Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1945, p. 5

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thursday october lh ims the acton free press m 2kmmau mis margaret j mimnnim wu hum over th week-end- mr john mclur of montreal u visiting with mr j symon and urn iiy mr john mcclur ho spent the summer near uraeebridge u in acton this week mr blu cuyum jr and mr 1u11 natress spent th week end wllii mr and mr w ii clayton mr and mr f anderson and don na visited with mr and mrs w l itobertaon in toronto at lh week and mr cao murray who has bean vu- iuiuf wllh friend in wlnaliam un lon and ingersoll returned horn rec ently ufi mrlaffht toronto waa a guest of har sister mra j c malt- haws and mr and mrs j w wolf last wml mrs ars sjmuni of vancouver 11 c who has born visit ing mrs jas smon returned to her home in van- rouer this past week mm gordon mckay of luionto an 1 mn u anslx tough islitd riur in tie urrk nd with mr and mia fiiink li f itorkwoud mi miutlmih mwin who has len a pathnt in thr tuclj h enpra has pltal for some wrrk um abb to re turn lo hi r nome this work mr ajui mrs oru lloukir and mlu tttijiia llookir have returned to toronto after ending a work vsllh mr and mm iavld richardson mr kinmlh and jo mcdonald of 1ii vardrn wrr in toronto wed nesday of in unk on huile and attrndrd thr i in us at maple leaf icardeos mra j itnll and miss marjorle i hall mr and mrs wilfred mehaen rn ray and ithana spent the week end with mr and mrs robert hall in v ingham mr and mrs john mvitvrlrte of wei land mr and mrs ijoyd itartlelt ftclyn and 111 lite llojrur ofport col bournr vtsltrd on sunday at thr home of mrs r h collier and family sgt major and mrs john alger tslted in adon this week and called on the jrw irras sgt major alger expert to return next month to hi former position as guard at the ontar lo reformatory mrs a macdonald and mr i lector macdonald spent n few days lat week with friends in tondon and sarnla mrs ir d w duncan of jondon accompanied hum home nnd spent the meekend here mr and mrs j f rhnmpfcon mls llwel thomn of toronto mr and mrs nathan mnriln pinnne and bohb of mimlto wore recent lsltors at the home of their nunt mrs r collier and family i mr nnd mrs wm hutt and mrs j fred smith of milton attended th wedding of their n phew cpl fttlbble and iren gouldinr in st michaels and all angels anglican church in toronto on saturday october 30th mutt d cbljurf l of catiaha aecaa oatart th fruodjy churco sttv a waylyeb roflubv hjl hjo- matt parsonage bower aveau tmuv octorkk auk im men and missions sunday lino am morning worship uest bpeaker mr i j sher wood rhode avenue united church toronto wis pm church school 1 ou p m memorial service for s hfct nn mrnabb no kvenuig service rues oct 30th h pm midweek study and prayer roup at the home of mum m iteruwl lai ave come and worship everybody welcome w t pattbrson bo ftpartalfai la ey rriml1lt niibtpiut 1m wyndiiaal st omewi ft tlh compwuly equlppad osbsaa balow uahar she star you can obtain a cjuucwl and expesiencsd rveuiairr sekvicx la our mbaa lritriii 0iurf i la qwuha knox annox aoto kev robbebtiioubon avaavb e p head kcgittered optometrist u hl oaat h mansawlllow straat sunday mltilki 38th ims 11 mi ain morning worship sarlea rt at hateis of hie jtlble ml i t orlnlhlans xiii tk j m flie- sunday sctiool and junloi hit le lau 7r pm evening worship serlaa christ m i arables v the par ol lc f itu 1roillal sons 17iy that wnlt uon the lxrd shall renw llnlr strength sotitlat lurrh acton btv w il wallace siinua cxirlim iilh 1943 linn am monilnc srlr u15 sumlay s hoil no p m lpnlnk srrvlc a wrl oni t all i oljtmli af ih xlbmn life atannr sunday octouhl 2htlk 1m3 h i ul of s simon and s jude htoim 10n n m 11 n am i n pm 7 00 pm lliursdny j a in holy communion hurrh school mattlna and sermon senior lasses finmng and sermon nov j all saints day holy communion for sale lly mlcnl auction 3 rtonrt antkjilk hairs 3 of uu i nllxl cknrtia iiui bjr lltrr tlma until nat ttk c ialr mn bo iurn at church r ii e1jjott ltaimuut truata baajd vy victory ponds f l wright rkvitor and insurance phone 95 xtffifl attention legionnaires servicemen all lrcionnaireo and exservin personnel are asked io fall in at the ufrion hall on sun october 28th i at 2a num for the purpose f attendlru a mernorjud service for serzl neu menabb to be hw in ite united chureh acton at s pjn trusses alex stewart ud ajalbababbaiaiaiailalhilalmi s foot ailments h treated s miss allan tt tut cklrapadut lralt fnol allmonts for both laillt antl entlpmen tiprm ma taut aad mal rralnl- ull 9 orjarli all bjr appoiabmral raaar hmj it artkur 81 j i e i p ii auction sale of lurses tusutered and rada mejstein vwa implameau i lay rain htraw rtr i he on ttilrrd he leitlved in tru tlona from forlmlv hajuim lo m ii by ublir auction at iot 13 con s i s nrlson tup half mile east of rlihrri corners on the queen mltahelh v my on mtdnrnua novembeb 71k the folloulng hoitsr im heron mare h yra old lvm tbs clvde elding 2 match- rd i errhrn n rllllrs 1 r old tmlsmll atti cow 7 yrs fresh c ow 7 yrs fresh cqw 10 rs bred attain 2 1 infers 1 yr heif er 11 moi herd uull 20 mos slra lmrlm hag a nlr i tar on 11 dam hilton i rlnre sunla bnd by a s mahon amphellvtlle 1caiu dm rs fresh cow t rs freih 1 cus fi yf bred ngnln tow h r 1 red nkaln cow r brr1 akaln lleifr 1 rs j j helfrrs 1 r lb ifrr 2 mos duel dnles glrn at tlrrn of sale all rat tie old subject to 1 i and blood ttat j impifmrnts m h binder c ft m ii mower 6 ft m h side lvller hsk dump hake i ight i dfmmml wagon leur no 211 llow m h lb i lalo out ttimw disc spline tooth culllator hairnwr sieei heel farm ngor nnd box f oorlen atnn wheels crlmsby rnrn l lb ii cutting b x with illom r nnil i ijri essot clio poor u ln imntis od banning mill 2 how iuintp siwer pulper 40 cjl ram 1 si r outfit if or crate port ibl lorle vk chick ilrooter ilrood- er house h10 stewart clippers set ilm ilnrnrss odd collars number of rrce posts number of white ah tongut a nuniler of white ash i f 1 porks hoes shovels mi i dvlin rquipmrnt f can cem hictrlc milk ooler n ntli new vega cream separator tv lb cap n arl n u hum 1 tt huttt r print sfralner stirrer seal press pills mmvmutr ice itefrlgecator 200 tb c omhlnatlon nook cm and writing tek irce kitchen table hall ft nek several small tahles 2 iron beds 2 chests of drawers 2 nh stand 2 coal oil hanging lamps coleman iamp 2 aladdin ijnijm hay nnd fuain 00 nua mrxed 1 rain 10 tons runothv and clover in ft ton lean i ong onl straw 20 tons manure irums csh sale nt 1 o clock i a r i i iorr nnd 0 iijndi auctionem thn p hit cb rk jojb pxgb rrv announcing the oienim op an h electrical repair service a may- be left at c k jirownes store prompt srrvioe eltirienl worluaanahlp c r uutleu crewaon cnm in i raw ptoples church ioo ol00r cast toroivto the sunday morning service of the icoplc a church is broadcast over kadio station chum from 1 1 00 to 12 15 noon 1050 on your dial listen in or oivald j smith pastor s ncw loi klcr the only way pfvp r wl mi u those ntinj fur it adjrcs i tuj it huuh 100 illoor st e fori nto norton motors teed and maretury hale usd harrlea fard truean susd traetar fergtjaeai rystatn implamaat ctlculawg 2ahce thurs november 1st floor show dixie and al kkktrudb cain special irica for coalumni and spot dances georgetown arena rose room lobeknaikes orchestra i admission 60 cents gregory theatre tiiirkdu fiudav ketoher sth and mui thot one kht3 he trail has been m lon jrl way at times it icrmrd we miht not see the dayi rut now at last the rising tun is ours and with it come new challenge to our power was war naught hut a game to win by score and hiving won to cheer and strive no more jf that be all tor which our men have died trun we have lied o can id j most favoured of the land review whereon our right to victory stands our vow to free and succour those oppressed provide or those who fought and are distressed u ho risked without reserve all they could give to brcik our foe that we might freely live it we now stop to higgle at the cost then well have lost if we play squirt with those who fought our fight and work with them to shipe our world arlghti postpone our buying things we little need prtvent inflation growing through our greed co operate in peice a well ac war by loaning to our cause a little more if we keep faith until the job is done then we ii have won v iabrltl churcn cornel uilde eelyn kejea noi it phantom incorp orated cartoon kitten chapter ii haunted harbor kattrdav october itu matine at within these walls thonsa m it l hell marx anderson she gets her man joarr davis miuam gargan fok news monday octobeb smi god is my c0pil01t dennis morgan raymond uaoey musical plantation melodltt qlftnej dock watchers- r buy mokt victory bonds thi hydroilrctric powir commission of orntamio 4 i trf- juhaawaaaaati i

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