Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1945, p. 2

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abb two the acton free press thursday august 23rd ims neighborhood news ifcumin litma conwnln ota cwilr and coeutuniuca in wmkfc man of our real arc inlmatnl milton jcpls j b int of the rck wtiote pidiili mr m dnt rnwr t it it 2 milton wa also rlromm home h family and frier k who de light in tlie xaft- ai rival mr and mr william j wilson received the sad ne on aunt ath that their urn sift william marshal iud wilson had died n a result of injurirs rrcled in an atrid nt over- ara nn auuit vd ile jirn stuvrr aim- twime on sunda fnink aflr lhe jrai ovfiuu irvt an mi xil of tbnr nd a half iari he ix a son of mi and mn cliff slower rind served with the 1mb field ambutane in kntiland franc holland and trrmany judur j ijiuithland hav during the week furw ardfd the judging rvsutta of the halton attn ultural sm 1 1 kir id crop cmmlitln to s rtar k m headhead the judgm w- on krg ajax oat and following it the srore of the right prize wlnnen w k hnmkon fireman v j 11 wlllmolt milton b4 iloss segsworth irtrnmn kl ii w itirhardkon milton h1 claud ilrkelt crone town h- wm da lr camphrllv llle 2 vernon mrarthur milton hi a t wnrtdle mlllrm 75 canadian champion everton knenl ixitorx with mr and mix t i mrtub hron and mr haivry jrstln wrrv mim iran hall toronto mr and mr hum an mi dmignll mism- u1hnhr mtlounall and jean kohertson ktin and mr and mr walter online cuultervlllr chn jax and mm lighmn and ion alfred 1ondon mnt the wekend at the home of the former parent mr imi mr uiuw miu fran e ivm of s mruv ny im lkltlnk nt ibr hiinir of mr jmn simons and mn k shepherd- on mlk barbara bruhnrn ent a ft- dajsn iuelph with iier grand par ents mi and mis x van norman mm m mrtuh hron of lto koo 1 u lhltlnc with her sinter inlnw mr john mccuttheon mr and mr alfred fouling sixth line mr and mr will alexander fifth line were sunda visitors at the home ol mr and mrs i ham ilton ljifct work visitor at thr home of ml au rim k and mrs suter wrrr mr i mm klntinn tuelph nnd mauler kellh illnck limn line ml nnd mm mori is spent a frw rtnv last week inloionto vtxitlng mime of their friends mrk h t- fhnnpon returned to iter home sundnv bn ing uen v sit ing for n touple of wivk nt dundnik and other places mr and mn cro younj and mnrt ln town line vlxltrd mr c c itnhertson kundnv mr nnd mr brit inlfrnmnn of the cuelph bond spent sunda wlh xut- latter s parents mr and mrs w ii norton pte jaik martin of toronto i ttlns nt the home of hi unlr and aunt mr and mr c fountain mr unitun pnvld tovell nnd on hrurr afttl w if e toronto were sun da ultors at the home of mr nnd mm lohn alton nnd ml j tovell the y 1s tok hnir of the mrrt inn on sundn rvrnlnk lit tin church of chnm mi klmer stalnton tor onto nddrensnl the mretliji mis illnnt he mcklnnon sann a solo mr ceo lnmhrrt lead the scripture jlm- di fount ii m enr n rending mr itlllle struiitt tn the rhulr cpl allmrt alton mts lohn alton nml miks jennie torll tjnt mon day rxeniiii it the home of mr and mm stimlcx mow tut sixth lme ilnleiidrd foi i st week suudiiv lsilois id the home of mkmes m niitl kite hool wrie mr nnd mts wihud tinvn nnd twins lotonlo mrs a ho miinmh and xon koult mtnln mi uid mrs ralph ivver and hh hosloi mrs m mcuttioon nnd mis will smith isitd mis john vutcioin mondiv ospringe mr and mm bernaid forritelle and famil uf cuelph i4fit sunda with mr and mrr oorjjr rund mr and mia stewart midonald a ml twin of itm heiiter ny were visltoi foi a foa da lit hik with mr and mrs 1 stew ail i mix mattha haul of wen siiunil is hudaink he home of mr and mm f brdon mr nnd mm alf cook and unda of cuelph kp nt ix da ihit week with mi atxt mm i botrrtmn ml jimiii kaltlioff f imuiio u tiolldaln at the home of mr and mm k kalthoff a numlmt fiuin here attended the vounj ieple ri mi e on sunday is en i nit lverlnn church when mr klmer stalnton of loronto warn kuet jmaker ml jllam he mckln non ronlnlhjted a tplendld aolu mle shirley and audrr irundy are wmtink with fitenda tn uelph mr jotjah stewart ii viiltlnit hi dauichter and onin law mr an4 mm botirit klnu at richmond 11111 inlendm for 1ast week mix helen altkrn of weston l holidaying w 1th her uncle and aunt mr and mm cordon altken and family friend of mr henry lleamlkh pro sorry to learn of hit aerlou lllne and hom hr nil xion lr reslorrd to letter health mr and mr iulie jiundy and t htldren of farmlrikton ml h have lmin holldnintt at the home of mr and mr oiie grundy and family mivx annie kirk wood of iurlph sm nt thr weekend with mr and mrs f hmdon miwr lhllls itibrrtaon and kl- eanor lleatty of alton ltletl on sat uiday at the home of the former k one le and nun i mr and mr i c rntrrton mm alex toxell of owen sound spent last vrik wuli mr and mm i stewart and famlk w ek end nuexti nt the same home werr mr and mm cetrje jtennli k and marion of ham ilton mix ixaiielle stanton cuelph uprnt the uwk end nt her parents home mrv kurll of toronto ix nlmo a uit with mr nnd mrs auert s anion mm mcswaln and children of nla- nia falls spent n few dns last week w ith her ister nnd hi oilier- in law mr nnd mis k fisher mlx mm ion sim inlr ix hotula inc in cuelph w llh in t im lo jirul nun i mr ruid mm arnold sintnlr wren mo buirowx i ornwnlll i ihndini n ln week furovijh at the home of her nnronu mr nnd mrs n p burrows ime keith uur- mwx nf hnrrtrltrld inmp ktnton was alio home orr the weekend mr benmlsh of loronto uitn for a few da i a work nt thr home of mr and mr 7 tvnmuh kenneth robertson ivnt tlio wrek- nd al iho home of hlx um lo nnd mint mr nnd mrs noinmn jtnbvrt- sn aclon mlssen arlene flshor nnd iatiy inklexiin of guelph are ipendlnn n work with relntles in nlngnrn faluv thr combined young ieopua so- ilrllen uf ospi inge anl krrton chinch met on mondn rvrnlnc in thr local church hrimrt of the recent enmp held inst uirk nt norm- indnle w ore kivon t limnn fount nln nnd kenneth ilohertson an- noumenient was auo made of a smiinl y i service hold lnit sundn in kverton klmer stalnton vx the sliest hitker spot inl music w ni ptmidod and nn enjovahlr evening held mr nnd mis cordon altken nnd liunilv v isiteit ui sundnv ith mm mlkriit piiirnti ro a o w foie ninn nnd mrs foreman nt bnlltnfnd ihix nisi tttid iho ploasme of meet nit her in other sherlm k nnd his hrldo fioni detroit mich who innt the week end u his homo a vol v onjo me nf lei noon w n pont on w otlnosdnv august 1st nt the homo of mis k knlthoft when cxprintie omen institute onter- iinod the cimiinxhv hrnm h lhiit lidiox woio piosenl iho roll call u i won- stnrlini nt twonivonr proved vor amuiin tjuolph road sjvnt sundn vlth mr harf text in ajid kobei l ritint iltomm the home of vr b stnmn nnd mrs shophonlmn oro mr and mrs w kun toron tu mr and mt miwmi and mr nnd mr leonard io cuolpl mul mr harvdd sunteuuuelph mm lillian sunter spnt n few di la wk with hoi victor miv altntt mowillmmt and familv rultnch mr hd mr john alton cpl al- anil mim jonpie tofil vlllted mr nnd mr uvlvrt ratten or sunday iri ouelph mr and mr will alexandre tlfui line vtvited mr and mm j hamilton nday mr d parker and son colin visits d mr and mrs omar parker on sunday mr and mr a bole tpent a few daya up north at southampton and otherplant j i nrtn n ttrt p nw r iniim whuh pt operations foi hand eonivit and pn mo tn the nonr futun idont -ftjii- if won nindo communitv the cm njjxm protulont mix chester burt pirhidod over wr mtorost iiik pio- iam which u i ni imiow commun itv xmtint nccompnniod b mm m rihim an nddr on health and imlicilion b mm donald mnthu- son piano sou mm kellent currrnt ovonts mm d mclutu aoaip on tot mls eleanor crahnm limehouse capt and mm j maxwell or tor onto visited the jamlesoni and the mcvf week ago vltitom with mm cal and mlai ivens included mr wm urvlg of brant ford mr and mm barna and j4is lieulah bruce of toronto mr and mm w bagnellft of d- tiuit visited thr nobles last week brrnice m roe and olive hamil ton uf west over are holidaying with the hamilton thlldren ijere mr and mr ken hamilton and t htldirn attended thr golden wedding vlehiatluti uf hi parents at kllbrtde it et illy mr and mm ja k smethumt and jacqueline of sudbuo lsltd mls silielhuint his week mi it 1jho spent a few das n itornelown last week mr and mm eo ka of limit- hiide have been spiidin a few days with mi and mr iiml k rock wood when woid was ieeivd of japans luirnulit last lutvla rsening thero was uri at eoli lug in the village and imith outij- folks and grown ups rel- thialiil the invasion vltli flags and li- oi at lonv ev en on cars also old nn and rim tied on behind cam and blivilr v 1 hr iteji at st johns church wu i unit 1 wjee in the evening by differ- nt patties welnrday passed off iuletly with all business placrs closed for the day toward the end of the week the limal w omens institute made plans for a vhtory serv b e sunday after noon in kxhlbltlon park with thr cuelph salvation army band supply ing thr music bev j ward was chairman for thr occasion and the band menilters weir vety generous tn their number on lire progi am a colic tlon wax taken up in behalf of the band at thr t low of thr pro- irnni reveille was sounded by th bandmaster with a few moments of xllenct followed b the national an- ihnm and iwnixlii t ion by brv john ward innlni ttir prornin reeve i i iray spxtke hrletl and a 1lf- ring addtes wax given by mr kdr whi was prenent with the band ser vices on sunday wore lnrrly devotetl t the thanksgiving nnd lrtor for tlit muun of cunilici fildn afternoon the w m s of the irosh tennn cliurt h hold their monthly meeting nt thr home of mr tn swanston third line kramou nnd uudk folks of thr chun h were iihvo piosenl for a picnic with rev j mtlvor nnd mr richard harris nlso present during late aftrrnoon iiinii nnd spn ts were enjoed fol low ett hy a picnic supper after which rov w j mi ivor shikc huol nnd vtite of thanks for the plenxnht time sm nt as well ax tlutnkx to the hoitex foi ttio in i timiin mr r llnrrls nlso uilled ntlention to iho letent passing of ke n a mm knchrrn editor nnd publisher tif lrexhv lot iftii puhlu n tions loronto nnd tils inborn in bc- tiil f nf sundav s hoot supplies cs- iei inltv in tonnottlon with sui h pap ers as the chnllenje younk cnnnda iheslorv hour iho front lino thr teinlior whuh luivr mnrte n vnlunhic contribution to the welfare of i tie i hui t ii in k nrrnl funeral soi v li os weir held in cnlvln 1reshvtoi inn chun b hninston ml with inter ment in llirnston tomolorv purlng the first world wnr the into mr mncknchrin was n t hnplnln for thr islh highlander wthktywt nnd sunday visitors mr rov in toronto mr nnd mm angus carter of nurtph mr nnd mr llovd hunter nnd dnughtrr cnlnevlllr mr nnd mrs wilmott fltzslmmons tnt pietent of civlph mr stunrt fo cuelph mr nnd mrs noimnn guild- to ronto a number of visitor wore prevent from hmntford ilamlltqn and nearby points on the oct nsloft of cpl james a milne x brief visit home ho rr- turnti in toronto sundnv evening foi modi nl nlteiuion nt ctiorloy iit k 1 lospitnt anothei of mn riukwood hovx llovd lvor r oak is opectod hntni fumi ovoiseis somcttnu tol month riv in mrs j mi ami b ind- il uililit batbtra wind u fi mi ulav moiniiic on n i iip to nim i ork ny lot this week master ii is spendlm mdhoi mis claike and mr colin kibbing mr and mis cnmt ivttv nnd sons returned homr late salurda complete servifie can waauii clnj and kimonizcd radlatora flitalwd and mrnded complete line of iibricanu and scrrim tir ialrhine and hrtwlrs itatury kwviu macswains service station quren strwt arton 1hne as successor tt tylers service station balance or 1944 income tax due 31st august 1945 tttbbmjyara ors ramindad that any balanca of incomo tax on 1944 income ii duo on 31 tt august 1945 to b lur that tharo wilt bo no error in account ing for your payment comptet th ramittanco form p rov id ad batow and mall it with your ra mittanco to your district inspector of income to department of national revenuetaxation division incomi tax ii u itt mci foim to lnap1oi ol inroin taa al thiymonl el innim- in ini iha yi ctlllhri oi ji clly tn rinrinia runt rvtma and ajjiril ilflt ndlf ihoan on r tcmn tt ri hoi pint iiukm tl ny tini imri ilm j i cliiiko of coorelown onio unio with his uraivl it- on iiim tlulr iuiluli at wi rr hctuh chrxtor llnnk in o nllm tticn week mi and mrs hat k in then mt liohdav mis fftu nickrll ix nwav to i hi lu tu minn and other toinu to v sit mem bets of hoi familv mr nnd mm coo bolton tn com panv with mi npd mm rrj- miok and daughter uitnl mr and mr j v fitrsimmons at mooretjelil tnxt vv rok mwiins to n clow after which ml- toionto sunflsv evrnm after iriwred to thr lawn where a salad s n t da ttllh ht talhpti plate tunh w mrvrd a prtie riven mr stownrt s rovce for a birthday nrnnm the first of m john it rkiinrtuon who with w u m b m akut y his family relehratid his ilillburch hh birthday at hia home lnt werk mrs- e barber tendered a vote of thanks tothe conlngby ladles for their wxetestlnc program and hoped tuesday at his summer cottaite in ntir mnn nf mint aiaiu to have more of such enjo cable tiieet iblin the futwe mr j k mulun in compan with a few others from toronto spent valley road also roaminr around th rock adjoining the rivor 1 your help is needed now it we are to save our late fruits and vegetables thousands of tont are ready for harvest will you lend a hand food u prtwlaim wta urk f bvlpt now ii mu w muat nl hrl fw1 ttt milluin of trrtnc lll lit hlvrtlr1 iumi ikls la trnijub tkk tul ll rn lr ikn ik- 11 our h thit it th lav- karvwatlni niarvrrtrr in uij lu niawt thla rr ax ll a all ttt h in anj ili m rj jt lllp will u ntxxll fixm auukt olh through to oct- ur 20th f1u tn fmiiwn uk nj null todati nta tkajklttrobtatioji for four wtka arnrlr iralmlnnum wlo m psu oni w r i au nik tt vthr lhl rntorlua will b tltt tbtth wat mkniii paib imntmur utst u i ut in th ud ta iuhiiti vuuntattr uurnrinituuayl w imcn kar attiltui hmnd rtua u i rill in ua ruln anl mall to- ii a liid ash guus 1 l4uvru art ntnlatl atlt llldk srsdot mlktant willi b to work nn s iann kaa rtxulnl hit in ula it taufiiii r ova in mtt f arnxnl fur ih bapnts nf ua- taaabar cup and mail this coupon fodu i ajh tntvrwtad in wplrtf wfas tka usa karra rtaavu sand mm furumf- tsforsbsuoa addkkss- rilqnf tost oft1gk i witx nc avaiuxnuc rrtou fjtarcst railway 8tati0n kkarcfft bus stop akmuwdtlkn u is emmp adwtad by um twoa or tjalgjl vat mb ssost brlnashmu sjhi uakafs mtmmwiittovtmcial commttttb oh tjutm uumos latuavvtunz uaooa- ouojitkw vbzasnaai small advertisements advrttwasbt- vmdtt i tit kftouftf sfc aih wilt lr v- lu a waws a4dtluaaj wmd ic pt auti jj taak doa nu rcuaapaar ik liwawl aaminub- htj jjc a4 ic kr aiwd addiluaal to ach r wantrd r mid box houxktmrr middle aged applv x 5 kkke ikess special dance and floor show lixik ami al of hamilton wllli ompleuly new allrutunu stanley park erin tuesday august 28th moitlknaivks hani dandnjr kvery tucnda and friday wantro t ttrnt iiiium- ajarlimnl or rooms fur local nljrnd mihii and wife apply liox rvii a tn ont uanteij lit for vliri- in alton full time kiiiiii tiii ni tkxjirv itrply u if ihx i kltkk lkrsiy aniu uatrll to bl v nftilkn aity i m poky itione acton 4s i ok hknt hi fr mi rntral im niton iimx 1 1 r it 1- r imtfsm u antkii itoiii- ti i 1 w miifd nllnr wu- iniiii or kill appl iiox t yuy k fkrsh wanttj ornnn for trlirrnl houmwork two niofitintc hl appu hox j kttkk i1cks3 stmt r llr lirauty iailor will h rod for i fin- w kx w hlli on va at lull cii attain nptrnilmr 17th jfeksmh ihshkiu arton 1iimbino rnaiiu smalt plumhlnic repair ftlven prompt attntlon apply 4tf it o staiieton oiurrh streft actoti ahll kou iiol hf will pay imh for modrrn house in a ion pifiiiil xis rrxiim with bntli appl kk drtntli to itox 1 kkkk rillas actoa hik ha ion hiiijlki ti il no in kimhi rendi tion apply altoi ink haxiht ornit liiinli nod main strela hill maiit i i or iit onl oil xtoc i bui nor nvi n for xiilc appk mils rokcr smisn wiiidw strrwl n rncr sanllnrv work donr with modtb riulpmrrit also urnfral trucklof apply i thomas cutting i a a ihone h1 artoa i rou smf i st wtinl iiolplun iolilrn chaff smut fr- tirlithl nnd tm yield i t nix ur 4 lo to nn 1 10 bus it s mtnwn 2 ilionr hri acton ciianct- lo win a j7hui tmrno for si on rfc tririml nsldintint nrn in ijonr mtinrb on sol nt ion prl nnnounrs3 1 1 t r send lolnl nntr for hari i nl jl iid lo it ibhuxon sty- ttms r stw villn ilo aw iing i ilrnn li onlnno ptnvirrd liy lol mii i ant ltimi li in ids r lulld- ln fund ltl on rilpl 74 i airts uantkd 1 si liiiluv nn n i omft rtiiloc ln- 1 inw h x time kimitrx prkturts fiom door tu loor how n limit stnrt- i nt n buinrxx uf jour own in our parr time with lti- mimr rnhnntnges in tbf diitntt of vrmr hnir for fr di tulx nn t ntalo i 7 kamiikx kyi drlorlmlrr montreal sttve and fihvacc rctairfl fintin pinstu fin brlrk makrs n prrfrrt jolntlcxs llnlnj for fire pots of stove- nnd furnncrs no stove or furnnrr ix lnttr thnn its flrrnot do ni ttirow iiui hrnkrn f urnn c flre- int nwn hnvi it lined with klro- linr wr hnv rxperlencrct helpora under personal tuprrvislon john v savate main street arton aucriqivf sale oi iiiiunciiiiiii kkrrl of mrs a mrmiixtn vmm ho i ill un sattrilv aiuintuu nl th- nlil lrvnmirj m strrtu act on lov hiifv au tlonivr ihon 15m erm macdonauts used furniture antiques rphoutrliik lerrlnlhlni itrpain iuirntl llul ujuillly work at ltsmitilf rrtcfi ko marllonrll si curlph 1 t t inconspicuous 1 1 tur now suit ciaati are a tbin of brnutj nnd will not drtrart from jour appttranc our rxammation is ilentlflc and exact we euarantea r- nultx at a moderate cosl i bcimiiw madrlbllhall opuelaa 5iht oeoroi7b sqtake e p head phone 1529 gueiph aitaafaitei q t vj jj fu -fin-

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