Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1945, p. 2

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ane two the acton free press rmisday ovftbfr lat 1845 lublihl evvrr ttuinij7 l a iom on lira subcbiition ratfs t l uaiiod suta ioc htl1 hunt i 4plu topi jr bulb ud tad rw 4dfm huukt t g rt li hk kurtl i rrafttd allhouik vrr pr ulim will t m 41 riot th fi lifti nt 1tr1lai in it lens a tb uawlf blb1tm ii i i mo b i 1 i luc rrrof i ilifimrnrh ul i hrtl bf u irr 4 wh iim i tnjuflw1 i wrillal ihr ilvaruer and rrfurnm tu 1 frf lifm ollx duly id j hr aiti- and wilt mfh imi f i xln 1 1 xii iid1t n i i in i tl ihtifi d in it l ll a ii h to a irl ii nnl ctvrlrd i17 th yti in ml i i r1l i r rrd iu i a proyodl llr ml t t h 1 tl fluf i 1 ctj l it r hultd n i 1 a i i it vl i im miii r lrittarrtl ahi or mi is rn tri i htm- 1 i flat n but nui ij t wohun 1 ouih planning of their lives now they have to- fit thtmek lb aain info the work or new ork in a peaeetinie world that period of readjustment for thtm is a crucial time when they were over there ui jronned to help them over this critical jenod that pr iiiisl tin onl be ktpt i iuiiil ictory j fronds we bought them to help bnnu viliury and nu re than cur the are nctded to titt to ret cnnad mis fitted baek into a j caeetntie or id epnunistd to look after the loved unis of those vho will nut return le promised tu a m baek to health all ho came baek bounded and mi mud mat ivr f fact w were pim 1 jnm t juiyxjuujf in some ol thoe black days if the eneim uld only be throw n back mtl what are we going j nnw ill these premises the least wt can do is buy more victory hunds in th s ninth loan maybe you can t make rt 1 if suhseripnun but bt sun ou make tin biggist t euntnhution uti ean don t let it i e said ih it we la it d in tht ttnal drive edfaimp rlunej the kmhnb s it docs look as if canadians would bt no longer cmbarasmd when niterrogatrd regarding their tit enship when they reply that they arc amdian no one objected or had anything hut pride in rtltr ring to themselves as being a british subject but generations have been born and raised in anada and many of the young folk of to day would find some difficulty in tracing their ancestry back to any coun try but canada naturally they feel they arc anadiajis and have iomc justifiable pride in acclaiming themselves as auch then too canadians played a distinctive roll in two world wars with other troops from othtr parts of the british i mpirt they have become distinctly known as canadians and it is only fitting that they should it won t make anadians any les british but it w ill take awav vunie embarrassment often caused by a thoughtless nnswer whtn crossing the border tht sanit arnimnt is uppluabu to thi id iption of a distinctive lnadtan mil in ida his jnn to nationhood and the vtirs hive nm it then can bt no harm in accl i mine b autlunt c mbols what all the world knows dure thi llo it vie doutt tu wisdom of numbers of parliament rnising thtir indemnity f mm 4 too x fl nik7 tlie khtitility is that the extra jkm will be tan tree i i here ire no doubt a few reasons for tht increase tut tture ait many reasjiis against it etui one he hil that nil ad ans must gt l down t tartti on ttif i u win tht r its take in mt or ml 1 tit time is i i tdlv apn ichnii when overhead ci sis will make it dilfuult to sell goods and a j a toll out of line n itads to tht drvnil up t tradi and tht btgin nine ot nut ni h y uu nt iht allowance would go to all numbers of i ailia mini which means for instance that iruiu minister muckt i7 it king would receive a total income of 2 i km made up of 1shk salary 1 mm sessional indemnity j km ear allowance and 2dm expense allowance jitunet ministers would draw 10 mx sal arv mmx sessional indtmuity 2 mm ear allowance and 2 immj expense allowance parliamentary us sistants would receive 4 mm salary 1 mm sessional indemnity and 2 km expense allowance senators would also come in for tht increased pay altogeth if it would mean more than a million dollars a year tht kenfrtw mercury lkath dealing somtnirm tragedies that are doubly distressing because the arc avoidable art lollowmt in the wakt if war as veterans of the fighting in urope bring weapons to iheir canadian homes as souvenirs s l ral per ton a have lost their lives and more will die or be maimed unless people can be taught that pistols even the unloaded ones arc death dealing the danger was emphasized dramaticallv m east ern ontario recently an army officer returned to his home bringing an automatic pistol a trophy of fighting on the continent a curcful father hc- thowed his 12 year old son the automatic pointed to a loaded cartridge clip tn a drawer and explained it must never be touched next dav the bov stepped to a window to answer a chum s call and show him the automatic a mom ent later his plavmute was dead with i bullet thvough his head somehow a cartridge had reached the fir ing chamber there is another danger the souvenirs will fall into the hands ol criminals a police oflicer wns wounded in ottawa recently with a weapon stolen a few days btforttrom a war museum hcdcral ufhcfuls are considering tightening con trols but tragedies will continue as long as firearms re left within the reach of any except those most experienced in handling them boys who have been playing with toy guns tor years will automatically point a real one inexperienced adults are nevfer j really certain there isn t a cartridge in an automatic pistol the law provides that revolvers and pistols must i be registered each fie years this regulation docs nothing to offset the dangers inherent in indiscnm the icojiiih ivnrt the foreign ministers of the frt it powers that ti ivt worked toie tht r for v ictory have f ule d to reach an agreement in one of the fust niiiiur atlnnpts to brine settlement of postwar issues i hi i rdin iry ii an well in n v ask hat ho t is t tie r e 1 1 r cue- 1 iilure ot the coultrencc in some i f its major as picts w is con firmed by stilt siretir b rnes ot the i nittd st ties m int if tht m m f nhtiijii discuss ions t f in te rn it mil issue s i t ice nium he base d ui n mutu il uiuli rm irujini in miiliiil iispect it t hint t be sec in ed b prticedural mam eiiv rms which bsc ore i rttm the pet le the real and it il issues up on which their tace depends said mr bvines who declared it must be a peoples pe ice there is hope too in the fact thai britain and the united mates stood firm on the principles it stake and did not yield so that they would be able to an nouncc an agreement of expediency there has been some idvance it leist from the spirit ol mun ich what is a j copies peace the british prime minister clement alice mated the situation well in a recent speech to ttic 1 radc union congress in blackpool i nejiind he said real peace in the world cunnot he established by tht force ot great powers however overwhelming iturc must be a ch inge of heart if peace is to be sonu thing be ttc r than an utu as mterv al between wars a new world cannot be made by govern mints but onlv bv people and president truman said rtcintlv let us not fail to grasp this supreme chance to create an en during peace under the guidance ol cod these two great leaders of widelv differing pollt ical and economic views huc pointed out this way ol greater living u is the change of heart that tomes when we turn to god tind find a new attitude toward lathers which results in wholesome and peace ful relationships this change in our habits of feel ing and thinking will not be easv but as wc learn this secret within our natiqn in home industry and government wc will contribute to the real peoples peace editorial notes ir pu55slon o t but p i v able in tracing stolen gun fien this regulation is not being kept of the 2a12i7 pistols and reolvcrs previously registered only a third have been re reg istered this ear as the law provides the prudent person with a new soucnir of any sort of small arm can insure himclf against tragedy only by following the adusew the roal canadian mounted police and turning it in to the polite for destruction and this is november with iust two more months of iks remaining the other ten months hae wit nessed some momentous happenings no one will obiett if i hac two or three periods of indian summer fspcciall pleased will be those uho arehuilding what about the promise the queen elizabeth brought home 12000 over seas men the lie de france is bringing regular loads of happy reunions and many smaller boats arc doing the ob we all prayed und hoped for six years would tame day occur the war is over and we are going hack to peacetime pursuits for those returning we have taken the years of it comes as sort of a shock to learn that in can ada there are now so 000 being paid unemployment insurance claims thats i s per cent more than wtre receiving such claims ff jul bntccbridge recentl voted upon and carried by a substantial miriorit a fcvlaw wtich will provide for the election of councillors for a two year term with half to be elected each year the mayor will be el ected each vear and they shall beat th0p svoftps into plouchshases for canadas reconversion to peace v fei jk m salaataai a rti it a o a r i4 os cwbm m cocoa x4c mi tia v4u r mini wh t a v lit naanaaa tcauua grapenuts jumut tabut a 1u wkcat starkix n 7 ait roddi nun n ft nnicri wurraao 1- bakimo kwbd l landohoauituacnaarx 14a edo h sadcs ma x41 baomutbld ciixxsi a u- 7a mduuffst vamula afa unsbosb wbsat a n asa saucr ubb im 17 no va isvic ocibal t l ndooit polish camioix c1iw m g oaintts doo meal 1 u ix i kbnnbll kllllb cu m m niwfoit thuwrm af queen olives if rollvtob warn 4 light bulbs spfc1al juicy valencia oranges large siez 2ss d02 5fft potatoes lb no i cooking onions 4a 10 lb bag v fvesh tomktoca lettuce cauliflower ure9 ueans grapes special weekend prices business directory mkih al dl w g c kenney phjrmchaa and kurgaa succcsmir loor j a mcniven otricf in symon 111 ck mill slrat aclon oni rhsaa 7a tuthxrar imnk kt rkuu iu uk h f joyce lurtuur 1 rfi r ot i ii mllottb iteildnc tinn ily ir mcmlini ofllce t lifln strict ailon nrntai ll hutll b aubtin itthml mufgrun mill stmt trtn r irrlirlck aelon oftli llouia i mi a 11 in 5 to p m i vrdlnkm ly a i uitmrnt telephone ib ll a j itucmanan llenlal hurkeon iilfui 1ibliitian itloik mill suaat iff it lluur 0 a in tu c p m i ay tas it 1 mllum 14h rrxai i li rill 11 and u a ilarruur ami hollrltur noucry fublla lk 11 r uf manlng ijcenaea icilklrar i t lltrll mnrrlaaea tjeathl air oltlm 11 i hone lualdenaa iu lancdon aiiswoiith lurrutera hnllrltora tie orll ei all 11 l imp r hull unit i k mai inlyre auworth oa attcjn olliee h5w 1hooe lleahuaro lllj e rttiwn retory llieatre buudg ilonc hxw carroils 4fe rrriiinauv a u oun v b a v be v ttrlnr nurgroi ottiiv ui h hv mr jdlarlo i hunt mim n iii rh i oaktb v h v be rtrrinmr nurgtoit it 11 i lukilu i 1 v nut l 11 111 1 mi it i tnrai ullloucmin hakm aulncy leiiii m n1 cjllisi my in eancda ii nl other- knit uhlk itronto 1 rt town 1 t l n m nlntivr i hit llrwson lhuiit trorgrlown itt ilnal estate broltttr omrral inaurabr wm h bracken phonr- 6 acton ont time fables canadian national railways going wt dolly tfxeept sunday aum saturday only i unily vxerpt sunday monda only daily excipt sunday hjir at liorgftown dally ixcrpl sal and iun her at uelph dally x crpt sat and sun uolng kmm pally rvc yt sunday dail except suntlay nil extij t sunday sunda i nty her dnlly wiruetown hrr dally at curlph r coach lines coaclibb uliave acton i eaalbaubd i x6 46 am b716 am 918 am ill 51 am 206pm 310 pjn 3f pm 906pm bllllpm j uaatkouaj al03s am yll 43 ajn 135 pjn i24sh pm 73 pm bft3fl pjn 74s pjn x08 aja 12 avaa 6 35 p m t12 pm 6 49 am 9 5fi am 650 p m 819 pjti 923 pm a39 pjn xstspni 11 28 nm m to london b sun8ai and holidaya only x dally txcept sundayt and hob- daya to kitchener z to stratford macdonaijys used furniture antiques lphouucui reflnuwnc bcpain cuarantewl hlsheat quality work at reasonable frlcaa 80 maedotwll st quipy

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