Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1945, p. 2

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ejw jut out jfrtt fis seventy hrat year no 10 acton ontario thursday november isth i04s eight homepjidt page five ccflu county assessor appointedl dulles tlotcoisiiience jan ll salesmen and third content winner j pj baelgw frf tnftcv ap pal at salary tf 2400 imw s700 gar ahowmik in erf mm hi salary to cleeit and trest- crsoaar criticism ea county bftauaiuiicata for atuftt- lotiaj c n may it tt- viam aeroam of 16x18 pftu for prinunjr reoldtu at the november meeting of halt on county council held in milton last tuesday two mrmtirn wrrt absent heev t w murray and reev c h hlllmrr following the reading of the nun utes and communications sheriff w j i hampshire presented the in spertor i report of the rounty build lngs this report stated that the gaol itself and the rounty ituildtngs am a whole wrrr found to or well kept and arruuloukly rl an however borne improvement w re revom mended imnrik them a toil t in the jury room further fireproof protect ion tor the gaol new kitchen stove for the kan kltrhrn and addlt tonal riling spare for the heglslry office also redecorating fur some of the cout house office mr hampshire complimented the rounty buildings cmmltlee on the improved lighting system rei ntly installed llr also reminded ounu 11 of the neeslly for him to reutte certain right a in con nectlon with the uv of the rand jury room now occupied by the school health nurse and asked that any time it became necekry for him lo use this room for the work of his office that such art ion would not be looked upon as an arbitrary measure since it was his wish to cooperate as murh circumstance would per mil with the county council and oth er county officials i put rere cnre leave was chairman w hrn council went into bond hardware block destroyed in sjieetaeular fin lire damage estimated at iqonrm was suffered in a spectacular ore in uelph on tuesday night whlrh dem- troed the block housing the aond hardware o the tobacco store of i win mowat thf nuttery and th i turner shop of james molloy and hoy unlay largest lot was suffrred by the itond hardware o which carried an eatenuve ato k for both ita whole t sale and retail trade ios of stork slitnr was estimated by a director of the mm pan ctertta at between siutivii and jjontmn the building owned by the itond ilulldtng trust was a large stone mmk three stories high over a large part of ita area although the oldest hu tines block in uelph 1twa con aldcred a valuable property and loss to the building alone i estimated at jill mm th building la mid to have been erected in 1w4 the business was established by the late john m bond and in 10tfi became lite ilond hardware co 1 id the hlse was first reported at ft2h on tuesday evening and at that time the flames had made such headway that l was nlmoot lmhmxlhle lo confine the fire lo the one building final hhipmknt articijss from red ttoss rooms i1krk the follow in shipment of articles wa made during ihe week from the at inn and dlhtrlrl red oosj head tjunrtcn this will likely lie ihe fin nl khipmi nt of goods from here as the record attendance at the sertice ol remembrance the final contest in the ninth victory loan saw more winners ar atnrmunc- last week heir the are with the sahsmen for a ton ami dixirtt who el u a n w h jh for m tot lians in a ton lcft to h r t wilanl mussellc mr r f i urn i mm uatiir norton mia m m nil 1 1 mr s ii i ind nv nnd k m au wtilb actonraises 168 quota in the ninth victory loan mr i i skucc ii ouk f mi itainl llallon chinl lloublrd iu oris inal objmiivr for a irand tol- llr al ot jm0 in make it the rw mtmtilli rratnu irtory lian yet ar- ion campaign wmt wall fnun ikt hrnl an ikutrlrt aa hrnt in county to kearh hjrrtie lulton hihi f lli xiunl look nintli vi i ih commltlr- of thr hol the main i work oomplrir1 nt ihr mom b huftinrka nrlklnk from thr nirt and latrr passl in open rounrll rr a follou lloapltal arrounts avsd fi01 trlntlng 11 7t if ttiln amount included ilgtthlh paid to the t erres advertising serire for priming of llalton booklets county koada net amount of ex penditure on countv koads totalled saft 4i11l inrluded in thk amount waa the counts share of the ilrldge at rcnvv lltlams nnd also reurfnetng of ihe road at stewarttown special communications with re gard to paying hountv on foxes nnd skunks prom correspond nee re ceived from other counties it appear- ed that the countv ha no authority to pay hountv this being a matter entlrel up to tie municipalities to deal with school health service accounts rinsrcd jv11 agriculture and itefoiestatlon commltte fwn 11 x ileeve j m mcdonnld drcw the arrentlon nf hr romnrll lo ihe fait thnt up to the present date ihe countv had home the full flnnncinl rcsiknslhllltv of d untjuent t hildrrn m nt to ontnr- lo training schools v ik ren- accord lng to thr ad a shnn of this enkt should ik home by the municipality cone rned in view of the fnrt thnt juvrnllt llnquent v v ns unfortun ntel on the im itam mr mt ionnld thought it onlv fair thnt nnv munlc ipalltv should sltnn in the mainten ance cost of nnv i hlldren for which it was rehhmsih1e in tlii ixmrnrtlon it was moved hv mc ionald and craig thnt this countv count h re commends that future cminiv c oun inu closed 1 ikox null l ttps and i viulllni bookx rul m nnd nupplles i pair jlrl hnw 1 j alr men gre host h pair men khaki hoc h turtle neck vrlrm 1 ttag axmiited wimtl in hah 40 whit hnnk rt hlef mark tukntl flftii ukdiv1ng anniversary at home in acton a verv enjnvahlr evenlnc wns spent on snturdnv novemtier 10th al the home pf mr nnd mrs melvln hums n l i sire 1 w hen n numb r of rel ntiv tatlicrl to honor them on the occnvion of thilr twentv llfth wed tllng nnnlversnry during the eveplng nn atmress in vr composed bv mr cvrll knight wni n ad nnd the pr sentntlnn of a imnuliful electric lamp ua made b mnler hnre- spruw 1 a dalntv lunrlicon was serel from a inhh covered with n chinese cut- urk clath ctntrcd h ih wmliling t ikf flnnked by tnll ineri in silver holders the hiid nnd gioom of tvvntv five vcar rec ivml h nrt con- kinluliilhtn nnd khhi wihi for a liuia lift of htnlth nnd hnpplncni committee named for officers of knox w m society knov t dun h w m s prld i mting in th clau room of lu ir th lmi mrs k v t iikh sovimtn r mh lilt w pretuhtt hit th miiioiuii perud was taken by mm inntz rending th ilpture lesson niwt mrs to xlurrny offer ells harge ha k tit the diffi rnt mun ini a prnvtr ihe scitni and itlpallllis nffeted that pirllon al- in muter s keixirt wtie then given lowed bv statute for uttx com of i ft r whuh tin annual it nrts of maintaining at ontario framing the vntious deiai tmenls won sub- homes for bov and ihlt k from the muted countv carried mn v t- harr and mrs a j liu comudernhle discussion tiwik pin in h man wt re appointed a nominntlng regartllng ihe countv booklet with iommittcr ut ltt th off let rs for th continued on pag flv toming vear winner in fiil content ocloan ntinx imi t v in to h ail the log in tin v lonn a c ana n nntl dttuhle the tjttoli tl lor a nrw rtiiird in v it loiy iait 11 rt urns on lj mlav stxiwril itttnl count valti of j4 s5msi hie itriiiia1 iu l wna jjliikkkl lltllttn his ii ei or taliard ov r r cent of tftr quota eoik i own h ml- hi tounlv wllli ii jter trnl ttf ii ttiotn lor totil folts nt jwlol llurllnktttn it ttonil with jj trr cent or sales of 91 1j7 till onkvllle tui h r cent ftti 1 moi millttn ino ter c nt fur jtto 700 acton lfth er cent for w hml and nassngawevn iis per cent for jmf uk1 rvcrv unit e c eded ita quoin bv a with ninrlln in alton ihe luin wenl w 11 fiom tin hlail ilidt tttwn was first in tin countv in rtnth its ohjcctlvc in fat i juvt n nk afttr ihe ionn often a mmtmd unoffkt inl object t wns learhed in ihe mt ond wk- it una n nplendid amiuilkn there wrre n large huhscritm rs to bottsl tin grand lotnl hut a fin tnrti lp illnn of nil ntini to make th objeillve sur pnmi and the fin total txtuicd ilie ftilutwing is n m fcsnge from pnidint j 11 llnution who h mlcl th ithal commlttct for this tralst 1- nn ttiluw ili ns riinnk vou it i lh spl n inl wa vi u hnvt ot im hind th tth irlory io in inv iiiu have shown n r l s inl ttf t o ttjt lation win h has mate tin mln i nsi i fur oui mnutlit ami sal vmt ns- at ton la proud of the f at t that she wns the first in llalton c ouiij i r nch he different objectives as i am wilting now iuimii morning tin amount nnclml is vtvj 1 which is lts prr tint of our ohjtiliv i t shtwiiing acton i ntuat tnk this o hi tunil r thanking the tlifft rent chairmi n nnd thtlr commille lie miltsmm who hav dime a wonderful job m d mi s matthews who has im n h r same ef fuunl obliging m if in th h ndunr lir offic alstt n woid of thank to mr mils of the at ton r r press who ha done everlhlnk a man could to twu k up this drive well dtme acton yours er sincere j ii houllon chairman aeton 9th victory loan commltu beverage koom ciiaintanlu icl to sailorv rampage 1- rrelt im was short and justice waa uik for itiomsi ranney thr dls j harge sailor who ihot it out on i milton main street laat wtdmsday i i if was ariestrd when he went lo st i josrph s hospital in lorontu on wed n mlay night fur trratnirnt of a bul it t wound in his leg i iliursdav morning he limited into tiuil in lortmto and w as onvlt tel of theft fiorn it torla i hmnj miii aiul i ninfijtd for sentence unlit nov em im i n li k s rather inleretlng to inlt hit t l r umalanc s that led up in mime s tiuuhle and ii s s rlous ttnmtueni a whin he fired on killte ifflci rs h r and only by lu k mlsacd infll ting serious injur in the loronlo courl in at i hursday ihi jniura litlle said thai innniy lii t lb i hompson wnumn in n down tow n itevern room i in y were hnvtng tu nnd got into ronver sttlion nfler w hit h th y wt nt to the homt of llir t tnnplnlnanl ihe tlelecl iv t contlnue1 tti re was a ttottle ttf lliiuor niul moat of ii wna onauincd attout 1 nm he strut k ht r knot ket out three of h r te th nn 1 rnn off with n diamond ring valued nl 600 vntloiia oilier nrlhlea of jrwt try and si in man he it ft hla hal lehlnd i t t 1lli mild some of tin nilltles hnt in- n retuvtrrd but the diamond ring wna mild lo two women in ilnm 1 it on ih miui nt i used find indicated ht would help m t it lint k itlli mldrd hit nrcumtl wna se nintrd fiom hia wlft and hint on ihliil wax slaying with rnnneyi mother it waa not i it wna ah wlo had the whlak dt lared rannr ad tlink thnt hi wjih hnvlng n gin of it r when ihe i hompson woman ap i rmi tutl him ami noked him to gt to ht r hoim nntl have a diink of honor i nt vt i saw ht r itefoi wild uinn who said h was w titling a nnv nl uniform at tht tlm i w a in the nnvv nnd waa dlarhnrgcd ultout four month ngo we started drinking whlntey he j n inted nnd we k pretty drunk i he regular monthly butlneis meet- claimed he dltl not rememb r i ing of th woman s asaoi inl ion of the inking nn thing when he left i il niie1 ituith was held at ihe home found th jewell in my jmm kel after ttf mm t o umli on i uesla with wards mm i agar pr siding and when ou t the tlevottnnal periiml was takin by it aakeit mr kb in mrs i itichardson ihe indies have started quilling again and would like assistance from any of the ladles mr ijimh assisted by mrs m iluinh serve a light lunch and a so 1a time wns spent hy those in attend ance a very h nrly vote of thanks mrs alb rf shultls was hoattss for was givm lo mrs i am for her home tht sovi miter meeting of h iuh k- nnd hospllnlll nlong wnmmi inxlilut after tl ukual opening- 4i uitk liu iit sub nl mr ihiuglas mennbb in the of ih duke al the ihe he prcalttcd i h nnvt niln r meeting of i tcvnithhlre hapler n homt of mrs it n halrd m mrs j mall hew i h srrilai ami iruiunn rejniit t tr ivt n s rv lc ttnis wr present lo mrs mooin nnl mrs hayllsji by the hon ttiatv kgtnt mis w j h ally plans i nun to m nd hriatmna tjini is th i luipt i school al i mill i- k i h kui st nnkir of tin evening was mis skint of milton ii r talk on i- 1u nlloit wax vei inl resting mrs i h l i hanked mi skuce i n wns mimii hv th host sv s womans association mkt at iiomk ok mkn o ilmil tkam who vttl in tk wan 4 1914ir and 193945 bimhwih- rd u clluma join in rrl and lano on sunday morabaf in acton itf laricbl lrafw of gunnalr nnd orkanlaflonft to parttrlpaf for many yar in a krmrmuranr day irrvlfr tcxk art in th arrvlr im mi tut simday immln it form- m1 il the lfton tuhrooma on mala strict and ird hy thr arton doya hand under ifandmafttrr c w maaoil lrtirredfd to thr aomlvra tnonumant on mill mrrrt llrrr a hrtrf aervlre wat haltf wrralht mrrr plared on hahalf of tha irovlnr of ontario the oruorauoa of alton arton llranrh no 107 of the anadlan ialon thr ijullrk aua- ulary of ihe leglon arton v oineo iiihlllute inike of ievonalre hd ter i ode 1akiaute chapter 1 od 1 and mn 11 clhheru ueee j m mrionam read tha nnnif from the monument and at ihoae m iae fallen in the laat krfat war ihe kllent tribute ot two in mult hi n i wm ikld tin follow- nik itli lata orp j i mimic ite t irving orp ito hunt ite mrlod orp w i ilrown ite a winter- hum mi i ii hurl ueut ii o knit iti m kaley ime a rlbban apt i a art hum ite p haitford ite a anderson serat w iee pla i 1 iklniiton ime i rodfrey 1ta 7 willi orp i marten 1 ms p1 j liir tie j j kennedy sarft- mnj n slurvey orp j j oonay ix m lllliiii a 1 a amlerum ht st k if iturk l 1 i txley y 1 w tt tl- ood ime john rlhtioni ime wllaon klon i o j r ulhru uaut line llilller s s w mk run 3t william mccron i te c k mrll- lin staff serkt n i mrnahb fit it ontlninl on i aj n light uml ii rt you aold novkmiier meftinc rokaun institute at mijs a siiultis mrsreer entertains the arts and crafts erin township to prescnlsignetrings to service people rtnow hence munt br krectcd lie- fore ijecemhrr 1st oth er township item a sjntinl meeting of krin township i i ouncil wns held on oclobtr 1j to lonsi ihe qutstlon or what form of pit s ntatlon and what nriules the township would jip to ihe returned men i it wns agreed thnt each oy and kirl who had joined active be pres nied with a signet ring the mens to ist j12j with box and the tad ies 0j5 engraving included j the erin townahlp council met as iter adjournment on november 5th all members present th following resolut were made and pasted that application be made fo t hair thi roll tall wnt nnswtrtd hy hlllg ml ol pav c oriesjknilenit includtd thinks for tarda nnd nn invitation in tin itmk wood inatltutt w hit h wns at pled a r port wns kltn b mis iunhjir on the federation of agticultun roup no j hnnde in slstk n ihtlr share of the tnntial it wna dt l d to ex hnnge ifs at the ieemlr meet ing ih prokinm hand ltd hv the pub- lllt lonvinnr had mr rnnk hay of itotkwood bmak on the victory loan our lent event win glvi n by mrs d pnsmon nnd mis lap d d modslrattil id as for home made gifts mrs ieorge watson km a paper the minting close with dd save ihe king refreshments were served b the hostess nnd iht committee a mm inl half hour being tnjoed after wards coming evrnl ann n rtnn of urt mf i hhr rral nlrr tht hatiliai akaar ao imr iih an in an i m ha ast attnn ittiraral ft 1 nltetl hurrh sunday school en tertainment win he held at in c liurh i t mler i7th item mlter the ijikeald chapter i i i- ilazaar to be held in th town hall saturday november 34th 144 dance every friday night actft town mall stan portrh and hi hythmaires auspices acton athlctte association lcgjo dnnre every salurda nlkht arton lown hal 8 piec or- chetttra atlmualoq vk seclal at- traction l n sf ihe piano ilusy he s dance ilrookvllle tues day november hh aldralth hesirn ww shop for christmas at iiir itnuiar i rem her 7th d fmhre and danci arton oi ink ihnevolent association no 1111 will hold a euchre and dance ta ihe koi hall ciew sons corners evt ry ihursilay evening at h 30 sharp hefreshments admission jsc eery- one welcome rand opening or i imebouse mem orial hall iiidav november is hlrktn supper fi to 8 p m followd bv opening ceremonies presentation of memberships and dane harden orchestra adults 75c children 12 nhd under 15c i jan re only 50c i winners in second loan contest ctlajrman 3 h boulton left preaedts prize for estimates te win ners in the half- way murk contest mlts helen snow mrs- helen boyle urs s roezel mia julia leinowlch mlu lorraine palunt and ifr norman bairo chairman of th publicity committee the arts and crafts of eorgetown met in the beautiful new home ox mrs beer mrs moyer the presid ent welcomed several guests plans t were made for a tea and display of t handicrafts mrs vaughan of tor- onto gave a most interesting informal talk on art in the schools she stressed the point that art and crafts go hand- in hand with dally living and that to appreciate the thingi we war the article we us the houses we live in we should know aomethlns about their construction to have this knowledge u should be able to do some of the things ujth our own hands this is what our schools ar trying to teach today the practical use of crafts and arts in dally llvta and to show that technicaxlmowledg is closely allied to industry tea was served by the nortecs assisted by her mother mrs pap t tne dept of municipal affairs for the one mill subsidy on 2 0r84j9 38 assess ment for 1945 as provided for in the municipal suhsitt act of ontario the road superintendent was jn- structed to notify patrolmen to hive all snow fences in their divisions er ected b december 1st the county treasurer was request ed to return all monies owing erlnj township that the clerk be instructed to write mrs reynolds thanking her and those that assisted her for their ser vices in the packing and shluplng of the clothing for overseas accounts were passed as jpiiow general accounts 109 sheep ac count 123 relief account 9679 road accounts 3307200 cbuntfi adjournatrto tnt again on saturday december 15th at 10 oclock mjn in lllluburg or at the call of the reeve chairman j h boulton praut th aecono tot at ps4aaet0 ura johri orwr mrs s rosxel shirley elliott mrs jet ailsunaon and harold towns ey- mrs rosaelwas first prize winner of both group- w t

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