Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1945, p. 2

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pact two the acton freb press thursday july 1mk ims jjltr artott y ttt rtbb rilmit eesrj twrsduf aftsa qsisrte tee wtm tkuk to vutw estw knlimi- sees trw fm rvsss ueerluua la ttt h tar nf m e4 u secesl 1f tw frm frw its luutuir stoli wese peperu lbs esltr cm re te ll wou pw eeie4 44 fc itu mrf r aiior dills uiim tctjtfhanea- meat rationing probably no one knows bcticr than donald gordon himself the difficulties facing wptb inihe rcimposition of meat rationing says the financial pot the decision to do this will probably please the united states where much unfavorable publicity to canada has developed in recent months becaus our people were unrationcd while their people vcrc not but the american public hungry for beef pork and mutton and smarting under a scandalous black market that would not be tolerated here overlooked many factors in their criticism of the canadian actuation they failed to realize that cvtn without rationinc our eipdrts of meat to europe were several times larger than pre war and in total rrcatcr than thoie from the united states that ith our abbatoir- scattered across the countr our distribution stcm functioned more moothl than theirs and finally that canada in sharp contrast to ihi umud states i still larjjel an agricultural iountr whuh makes tationinc of anv home grown food product more difficult and less nccesar vacation ijtnd canada s attractions arc heinj- painted up ith the return o react in europe and pre war figures rt girding the tourist trade give sonu idea of its great potentialities for the future kcports published b the dominion bureau of statistics show the cstimat rd income derived irom tourist trade to hac stcadil increased from 17002 000 in l04 to 214 771000 in 1u3u this increase was maintained despite the economic depression of the m s untrl the onset of war reduced tourists to a mere trickle in lvi it was estimated that tourists coming in from ocean ports spent 12 4iukx in this countr united state tourists coming b automobile were estimated to hae spent uab07 00q b rail or boat s72 7mouo and b airplane and other means of tracl 21 uooooo once gasoline and tire restrictions are lifted it ts anticipated hat the influx of american isitora will dwarf all prewar invasions higher wartime ages and the surplus cash available when war bonds re cashed will probabts be a maior tactor in this welling ol tourist trade in some quarters it is believed there will be an increase in the number of americans purchasing homes in canadmn vacation a tnut resorts canada has alwas been a favorite spot for united states tourists but there arc man indica ttons that the dominion will lure british und euro pcan visitors with the development of tast air trans portation british tourists are likelv to pass up the war ravaged continent in favor of the dominion that gave the mother country so much aid during the i war glowing reports froffl fctlut bitutu lu us j in spue o ing of spirits would be reduced but it doe not work that way while beer consumption in thia pro vince was increasing from 27350306 gallons in the rical year 1040 to 38 507808 gallons in the fiscal year ll44 the drinking of spirits was increasing from 1380 577 gallons to 1041631 gallons the public still consumes as much hard liquor as federal regulations will allow a feature of the beer drinking is the number of per nuts held by women a feature of the beverage rooms it the numberof women who patronize them some of the female permit holders may be employees getting extra liquor for employers but everyone knows that drinking among women is on the in crease and one of tho worst features of the bever age rooms is the commingling of women with men in the days of the open bar that condition did not exist social drinking in the homes of ontario has also reached new dimensions many of the returning veterans have been used to the pub in britain which are considered there to be workingmen s clubs it cannot he said that the urban beverage rooms of ontario are of that nature the situation is one which calls for government action but there is no evidence that the government is likely to act war and science vsars demands have always pn ved a spur to scientific achievement and developments of the last mx years have astonished the world m hilc the pio duction of more effective weapons and equipment has had first call the wartime impetus given to re search has stimulated progress in industry medicine and communications the world knows of radar of us wartime utven tion and use as a weapon of defence and of iiw immense possibilities for the future it knows of the remarkable work done in the field of medicine with the discovery of penicillin and the development of blood plasma to a point where it has meant flu difference between life and death to thousands f fighting men the potentialities of the new insecti tide ddt have scarcely been tuuehed bui these inventions are onlv a f e w of the ac complislmunts of man s irtcnuit in hundreds of was throughout the world the war cars have posed problems large and small that have been solved tunc and time again ah of the inventions have not been startling in their significance many will never be generally known while others are being disclosed a- the need for security passes an interesting revelation is that the tennis balls played a major part in saving lives and cargoes at ia when the ccrmans started using magnetic mines britain developed a new technique that rcquir d the tow ing of soo ards ol electric cable bv mine sweepers to explode the mints ihit is where the tennis ball time in to ho it the ikctri wires self buovont cablis were made of tennis halls pressed and piicked tightly one after the ihir united kingdom manufacturers used m 000 uk tennis balls their entire w rtrtinu output to make hundreds of buoyant sets involving more than 1 1 000 000 nrds of cubic a great debt is owed to the thousands of scicn lists and research workers to sav nothing of amateur inventors whose ingenuity helped tp ensure victory and lay the foundation for an era of peace and progress editorial notes someone reminded us that st swnthin s day wa on sunday but with monday s weather surely it couldn t have been w ith meatless tuesdays and lridays in public eating places home is going to be an even more popular place to cat later home is now included too the ban on conventions has been continued in letinitelv which is hut evidence thut the movement ot troops is to continue nt its present high stilt und re important unshrinkable wool goods are in prusptvt lot nudum consumers alter the war as the result uf wool treating processes developed to meet wartime needs now what will become of the fellow who made stretchers for socks war guests or servicemen experienced canadian hos pitalitv and eniovcd the climate and scenery may well effect a change in the accustomed vacation plans of british fatttrhes giant air liners spanning the atlantic will mak the dominion only a few hours distant from europe and the prospect of lowered passenger rates in the post war competitive period could mean the addition of thousands to canada s vacation guests no rationing on ileer permits f there arc approximately 2 500 000 people in on tario over 2l year of age there have been 1 tiqo- 000 beer permits issued this tear and they are in creasing in number at the rate of 100 000 per month according to a leading editorial which recently ap- peared ip the toronto daily star further moment ft the l lha t culcs make nil t noise about u housing sltortage just us acute prob lcnintill be 1ound m the smaller communities onlv thc trv to solve it bv individual initiative rather than blaming it on ottawa north american wheat export canada and the united states as the two major wheat exporting coun tries nearett europe and with sur plus of wheat are now moving ihu bread kralruuverteas as raoldjy as transportation and port rapacity will permit m weeks before the end of ihe 1m443 crop year on july 31 145 anada has esported nearly 2mb mil lion bushel of wheat and wheat flour seeing that the canadian wheat sur plus available for eiport or carry over during the current erop year was about tkyj million bushels it now appears stairs the monthly kevtew of the wheat situation that year end klmki will be between jk and 300 mllllon bushels a c arryover uf this lu- would lw moderately below the va milium bushels uf old wheat on hand at july m a year ago and the lowest since ltkv hie redured carry over in anada may lie lately offset by increased uxki in tbf united stales which are mmtit tit range from 150171 mil lltui luktu u as tornimurd with 311 iiull n ihiuh at july i 1w4 in vb w of uir- favourable pruspei ts of vu auone lime said if people drank beer the drink- one blistering hot dav we saw a customer in a toronto department store buving mens tlannclcttt pvjamas- and tuo pair it seemed odd hut when we went- to busummor ones we foundeshoutd have bought them tuo winters ago l tie united stales harvesting anolhar billion bushel uheat crop in ims it is now espeeted that the carry over of juld wheat at july 1 104js wilt again exhibit a moderate gat rease daaplte large stale exports wid continued heavy domestic use i he carryover of oil wheat in canada in mid sum mir or 1mfi on the other hand is likely to be still further reduced in the light of smaller plantings this spring and the present heavy export program whl h u scheduled to extend irilu the new crop year 1 nyvkmvmk vthit wfmni ont if a bear which carried off a do- pound pig fiom john irwin s farm here will find a nil reception waiting for him if be iumit hs k fur another snack irwin t hssetj hlin uff with a baseball bat the hrfct time but he i be batter aimd for ihe next visit rrruan of ai vrjuut itamil ixn oni i james s i mil vttrran employee of the lrt rallttay here has a military reiurd uf m years and 10 munttia he looubt in the lmlian t ronllrr am iim in ikh u5 and in the r irit anil s- iitd i ei wars willi britains kustcrn fleet imi tur taken from the hrltuh ttntlli thlp ii m s queen hijitwth one or the many hritkh warahtpa which mr a v alex and r reveabd in tho hiium of nininiink formed jiart tf the ijixt rn he t i he on n hi on vtn th a mini naval op ration akalriht sntmni in northern sumatra ilt tun himi a iirltlh ill slruyt r rimii s up nstcrn to n reive n packafir antcrn of hrr li the hntih tnttlehip h ms valuint carrolls warm business directory hkdicai dr w g c kenney win htm ui llgiim lhu to dr j a ucnitu offu in bymoa block uih 8trc acton dental dm hugh s austin datl hart ulll sirt conur fratertck actoa olftr lloun 0 3c m to j0 bj- kvnlnf by appolntnvml i isoal c v lfathcmland bjk buibut mm iblmui nmwr ml hi ittuvr of umrrug t trgnw lugutrmr of illrtlia uartut dcotko actun mftm tl lancdon aylsworjh bmwrn hllrtura eu ofti n ltn i irr llulldlnc ilion 115 l marlntyr- aylvaworth da in c tiaru ot arton offlr kt rinry rhcatr ilullifc lhnr khw vrttjunabt 11 d younf vb b vsc vtrlnary hursa office ilruokvlllv onurlo 1hon mlltun 146 r 4 v oakts v b bvit trljuur hurt jffltr anil itvsldvnrvknos avenu arton ihone llo real ehtate willoughby farm agency larurtt and oldrkt aipncy in f llrad offtc krnt bldg toronlo trorrtomn kprsntauv tom llawaoa ihona uorgtawn txs baaj eaula brdvar or inautojloo wm k bracken illosh jc acton ont time tables atert iieihna rsociii omtktr cam ruuuts si isa j v miller dcput minister of hirhaa ipr ontuno sns ihe disappearance of groel supplies i a serious mutter and if use continues at the pre sent rate there may be little grave left in ontario in ten years jow we know why there has been an effort to apply material to intake the gravel stick on highway no 2 soup mix arlatr vham juices cnnw flakbs skr4 wheat i tf 4a tf i7 s a s7 avukltcha i sauce x6e idrssnrr pears lie ittlchrs t0uat0 juice x 17c ktlloccs ailbrait j xie i srrciu luxwtvl h0u coffee spicim ut i olives cltu dtvk tlt eer custard 25c fmk grmiki k0ua coffee x 35c frcncirs nlfaltd m chah shtd coat sqc 98c s ota blub wmmmrvt fkui soap t oprn dxlim iinko u ir ltji wwt sim polish mi- it 1 uii wmtf torn p o l i sh hi kill immcii llh flydsd liu ua clukn 1m as if 14 7 linbs fruit jabs fm silhff iaai cbbvo u n 4sc ssc siss u ssc wo rwarra tha rllht to unit quluuh af ail aunkaadlja 9c anadian national railways uoinf ueat inll xct1 sunday 9 01 am saturtlay only xat dally except sunday 74s pra monday onb 1s0s ajsv jjatty except sunday imw rlytr at c cornet u n dally except sat and sun a j5 pjn i- iyer at uelph dally ax cept sat and surl 713 pnv going cast dally except sunday jl40 dally except sunday oie aaa dally except sunday js0 pm sunday only 8j9 pm klycr dally oeorgetown 035 pjrl flyer dally at g uelph bio m cray coatm lines coaciili leave acton raatbaaaj 6 46 am 9 16 am 208pm j p m 9 16 p m b9m p m urotlwtmd 10 vi a m j18 pm as 08 pjav txl p m ith 1m im all 28 pm a lo iiidun b sunlns and holidays only x to lurlph ilally to kltchanar sunda ami llolulaya y ii kltthrnrr 1 lo stratford firm chekn aj11iae ivr jb jl iv ijin rvn an per diirfi iresii hem ij5ttiice larae head rh iuhsi1 keen llkans vspvcial weekend trice nit and ntouhla priom anblaet u auikm flaetuttobj 31c 5c cawlpmu mm jul 14tlt suua u u u mkctvk 31 u s7 rn utm w u 114 w t pattbrson rft hporlallal in ryo rwu ortaopuol iii wyndiiam stt oueltii phaa sim complrtoly equlppod offlcaa balow manor shoo storo trusses abdamlnal trwaaa lal rnataha cxpebtlv fttrd alex stewart ltd antnu k vr hi ooortoo btjiam ouallja jtoedon used furniture antiques upkautarlat bawtomi rapalta cuannlmd hlghaat quality work it roaaonabu prlch 80 ifaedobdl st gudtdi v aojmtaajitaautwl t zum y nrrt xtshlsmb

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