Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1945, p. 3

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thursday july jsoi ims the acton free press pack thkmi of interest to woraen the tm mfxhg- bowl wsomt w hop you ar enjoying th produce of your victory urdn th pteaaur derived from gal her in and brving your own salad rrn should offset jhe bark rt retching and kn- 41ng hours spent in protecting your gsrdea from weed all the vegetable greenery as well colorful radish carrots heel tomato and so on add their own individuality to salad fruit too herrt cherri melons pearh follow along in succession to add pi and goodness to your msl whether you plrk your own assort ment of salad materials or buy them please do be sure that they re young and lender wash thoroughly drain on towel and hill to c rltpne before you use them chop kite or shred finely juxl before seitlng add salad dressing touting the ingredients to gather do not ml tcn much if your lada are to be si tractive and crisp do not prepai ihrm too ion before aervtng lakr a tip clean the inside of the refrigerator every two weeks llie dial should be turneil in di rrnxt or off tuon llawnu lemuvod the food fioni the ahelf iwlnw the f reeling unit spread a lit r ha pa per on it insert a pan of hot water in the freer lng unll to mifien ire quickly mean while take mil verthlng in the cat inet wash it interior with a ml 11 solution of wnter and baking soda i thsp to 1 gal of water wine the colli inxlde the ice tray units ai well a the sides of the compart ment pry out b fore turning on the elactrlclt wash ire rube tra in warm water with a clean cloth to prevent 1he ire rubes from becoming flavor ed scrub shele and dry them huh the rubber gakrt on the door with a damp cloth wrung ottl of cjear water do not use a smurtng powder on the outside of cabinet ah with mild soapy water and dry well colls should be cleaned of dirt and duit at least two or three times a year because accumulated dirt keeps the rolls hot it may proxe to be good economy to have your dealer or reliable ser vice man inspect the refrigerator if that has not been done for some time older tpe which may require oiling should be oiled every month saijtp sucoestlons 1 sliced beef livrr loaf spinach and lettuce salad with sour cream and chopped hardcooked egg dressing tomato wedges 2 jellied rgetahle moulds cheesa and parsle sandwiches t triple drck- rr ribbon with brun and white bread pickled beet 3 stuffed cooked lieets chilled green tean in french dressing green onions radishes 4 jellied veal and rice moulds cur rant jelly mixed timetable greens on nasturtium greens with salad drew lng 6 elft halves in tomato ellv cot tage cheese and panlev mounds brown rolls muffed with cabbage slaw corned beef and head cheose jellied horseradish macaroni salad grated carrot with mannakae let tuce 7 chilled cooked ffth on irttuce cucumbers in hour ream and potato salad corn cakks a cups ooked corn cup milk s thsp sugnr eggs t cup flour 1 tsp baking powder h tsp salt add the milk ami tugar h corn and combine with the i ggs whklt have been well batrn sift togethtr the dry ingredient and add to the corn mlsture irop by tablespoon fuls into greased m un bake in oven at t7s degree about on half hour suggested for meat sal ads mock iotato cakes 1 cup dried split peas 1 tup dry bread crumb 4 thsp milk i tbsps ml need onion 1 tsp sage 1 eggs beaten 3 tsp plrkle sauce s tsp salt and ft pipt cook washed split eas in boiling salted water until tender soak for a few hours first if delred own drain and force through a sieve to make a thick puree omblne with remaining inscmllents anil mix thor oughly shape into tallies and nl in additional rrumls hill in rrfrtg erator until tea lime about 1 hmirt then saute until brown scrxe with a relish if desired tut htwifhtiov box mrs j s uiyi li to stiffen net v lis iton ihent on uax pam r ii rieshen roses by plating them fni down in n ixml of i old water t slumps slink lokellnr tun in m pnrnleil hy iovi rlnk them with a ilicrl ill pajirr and proving with a witm iron mrs m m x we- e had ntir eliilili tojibtir in cinstant service for 1h enrs ixsnusi we ke p crumb ti ban and ket p i onl frei from kinks pull out ih plug knotty mr nnk ii if toast xtli k w ca tt out nrefull wlth a futk mver dunk toasti r in water and atxie all handle ii carefulk imptitv quality of ouuulian wool lite wool bonus of 4 tent per h to canadian wool fnmn provided fleeces are prtpi rl prepared for market a ll a for tin third consecut li m axnn in nil prov incex except manitoba all registered warehouses report that a vnu improvement has taki n place in the rrmov nl and sep arate pa king of sin h disqualify ln reei ts as tags chaf i v ne ks and backs and burrv bellies as an lllus trnllon of w hat is hi lng done by the grower a red nl analysis at one warehouse of 10117 ontario clips showed xft clean clips 312 clips where the grower had separated the reject at shearing time unci 307 clls whin thr tags haf f or hurry port- ions had lo be removed at time of grading a netlflc instant e is died of one ontario sheep owner who had 1h ih of hi aw chaffy and 1 lb of tacs in lmj fiom a total net witght of w1 lb but learning how io correct thr situation be returned with his 191 clip showing hoi a inte xund of rejit t wool and out of t lb almost hs ih of it wnt clasaiil n special si lection t he inert aw net return wan jfm or almost crntji per ihiiiml sssssrsssssssiuiiuasssssssssssssv chronicler ol j ginger farm writ nsily far by awkndounb p ulausb dkmand kxrandint kou british hi31s losion ci more british films nie being hhown in ilrltnln at pres- int than ever before and film makers sav t hi ntnrkt i s continually expand lng puring thetllm ear ended sept i t0th 1m4 wmc 1 170 hk ox fivl of ilrlllsh tklm wire w hi nod and doard of lynde reonls prove that tlrltlsh im mm lompi lied hv law to devote t per tint of the showing to dritlih prinliutlons an liking the output so niuih tlnv have voluntarily upped that privptage io jt and j5 per cent recent inetiture at bnckinhain palace i lease forgive me if this weeks chronicle should be atrlfte dlscon neeted ho much has happened since issl i wrote that i find it really hard tj rontrntrate you see we have our son hack home again alive and well hete is np need for me to elaborate on that statement every parent wllh s stn on active service knows very well what that means yes our boy hss returned to us but even at the moment of his arrival my liesirt si bed a i thought of tin se families o nun it less fortunate i nrn sure dial lo see olhi r itnys re turning- and know that our tiny ll hurie1 in n fnn ign field ts ilk tuinlnic a knife in an old wound hut that ufifortiinnli ly m im nf the for lunii of wnr our ko1 link mlhl i akii have been yours vmir mis fortune ourx itohahly only n snip its imllet math ihe dlffirenie and as i sit llxlenlng to lh wnr talk imi win thi mi n of m fnmll i am niiirwid i hit i out sum i vi r innnin d lo ii lint imnii nl nil in fat t ihrtt on nuinj iuiiui tutk allv holt tame or on i hi jui in mm ou ii mi uiim i sin dtx ki l in ni w i ork hmlmtr lnt wi ek and thinl hnngn a lad 1 or some reax mi whkih i ntinnt explain i vi r since ii was llrst annntincimt that the queen mnry was bringing trimps tmntf imiund for anada i was nl lull ly 1 1 rial n i tint nur son would tf ninonit tin m partner thought 1 ra mlally whin the news hroke about the riols in a1derhot w heie he warn stationed alul thi n every few davs letti rs would airlve ihe last willten june 11 in whlth hob said he was k nnotlur short it nvi hint im i nseil parini i s con v ii lion ihnt hi n turn soon was inipowihlt dliln t arui im i auve ion it nil m aklnn tin n w ns nothing to at mm ftlmiut hut m hum h saiml with me jut the same when the que n mat den keil i sinved is i love to the housi as i mild walttng for n imihmlhlt wire to le rflnid hy leli phone and it tame it renlly larne followed in half an hour by an official cant from ml 2 1 inn to the barn and after telling parlnir the good new i lerulnded him ihat it lx sometimes ntttr to trust a woman x intuition rather than a man t niiminlng of cmirxe it wiiivnl long tefore i phoned uaughtit and ko sister m t hrolher in toronto thev spi nt the evening together and thi n hob ton ttnuid his journi home on the midnight and xlnte thin well the nt t f i w max i an hartllj im des crtbeil itlen lx ho much tn tnltt alioul so ninth to cxplaln and dest nle hob wnntx lo know all aimiui everytine he ever know in this district we want to know all at tout the folks back home whom he visited we are nnful not to nsk to many questions ahout his exerlrnrei in y uropc but wt hear plenty just lh vami i hey leak out tn the ordinary course of conversation we hoed he would hrlng home a few souvonlrt to hamt around but he brought home vi r fi w rhr reason was hecauite most of the time he was cither in holland or lirmnnj nnd he sns uel- kium i the placi to huv souvenir in holland tin re is nothing it ft t huv howi vi r he did have a few rtlics a tolltttiin of hutch and tier- man coins a erman belt a vvntth purchased in helgtum when he first landed a pair of wooden shoes in miniature a solid brass rover for a memorandum pad w hit h he picked up in trmanv he also had an iron cross which n iung ormnn bov h d offt rtxl htm wlun tin canadians il it took over hut which somehodv i lor swiped from his kit hag all the e things are ouite interesting hut the hist souvenir he brought us was him self and we shall never ceato to b grn ihnt hi n vp o back to us in good health nnd all in one piece as for uob i think the farm h oks pretty good to him just now at anv rate he ha lost no time in getting out and doing things to hp hn pad and im telling vou there was never a time when his help was more ac ceptable jhan it is right how leavlns ft h burton vc of lh pukt of wellington regunen ina the palace alter receiving hli vicfoha cross v timon for mothers londov cp thousands of country fathers mnj have to devote one night a wek at home to mind tho baby if plan of the national feder ation of women institute are car ried out the federation is planning a series of postwar tuition courses for mothers and present plan call for one evening class weeklywhen baby will be asleep and ma safely be left winfather iialton farmers keep tiie1r cost figures on hwih in 1h4 five llalton juplor farmer in cooperation with the local branch of thij ontario dept of agriculture each kept cost figures on a utter of hogs those o ojieratlng in the pro ject were as follows wm alexander rot gr town len campbell milton itoss vrdon it o k wool tsude pic ket snd bruce held both of eorge town dutrltt the jwriod of mark ellng extended from jjwrrriljit 1m4 to april uf thji year it is irterest lng to note ihat after allowing 7 as the valur of earh weanling pig aril after deducting all feed coxts the five colter tors had an average of si 0 41 per pig left to cover latxjur interest n investment and profit on the average it took 1 fifl lb of meal and comentrate the skim milk being charged up at 5oc per nrt another tkilnl of interest was the fact that all five inters averaged ftt x a in contrast to 4 4 as for thi ounty nf llalton in 1014 snd jfl 1 as for ihe ihnnlnlitn i lie ruperlrme and rei ords if these five hatton farmers go to sub slsntlale ihe xtntrment made hy ag ilcullural lei resentstlve j v white- iim k at the llalton ilncon show lat man it that ihe n ntnge of a marketed from the ngnly of llnllmi could im autorualli nll im reaxid i simply nutrkitliik our h u at the i mpi r w elk his rtnlnly w 1th i n mark ri ad to k im k into ihe llr ltlh mnrkrl n hvi l it full ts ninmi t inl allm tn o the nnndlnri tntmsv al washing ton ii lx isxeiilial ihnl ihe helernt and iinvlniliil nvi imm tils nnd ho pkmtuiirs k ne rail do mom than simply some wishful ii inlkiik f hi y am itlle it t d in telnlnlng lh hiitlsh him m tuiada n iim onl of hi indi as will wlntnly not hnld that iimiki1 inn will nor lack nf i onl limit of sup i ni hie ve ihat kuil oui hediinl nnd liovlmlal ovetniuints must kk a l aj fur thiiinom nt hoi imluierx mlllm ay mure iillinllnn to the itiuli minis nf ih hiitlsh mmkel if nil ia lx lo felnln n wmlh while la e hint inntkil in tin ml wnr mr ih illily ahmltnmrst vanctttvrit nr rni line k m ilvtllnn life am r ik ni in the nnv i r hamlllnn now in i hi in until hostile an lix k on a touh nssiinnie nt he unili rltkik to ive fne din r w ivii i for a month to mr nnd mrx a ivrry trtputx j ht dlnieis or 7 j n da nnmln iiominlnn i ent t mi nt nf arl ulture lm msili extensive ti xlx lo dilermlne whnt fruits and vt g i aide x hft strong enoii h tnst x smi llx or olors to wilhstnnd the r h i xs of di hdintion timely canning hints keeping quslities of canned fruits do not depend un the addition of sugar hut rathtr on proper process ing and ue nf airtight containers it is slated h miss kdilh flliott of the nutrition division of the dominion iepartment nf agriculture mi f lllolt recently madr a tour uf ontario points givfog illustrated lectures on canning step by step i he tour was sonsored by the health league of anada anmng other things miss f tlott rinj basiled that hie fresher the fruit the better the canned product and the iru the c ham e of failure only proper sired rubber rings khnutd ite used all sealers should h in perfect condition no cracks or chips heinlcals or canning compounds should not le used as they possibly could tie harmful lops should not te tightened after sealers are cold such tightening hreakx the seals and causes much spoilage in testing for leakage nevi r in veit vaiuum tyie sealers with metal lids w hen i old slm ly gently tap lids wllh a smkin if properly sealed they will fclv e n clear rlntnic rob noil ih cuivid stlkatly inwaid kkitisii ukatiikkmkn iiak uyyt t joii ifimkln p hrltnln x rinlioi i ifclslx hnve ixime to the toneluslon ihnl ihe only nictirnte f jr asl lley inn iiiiike is tint ii will he colder in wlnleillmi thnn in ninimi r ihi hilllsh isles ixmrdmik lo air m in 1st i mi ti otftloij n i e xi rtx r in fi n mnn iniwl its fnl na llm nth inn 1111 lis nf i nm eineel unlf it diii n dllfi le nl xnitx of we m her i mi xwo p ti iw n on lliltnm nt any linn mi 1 m i e vpeitx a ii in it f re nst ik i in nli l foi i nor than 1ft i imii in ndvnik ne ni iv nnv s irt of winther can i i up mmildlisx of se iisoii evet i stre m h nl in winter ni snow in miminrr tin official said iold chum ton nr ot sum voos own mmm sugar loss ol plcllu y dont lose single jar of those fine pickle this season tecuae of tpoil mr hy inferior vtnrfar pot sure results insist on canada vinegar the choice of leading pickle manufacturers and ri iwricncrd home canner a favourite for over 80 yrars write for free pick ling recipe ivkiklct to canada vinegars limi trt 112 duke street toronto canada vinegars paitrutizrd the perfect thirst quencher haliuia tea selfpropelled another move forward for agriculture new developments in machinery have always had a marked effect upon farm ing the reaper the binder the tractor and dow farming wpiipmfnt nnrf th combine all have helped farmers do their work caster quicker and more profitably the latest development in farm equip ment the selfpropelled combine per fected by masseyhaksis prior to the war has revolutionised harvesting it has also opened up new possibilities to the implement engineer for developments in other types of farm machinery that will bring increased advantages in the saving of time and labor with the massbyhamus selfpro pelled combine one man with the grain tank model can harvest sixty acres and upwards in a day costs are less too because one motor operates the mecha nism and propels the machine grain is saved mime being knocked down and shelled in opening the field anyone who can drive a car can learn to operate a selfpropelled comblns good farm management employs the advantages of modern equipment to speed up the work save labor increase production and lower production costs it is easier to form profitably with good equipment your local dealer will be glad to give you full particulars about the selfpropelled combine and other machines in the massbyhabbis line engineered and built to meet the needs of modern farming i masseyharris company limited u i l d e k s of good farm implemestb since idl i j j

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