Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1945, p. 2

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facbtwo the acton free press thursday august isth ims r qttl artati 3frtt urreu rii1tfitl iwt iwuil u acts ouri uj w tkmu al k irwil u r advertising ilattsa apsktua la isa imuwil alt me wmiiiim u1 w 1 wu mof j web t4ttftsst liriimittiji ik 4ffilwf ui riurd tk ojflc dslf bi lit iirtur u4 with wk r eommtsutta uil mi t ha ttatlitti ah t fit niir l mh lt xxrd ntii i tr ttllc tbm u mi wmrwrtw br tw fr cal h p i tbt m it m avi or on 1 1 chm nxrnionis kalllnulmj fl batklr never wis a better roster of caricature subjects lined up and imitators professional and amateur wowed audiences throughout the democratic world until the joke palled to morrow s pseude nero may disguise himself in a semblance of dignity when he examines the record of hi predecessors or is it an inescapable part of the make up of tyrants that they must make themselves ridiculous rwt iayn these are da ol suspend as i write thest columns on mond afternoon the radio is issuing constant reminders that japans answer may be ex pected it anv tinu and of course it is taken lor granted that peace tcrnrs will be accepted we have just rccoscrcdhkc ccronc else from one wrong or revolutionary vromta new uses are being found continually for the wonderful drug penicillin one of the litest wc have noticed is reported by the united kingdom informal ion office particulars of the case which occurred in london tngland are as follows faulty teeth have been extracted and replaced to grow again by british surgeons of st marys the famous lon don hospital and birthplace of penicillin this rev olutionary treatment in dentistry has been success fully applied to abscesses and roo infection in one case the tooth was extracted the infected ends of the roots were cut off the pulp canils tilled and the tooth replaced in the sockets which had hem trejt ed with penicillin lo receive them i ivc months after the tooth had he n replaced bone hid reformed round the roots the tooth was so firm that it wis made to ciir x missing neighboring tooth on j hridr x underfill and we wonder il the patient i ipj lauding too rf angling and i rare i ruin ttlk in the corner barber shops this has bun 11 reat season for anglers so gieat if yuo listen to the gosmp that it is a wonder some society out for pi nn a tit m world peace does not aim t a world peopled on hy game hslurnun it would bt noisy y cs with hcav y talk of the big one that got awa ith argument over tackle md where the fightingest fish are and how th should hi taken llut if cirhod became anglirs nobodv ttould have time for wars i or example there is he story of the i rediricton angler who wanted to join the army hut was turned and then one day a italy is victim of barnyakd war komi- cp italy stripped of live ttoek by rmn armlas living off the land aod shipping rattu to thr fatherland will have to import about 20ltio torn of meat a month for an indefinite wrad after the war c cording to the best avallahe estim ates no meat li being imported at prev ent beraute the accept ante quota on other rllllan import already has been reprhed but italians are under stood to he negotiating with argvn tlna to begin an import program as soon a poatlble italy pre war meat ronitonptlon averaged roujfhly 63 000 tons a mon th but only about half of tlvat am ount atallnble from local resource today itie country wh virtually elf kutfldent before the war ai to meat but did import a little from tht llalkan ounlrle crippled hy the war i ilie tininoa took particularly milk rnttle to end isark home italian farm r wcrt al it to tilde some ot thrlr kt k in cavet hilt in on utter nttil r ii n i k ha i1 lertl fr tn it 1 h i t i i 1 r iinl iini t 17 ht mil and 10 it h jl m r 11m aim tn m li ilv y 1 inn xporltd texan vmwctffg new as rroclss aistin texaiicp javr e p se ikm h of ttio inlverity of taxaji reortink on ears of etjlerlments wltli natural ess uyi he now be lieves iex has the key to a great industrial dfvelopment in its nat ural riis i nder a pnce he developed ir s hitch sayi it khould le eom- mer lally profitable by this fall to basic to the manufacture of plas tics aetlen a ct i ne can be produced from natural gn at half the coat of ex tracting it from carbide mays fr s htm v in his mrtho1 the gas is subjet ted to treatmt nt hy high voltage eledrltlty itii rhiu lr y aso prorn ims to inr rease the effh irncy of car lton blai k jrolutliin and the pro duultn f ethlertr a themual rom i nral lr li net t lene used in 1 last i nn i al ti 1 rodu tlon wi ii lo e nhlr lo et jln ltun ti of enrbon bin k ter t it a l ul i fin t f natural itr siiikii si iinliul if 1h pirit rxxl u ti ii f a h unit an 1 n half m l it tl t ii al full u h the n ul ix r h s si ul 1 i rliu levna h lumrv psixmsilhin nnn nlk v lo i miii t lr ti ns i t i in i i ms o ii i il i i li it n iit r i uvt i lr hi mkm i t itljc ation i i i olh if lh i i lm 1 of tilt premature report of peace again 1 down lie ate his heart after nearly six cars of sir a great part of couple ol pals showed him six whacking trout and the first of which went badl there is an anxiety u u h ht badgered them into agreeing with his guess the v by everyone for a return to pcat most homes nave r h h bn rltccrd nd mn re lon lor he lmi r ncblc pool the loo he dclcrmnnk j hc cir i v our friend coujd hardly wait that was bu k time of re union there ire to complete the ob now in suih a way that war will not appear ajain between these conflict ng desires these days of waiting arc difficult times in i i k ii niied not being in the war a which to scttli down perhaps it would be well to ponder what peace will mean to the hmese who have hid fourteen years of war llarlt a jam vacation lor us is over and we re buck again on our tegular wccklv visits i hope ou missed us because wc missed our work mc visited twice m the newspaper office in thi town in which wc stayed but wc didn t work perhaps a was just for the satisfaction of seeing someone else bustle on press day that we made the visit but the habits of fear arc iqiiictimcs hard to break away from and we found the decision of missing an issue a difficult one to make after mor than a quartercentury of being on the job ever week wc found too that the holiday week is quite general fvcrv wccklv newspaper has at least one week and wc found one town where the staff had enjoyed two weeks in cities and towns alike retail establishments and services have been trving out the plan of closing for holiday periods of varving lengths wc saw scaiceh a business street in anv town or cits that didfi t have a show ing k f signs in the w mdow in nouncing a hohdav period wc predict hohdav dosing will continue alter the war in whatever plants mid stores it is feasible hen evcrv oiu rniov s a holid iv the v t pct thl the other imp su uld hive snuiliir rivilees and arc willing to do w ith ut certain hmuiv so thu all mui have a jerutd if rest in i 140 and he s been lighting his private battle to ltt to that pool every chance he gets he hardh ii at this time of writing he wilt not admit that h has not ul taktn fish from that pool nor will his i friends admit thiy caught the trout with worms liom n nitirelv different water but it lxs to show the stud of which fishermen nrt made they never give up and the let low ship is ir mendous in his ollict the big sticl executive mnv he a holv tirror but in the bak woods with h tatkli ringed he becomvs i most pleasant aft ink i guv who figures he hasn t changed a bit from th farm bov who took trout with nn old ilder brunci and a can of worms one it the big troubles in ever gelling this f pcaec and good angling world organized is the i number of misguided folk who don t fish and som admittcdlv have good talking points i there is among this group the fisherman widow the little woman who stays home week end after week end while our hero hikes off with his tukle and high hopes hut usualh she becomes ree oncilcd and deep inmde takes pride in what hubbv can do to the hsh the agnostic is the man for the real tovtcrsion inh he won t get up it s a m he can t sec trolling for hours or paddling or portaging hcovv picks or walking a trout stream or pleasure in beating oft mosquitoes and black m cs and wiaring himselt to h shadow for s nu hsh hut whit fin lu niiss and whit i 1 t he has to leurn hitk1l notfs 10mkn i in mr five cars f i ik t in mrm f wnr llf umts uf wills 11 i i ml n ill nill 1 lf ttont int1mu f ill r k it n uroui d rent hi it nln ami ire m il t 11 will it nil lt ris ut i ul lo distn kit slil i an 1 plane mil illi ilin aflir ifii m ui tiniih iind n si ui d f 3 1 jw oj lc i t 1 i i i m 1 1 unit m inr due tt n itvi i iit f 1 n wick th t tnl j it n inj i i r rt n 1 ul lis n krnl i ii m unit f r tin 1 lit ii u i i rllill f rnoitv nt iuwrll c jhill i vi lt its cooling c a i anir mflavflllatl ssjd tea carrolls etahs 1 h s i ii h is been nn st rolilu n i c m ivs bin then il snt evtrv vinr th it s ihc cc 3 clusi n j s in m things oldu rs hie insurance oluies ci nt i n ng i sk cllllscs vi he ciltlutci itluliu even t the s idler hh ijld die vcrseas from nun w tr c u s s i is mn ullce d thr i lowtih xould be dicidtots tn tlu ih on lit nvt n lined 4 or id of to mot i tw w ill be i i i i list i tm eh p o osition on i ilaiut whose tdcil cjl ticndsw ii i under the w itchlut eve e t the i lilted natl lis c ice guarding machiiurv hut hunun nature being what it is the demotradcs mav due tor an tnc tutiou moment aod the bullies mn trv ig n 1 1 run things for thcmcucs one thing the smart fuehui of the futuic would be wise in iritn ftiin the piftes ot mid jutn ccntur all ihtn gs cunit th him who waits tt historv beware the mutual comedv trimmings mg wjs written be f re advertising wis developed which tripped up the tvrants of that era in gales of which has greailv hreiud the time of waiting slapstick mirth miort of the actual weight of allied business success arms perhaps no weapcmi was more effective against hitler lussil ni and co than the guffaws the it wc cant hgurc oi t whit will be done tp use 14 antics inspired in the democratic world kjhne when the- war is cntirelv aver bctwee 1 for more than a decide hoots of laughter greet- the normand in jum and the surrender of gcrmanv mhc panoplv of graustarkian gold braid which ac approximatclv sth0it gallons of gasoline oil and compamed the me of the monsters who were to lubricants were delivered daiu to armv depots and trrcrvibrtimt- true omeofthalatirrwrtni bases imthe r rjarvts kecod was uneasv but laughter is one of the health r- rfcrr avxutt oihvdratrd 0 f 3 tm beans 25v ucllrtirs vacuum pack coffee l49c jars 0- mc stos mustard tu s7c 4c a i n o s c xsc ru1 f sc vinsoar iiu ti 10c crystals m iftc tia 14 u n 44a cmakr corn flakm s n is vn44a4 whkat lm powder it n 1 fluffs pi x5 ss snciu prunes tomato- s mis- oiw old cmk clkanser tu ltt poush ti sss twrrvm wax ihhjh wi amiukte uu whaory soap cum xsa sinko tu as a nf sltm olivii ml x all wheat r tm flour m- x il mil straws m is u i 9 cnwa powder n 14 spice iv lit jnqftle builders democratic peopjts enjo apd nccr were more hilarious clons to parade with their marionettes on the stage of history mussolini s im pop eyes and butt sprung phs- iquehitlers charlie chaplin moustache the care- fullydiairrjimejl f oreloclcind tht juferiqil squawk goferfngs bemedtlled t3lihfof a body poebbels little monkey face and runty strut ou ma thrnc the streets in tour tot n are bjd the sideuallcs disreputable and eer thing badl ne glected the next time ou visit a ton of similar lie malrtcompamonwttlrrt on thcsepoihtssehis to us that these lost few years of war have placed no favorites to towns anywhere maintenance in communities has like many other things had to go by the boards lor lack of help w 1 it tt cum te uaut awtlum tt an snwasnati weekend lrircs tksiimt km k i rrots op lb inr l sc xnvrvnmne lr lb fe imported vms 1 c- ier tb cucumbers corn radishes celery and melon business directory mbic4x dk w g c kerlney plirsulaai aad 8ura surceuor to dr j a menlvrar olflc in symon block mill strwt acton otfu pha it bmmhiii cwm u nuat 1m oh h g joyce lurluur hm onirr ut mm ulfrns ketldtnc mlll sirtl arlon i-1ioni- 1jh dental l hugh s austin kmttaj hurfa mid btxl coinr iftulltk acua of fit e llouri oloarp to 530 pm y vrnliii by appointment tlpkii rk41ai i li allll kl and it a llrruur and halkltor notary puuu 1 irr if mnn ui ucrnai llltlrnr if llir tlcn mamaa lath aiton otflr zt thnnrs ltklrbw 1u i am don a i smokth iurulrr hittrllor rit dill 1 i it it ill tint ihono 315 i mn it in ail x mli ii a in t hari t i ailui office it ii t nn r r lltatreuulldg 1 i h hnw rrtuisain ii u young b h sc rlrttnmty hnraren jffuv llithjkvlllc ulitarlo i linn milton hi r 4 i oak1 b v 11 v be rtrrlnaty huraon fftrf tt1 ltitlrini hnirt atwnim v iikai rstatr ullluucilin iakm acency liii ait 1 ol st akih in laitad lh al urru kint lllilu lurunto i ttimi i iiiiu miivv rut n llrwaxin i hmir arorgrlowd ist lj jtat nrurr ornrrmj lnsufmnr vm l kkackln 1 hum jf action omt time tables j i wadian national ka1lvat 1 jolng ui iju ttxcspt iun4y ftl j- saturday only aaft illy sxcrjit suiwlsy 7 4s pm- moru1 only 12 oe aro lally rxcrpt sunday 14 -m- mir jit t arm it town daily excrj t sal and sun 633 pm mvt nt ulth dally x rrpl sl an 1 sun 7 12 pm loin i fai imilv rfp t sunday md tm nl l rt i j t sunilnv dm ts inll ex rpt sundn 6 50 pm sundn only hid pm j h r datlv or ion 929 pm 1 hrr dnlly at iudpli 8 50 pm u nun iises itial llls 1vam aiton attmiumt l i l li i m it a m ii 1 i i ii i ii t in l i ii rllil si 1 1 i l i i m ivj i li m ll ti i i i i l i t djl ii i ii 1i nnt 11 v i i i i holl- it v t k i i i i i sirilfril w t paherson ro hmruuut in t v rjiilnallb orth0ptiat las vnilam mt ol clpii lkon mlllfl kqulpmi oftlr balow mahcr shoe slor fruit md nnubu smcm aafcjaet to mrtf tloetnatlaiu c t w aptut lnd jsoiaaji u st wtstavts nm null timta w a na juacdonaurl used furniture antiques uphauurtal jugnuh lupaiw cuaranteed ilfthmt quality work at raaaonabla prleas 80 matdooeu sc gntlfll

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