Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1946, p. 3

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thursday january 3rd the acton free press raos thmu at ulas etta dills u vultln la toron to this week wrtn patricia bayllsa u horn from halifax for a vltit bill vincent ol toronto was a new years visitor in art on mlu helen ualnprue pi cualph um home for new years ijsc cordon mkutchon was horn from muni joll quebec mr mania hasaard of hamilton uii horn for the v station week mlu margaret mclkmald was horn from toronto for the vacation mr and mr a bills iavld and jasaes spent new wars iay in to ronto mln 14 lulled holllnger of tonm- 10 ttnt the hrtslmas vat t ton at her home here mlu marion mat in loth of loronto vlsltrd this wsk at thf hum of hr brother mr t llbhnn mr and mrs fred mccutthaon and jak spent the holltla with mr and mrm ii mhutiliwm itrtdoti ont mr and mr- hubert campbell and troru fntin rmltni visited mr and mn karl tanttwct uvr the vterk- end mr and mrs allan mercer and barbara of london have been vlsltlnc with her rents mr and mr- it 11 arnold mlu pearl llamtllon toronto mr john hamilton ltrna and murray swanilon of itotkwood visited mr and mrm karl lmbrrt over ih week em mr nn1 mr hoy wanshrouith of toronto titrd on nrw year a day with their moiher mn hubert wnns- hrough heftiie leaving for a lilp to florida mr ami mr l m 1rllan inea and helm mr and mis i it mo- kt i ur ami kims spent nrw ar a day at mr and mrs v j ilnrman toronto fritnd of mtk oinrirs syer will tw plrad to hrnr she w able to re turn lo her home in urlph after a serious dp ration in duclph tmral lloapltal mmito wijtt nn mr anil mr tetirte ln anil ji-nn- ettr of hh knmhxl mr nml mrs krank la of itokol nnl mr and mr krrd da of llamtlton spent sundn ullh mr anhrmiih lte altmtt j irwin of ion1nn mil- llarv hospital and mis ann lrvvln of ii am hi on spent the chrtitma holl tla at the homr of their parents mr ami mrs john 11 irwtn mil st mr harr norton who has nnv- siting his father and sitter nnil oth ers here left this week tvn a busin ess trip to ivtioll akron ohio and yashlngton i t anil will return by i florida to his home in villa icent lo colombia south america the followlnk relative nnd fnemti welcomed in the new year at the home of mx and mr j ii doulton mr and mrs i lloulion mr and mr v howe and jenn mr and mrs t hart all of lotonto and mr and mr ii itawrllffe of calcdon tiujutrychnninttllam i wemnnc iast vekk at cooksvlljji home i the marrtagv of lretta lois cun ningham daughter of mrs and the j mr john cunningham of crioks- llls to hnrrv tlubur of denfleld ontario aon of mr and mrs nilbury of yorkshire knglnnd wm solemn- ired on ivoember 27lh nt the home of the bride stonikvic lwkklllo by kev i hanks of kiimlnlc- miss nanc iluchnnan of toronto plnved the wedding music liven in marriage b her brother mr j norman cunnlnghnm of ac ton the bride looked charming in a turquoise blue gown with headdress of matching feather and cordage of sweetheart rose mrs a 1 ward sister of the hrlde as matron of hon- 1 or looke1 lovely in a gown of dusty row with matching f wit her headdrea i and corage of talisman roses mast er michael ward of cixiksmlle acted a ring bearer and mr s kllxrn of smlthllle assist h1 the groom a reception was held at crofton villa the brides mother receiving i in a navy blue gown with coraage of carnations and fern later the bride and croom left for a rip to montreal vkfttrd fjhtutl of ettulft hftsaii ilaarlt tha jtriaadly churdi rkv a walvw roumrv bju kuf- mlaular paraonac bovrar avenua sunday january th 14 11 oh am morning worship sertn- n making i he new year lually new ikuy curnmunlua 1 j 13 p m church kchool 7h pm kvenlng wonddp serm on crusading for christ hiurs jan imh h pm werk of prayer service in the ileblnnlng was the word and the word wam with od and the word was cod come and worship kveryone welrome a llapy new ur to all rrbttrruti bljurrlj ih canada knox clunjusl acton hkv forbis t1iouhon bjuu manse- willow strt sunday januauy iun 1mx 11 mi urn morning worship curst nilnlkler itev john klder of iiti- tih iulana tml p m tite sunday srhol and junior hlblr class 7 hi pm tvenlitg woiahlp kev leonard self of norval llotne mlbkliwtt in the maritime t- lusli alel sunday january 11 the sat ramrnl of the lrd s super sunday janauary tlie sat rament of haptum itiey that wall uon the ionl shall renew their trenglh ncw kmwmcalattvwi qukiiec ctfour new electric ity cooperatives have baan founded in the provlnr tn confirmation with the new rural electrification law 11 was learned bare recant y ttteat eo- ouratlves are situated in iolblnlere catlneau paplneau and drummund counties baptist xtjurrlj acton rjcv w is wavljjacs sunday january 6th 1m6 11 ott a m morning service 12 is sunday school 7 on p ni kvenlng sarvlce a welcome to all clburrb vf h xlbaa ihr alartar sunday january 11 h lmf hio vonsl of the klphany 10 oo n m nun h s tiooj 1 1 u a in llol futhaiut and ser- ninii l 1 pm senior clasma 7 m p m k cnimni nnd tierrnon lenlng mrvlee f anglican ad- vniue aenl ireni her the kev m on d it smith ilia sdn jnnunrv kt ri nt h p m wi k of irnver sr it e sub- jet i ttie purmts of praer for every orcanlon hvshn work a specialty motion clonal ortlaa oatarl iknno sis iimusinvn ajctidmale in kiiamosa township clinlck miull uh howm yiminu iluhm impikmrnth tlie urulrilgned itelxrtl in- ttiut tluns fruiu ailtrj w uinttji lo ii by puhlli auttltm at his laini loi li ui lisnioos sltttat- ed ofl itih kwmd line s mile ixirtl f ttklh on tmtumiial janiatti imh coiuniflii iiik t t t rlw k the fol low htg tows u mlhh cws ltel shoit bom ctiw fubh with hetftr alf at foot illur lavy cow due lime of sale lltack rnwfl ifesh iielfer ralf at foot iuhi white cow fresh heltvr calf nt fool itifl cow due jan jit uetl cow kehmary 7 rett heifer du- at lime of wile jtetffnrd hrtftr dll- nl llnif of ilitle med cnw title may jl milking well hlue cow due june 7 milking well jtre ow due itefoie mtlr- dale uetnse cow due kehiuatv h roan cow hre1 in i teiftiitier l ttee are a hob e hi i d of ouii y and haml ntllketl hi i iviii it and short k1- r i krhhs j shorltinn sles j ears old 4 angus stern 2 ars dd 1 angus heifer j ear old 1 shorthotn steers 1 year old tounc cattik 1 ilelfera i venr old ft tattle rising 1 year old 1 km shorthorn hull 1 year old irwis h york sows york sow with 10 ilgs 1 weeks old york sow carrying first utter due jan i york sow due man h 1 yoi k sow bred eeemlier 71 york sow bred january 1 yoi inc sow 7 ynrtc rrw heed ierember 4 i york sow bred lee- ernlier ft 2 york sows bred decern- tr m 1 york sws bred ikvfmler 0 l york sow bred iteffmler 3m 7 york sttoats 1 1 tam worth nnd llerks crtmu sboats 11 york shoata implrmkntn set of rent h slrlghi lospmit m h seed drill in real good repair tlt circular saw lllnde nearly new trums ash on day tf snte no reserve ft lite proprietor i sell ing this hlotk lo make a pavment on hi farm if voo nre in ttte ninikel for good ioei im mirt to nttrrwl this sale ro hindi ky j a klliott an llnneerx ainrrt rmv tlerfc- r chronicles ol ginger farm wrtlu w f owknikmjne p i1auie lrarin aiiciion sale ncnvrmn ii1us ani lirlktrm tuattt ami imlmkmrvtm iioknkn kakm imll jemknth iia al rain s foot ailments g treated s miss allan s reg chlrspadlal treats foot ailments for both ladles and gentleman 5 open monu thura and rat m evenings till t oelak ail j i by appolntmeat bj ptasne umj 17 arthur ht c ii e l p ii jt in hie report last week of tlntj acton continuation sctwl vat home helen mclellani name waa inadvertently omitted from the list of tho who received certificate of memherahlp to the never late-nev- r absent club r dr s a johnson who practised in acton for several year has rec ently been appointed pro feasor of sumery and anesthesia tn the de partment catddenttitry of toronto un iversity dr johtunn is recoverlnc from an operation and wilt assume hit new position as soon as he is well again gregory theatre t1htirday friday janaary 3rd and 4 th hack to bataan john wavne philip ahn sport toe tricks dlsnev no sail chapter 6 zorros black whip satlrday j1nxtarv 5 matiaa al 1 nightclub girl vivian austin edward norria utair roy rogers fox news monday jaxv rv 7 to have have not humphrey bogart lauren ba cilli passing parade golden huneh popeye mesa production lbe untlenlgned au lionet r tine leelxetl inst i tit i lont fnin a smith lo uunl hi- farm lot i con 5 rviuesltig miles fiom milton a miles fiom llornl on county road on tlksijav january 15 commenting nt 1 l o lock the following lloltshs 1 teneral puiikm mare it enr- 1 teneral luroao mare ti venr- clrn lind pair lursihn cows and llfcupers 1 lieu llolkteln cow fresh heifer talf nt hide 1 trnde llolsleln cow due ken t 1 reg uoktcin cow flesh ti weeks with choice bull talf nt side 1 r g houteln cow milk ing due june no 1 reg houteln heifer 1 venr old open i crnde llol sleln cows due keh 19 1 tirade houteln cow due april la 1 crnde hoktetn cow due april j 1 tirade lllomeln cow due april 30 1 crnde houteln cow due mn 7 1 tirade houteln heifer due may 13 1 crade houteln heifer due june 3 1 tirade houteln llelfei due julv 21 3 crnde hnutcin inst spring tnlvet i tirade a rehire heifer 1 ear op en j hereford and durham steers 1 venr old i reg houteln rull j enn old gtwtl vlock bull hay cra1n ktc 10 ton mlved hnv red clovei nnd alfalfn 10 ton mixetl ltnv red clover nml tlmothv t bus rall wheat w bus rnrlev jso bus krbnn onts 10 ft knsilnge 0 bus carller onts traclxm and tractor im- plkmhnts laitor on rubber coikshuti nn 70 new traitor disc 16 plate n good as new tractor u furrow cthkxhutt plow new 7 ft cockuhutt tiriln rlnder with tractor hitch new 3 lotion drag cultivat ors almost new horskdraw implements 1 mowvr cot kihutl new 1 cock- shutt llav rake ns good as new 1 manure spreader corkshutt new single stuffier new whlffletreet itdisc seed drill with fertilizer at tachment steel land roller rub ber tired wagon with tires like new wagon box flat hay rack 1 walk ing plow platform- scales 2000 lbs enparitv fence stretchers new post hole digger slush scraper steel wheel barrow set seed har rows 3 section chains drag har rows 2 section odd collars set heav breeching harness almost new fanning mill extension lad der electric fencer new and wire forks feed truck hand power clippers several kegs of nails all size hoes extra long work bench i doubletrees larg 2wheel trailer j with almost new tires chicken i fountains feeds fattening crates brooder stove 1000 capacltv bars etc j anvone in need of implements j would c1o to attend this sale a these implements etc art mostly all new and in extra good shape terms cash no reserve ns the farm is sotd and the proprietor is hpldlng a furniture shle later in the sensoti kov htndley j a elliott auctioneers geo currle clerk b23 officially this la tlie last day or the year hut there is a fly around lier that thinks it is the first day of spring hes a noisy iii 1 1 teait flapping arttund under the lamp shade you had better itmik oul oung fellow or first thing know you ii gel a tltse tif d d i 1 upiom i khoiild give hlrn a tlnse anyway ho i it hardly seems woilli whl it- minting the spray gun for jin1 one fly r u it supmlnk i l 1 i hut one m live will ii s progeny tun inlti the htintlrels or ihr thu nntls nm nnttne know llowev i i itnt not it ally woiilil ihnnka to d d i collie to think ot ii onr inlkht alniosl tall the itli ase if i ii i onr f the hlglillghlk of imt umj what nenr iht otl f m tntier the know last wlntii nml the ntlit inil spilnu itnormlmi v- 1- day v j day and after tlihl the ihis romlng ihhhp j kt you mhunilt httw glad ttiejr wrie to be imme nnd how iiinfldent i hey were thtit a gratefuj eoplr ami govern- on nt would glvr ihein a mjunie ilalt diank gimmlne i a liner has kill ed that fly now thai a lunny lltlng 1 neei even thought of wal ling ii and now lets lake a took at what 1hfl hna in store for u or at least what mune folk think la in store 1 here u the weather for llulanca we are upmed ttt have a colder winter aiul inurr ihnn ust rr tlie niiiinirr and spring are lu it w el iff and iuuhr h f lint tfrause we nie al the tall nd of an eleven enr weallier cyrle however prophets ait- like dot tors lhe don i nlwavs agree with one another so i guess we can leave the weather to look after itself lake w lint mines nnd make the iwki of it and then last sunday wr were lht- nlng to two religious hrnadraats one rigid after the olher it wasn t nearly mi llpmry llnlenlng to ihr rnd hi n ii wtiuhl hnve immi walking or irlvlnft to rhurt h the rirl nik-nk- rr witrt fin wtit xurc this cnuntry wns in fin n erltkl of pitmmrlly ato li ns 1 to- w or i itnd noser know n i h- roys hdri-servicc- eaaalra u all lyam af leerleaj t call 227 acton prompt at- tenllon glvaftjfl u work crbutler crewsaaiscwman jim aff na 7 liltsrway m urul leniluded us of the fnllm y of t rv ing ieiii w h n there u no ini e i tint in some tjunrters thrie wen nlrt ntly rumors of a third grent voir l tint the setup of a world wide goritiment wns tloometl lo fnllure nnd hint the rretton wood ngrei nient would ptoe to lie n wash out rnrm and industilnl reorls nre nl- so t ontinttit tor we have iteeji told there will te n htend market for farm pmdui ts for the next five years hut then it is nuo rumored that therp is hound lo ite revision of ih- pn sent suhsnl vstem i exihtt a lot of ircoplc hnve foigniten that lh go- wtlmrnt is pttving a stihsldv of two tents n tmit on every ijunrt of milk thnt is sold how long will thnt le on tinned unci if it is irtnoveit what will hnpin will the milk go up in price or will formers have to tnke the loss i don t know the nnswer only i the powers that in- in ottawa enn loll us thnt nnd i doubt veiy mm h 1 if lhe know either in ttade cirtles various controls hnve been lifted but ceilings itlll re- main in effect which mnni manu- f mlu rent will uot bother mnklng cheap line of goods because there u ttvn little proftl it pas them ulter to mnke hlght r pm ed nrtlcles nnd lieinuse when eople hnve the money i nnd want to hu the will bu no i matter what the t osi and that hrings is tmck ngnin to thnt old hog- i e infliilton as for instance in the i nse of iiug- ni e hnve been told thnt sugtr rjin im- iniughl in counttlis other than cub i that 1 here is no need for ug- nr rationing in cnnadt but then is 1 just tine snag it would cose twice as mm h now do jou suppose that 111- i tie matter of pi ice would itother some i people there are a fair percentage i am sure who would sa lo the dltkens with inflation we have the monev so let s have the- ugar i the pltv of it if onl we a a people could be less selfuh if only i the golden rule were more generally applietl there would be no need for wotmd government or conference re- i ganling atomic energy surely we mn wait for sugar and other things until some order has emerged from the present chaotic conditions maj mcintvre hood to address juniors rally at milton j halt oft junior farmers are holding a special rnlly in the milton high school auditorium on friday janu ary hui at 8 30 pm major mcln- tyre liood editor of the junior farmer news is scheduled as guest speaker- the program also includes musical numbers and wul cqncltide with a short informal dance the mus- ic for- which is belnjf supplied by tha bennett orchestra all rural young people of halton are invrod a floyd smith jeweler watoikh qjnrmu jcwiuir n oulr slrl wni cdeih ont religion which also is demonstrable science lite tltvlcvurc tlitooe c hrivtun siiiimi imi el lite votitir of jii itriuy jit im jttoutily known 4lvl llul iii tuiurr jlvtf pit triitc 4ft t v ly wih r 4t 1 im mimijiiic i iji i in iujiim ntstit it luiiiiiif tittftmiil uiilirnmi jo iii put tit al im lt in iih if viiig iiniliiiurt ihii in mi itn wm i i a chtliltan science swndoy larvke will bm broodcosf over j sfaflo cff0 of ii am lundoy january er 1944 this wkkkknd knjoy dancinc to stan portch and his rhytfynaires at town hall milton ont sat jan 5 dantini 9 u 12 im hincij- tl kkt 50 call mujtrn muic in ihc modern manner carrolls teas lb 32c 38c 44c avmnn di0ed beets z z3c ktltrcn noe bud heeti tim sae atlmcb oreen pea soup x tin i7e ntekona pepaed mustard a a aylmer ccuebt soup x tto 17c uaoic bajcino powder ns x7e itoke babt pood s tins xs keiaoooi vanty pkf af cereals no xse coupons jan iso imrt iifch5 esiusvt j 7 ri west ul it allbran kellooo uo pko xio irbxdded wheat s rk m junket taslet x rkot oll ozo calma lc ssc pabd doo pood pko x lionr bulbs baob tec jyi js hbal se special beady oct macaroni x us oe dipfoam jave btl l bbodxbs mr bahivo flour rxo xse porridoe nco x7 bavot powdebed castsrd x nco- is keixooos aowbut s ncda q bhowruues ammo pxo e puttec wheat sparkies wco 7 i

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