the cars after a very successful picnic the world s purest zinc is produced at flin flon manitoba canada with a capacity of 730 tons a day crystal and china shower m frievds ror miss m toocood mix annetta vans and mrs w struth rs entertalnetl at a crtol and ihina shower at tht tatters hom on mondav evening in hbnor of miss margaret tootfood a bndrtobe of this month afur games and contests the gift were brought in to the brideelect after opening the gifts margaret thanked her friends for the lovely things afterwards a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses assisted by mlsst georgina mitchell mrs fred mccutcheon phf mm albert u cutcheon i tl ring hlrutmjhth iondon one british firm ol slei iallsts tn rrn tal allus has durmg the war produced l2 million feet of am raft tuning enough to stretch 1 times round the world the govern rn nt tetjuested two firms just before tke- outt rt ak of war to concentratt 6n tht manufacture of these tuic far the expansion of the raf in nrtdition tb tubing supplied for aircraft million lubes of a pec a 1 1 orcalbro brand of aluminium brass for the navy and merchant ser vice has been produced in all mnre than luo first class warships and nu merous imalhr hlps were supplied with this vital equipment frequent ly ships suddenly requisitioned to take canoes to russia had to be hurrierfiv ntth wtrtk nfrnm- modatlon heating and deielnr he sfripiure lesson and xuss ruby clark leading in prayer the secretary and treasurers re ports were then given miss bella ro2ell favorud the sicety with a solo entitled teach me to pray whlth was enjoved hy all at the june meeting it was decided to issue mite boxes to the ladles of the congregation for the purpose of raising the peace thanksgiving fund mrs malnprji took the opportunity of ex to the socle t for what purpose the fund was being raised another item of business was a re quest for clothing and quilts for the bale to be sent to needy ones in the west miss isabel anderson then gave a ery interesting talk on the ufe and labors of dr david livingston mrs robl patterson offered the closing prayer after jwhlcji refreshments were served and a social half hour was enjoyed coming events u amhim 1 ftlmttae cn im f hlirr k1 n4r lu hi rc rkre4 i fi ar li itk aimmclmrf foe mmr nmuvmni til etc- blnco every tuesday night in 8t joseph haji 173 w in vouchm- admtnlonxic 3t knox church dally vmrvtlon blblf school tuesday july 34 to satufaky july 3a bj0 tb 13 anv chlldran 3 to 15 years blnco in acton town hall monday july 30 at a pjn fiaa vtctory aub prooeeds for sick chlldfsai hospital and war bervtot twjiat i wlsjj

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