Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1945, p. 5

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thursday november 8th ims the acton free press tjjttzt lira k r collier vut whh ui and mrs j uuur on monday at uu- ura cortwti it b4n tha omum of ur miners birthday mr w f jlgglne th ulaea m and e ilimihiw attend th funeral of their cousin th utf ulu e swanston at cwelph on tea4sry mr and mrs archie knmer and eljciof acton mr and mrs coots robinson and diane of erin spent sunday with mr and mn honry hills of ilallinafad mr and mrs harley ilrignall and douglas visited in art on last week- end and mr and mn jam 11 reed returned with them to toronto and spent most of tht week there stoker robert allan and mrs allan returned home to hamilton after having sent a week with his parents before leaving for i- wjulniall b c to join th crew of tht uganda mrs e t collier and donna and erson aent a few day in toronto lait week and met two nephew a ar riving from oversea ite w h thnrnptuvn of toronto and sgt w j collier of teopgelown sttttf matfri td toasts tbe rriwby churefa mxv a wax 0auy bju u0 ihil in rarsoiiaf power avww sunday november ix i ramainbranc day u00 a m mornim wnrihtn flerm- on w shall hemambst them 12 15 p m church school 7 00 pjn evsnlng worship song service theme songs of re membrance wed nov 14th h pm midweek study and prayer croup at th home of mr dawklhs willow st commit thy way unto the iord irust also in him and ha shall ii ring it to pass come and worship everybody welroms halton teachers meet in convention at milton this year tvuea tcadtcn of county iuve served la tht part war inapcetor skuw wel- tamed t ln ara hour this week br ae rultoltd rrm aaaff wtaiar halton cu1ii teams in provincial competitions ilif lntritub i umpetiliuns for ontario junior former club tcama uric lit m at the ontario agricultural collr on vtolnr j61h onipetlt ion were held in dairy caltle leot cattle hw ine horses poultry gialn and j kit ui net and esi h of the 340 club in the rrtivlnre wai eligible to enter a team of two club members between the age of lf and jo years inclusive halton entered teams from the fol lowing t luhs milton dairy calf club halton lio swine club hal ton ajax oat cluh and halton alore ilarlr club while no high honors were secured the four team mada an excellent showing in competition with ontario i top iluh members thu was all the more noteworthy in view of the limited amount of train ing the respective teams were able to secure during the busy fall season from the coach agricultural repree entatlve j e whltelock in the rain cluh project halton placed th and nth with 24 teams competing in the province the aj ax oat hub was repnsented b tom aldersnn hornb and llenk ievries j of cm net own while douglas alex ander and don ismond of coricton represented the ialore ilarlev club in tht dairy cattle project with 3 teani competing halton pint ml fif teenth being represented hv wm llrnin norval and frawr minabb vf eorgetown i in swine cluh pio- jet brought together tiam with the hallon team of cordon alton of freeman and i inmon dlt k of corbel own plaii 18th 1 in the inter pro incial club con- tests which will lw held during the present month onlnrto will be repre sented b the following teams dairy cattle south slnnoe lb ef cattle uv middlesex swine b durham count rain bv peel and potat oes hv durham county prraittftrrun ccrjurrlf 1h tatiaba knox awudl acton rrv fosuum thouhon ssju ssjj i mia tat a manse willow street mma novrmhklt lllh 1ihs i ii u nm morning v orshlp an nual remembrance day service i 1 ht aiccptmue of sairifhe mi pin die sunday si hool and junior lllhle t las 7 m pm i- vening worship christ a i amble 7 the tslenu they that wall upon the lord shall renew their strength baptw clurrl acton rjcv w u wa1xace raata stindav novemi1er u 1im3 morning service the way to a metier world 2 15 sunday school kvening service following jesus a welcome to all olrnrrlt af ih xi baa tb alartgr sunday november 11th 1m5 ihe ivent fourth sunday after trinity k lo am holy communion 10 ml am church school 12 15 pm senior classes 7 mi p m the sacrament of con firmation will be administered by the bishop of niagara tylcuueta for cnrr aeration iv li n woltk a sitcialtv eorieurwn 0tsru rhene sis ttjk in tamet rxrm ihe london union of ceylon tea j planters hae recentlv recelxed the i first ten tablet s which should ron- aidernblv slmplif anil cheapen the production of tea they art- the rea- ult of a process laed qn long cars of exjierlments carried out by the cevlon tea liesennh inatltute whlth redutvs the time lequlrevl in produ ing tea from 4 hours to 2 hour h mean of this procei known u p f c the ten is made into ctunpresnetl t ablet h whiih mil fa shipping lnce hie tiihh t form ten lit also nloiit rt lt n nt htiongi i than tea in it prt sent fotmmul al lows for n retliution in pi we i h t omlon ttigrtnlntlop u now going to undertake fuither tents and ierl- inent with the tea tablets ih iottt ukk i lard on cm rvkm win not ijtt ih kit sol utsli glasses uartioa aaaurod e p head mximrrjikd oitimtrnujjts w sr kouiies sg chkiill ikooe iss9 for appointment i cub pack news i on mondav evening october 9th b t c a the ftclon cub pack gregory theatre tliruhdw fsudav november i and 9 thriu ok a romance tvchnwolor esther wulianv van johnson were in full attendance and were in structed as to the law of the wolf cub paik also the cub promtve and are these bovs willing and quuk to learn the cubs totk part as a body in a ten minute game under the guiding hand of bagheera the park alatj were started on a period of instruct- ion aa to tlng knots which consist of tying the reef knot and sheet band in the first period last- mondyeventtibnovemorirj at the ymca the cuba spent their entire alloted time in marching as a complete 4ackon jiaradr in prw aration for thexrmliuce parade on sunday november 11th in which tht pack will- fall in behind the parading boy scouts for such a short- period of instruction the boys were iplendld the cub pack is asked to be at tha town hall sunday morning novam- ber 11th at 11x30 ajn jharp- tha cuba are to be known u tha 1st ac hon wolf cub pack cartoon swing shift cnfder- ella chapter 13 haunted har bor natvrday november la matlaa ai midnight manhljxr william cargan ann savage tell it to a star- ihith terr rjobert t4vtnjestona fox news indav novemlteb is the suspect charles laughton ella raines musical nautical but nice canada carries on gateway to alaska cartoon slip horn kin ol poumik th teachers of the county or hal ton met in convention in tha court house in milton on friday october 19th there was a splendid attendance at both sessions and mu h interest wm manifested throughout itev w porter ma 11 d st paula lnit1 chur h tonduittd the devotional e- ii lues many new iiteintx is wi re present a leilm a conventlun were tuit hehl dumng the war period die resident miji d kolslei a ton wtltmet1 the n w teat lit is muih ita hem and iiuimi su ihe mem liets who had leturned from serving in the armed forte during the tt1 ihms fllle n ttattieit frum haltn inset lrate janetl i in- niniet fonts fsnu slug s s ni 11 hlwotml soothe s s l ira mian wo- nit n s division nnsvagiw e n s s j 1 onnld m nabh s s 1 dtrame hurt s s 4 loin hollingvi s s l charles say- tis s s martin llfissard inifnlgnr s s j marion cood lirnnd ai ion frnn dills women a dlvilonl nrnet mt kcnle- llurlittglon claude luwlglns mlllon allan met allum oakvllle cuniaxt crawford ken neth prueltr arthur itoltertson a moment of silence was oli rved in memory of flying officer ionald marnahh who jiald the supreme sat riflce one of ihe pet in i features on the programme was the insiector a per iod a hesrty applause was given to welcome ihe insiector mr skuce who had returned after a years ex- thange nt ottawa normal s hool in his usual rnnahle manni r he remind ed tbe teachers that the fundamental part of the teachers work is the forming of the character of the boys and girls the thief task is to put in their minds some ideas of right and how to do the right thing he paid tribute to the work telng done by the teat hers and nurses mr it s hentherlngton freeman who tins im en npoln1t d projei t ton lit and f it ut m it t to bring visual aids l the rural tumrtn of hilton pre sented mernl inti resting reels of pit tun whit h emphasized the im portance of this phase of education master toe nova milton public school fiuored the ass inlilv with an at t ordian selection mk- it sulcllffe hon n p1aln- ed the school henlth jerlce formed rctenllv in the rural set lions of the county she stntcd thnt the work in tht ilass is the formation of mm habits positive health is the toal for whlih we strive rather than a repair shop the pre m hool clinic prepares the child to nrrlve at school in fit condition for the teacjter tt teach arts and crafts was the subject iflxcuvscd by misses m e crlexe and r falrhurn and e f mccullough who had taken the course held in to ronto during the past summer cor relation with other subjects was em phasized to bring about an mediated j tourse the desire is hot to produce artist but to train chlldr n to bo gootl iltizens hy encouraging hobbles miss k donkln sptke contlselv on professional ethics and t eat her s fedt rntlon mr c dudley ltlm rant mnnonl ttnlningteat her for nasvanweya and nelson school areai dist ussed that work from the rural child viewpoint and tllsplnyel objects made h tht- pupils mrs h dudlev itlnenmt home fc- onttnus tent her for nnssogaveva and nelson school areas dlptaved nrlh les niadt hv the girls one tf the hlghllght of the iav ws the noon hour banquet when the w unit n i asoclntlnn of st paula i nltcd churth ntere1 for one hun 1 red and flftveen tern hers follov- ing tht toast to the king a present ation was made to mls c young who retired from the staff of ceoi go town public school this year mr j m denyes ra toronto a former j anresd hu h wishes to toronto cp ontarios moat exploalve post war tabor tltuauon the ford motor company strike foe ussed the attention of the province this week on windsor where strikers aid police lined up for a possible plck- ttilncllllcaji4 jpreaentallves of the provlni lal and dominion govarn- ment sought to end the eight week- old conflbs- i lenr kurd il young presldant of th pajlpnl a merit an lompany step- led into the situation monday when he conferred with latxir minister humphrey mllthelt who hail flown to windsor from ottawa after an nouncing premier leorge a drew had sought ihe present e of a fetleral tablnet minltlr vmlh the lalxif minister in windsor was 1she itlat k- w ii ontai ui attorney general who hfld onleietl piovlnt lal and itoyal snatlaii mounted i n into the imirder city saturday to jrole t loid proimily after tonfenlng with mr font mr mitt ik ii tailed ji lift tftir with mr liln kwelt the kill y tmmlttee if the cnittt ant mihilt wmko a i unit wlntlsor t ity num i mem lii to tllw um tlie foid vtrlke and sninlh walkouts in 21 lrtdstir mit in line and otlit r plants whit h had in rrnstil lb kmhm rd work les tt ziytt as the ttmferenie om net nml a hlle jtw killfi- rt infurtt nienlh were held in harrat ks union pit ket rs pilrolled the pi nut gnles tehiiul n half mile long steil tiairhflde or sltmt 1 vm niolor vehltles jain met i on the street outside the main and offlie entruuct to the sptawllng pfwd plant the ehl lex some lclmiglng to union member and others prhntely owned were directed into the barrlcnd mon- i day to forestall any efforts of tmllte to enter the plant i the jamming of the private cars buses and commercial vt hides into tht plant apprtuaches was the only dis orderly act reported up to the time ihe mltthetl conference opened in ottawa the house of commons staged a fulldress debate on the strike which brought demands from all sides that action tie taken to end it and a call from the ccf for the withdrawal of police and declaration that the government was supporting a strike bieaklng move the acting prime minster j 1 ii- slt y staled the polhe had teen sent to mslninin law protet t life and proierly nnd not in any way lo in terff re mlth ihe strike issue itself iteconsl tut linn minister howe said neither leglsliilion to fort e union se iurlty nor the appointment of a con troller in the plant oul m lllp the issue involved col c t merrill v c progress ive onst rvntive lalxr spokeininn proposal thnt the whole issue of ihe union shop in industry le n u rretl to n parliamentary committee which would hear evidence from labor and management consume r nnd producer and rccommc rul to parlnm nt some form of legislation either estibllshlng a compulsory union shop or not as it felt wise mr howe during the dls usslon held up the union shop ai om rated in the construction and railway in dustries as a model of union security he said the ford company wai to le severely condemned for not having created belter unionmanagement re lations in their plant ihe situation had been n tragedy of bad relations the issues in the ford dispute in- otve such union seturlty clauses ai the union shop with union member ship a condition of emplotmrnt nnd the compulsory rhii koff bv the com- i panv from pay enelons of union duei other union demands include wage increases maintenance of war time takehome n t eduction of hours and two weeks holui iv with pav istlslrlox acton ontario november 5 ims editor acton free press acton ontario dear mr editor this is the first letter you have re ceived from me no x have no bone to pick with you i see a map of the proposed sewage disposal system by w t patterson ro iwfrareaui la ey argawa la wtntvhah kft ouatlrfl rta sim completeljrequlppad osloea ditow usher shoe store enpneeritlirdye tn7utr e duw hy it ive avenue and the south epd of main street are not in- iluded in the proposed plan but crescent street whh h is in ihe town ship is now hope this u all a mlstako because w by should the cit izens of at ton instal hewera in the township tteforr alt the streets in ac- ton art taken tare of itis trapp-en- j ttl vlth the waletwoiki and no tiunil till t lie irsm nt one letllfied dial nilstak i undeistnnd that lit iirtlnioi paid for ihe watei mftlns on si til street lo i heir i houu h ihf mi he but 1ti village had to lmm th tost of ii i piiinpiug station eti infore iiki- mains were lot nny us only itiis ytitr it waa fmi i nl m essju y to hull 1 a rex rvolr nt lln spiln prop itv o supply the d in nnd and dlil r sr nt strl res idi nts have to pa for uii of ihe ost not i tuil i evi r heard of ii lh i s this i lv ing n ot the lovs nshlp espet t to nil th failllll s ol th village ui i mis tin i upkeep ty hive m vi r le l glv n tht opkitunlty to bring tin ir prop- tit into the limllh and shire the costs of fa iihies lake tin hool for inslame duilng ihe im 4 45 season hone with pupils atti ndlng i ui hilt st hool paid 2 ni month per t lilld i hose with no thlldnn had no t ost i o hear w hatev er die cost of maintaining the 4uulc st hool aver ages jv t pupil er y ar yet the township children only paid j0 la it nut high time that this section of the township along with the indust ries lo the south of acton became int ormiralcd inlo the village for nty part i feel that they have a right to ivenr their share of keeping up ac- ion like all the rest of us who are proud to live in sut h a grand little village i also understand this sect- ion tn joyed garbage toilet tlon for some months without roat to them i hope that thero is an explanation for the prooscd sewers being plan ned for rescent si reel or are we going to repeat the mistake made by the ounil so ninny venrs ago and just now corrected after 2tt years ours sim en ly a lax payer qualified coitsettere fur better cmma foandalitm gaotwiu reasonably priced anyone wishing a fitting cor further information phone s5 or call at the house mum w mendiia1i uelph st ceorgetown a floyd smith jeweler tvatoikh cmmum irutjjxv 7s qurlwc mrrvt wt aikull ont sismans tdk jicttkr shoe for mm and iioh suld at pallanth store miij st acton foot ailments treated miss allan tut thlrafwdlai trrnli fkt allmenta for both ladln ami urntlaman oprn man tkuva ant bax trnlnaa uii oalark all br appolntmant ihon iim tj artkur m c help 11 peoples church loo dl00r cast toronto tic sunduy morninr scricc nf the peoples church ii broadcast over kailio station chum ram 1110 to 12 15 noon 1050 on your dial listen in ir oswald j smith pastor free r smiths new booklci the on way vjmii he mailed free to at those writing for it adjrcv peoples church 100 bloor st e 1 uremic ten w ays to 1komm life the popular author d son t nrter jkrsuialed that s lent e h i proved tvond tlouhl that ihe nvinuc life all ok bjs lould le t tended nt 1iist 2 vears in his ictent article lets live foiever he gives lh ollowing ten rule- ai fat tori it ad rig to a long and useful lift sw victory bomds f l wright realtor and insurance phone 95 1 lower hlihul prt r pulse than averngt j hnumghun sun an i slo l the assembly miss m bennett ac ton brought greetings from the re tired teachers the afternoon session was held in the public school the convention divided nto grades for discussion the fallowing officers were elected honorary president j m denyes toronto inspector u 1- skuce d a b paed milton president r a hopkins bronte vicepresident h c wrlffklea- worth georgetown seoretary miss m5 cemmell mil- ton treasurer fv brown milton executive miss n jardlne eaque- slng mrs e mcdowell nassaga- weya miss f meares nelson miss m willis trafalgar and the princip als of graded schools thero are sufflclsnt mosfjulto lot- ions on the market thlj year i 3 absolutely no hard phvsnal lab- or or sports after forty 4 complete abstention ftom alco hol 5 complete abstention from tobac co in any form r 6 a senslhle diet with your main rule not to overeat 7 work in an occupation that vit ally interests jou 9 and besides that have a hobby or interest apart from your work 9 extremelyimportant sleep and rest and relaxation at all times 10 taking the greatest care to av oid colds chills and the socalled mldnilheses this recipe for old age is actually a recipe for happy tiring as wait there is nothing crank about it the formula for the cood ufola al so the formula for a lons life aeeeeetteaeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeaaae buddhism the religion who has the most followers in china wai introd uced there from india the board ok directors of the lacton ymca entcnil to you a cordial invitation to attend a party at the y i fri nov 9th at 83o7hi -car0-games- lancing in the card itoom on tlia gym foorood uuale prizes for card games i novelty prizes refreshmerjts admission 7se spend a sociable evening at ihe y with yoiiv prendl ia i r l1 f vt

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