Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1945, p. 6

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ravftoc i nc aviun rhtc in coo tlltkiuai needs of canadian haines shown in recrnl sure tle kilihrn is lbi i ntrr- of fmll srtiml in t anadlan niouum ami lot tr tuuries allhnuiji f them liivt iiviiib kmmiu i nnail an families nut mil took in t lejtlti u n bul iiut voxiniul linn ami iiuu uftkli loundr and tjk itlis in tl- kllrhi n vn ul limn wn l their if lit i ana han imummk w to have hi r wnk imtl l kil lit nk lired mei lutulim md a m prrtidnit of 1ftii hroi h j lmlte1 by tila firm initutr ti arrattfel in aiinoum idk rrsulu of tlir tettmd art tun of a iuiuuiik mnr iwnduitetl lis layuuj in save nettlr work if the sain lt hnliuf nr appllad t thejhdirn tlir woiksliop nf llit home many foro slrm and much earning ami lifting mum l dlmln tl hateari hers visiismi several thous and homes throughout canada and interviewed housewlve in one of the moat intenalv sludlea of household working conditions ever undertaken the difficulties of doing housework hampered at eery turn by tarsi of proper equipment eiertally in the farm hum are pictured vividly in th following findings about our farmhouse in every six 1h had m ink the shortage la hatr that total in small towns and villages ami one tenth of farm sinks are in aotne room other than the kllrhrn almost one third of ihrm have no drains and is hae no ian i1ial mum water has to he lifted into the mink by hu k el or iraki llle nnl dirty water laitlrtl or siphoned mil tin village tlrnln shortage is il while 1 link lap tlue m i int of ttie faim sink an tihi hlh foi women ulm nv litem while 1 of faun uoimn mi heir inks nrc low and mould ilk tbrru rnlum to mu tun k fatigue in lllat and sum 1 1 low u iioiih i in r nit inn iikiii too lnu sinks onu m f fiuiu wu et tl li trfrlt i rttor no towns i in tnlnl is onl i r i rit iotti i t n ntlnhli the mlla nntl oit m of in thr mint nnllonol j rural rli irlfi alum i o when all fttnim lix ludln he logger one nnd those rrmnli li licntet nr count i d almod one faim in four 1 hi ft and uu fifths of village humtk linvt 1 uhwiv no hi boi v on farms the rolil ilor mm nf aife fli id i- liil l tix shrives in iam mil- of n tnent on w mdow htlgt i nr in iwr unk i chrt or sheds hort ighl rrent mild not of fni m wnnu n tu i ml on i hi t i li u nt m lionit iuniii diut foi fthxl stoiai hut u n so do m nt ullngai and 10 of f mht t ieopli in tlllii anil larger iomiu iiiiiiiuih u vhe are uimniir tl s ur n tn lenth f fnrm u onion mjiiii mkiiit runniiik wattr more than nny other tm klti lu n improxi nu in a pump would i the week al ottawa hy ii u jeh t miillin treca wag u riter tin aw jul i it pi of rurow miuiii mid m iiinhrn provides link uitl1 home tor hov at sea ijmer ierk 1ucu slw liftm ehnrie lale i un soft dnnloi and hhrr tinip jul iiui the nrner rujc sttirr ixarv kuimmkhh code rouov it ll hnk n i i u loui spmd lit i liiuktit will ii all liolitim- thjt link ii m i mi i i i i id of inajo r i ate on of lit n was ih fi uni k1 ana u with lei i p tid 1 wnrliine akih ultural inlu ilmi nihil upon 1 i fuinlsh winn of thr food nelel h the liberated opl- nil the lmllhn was it i 1 mio t thr all miat ratlmilng hiirndaied in may 1wi and was alninl al htilldlng up supplies for the itlterated eoptes however suf fit irnt shipping spat r was not available to lairy the sup piles canada hullt up and rationing was terminated in march 1w4 now the pldure la quite different and meal rationing is to be relntrod uied 11e individual will lie allowetl 1 hiuiiu if meat per week tiesldes any amount of fish ami fowl he may procure lite reliilrodui lion of rationing was made nrveary by the fait that t anada s meat supplies no longer are what they wne in im more that itturd inr man pralrlr farmi rs liave de ided i line was more money and lev trouhb in growing feed gr alns than in growing hoga many imw inimii hae tul down on thrlr hints and the rslu tlnnt have bet n irinlitl mi t anada h llvrlok mar ku mill h npllt iii ik- nl jwft l ii li hi mlk anil k link il li li i tl i kill 111 i jtvs ny da h olh 1 w h anndn i aki u itmk anlren aloanl this mli w r re a hundn d mill 1aml a 1- nd nnd n mirti hat i ill oi tl il mnli n frivu i fthi pink l r la ma n ur i all i i 1 in of ihi farms kriakr of iv 1 2 i n k dt niand 1 ih kintn i nt imionhik mutul r ik1 h ti in t i n mul t- i hi ii x trrrsra mj i rgent nil it 1 i- in u- m stnur all x ha- nil nt la not t rnjiti en fat i i in i an ki t tin little luxur i nwn front i iht typual oft thr up slug into minefield tiul thi frltnws are luutig lug around thn deck i atlng the i ho iiiuip ihiis anil dilnklng the aoft ill inks they would i to rating and drinking weie ihey landing hr afternoon in lliilr hom i mm hlef sab sman is all w oopri of saint john n ii llr is a salloi with three ioii w a tint and fur iht last ih muni loi its te n store keeper almaid uwlilihn rl like ih job i ka hr mil but afti r thr war horn of this uvt r the i ou y i r t tiff fur tin 1 tn k il t be a im hand hut his post win ambitions don i inlrf i wllh lil iiiimmi job sum k ed into the i ubtiy hole w hi b la ihi i nnli i n an iki hi t imhoimii itaiu lihilhpahtr riwir tilinb llkbti i fluid tooth hruhi fiuil uls tnati hi nofl ill inks mul ink to num u f i w of tin llms i ilts or ihi krtiiu id in iinaibi iln nun an j n in t nh m an tak olll vi llttlt i iiku ih lilt ullowutl two of hum monlhu riitliin torn in n til tu builm fnshlon liiuikink xi th bulk i n 1 u tin i itettt t tt in nl nhiwliik a il hmik bal mi mul lh w ill i i nt to 1 u 1 ou ibil k it i mi imp nnt iiu ml in kf u 4 limit it trendy it 1 n h t 11 i ith off in r for e- itn e of wlsttml m in i mi i il a vt lllliu 1 ix it w mill ix tl mtll l i in h ibis ml iiml f 11 iw il 1 l imi 1 an 1 lllllt sll ur iii ii i it 11 1 1 will u i l o 11 ill i wll w it f 1 iii 1 il nil r i i tin i an i 1ih 1 will n l tllkl i will nol kla in tht 1 will nol swim far una by a ual i will nol tlur from a t 1 my t ompanloii i will n 1 watrr i will not rndatiurr by daiea or pranks tys aloard my lit ngtli or s are olbrt mkkmatir hkim kinti utailuir in reply lo birthday gteellnga sent fium ihr annual niratlng nf th lluy s out asaim la i ion at ottawa on his blitbday june h ills majesty ihr rlnu has st nl this reply ilrase ton m y to all stoutrr siouts and ubi of the hoy vouts asso latlon in can bila my slm ere thanks for uio kind atul iuni iih usage ou have sent on ihr nbhratlon of my birthday nurgft 11 iln mi sottgi was r ilvid by uu iovunor cum ral hit r smut for anndn who dis pot bid tin unitlnus to the king miin for homii building must lili shcukhd i i mil f faijtnf ji illl rneuliil irrntrr- cutic irciidig hauutii inrliiri fn tlje itielhiirt for tfc i unci ji jin large j slmrtjcv of workers fur buikliu liomci jjul for uoiliktii tin tnnulin nutcfulv jrc lhrcjtriin ti mipnlc tiiutlj i program for tlic oiimruilion of lotkki lioinri of i jmssitir all men cxtcnrntfd in home ihiimim or yi proiluun huiljin uiutrruh who jic noi now working in rithcr issihcc iiiiliimrin dtc uracil to apply ro ilir ncjrrm offurof ihr njlimul ijnploy ment srrvur iliuncdutcly men cxivneiuei ji luime ruiililin or producing supplin il now in oilier eiirntul work will lie iven lieriiun to work ji ob whith will jmt the liousc ihiiijiii prorjtu all mm nol now al home builjing nf pro dutlmg lupplin uhu emit fill nb in ihit program art urged lo aniuer ihn all dpph unit at ihe near til ibt national i mploymtnl serine department of labour iiumimiriy much ii a macnamaha mliintrr of i almmir drputy minuirr of i ruur 4 llll 111 mid f r tl rrlng i nitieot das made h pi am med n nimiff i h neetls who had h allld if food 1 tn up ih ant lak 1 to im ii meet ihis prohli m for ipan of them i nl one in wants her kit hen modem ixed nnd nnothrr one in nkn that the toi sink nnd ntlirr working un ha ih- it arranged to nit down work m ptnnl mil for units in kite h fiu and four pt rn nt want modern inks five penvnt on farm nk for wnt er hentent ns their number one icltrh nre i rsm wis t ninl rntioiibik in i nnndn im inslituttd immnllnti h f iiimpli n tmimirntl m 1 hat wiih w h thi i with mi it i ons rv tillon in tin horn nnd in n stnurmit lie k ii hint ns h whin mi at i aliening might im t omr tffiitm hul mom ipmiph in parltnim ntrv jirdri filt ii would u within ttu n t two months pninl nntl hlldn n in thr roun ill dalh a fnlr tin torn i tid dunlop i bill and ant ii mii lit kin w mul tol lks llkmlt i r di k nf and i onimy on nlkarv i willi of till it dl stn ioi nt ihio i ii ako wnnls w hi b intt i n d m n i min kxxboll h n n siitlor li i k noioii it ii iii lloal him n loan nh ii i nnd fun hi oa- k and enntet n en lmpnxnrnt numtnr n mi1 f- ler in urban ten tret nlr nd ttettet supplied pnntrltx are an immeillnle postwar preft renie of t of farm women one in illnge w omt n nnd ono in 25 in bigger places two farm women in are weary of trlnc to keep kilt hen floors clean that nre worn hmvtng crackim nnd past their prime they w ant new floors so does a like ivtvent of wo men in ctt town and village iledet orating is number one on tht list of tv of farm women 4fc of tht c in villages and in nigger centres one farm woman in wants el ectric rerrlgi ration nut than any other kitchen improvement in titles towns and v itlngi nearlv one kiti hen in 14 has n corner reived for pwi- war elthlru refrikei atont there is n high dt mnnd for bigger klu hi n in all nn n ono r nson it that mi mnnv in il nr intm there over thivt ipinrtns of farm families and nmilv as mum hi iitii rat trie cnr roun t in th n k th n in v ill ages tht flkure i s lkvk oij is exikkt coikfbi r lilninl mild mr lulev mf hi iplt vt nnd lfop 1 s jropnrdl id the pt i nnd mlm r the are left we hn11 have vi hnrdlv won elertrir kcncts control lie stock i lv slihk ns a ul nt id little training to k p nn mm t it it it finii obstivntlnns nt tin pomin ion f pt rimontnl st iiton nj swift shall tunc heled to promote the rrent snsk show thnl11u nnlmak inlikl hut if wt make tht m feel thnt they have frtendi in tin lr time of trouble kind of cooperation upon vvhlih the future ixnte of the worli depends and while farmers heard the t nil for more and more food for r urope thr auo lotiketl to rump for hi lp it wns in r urope thnt ninn of theli sons and helium now wire stationed nnd until thev returned fnrmi rs could not nee how thi tould incn nse thi lr produi tlon alrendv more thm r twti m the htinii nrniv and il torn pt rwinm 1 kiheduled to n ai h l nnnda b the v ar end bnve nrriv itl in the ivimln ion hut a ko il number of thee men hnvi voluntitn tl lo nrr in ihi la llli wtt riv timk otk fikst since umo in i u k n r v oi jh t iik land tin pun nr tak- ourt n u 11 i omxtn uti r vnl llstt w ilkm mi an t liwv west tnl lvutv pitloi ml reiutltd a job i w i two ki igv and now tat n d uikb ot 1 lumlvr h been iebtlmtl bv tho tointrvk load- ini hirdiehsmg i p ru i the wst of thcmn giniu r at i liemnl v bolntion of lntlbk ilnlr cr ton petition ho vvnlkim oft with top hon ors winning 100 jhiints in the ippreti- tlco tlv out of n poxaihte itvt her closest competitor got tj her emplover president of the ns- sothatlon mild lot1if peoplr tome from the farthest ttotit- of england to have their onu done- ov u tnorrow the vntt come torn paris and new york ono da 1 hope she will be the greatest ilgure in the hair- dressing world alred pat is creating her own ttjles and her employer predicts that tn a few years it will cost rel money just to consult her at for pat she lays tve never regretted coming into halrdresilna i love it in xttmih tirt i line in this nu rd i ilt i n ons off in lho uu- m n if llrltnlns hul oillmu lii ld to work full slnlts n siluidivt to sliow the t oun u whit tint i uill di i lu v worked full shifts nundtvs t o m opt for iir lr itu ti m ritorls w re stt ijll thr nigh th wii ml tow that sntur- d iv ift rnootis r not n ing worke lb nit n lni pionitsd the niimgi- nn nt that prthluttion will mill bo at rtt ord ih nk lrnrn verv quit kl nnd do not np prom h n fence oun w lujn it is not i barged at swlfl uinnt n 11 pint wil battun win uiihi tta nn cltlttlt ft nee thnt vvns uu d throukhout th summer months inst vnr for pastur ing intth uu lattb were well con 1 1 oiled no harm wni done lo th nittli nt the attendant nnd the bat- titv was still rhnrkd nt the nd of the season the use of electric f nces is gmduk nllv bet omtng more wldrlv odoptel for pastures 1 hi so fences hnvc many ndvnntnges but i nre is ne i ssnry in i stahllshing the iqutpnunt among tin ndvnntnges nr rcdmtion of ctit in intting tempotnrv ft nces redui tlon of nnditure for wire ptists ml gites tihhullon of injuiv to tlv st k tin ndiptition in the w st to win ling i mli i s oi ti mi ii ir p isiuro iri ns olh it i i nipt i ti il t 1 in i and th t in 1 miii in ihi fit i is of untillihb wnds t hit might nt hi rw ke lt wnstttl i ml one or two w in s in suffu nt t i irrv tin iru turunt on win is ittl but for hors s nnd t utle o wins ire i on sub red jnf i ibu f t piga ami simp ih win i in hi supported b pint inn iilsiilit rs in b l st- frrami cabiiiiiato caiiirmt your bonk is a link botwoon lh man in canada who hat good and torvlcvt to buy or tall and his customers abroad tlw bsnllmss f yer bonk is not all done in dollars ami cents it renders valuable service to c anadian business in the far oft market places of the world overcoming the ohsmilct of strange currencies he they pesos or piasters escudos or rupees tkrwsfjh us commercial correspondents and business connections all over the globe your hank often has the specialized informs tion necessary to bring buyer and seller together no matter how far apart they live ymr tank is nh to gather information on the reliability of foreign firms to handle letters of credit to arrange the compli cated eichangc of funds performing an individual intricate and inexpensive service to importers and exporter alike tkit fmtart of canadian hanking has a direct hearing on your welfare it has through many years developed the sale of cana dian goods abroad resulting in more johs for canadian men and women thlt atvrf f fm nt it sponsorcr by your bamit ik i t in it i ki urn to to 10 eet advertisers meet the most people the adventures of pac6zia pkh by thi iritish amfrican oil company limited id chum ros n er souiwayeuk own nrf3 hivac out trost tlvst his version of how ih flnrstcniilffoil tytnotiid by pett is svlaclfd and rstlaod to mikt ba prlt for loaisr hl lowtr repair costs ask far pvsrlsss uotor oil tomorrow its auovod tie miios to qeducc allsr tsastaa ih lassaus s soial curkssa otocisb hist wllh ltih vtciuw 4ltlilulis pf ti cmtcats it out nithacnaahmtbtsr lar low adh i rsltl ih labbtjltss fuslur of prls th ftak grsdm sr sassla sch wiu h midi is do s bht th ik lb mkta of rw ur ford nd mercury sales and service norton motors acton ford trucks and tractor ferguaoti system haplemciiu t ii imfajya4i rjp

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