Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1945, p. 5

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page pour the acton free press tiiimsday october th ims neighborhood news ijrtwwtinc itma coacerninc otto centra uul coriuauniuw in wudi hu of our vraam are interested georgetown caalluellville cedarvale mlu itela smith of torunio u spending a few dayi her home herr a number from here attended the sacred concert al c unlngsby on bun day evening mr and mrs an hie lur jean and peter of eorge tow n v isltrd on wednesday evening at thr home of mr and mrs a cnffin congratulations to mr anil mr h jackson on their recent mariiage w wflromr mr jackson to our coin rnunlt mr hurt james of liiamptun nt ihe week rnd with frirnds hrre mr and mr h iavtdson of acton visited tin sunday with mrv a mcaiihur mrs i hunt ii umhrwnl an opt r at ion tn urlph hoai ital last wfk her friends wish fur a m edy mov- ry iuluiwfai the w m s in i nt ih limn mr and mrs vmimn sin tnlr on monday night it being n- tat h lib era mrtllng a full house of auxiliary member nnd associate in lp ra with an attwlanri oi about 4t mi mill ml mrs allan had barge of the devotional period mlu llilta and mi s slmlmr i n h save a r admg wimii win- vry in tr resting mr houston of tin- c1 arvalr iris s hool was iucst peak r llrr addrva very inspiring lunch was mimii and a so ial half itour was enjoed b all mr and mrs husjuu laylor spent the urrknil with mr and mrs j allan mn itnhl mcfmrv is confined to bed with arthritis w hope for a apeedy recovery the wet wrnthrr l beginning to gel serious for the pottn and corn croi cutd mmr farm is mnl ucn plow it is so w el milton after four year overseas jle jolm arnold at rived horn tn mllfon on saturday aflr tiring in use for over so yean mf ft cunningham of ihe hod and while store has rmovt the old front of his stoit and installed i ni modern onr milton high shnol has registral- ion of rvt students al iln twinning of the fall irrm hie m hoot was for tunat in sccuting three mhntamlli meuiliars nd ladus of ihr cnnad lan lul millnn is ho attended th- tint rvrnt of ihr fall wimii on m n day have a better understanding and derjirr apprim latioti of art mr lias aifd arl ist and le luirr w ai the sprakrr and dt rn nt ralor anadmn hamplm star rook n ol tin loronto mapu a nf in thin st in up vutory in im j ah lloh oldhani s home on days lavr afti r whuh he will re mvc his dischari from the navy 1 ht sad nus was reteivid b his riartntx mr and mm ilham beau mont last wrk that thtir sun hlght s rgiant 1awrt net herlert jleaumonl was officially pn sunied dt ad c mrmlmn of the kflh ltrserve toy veterans guard of canada to ronto under ihe command of major f m uatts spnt the weknd in town st wek end th injilimn ijr atts wrrr drfratwd hy ihr ai toll juv tnilti of ihf 11 a i his makes tin kurm s this ar imi wri n tin se two ttaiis vi di as ihrv tird the first kamr f it and ork town won tin sit iut 11 j iln store of the wiek- n1 tittu was 14 12 id nihl erin oakvieee ioiu ihln i l hi a tmilv ki i ink ilmri i i nlver ally i1urlington tjic emplovr of all in s nit hoi aon and son lu id tin ir munrl annual picnic il clar sprlncs on saturday afternoon last ihe imlhrr was ide il for tin affair ind n inrj- trowd a in atti ndanc ttotdon alton llm cunh lranl hart lon allan alson md lonad wnnm all of nelson township were simony the fourth n mk niemtiers it the llnllon ilos swm t luh thnt es hlhlled nl the orlown nlr cnr it a mllhrltk 2 ret nn umi anions thttm listed hv the lie- parlment of nnlinml ifnie win haa been dccolavd in recipilton fir saltan andrtllstlnuutshed m rv ire orr- aeai with aard of mentioned in ivpntt he lk ll slop milton wnid n of hnl ton count aecured from v d mat k- lln tin wranllnp colt slrrd by pine uldcr bui dam pine illdge cella by mr mchwyn 1 i pme icldce cella won ihe trotting division of the three vearom kuturitvtn 40 nnd eatahllshed n record for l he event at j 12 oazctte misses itnrhira nn 1 mnrj hull havu r turned fr m visiting mi nd mrs j k mclheimin form r oakvllle ksldtnts in nw ork ht c nllv dls i hnrrl from tin m rvlcfi itarhara unl mai an slitting iourssnt lit t nut rit of i otonlo 1 nst urrki in nv slorm played havot with oak villi s unli rfront the east harhour pli r is completely cut off and ihe bultdinj which stood at the junction of the pn r and i hi shore has disappeared pilot officer u j markey ik ak w ho completed to iripa over enemy territory as a iminitmidler and was en icatccd in s me of the holti st air bat lira of thr war hav ttern nwardisil the v n nch trol dt im rrr lte ord star mr and mrs i liomas ol urn t rntly rilved thr dllhtful news il nl tin ir mmi ski j hn olmum was ntillt t in iintrini wllli mis kat mrnmi of liitvmiuth i- inland u rkimiti in nllv finis imii huilthiik it in w hurt t l i mtiiidt ii s null i hi ttt st i i i fltinn is i inl h h it i i illlll is m 11 ll si iii l lllr mi fihhti nil it n il in iln mill ml hit1 t i u l 1 l rku or n litis j il i 1 ii rutin 1 t 1 i on t tin limn i i from i ml smith known its iln 111 j j iii kllkuhmt 1 urn mi 1ukii n will ki i si n mini h 1 i- in t i nut it m htmivin n ol mi nirm riikuson min in law of mi nnd mrs h y ihpi ritiy noisiit w old thnl i i has imi ii avaiti iliit tin hill to iii ltlli ii lll loss m till ii it ii 1 111 iiwlj in iln m it advm ate ospringe mrs kluihlln mother of mrs il mi klnnon had the mlfortum to fall at her home and injure her knee itev mckenzle lonductwt- rammun ion service at the lot al churv h on ftundav aflernoon mr and mr prank htvdon visited recent i at y verton with mt nnd mrs lianv hortop where the lallt r mot her mr klrkwotxl is 111 sevtral real estnte dials have be n made in this eomnmnttv of late mr karl smith tins sold his firm on the second i ine to mi and mrs ito- k-r- kuson mr sntlh iwts punhhsod tin james nuffield faim on the ko kw o1 line mr imald mtlein has siui his faim on the firt i ine to mr johnstone mr rtngsthirv farm in the sevond line his uvn pun hat 1 h mr and mrs 11 pruce mr and mrs harvev jestln and ilohbv of kverton vulle1 on tlies nassau weya i tn de h si s m alhy of thli con munily ktmk out tr tor at son and familv in t in ir sorinu nnd ih r avi mrnt i hi unlit pav sirvlc was held in i 1m n i t nit d hun h last sun lav undt r tin hadnship o it iu ki rsill t in pahtor mr and mrs kdward luarman ol iniirholl visit i tlalivis ami frinl in nassikawa ovi r tin wofkind mr nnd mrs f iarhv and fain il of knati hhull att nd d annivi i sai v st rv it s at iow vtllc inst sun- dav nnd uni visit nl with n 1 illvt ant friitxts tluri during llu dav ml is jean moffat diuhti r or mr nnd mrs pum no moffat of knnt h hull visitim with mr and mn las k adams of hamilton list wet k mrs harlan ilson attoided the funeral of hi r mih le mr pnvid folke of ihtiolt on mondnv ihe s mpathv of manv frlervls toet out to his wife who was in fore mai rlat- i annie norrkh in in r sorrow nntl lx renvi ment moffat dav with mr anil mrs ihinan kinj- burv friends of mis pons pine will w pleased tivlniriv she is protieksing fav- orablv follow i nc an operation on mon- i da jnornin for appendicitis mr yml mr vutor heamkh and lorraine victtett on sundtv with tor onto friends miss riant he mikinnon wns guest ololst at rockwaod initett chunh oil sunday eveninc mr and mrs norman mathews of uimoaa visited on saturdnv with mr nd mrs w j jackson mr john beamish and mr clavton cook are erertinj silos the school children jnjosed a holi day while the teacher mlu porls mo douffsul attended the teachers con vention at c urlph i th combined young peoples soc- utim of everton and ospringe en- joyed an indoor corn roast on monday vnlnf ttie excessiye rain has grently in terfered with ojiemttons on thi farms some fall wheat has not yet been sown nnd silo filling has been sltuvtml up our communllv t periemthi its first real frost last sundav morning nnd with il the tree are beinnln to put on thttr autumn brautv ttie manv chun h anniversni n s ami social i nl t tainments hive nnl our vcik inls ttolh bus and t njn able 1 he anniveiai v s rv u s nl nas ntawt a pieshvtet lan cnirs h v en wi ii ntt ndesi nnd n well balanced and d likhtful proknni vv ns put on on mondnv evening under the nble dir eetion of mr i oni simi son simt of our clllens nttendi d the centmarv s t v u nt ston i ntted chun h h id i he hst tw o sunday s many fornu r fnend of the ongrega- tion fnwi varioui distances were pre t nt inthhlmg winnipeg loronto nnd ottawn hie chun h w hor hlstorv go t hiu k ovr the tenturv mark ha b n i heautifutlv decornted nnd should in- i spire the spirit of devotion in the 1 hoait of everv vnrhippir mi iletm po of kkutwru wis the weekend visitor at the home of mr and mrs poole i bo in riien and women have ihmul i busv at the communitv ciurih the wtimrti on the inside of the churcn and the men ort the outside the shisl that have been in bad repair for manv years have been torn dovn and the best of the materi il lirbelnjj used in the huildsng of a kitchen and coal i bin at the rear of the church the thanksgiving service to be held inet sundav evening it 7 30 will take thiv form of n harvest home service ulth the church decorated with tokens from the farm and garden rev ray albright da of krotiuon will be the visit ine minister mrm john peer is confined to the house with a bad attack of rheumat ism rock wood following an illnt ss of s mn dura lion mr ii wnlson p issi d nwny nt his horn it it u iph inst i hursdnv with ntrv it- nt his inte immi onriuittm h his pastor it v john ward nnd intrninl in ism k wimm i mi it i v i alllx at i s vs ir t m ssrs o iamh jack p mils nor man arnhnnn mans ii ni mis s m j xlds and ih n llosklng j i hi int ml uhim n ssl a i stom mason h liih his in n film ink lh i tsl lullli itltuis lltsl in amfiisssn und int i in liiim i ilo 1 jtm s to mourn his loss i is wit oiiimik miiiant mliiuv tin sons s ib it 1 mik hon mill hi oi 11 million i uttis 1 i nl an i t o 1 in ht is mini n mt 1 n lu minn mini ii km mis urn mt l n ild k i iui ll h ilso tl no i toll is s rioti i h ui s f oui n s unl 1 m s of rl i 11 miss i nl ii mull n wl o his tn 1 ik with mi md mis 1 1 mil in ii i ii t hi 1 t i iiiiml i of m i nnd hit r with mi and mrs ii s ung has r sim 1 in r i o ii ion to i ikt up tin mn nik profi ssion in in i mlu m t ht in ii lutun stir was h t t 1 1 i nt of i mils nn pumiil in tin oi in f i p n tint pi m il yf on 1 i 1 1 tn r wnlitik tns duimg a s ml timing it ht inline of miss m irum i hind t son int wisk mrs v 1 h hot r id nn nppropriite iddrevs w h le miss tladvs llnnnn made the pit en tntinn which followed n plinsint lime g later with refrealinvrnia served bv the host ss on receiving hi r present misj pour hamilton re plu d and thanked in r friends who made it possible for hi r to enjoy a plinsant evening with her frli nds le- lon l av ing anniversarv s rv lei s nt the pn sb diian ihunh m sundav ver well atttndid for the morning service kev it r lliomwn of acton con- duttcd tin strvie nnd in ihe s k v i nlki r of ill was pre s nt simla numb rs bv the t h ur win mm h i njnvt d a ipunrti tte nuni ikt n well as nnllimn bv the thoir in the morning and solos in the even uik hv miss 111 mt he m kmns n o ositlngt with mrs win blmk it th llano nnd mr morton of oatt who sink lh i olds pravr ihe front of the pulpit and ilttform was trans formed into i 1 1 e of bt autv w it i autumn tlowi is the soth annlver sit st r ices w t je favors d vv itn fair weather the inlng service at th i nitid chutih wns wlthdrnwn in fivor of tin anrmersnrv utnent visitors in tin community mis n mivarthv ind daughti r- tihtn nt am nu r h w m s f jst david s church m i for thtir splemlmr meeting at tin in nu of mrs a mcphedran ih jitsidtnt read a short poem which wa follawtd by mditation and pray t ftom th laj tidings nnd b mrs s aims j he scripture isxin was rd n mr m hood io1rcessory prayer for the christian workers in hina runnum kon an ui jattult and manchuria was u fir red by mrs it mrnuii ilie topic churches in i- uroix was lakt n by mis l sharpe wsa itn roll call was answtred hy using ih trst word ifarvisi fviryone i j he lovi ly tunt ti providid h mis lilmoui mis i anrw and mis kotmrs mrs j leaiotk was the special kut si at a suiprist tarty when a few fnrnls met at hrr home on i huimday tvrning in honor of hr hlrlhday t aids unn uiotd tat part oi the truing followe1 hv n lov ly lun n tillt r whith a v ry nlir gilt was pies nlts1 to mis 1ta o k mis agnew in a few will tlnimn words mnilt- the j i s ntatlon although taken by mi rim mrs imiimk made a v ry m njly mi nml mrs a s mahon rntrr tain 41 a numlh i f th it fin nds n lit o msiiiii of 1h ir inth wtnldini inimimis wi fti r in oiiimiu i itn ns mi m 1 mrs i i ink is in th i t ml i uts of i 1 til s n a ino ii t hi 1 iv i r ttulnll i s iii it mum 14ii1 km sow mimion iummkn i mm i ji s in mm o on ituii d th il of i on jon fit ming dt f in i s hi h in uaid m oinmnndi is ar im iii- rniule mm of lh tlv i br will visit it liiimlx 1 1 iin s offir in small nips to niivi tin s roll nnd hook offtrt- fnm the hnmlterlain who in i hem iln mermen s hand- sha i lu voni commanli rs are civilians ii lurnil to fin fikhling dutv whin my air raids immiir probable and ted i ffu h ntly throughout the this winter get easier starting extra protection oucduirud small advertisements ailaritismrtal ulr u stcsaiag villi eac up lu j wdft a lhlhsl tl i ft ii ous tmr ta sa test aiibisuuw ilue jv bt uastku a mudin rtmiit il con- miis iimn piuce rxk xjr lrt n ulnltntc lltalrr apply miis waiiait all si iturr out mil hound a it ii a hort plr ifi ii d nl in n aiiii it k a1jan til haijc miflnl tltilrli slovp in rtjint imidilloll apl 1idx 11 mllr iltrs uhhe miner lur iumliln and fumare rvpftlr ho slaimjion khf hurrh strt mmr daaus it is u f ksrsmfni was sa4 hss aa s4aaur alt v 1 i paaruss assttr surtlaa aa i i cm asaraiafs sad fil raa- i llpa st ruaslag tsssarstatst i caaaca row to psartas llatof j oil si la soa f las ai b-a- till llllllll amihican oil com ant i i ml tl 0 norton motors lord auitl merrury sajea and ntsrvtisa i- ord trtsrus ajsd trmrtors i riuaa matt i m a yj ll mtjr a iai1 iisili ss kit hi n ltange g t k t is ii mid arm tn i i lost t m l i j him i i mi n i ii k sf ai ion milt nsl r kit i n 1 mm i ii h in t i i n- ihli u j ii ka sls 1 in in vsson i i rn r dance wam ml ai tl n ii mn nt h ust oi f w lo 111 w iii- i is oshv upl i ll i i in llxpill i i mng lo ll 1 mo i ihkss ntnifr sanitary wot k done with rnodara coulpimnt also general trueklaa apply thomas cuttino 4 4 phone k1 acta uavtk1i w nl d to pun hase pullets all agaa and hn ist htgh prices paid apply hmiillll i hit k liapfllkiuks iimiim rer ontario 1111 notic r 1 iiintiiik s iiliiik nt unv km nn t w nrk r nrush floor f urmturr r j i main sin l alths t t hix kwood i wantwi s t- and 1 mn k y seed cto town ii u tonight v stan porlcli and his ire 1 sik ks uto vtiimttic vsmkitltn admission mli tmc and vssist n worthnhilo cnmmunjt kitnrt royal palace uikipjrs lb1in tiikatkess nn iuk nu hat imt i o vote vim geoiuir gtorc hormhv si n miijmciiit sium and mon tl fa wf4 tilltrs 0t s 11 hku highness ani the iseuj0 u ith mcddv limarr continuous show on monday and sntucdnv tinhk fri cut 15 within these wadus thomas mitvhclt aary anderson on same program mama loves papa- leon i rrol st mo tl t kines mt fi10 lufs taekn- w ith bitir croshv and 2 grcnt stars mmi mionkht show n stue eekiod j ivk oakic pcjrv kan t onlinuous show on monday nnd satunlay ii n si wlkhts and high st cash in is ui jii kvirnmnt npjiroved s i nn ihnnls for issunm of partl- ipui n mil nt 1111 ttllllam 111 sh a sons nn is sin tttlle ont ikmlslmt ii mil lonil k us i hy m n m i n imi i hllitn n for i in hurt 1 ma im v llf has nn i illim ii nr i his torn contain in lis t ut r mot s tin fl w of n itui il lis to tl hiiir st ft v in l 1 i i ii 111 nt i l i s lirug st t m h t isju su pi in rt ki niihmi i own hip 0 i i s r nrdw n t tiush ivffii mil in a i s mt n i hs hull lnis mih fu in i hikhwat i rt n t mils so i fi w good voiing owwi w uhl si in if not sold n j i m i vt- avov u ntfji h id hlng i k wanttd for 1016 h ili huik s nsoti 1- links ulhd nnd i lomtti st ilfm f hnrkc und r gov- i rnnn nt sup r ismn uarnnteed pnmium plus hatrhnhllltv premium i ml r r full ih tills wrili to nvftimt ctttck ttattnikltus 1 j imitm frrgui onlarln ii s hto t and fitinacr ret airs i h in line plastir tin brick makes n perfect jolntless lining for fire dota of stoves nnd mjrnaces no stove or furnace it better than its flrepot do nt throw vour broken furnace flre pot awav have it lined with flre- llne we htive experienced helpers undi r itrrsonal supervision jo iv v savace ow main street artoa notirr io cmlitor mlvn mil nml ii c vid bmsisvf miss mhel hnmil ton mrs krugii nnd mrs bluk of kalrvieu farm uev w j aiul mr lav lor of uo ihister former pastor of thi i ntted chunh i h ovmiliv i i imiltee of ihs- kthkvvihv nnd tveiton br in h bible so it t met snturdiv evening in the bistrmnt of the leshvteflnn chunh with mi cliis h harris at i hair- man and mr oeorge it pearen stv ntuv ireusunr who nad the re 1 ports of the vears aitivitit routine business was gone through and plans laid for the fall canvassing for funds for the society on account of the school teaiher convention the scholars of the fui- lie sihool room enjovid a brief uvk- jjhd holldnv j as a result of the heavv rains the early jart of the week the river is consuiernbly above the usual level tor this time of the year i erin fall fair saturday and monday october 6 and 8 thwksgiving day i chrwlic of the c will ofxiciallj open ihe fair hllubunr hraiut i land r ji tuck famil from pajmerston clowns in attendance with other noeuj attractiona hurdle races porn rarvt road races ijw1 riders ijidv drivers saddle horses carriage hones tandem turnout special shortporn show champion yorkshire show export dressed carcass bacon show stewart scott pres v f mcenery sec in the nuslter of ihe ratate nf ull- 11 am uaw kfnc r w iii jamh late nf the lllaie of aetn in the t ounty of lultnn mjilpsrr da- eeaartl notne is ht r hv uvin puisunnt to sttmn 1 of th irutlm ait r s o 1017 t hap it that nil t red i tors nnd others having i lnims nr demands nkninst th t tat of tt e said willi m i aw itr ncf wll mami i who dil on ot alkiut the jnd day of septimhtr vw at the hinge of aitnn nn reipured on or before the t rtn nf trttrtiri th we hy hvst pnpaid or delivered to matel r ion m t williams the administra trix of the kstate of the said deceased their christlin names nnd surnames addressee and description the full parti ulars in writing of their claims a statenn nt of thiir accounts and the nature of the security if any held hv tlum and take not tee thnt after such last mentioned dnt- the said administra trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amonffth partle entitled thereto having re gard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice anil that the said administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereat to any person or persona of whos claim notice shall not have been re ceived bv- her at the time of such distribution dated at acton this 22nd day of september 1043 vr lamgdon a-ayi-swoiith- barristers a solicitors acton ontario solicitors for the said 123 administratrix l -4- wii iiikimiiitejjigii

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