Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1945, p. 5

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1 august lak the acton free press vaoatlntvat social items of the week tti vutou to adm uttl lie atf tat vuto tf ajbv hb- v drw to hum uava ym halifax n 3- wre dr wood ol ottawa bom lor lb wek-d- ni sgt blu knu of mountain view l bom oil leave yua annie mardonald of waterloo visited with friend in town mrs lumilion visited th past two weeks with friend in sarbla mn jean lundy of brampton spent uu week with mr i- murray mrs lilian smith and lal are holl daylng with friend at tort ixver mr ii w 1 1 in ton streivllle is vmtlm lira o murray thu week mr and mr albert ultley of tor onto visited acton friend thl wee mr and mr erneet barr and john spent th4r vacation at waga baacfe- mr hubert smith of toronto was a weekend visitor with acton rela live mr and mrv w allen spent th weekend at hamilton and niagara pall mis olga uyrlw visited with friends ami reuuve in toronto last misses shir lay andmurtel haulon r holidaying thti wwk in 1erry sound mr black of toronto spent thursday with acton friend and re lative wren florence salt of halifax n s 1 spending a furlough at bar horn here mr and mr v b kumley and bob are on a holiday trip to manl ttiulin island jaik field auln moore bill clay ton and in lmb senl the week nd at masaga mr and mrs john wilson and am tl ha e been hollda ing with rela ln in detroit mr and mr r red mrlean of til hur luted with mr and mr u kumle last wo k mr bob frank mlu 1- ilern close ami uranor jocque isiled at wis aga lleach last week mi ami mr s liraida and famlt iwnl last wttk hlidalni at alr lkr near huntsuut mr and mr v i1 krntnrr mr and mr lrm mbmiii i rrr i ft fir tin tkini mr mil mi rnl m t uttheon nnd 1a k kin nt iht in lu1n weektnd at indsot and ivttolt mi mm t 1 m nt ih f llniml on i hi t mi f mr nn i mrv allen ht kt 1 h n i miv uasmiru isitrd dunnt th irk nd llh mr ami mr r llassnrt mr ivnn itlnii of i anion ohio called on mr- s husband nnd mm k krntn list fk mr nnd mr i a pills nn 1 jnmt lslud lt wk in loront nnd spent n few dns at lorl iot mr nnd mis i kalitnn and amtlv hm nl lust uiik hi ting 1 i ou iuai ami tthtt mthtin point mrk llethtrt mi imr is 111 at irn ral homitnl m url h an 1 friend wlkli her a i1 po mr ami mts k 11 uliott i force nnd shirlrx were m iioiuimwk last witk and imted in t otnten mimffc intn pumii init 1 nutln la illun an ih luln m with nr an mr uuu tti in iu rl n mr ami mis iu n nn 1 fm u of rrtii s i w it mr niul mrs mnk i il lons vi tl w k t tul mr nnd mrs 1 itil mm rthi r an i hntin ih 1 ut wk wlln mi and mr i ui k ilk nt mftst mr an i mts vil rt 1 outtit mi mii mntlla 1 ui mr jih kelt lhnt a ftu d at wnvica la wttk mr and mr wm hutt sr vum with thatr daughter ba aaa inlaw in milton mr and mr prd south for a f ww day mr and mr w j duval and fam ily and ml mary panlbon bolldayad for a ueek at north bay and other points recently mr and mrt harous wanabroujh itobert bonnla and carol of toron to vtaltad with mr it h watt b rough recently uaut w m collier of orlllla b t c and mr colltar iienl aawral day at the home ofliri r v col her and family mrv a allen mrt her ton pte flwoort allen at lndon on sunday rttght lie returned from overt a on a thirty day leave melbourne blow martin mccrtatall ken marrbment zdu ard crawaon and ken allan holidayed at waaga bearh ukt week mr and mrs fr j itauard and a 11 kenneth haaaard motored to dalhoutle mllla and attended the baker llaaard wedding rtendi will regret to learn that mr hoberi shaw is aertouily iii at tuelph general lloaplta and wish him a prompt recovery mr roy martin and john manning of st ran rear samk and mr and mr stuart martin of oahaw railed on arton relative on tuesday mi and mis red i- unk of jowph mlrh and mr and mrs john moorr and argi in of pundai talltrd m at ion frtrmu laal week mrun kenneth iaplllon john attar fred crew ion w llf red duval john t lww and llarllry oles all t tied vajiga ltea b last week mlu hem ice held h returned to hei home after spending two enjoy ahlr weeks at deer 1odge stiver ifen iak aboc co hrane mr a togart of new ok joined his w ifr and son aniln w who have bten lilting at thr home of her mothrr mrs nellie kell this week mlfcie j ran harris juan llumle bunn anrtertin ina nnder rlten helen llolnti s maruaiet lllo marg art i uohertson shtrle knntner spent last wnk hnlltlalnk at brn h tr 1 i ord m kanml n of indian nmills iml krnl n rw lil at the lionn of mrs ii swlter nnd mr nnd mrs hinuhant hamsdrn mrs ltnmsib n nn 1 tt rinulk hc been sjnlin tin mimmri nmnllis hi it miss h m t nldin of toronto i i i l 1 1 i hum kihl h i tentlv it tnned ftrm four tars mirvrs i ittnl ll itiult nun nnd untie mr nn 1 mi- win hull on sundn be t t imunt or ntnouir to spend 1 tmrt tn full utli ullh tils by dozen acton men among those back from overseas continued from paf on and germany on july 04th 1w4 ha waa badly injured whan the motor cycle he was riding struck m ahell hole but is now fully recovered- iii brother corp matt tler an over seas veteran and ted of acton and eorge and ulllan mr t staple- ton pnd phyllis mr gordon huff man were joined by friend in wel coming hlra home 11 ram back to canada on the be d france bror enlisting be was with beardmor e co rates struck erin council at august meeting grant mitte to erin tod acton alcuhtitml soiaeotbf towtkklp huilnwm the council of the township of erin met in humuurg on august tux all member were preaent and ule heeve presided hesolutlons were passed increasing the pay for tutting weeds on lowr sitip tuads from 72c per hour to ii 3 per hour for man team and mouer and foi tractor with power take on 2m per hour equipnu tit at owners rtek poiisuon of s1u0uu to irln agh ulluial sotiety end ijo o to attoit agrtiullural society urfi made by laws were passed sttlkliig rait for county purpose township gen rial st boo ami a late for i be ioli tllage of lllllsburg and also to mccl the requirements of the trustee in l he different hool section ilie county rate is 10 7 mills township after deducting on mill paid by lag lslature 5 mills ceueral school rale 4b mills 1otlce village of lllllsburg 13 a mills jbrary i mills the mill rale for la set in the town ship not including the school irus lee s rate will he joj mills and in the police vuiage of lllllsburg 31 mills hie trustee s levy in the township average 10 mills and in the village j and later served in r ranee and er- many before going overseas be condutted the meal shop in partner ship with his brother of iivell bro on mill street lie came lo canada ntxtard the pastrur all are glad lo see him home again ia h a i- got night ii ears anil i tor ijimhert of the bc a k home on saturday has leen in servli e four spent a year overseas in kntcland btllum and holland lie was wrlcomed by bis wife and family father and mother mr and mr nel son ljimbert his sister mlas dora and brother mrl three other tor then are in the armed forces oversea i since june 1041 pie h ordun iovell came back home to atton yn sunday evening and was greeted by his parents mr and mrs john 1ovrll brother lfhnard and sis ter rhelma mrs cexll iblminsi he has been in the anadlan army for over four yars and went oversea with the lorne scots and later trans ferred to the ihth highlanders on may ilrd 1044 he was wounded while serving in italy he recovered mis edna mp1adin reaua la acton with tnair family asd an ra jolc with them la hi return other arrival in acton wham mora particular war not available when going lo press are pi albert masaey pt plorto toumour pt douglas guthrie pt bllf carnochan pte aubert ptttman and lieut shelley i engagements of lllllsburg it is 12 mills the union sections that receive no general grant will have an average rate of 7 mills amounts as follows were ordered paid enrral 17j jrtieep ii j 00 belief s1u9j3 hay ward construc tion o gravel mxihx john beer cutting hills s017oi enetal ltoa 1 hetmlrs s1 14 ounrll ad jour net lo meet at hills burg on wednesday septemlkt ml at tint o rlx k tltk kkixyihwktts umiinu satlludai in kockwooi volunteer for the paclfb pte rl wotxt allan ranie luirk to acton sgsm m monday morning after a year and a half ovrru as and two and a half rars with the canadian held am bulnnce he served in r ngland r ranee and holland and tefore in luting was employed in uelph rrtends jtln with his mother mrs a allan bnck ave in rejolt ing in ux safe return mrs f klnsey duelph announce the engagement of her eldest daugh ter audrey a it to nell patrick son of mr and mrs a petrhk of acton i he wedding to lake plat eptemlter 1st in h james anglican t hui h uelih mis harlee holmes acton i iiouneb the engagement of her youngfst daughter anna ixhivaln to james 1- idun ijimbert eldest son of mr and mr kred imhert rock wood ifte marriage to tajte placa early in september in knoi presby lerlan tiurrh acton august nesting ltockaung inaijtimt at mr3 john inglts mr john ingle wa hoaue to th rockalong women taautttu for the august mung with twaarty wiaenlifcja and four visitor preaeat the roll call wa nwrd by something we can do to b good rlttian ltr were read from luee clarke and mis lewi ditty bag were distributed among the manbara which are to be filled and handed fa at the october meeting ftaaj plaju were made for the picnic td which w invited the eden mllu institute jcauct bayne gave the subjects for th oracle contest and dlscuasad poaafbl contestants itie ttinvener for ihe meeting mr wm lllatk ttkok rharge of ihe follow ing program urrent events by mr i loyd johnston ptte molfo m ihe most of what you have and ara was glvrn by helm bayne ml loifl lllark of south c arnlina a former resident of ihli district gave a most interesting and inspiring talk oil cu- iffiuiblp mrs krahk ien conduct ed a contest whlrh afforded much en joyment iii meeting closed with iod save the king itie hoate and commit te served refreshmrnts and a social half hour was spent together real estate insurance ocean steamship tickets f l wright realtor and insurance ihone 95 ihe home of mrs i powers hock wood bright with floral decorations wn tht seem of a prt tty summer wrddlng saturday when her daughter maude c arollne and ltobcrt kelly son of mr ii h kell stranaer ittownshlre s ntlnml wi re unltel in marriage ihe rrn mon was per- formed by itt v john ard at three o t lock dlven in mnrrtne b h r mother t he bride w nk i tun mtn in n street l iikth frock of while en pe she onv a cjuetn anm lit nddrex and inirlitl n bouiiui t of roes in red nnd whttt m herhtrt nihcnrlnn of binnt i i n u h finl n r- cent 1 rl is hers if ntt nleil ntnn sm n1 another arrival on the iasteur with ihe atovr iwo acton servle men was fpr harold hotuon vn listing at ih tpr kobson was oruf of the oungett to go from acton and wns ot r two years overseas he was llir wounded in august 114 and nnln on april tth of this year but has reemtred splendidly before en listing lie wns with beardmor a co mul llnxt r ljtlmiintorles hi re ills sister nom nml pirenls mr nnd mr tom uobson nnd hrolht r jm k r si e in arlon titnl frl lids join i hem in ii j l 1 1 t in hi sifi relui u ii tin a no tit r nrnvnl in at ton i omi i i honn nbtur 1 ti p isteur v as pi who has been in nt most of mark korlilh iiiiar of tluir fihliiifr i hi ill r nnd mrs 1 n onkt s knox avenue npe todnv ii 1 hralliiri tli f rtieth nnnlvirsniv of thi ir wed d n with nil th mt mbt rx of their imih i it snt nt n dtlighlful ftimik it im n nt thi honn nulhelr daiuh l i mi t rdon swnnxton k it t hr uftlr slu won n dr as oipw- in ov j 131l t hluo en pi fahiumd on itnm iiu tiaham suslalm d injuries to ills h milnr to th it wmn h the bride i k nn nrmi wli rrxinp in itnjj nnd cnnletl n nosenv of whlli roses ntu w r trans mr arthur r mjchx m lest man f rred to tin flkhtinu front in vrnnre i- or ht r dnurhlirs weltlin mrs mid r t rmnn whrrr he xrved until 1 t is w ii n lr ss of ronl blue host ill th s th rt eised he enllxtt d sin r t rt it nml n i ttixnj of roses i u hit tin i orn siot nnd ti nnsft i r i i inlcr th mnj i ouph lift on a wtxlding trip to hnsttin ontailo the i n u wtnrlnk drt xs of pnle cllow plin with hint k nm vsorlos on tlur rtturn thtv will leslde in brtl i ish columbia out xs wire pn sent fuim nil binniford tort frte- to nmlo ami belgiave o mh snvkntom 1 iht lnfnntr ml rnhnm who wm 1m fore mnrrtat open itatly 0 am g ujn j7 p pjq itistrurx itmirnuht rvenlngx 11 ppolnuierit vs st hoki7s sj 1 kijm1 piionk ij9 in it kwn mi i kl mr am mr heev main bill and jaik nnd miss maim- uin- ptue molont to muskoka inst week mrs mclvin s walker has n turned home after pt n im two vvetks holt- da oh lake stuog and othir polnu mr and mr ionlon meka of toronto isltexl with hex mother mrv r h antbrouh ier the week end mr an mrs l ftpbertson david tvouglas and bobb visited at mr and mr f anderson on sat- urda dr m a gould and mus agnes goufd of pittsburs pa are visiting with mr and mrs t j goulfl bower aenue 3 mr and mr cameron lelthman aroon acatlon and lilted in mount forest on monday with miss emma roblnoti li t mrs onkt s i n man ted uiit hth lkls nt lolielte que nn 1 ilrs fntmetl nl lohnsvllle que in i tttinlx two tnrs went to it i um in 1 r nm t sivtn ar 11 v nlii i nml runn to ailm t its i it v hnv n fnmll f if t t mi in nrut s v n ki nnd bill i n il ar nil with htm on this u n v i smi v i t iston 11 fnmllv nie h i i it 1 nit mni mis 1 bnue 1- 1 n f in 1 1 m ir i mrs t 1 n sw uiston uk i ktkwioil ml li 1mnk i oiktt alon mi oxkt s n nntut f i h i st own t- n in 1 n n of th inti mr and nfis y l i onkt i and t inn i can- ili iln i 1 i i f six iiri of a mi onk is i dnughtr of the into i ni i wn1 mrji ito nhnitx and was trusses ahdonilnaj trusae and rapport kxpertlv tttted mjs3l stewart ltd angua kanaady prop st oeorgs hquare gualpa loin nt haw km qu vtn ominj to a t n uitli mr xnd mrs iikt x hne tnken n atllvv inlrtst in mi iffnir of ilu tomnnin- lt nnd ilunh mr iiktthas serxed stvtrnl urnii ns coum ilji rnd been i i imposed for heexe on othr ocva- ions we join wtlh n host of other frit n is here and elsewhere n extend ing congratulations nnd wishing for mi and mrs onkes main more rears hfttur and ih the cvimmuntt tt tr terbombino iimagami ont icpa norse- ninn transport ntrplnnj of the qntir lo air srvicou being modledhert to ex penmen t with aerial tvomblng of small forest blazes with water a ton of it in nine seconds the oat- equipped plane bombs its target and reluli un hi utarvillakv gregory theatre till usd 1 and kiuiiw ttikut 18 and it hri on the irus- t let hniol in i ricona likt sonnx tufts trim pw ifti i pn rail cu t omedv r arm 1 lands oriptt r 1 llnunted harbor stl ria l il 4t la i love a mmrter jim bannon nina foth serceant uke larr ittrus tpnnntbalga fov new mondw tlolst 59 without love spencer trac kathexlne llepbum ttaveltallt shrinn of yuc atan liberal picnic at milton fair grounds sat aug 18 ome m hrint lm rhiemls races for children commence at 230 p m 9 softball at 330 p m entertainment in front of grandstand at 8 p m lucky draw brief addresses r georgetown girlspiltadracton bring picni lunc and your own cups tea and coffee will be supplied on the grounds t ii

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