Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1946, p. 2

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j t vace ram the acton free press vr thursday january 10th im6 3ut artnn vtt ifitsae puuuhsrf tr tsarsiisf acta oetsrie aull niid m i lt hl ivln both tu lubtmiptlotl bate- e uattsa suit k saliltoasi tufu taj sew t44nh stowm u id ta rqsitl advebttimg bates d alikmih rcuiu- 111 b iaka i aaad nor tw fm prs rcpli savrntulaf la l oa tb w4rida iwi tl will a- b iubu lor sy trrer t sar jfimt jmbllaed v mti4 o mkk u- i tqialdta wiuuf by tafttsr saa tluij ts fie eju duly br h dttrtimf a imjatae lib bwb vrrw ad lbi u rfw oti is ucl4 bf t vi rrew itobiulr bll ft rt d c a- tsir oat d ub tdxtllirmmi tb ip acc i ft rfw b to ft bou rup4m abiof pi ts ullor 4w by th fa nw dv telephones- 1uiui bo rrease and make production easier weve replaced machinery coating many times the price of the edit- m ors chair but it never occurred to us to replace the loopekft 111 in 3 editors chair now fortunately others have seen the need which escaped our notice we write from a firmer foundation there should be an improvement at any rate the staff of both the acton and milton of fice have done thetr part it s a silly idea of ours livestock breeders provincial ovrnmit iufttuws body forwed on cottra un ity buis ha1jfax cd an orcanlutlon embracing the entire rattle sheep i km not to put the old chair out of the office but we sup l and winv industry in nova scotia r- a befn formed the orbjii ration pose its been here for fifty years and f we don t nqv lj ountll ouit it iomeonc dsc wijl qo ite tncv will nmic under the guidanc of sit in it a couple of times the irovinutl government and uu nnmunnd b hm a w mackenzie minister of ajfr icult ur and market int a iroup of l ljreovr nttmnt tfk tli ilifft n ru lrtd of li hex k timed out tht inltlnl orantallon mi i tin ounul j rohably will l af fihaltd witti the soa vol in rami er abmx lallon itrnvln vmii u de m lojmd on a iinriiuiilly 1mm and thux trtaln hres1t will ik- tklah liihid in definite areas ith kfj planning to uw an funds lhat ma i he made mailable t ioujii tlir provincial agrli ultural dt pnitrm nt for promoll tnal purpo rather than tor the piucliasr of innd and building althoutcli ektah llkhed breedf r will le aided niu alttnllon uill u dtvoltm ly lbi n w rtiunnl to tnitli ring an atslktnn jumihlt to muiik and nt rptlbin hi iu rs f mt nt nnd dmr animnlk if toronto uh not aeton towns and cities arc planning many improve menth in these post war dus und mrtst nf us arc ettinit anxious to set their fuuilmtnt otts tik en on questions lor municipal improvements re ceive splendid public indorsation for instance the big majority of those here vlio favored the instal lation of sewers and construction of a sewage dispos al plant likewise in toronto the electors there h u good majority of the 2s per cent ho voted favored the construction of a rapid transit ssstem there was a difference though in toronto and such mun legalities as ours toronto cvpects dominion and provincial governments to ussist them with their 0ct buna of us who live out tn smaller towns fail to find justification in it and wc hope that the tame holds true of governments and toronto gets no more than other municipalities if toronto is to receive government aid for its subway n municipalities like acton should receive assistance for construction of their sewage disposal system we doh t need rupid transit svstcms here because wc didn t get government help trxbuild more houses to have more people to have to take them to and fro every day hut wc have so many people us ing a municipal water system that wc desperately need a method of diiposal beside septic tanks to ronto has had sewers for years and chlorinated at ed we don t mind being a little behind in securing conveniences but wc don t like having toronto get help from dominion and provincial governments to which all contribute anl then being charged seven cents to ride on their transportation system as well if toronto s rapid transit system is to be govern ment endowed why can t acton s sewers receive similar aid our need is greater maybe our rep rescntatives in dominion and provincial govern ments will tell us ho thev feel about this view- point and if representatives across cantdn from rural centres stick together on this question cities wont be thi only pluces that will go forward a rtaj avrrvice x cuthcr is officially public property again i that it hasn t always been a topic for conversation hut the wars end brought about the removal of censorship restrictions now information on winds trmpcraturcs humidttv and forecasts is an bods lor the asking to the average person such free service may niin onlyfullrr reports and loreeasts in newspap rrs and on the radio hut for others something new has becn added it is possible that iihin the next few years complete week end forecasts for holiday trs will he issued the present system of detailed local coverage for the protection of orchards from sudden spring frosts and fruit crops from wind damage ill he extended already mothers un the prairies are dressing school children by weather forecasts and keeping them home il blizards arc reported imminent lishermen on canada s seaboards will follow their culling in greater safety highway dependent in any way upon wmthcr conditions can ht more onifortuhlv and e fficicntly carried on as a result of the ide extension ot the services ot meteorological turn nun and stations in auadu tht miadian army s musk ox operation hi dull d to stun lebruary 14 into the northwest lerntonts lor the purpose of testing military equip mint under extreme wiuther conditions will he eon stantly supplied with detailed atmospheric data the ukk mile dip into anada s frozen northland by men snowmobiles und supply planes ill permit further weather mvimigation and the results of the work are expected to have a bearing on future long range forecasting and aerial navigation the demands of aviation during the war or leather information dotted the rim of anada s arctic with observation posts and cohered the conn try with an interlinking system for the integration nnd exchange ot weather data of all kinds the whole intricate organisation of the meteorological service can now he channeled into peacetime uses the forecast is that the weather will be taken out of weather icecold watkk run fob ijve ctock- in the winter time as well as in ummrr a liberal supply of good clean water is a net entity for all an imals on the farm psrtiiularly dairy cows but u f cold water should not be put before them it u important that the chill be taken off drinking water a i tart from the humanitarian point of view feeding ice cold water to farm tive so k li hiul practice the tfiitnau will not drink enough watvr and the smnll amount they may drink i bet ks nnturnl turn tl mi comttp- htiott ill ii nil and komttlme indlg iwn follow in the mnki a i v him n ut in ji inil f i t maintenance of open n mrly un he better regulated human activities ik stood m m li kirxxmn rik hasr alli ill ll hi rd to be ntord in this district an rlk with prt nd of m lnh was shot i hunters mar hnrv the hlkh nnd thi slt ot i hi ihim of tin horn wni ltva in ilrs 1 h rt nuo ha ed a moon whmi hill bom spril of 1 hu li dnnklnit tnnk will n h i ti t 1 a 1u d i idedlv to tie i i f the fmin li k irtxlnii nnd fluhttlu uuuloii id half a1 r i ns i iouk11 nd altt i nn immro d i hi 1 diki swtn 11 ill inks a1m i ti in to thnel e no i 1 1 i it he no n t unin h ni lie bit in wnlt i ii i viati il j m f int uit n 11 ukms l- business directory mkdical dr w g c kenney hiyskiavb aaul barfsaa successor to dr j a menlvan office in symon block mill stram aeton otfu pmu 11 allitlmfi 8c psumm iia ii is tx 1 r 1lv iu mi- 1 ifdt i thnt ul ki it ms mill ii mint itre to lay i irlo i in tin sj rinj it tin v nr h u il in unim r biilldini duriiik r in mi 1 m i wi nlh r anl i m 11 lv from 1- 1 1 j oiivvania at no u ul si uld turk k m houseit willi hti k lit imcuim t 1 it k ns nn ininiii if hi i kh it di us nit 1 i 1kb llu lin k drhg joyce harklr wwlh orimil 11 ii ulloll i kaauteno lormirty lr mcmvrn i offlca i lain street acton illonk 223 ll i a akk n ibrblrlaji ml hurgron 1ftnltitk sit ai ion li tun 11 n k li i ffuv i i 1h okntal ll much s aubtin itoatal movbeb mill street corner r redertck acton outre hour ukiini to 3 10 p m r vetting by appointment telepkene ii ok a j buchanan itenuu hunjua olllir ilthman llloclt mill 8tram oitice hour oam to 6 pjn ha gas iu lpllont 14b carrolls reconvernion some is millions of crown owned industrial rlartts had been disponed of by war assets corpor ntion as at december 21 according to official figur es net return to the crown on these sales is placed at 17 i millions or m 2 per cent of original stated cost price of the total t millions represents land and buildings which netted 4 5 per cent or 4 8 mil lions machincrv and equipment whose original cost price was stated to be 21 8 millions was sold for 7 h millions in addition mi millions of sompktc establishments were sold for 47 millions for a recovery of 4 u per cent editorial notes selfishncs in democrocv is sand in the grass 1hh will have no opportumtv tor v i nnd j hohduvs and we hope l4li will make sure that no other eur will hne the opportunity either bor half n llu absence of a januan thaw last car was made good this january when the thaw was almost n spi mg cleun up i a new editor chair post chris turns mventorv and use of some of the gifts received brings numv reflections and often much prmse lor the thoughtluhuss ol the gnei or sometimes givers lor instance tew tenders will know thnt theres u new editorial chair for the edit x ii mur line icike is i hotu ol or of the home town papet not immv lolks sec the lf i eel about it and get into a stew editors chair except the stulf of the paper so the staff of the acton and milton papers decided the editor needed a new ehtur and on using it for a iuk or so with recollection on the ninny quirks of the old chair we do appreciate more and more their thoughtfulnesi it is not so big as the old chair and wc fit it better it in t so likely to let go and leave one in almost nnv posture except a digmltcd one wc feel more secure in our scat sort of a senator ial feeling but with the new chair wt had to put the old one aside yes that s just whut we did put it to one side of the desk and it still remains m the of- 1 ficc some dn u will go further away but not just now you see when we started the printing busin ess as a lad say thirtvfivc years ago that piece of furniture was the editors chair it wasn t so loose mi the joints then one could tilt back in it with a sense of security of not being let down it spun then as one swivelled away from the desk not that wesattn it much at that timebut wc knew its good behavior fairly well before it came into out possession it had on v manyoccasiohs let the editor down badly as it has since sent us sprawling but somehow we never thought of jjuying a new chair weve bought many new conveniences for the shop and machinery to tn r ri- aybmr vegetable c 1 ll atiii ki and ha i arrnn llsrruur and hollrltnr notavry public i lstui r of marrlak uccnaea fti kltlrar of illrlhs marriages deaths llflee x2 i hone lualdenc li 1angdon amswokth lurrtaterm tinlicltora etc oft hes aijon l oox r liulldlng k maclntyre alsworth da atton ofttoe sunr ihonea hmldac tlaj eoretown gregory theatre duuj a ihone hhw ii vi h iioskin cnmriered arasnuntavnta sui to hsorit jknkinh a iiak11y ul mi troixilitnn mid ii htorlft st loionto hk 111 kak1mo powdkb ttii catiilri wsr- uvmrns etcnuscr v as keixooo utuuault 111 katllooo cakvmjv 1 l lf jumkkt tabtltc moiaiiii bmhz tomato sow m oumaa m is u eoev ian lo yaa vttaa cillal rao at oaassi r j what rao 14 as toaa vfxstab tts 7 bambtt ot cwu viup jss peas asmtaaooaa asa uaar bulbs dohcmmtmatvo blbsca avex allbran 12c 14c 2lc contention dun t mutt our ihikii thi is the unit of mr when spculutfon is nmde on ho mill biwnrdin of hallon county in l4o thirt uill be sivirul new county councillors and competition will hi mt don among the older mem tire rationing was another onr of the nuisances that was discarded with the old year and like other restrictions no one v as sorry now having the price of tires is about the only stumbling block in thih new ear program the smith falls record news last week complet ed six ears of publicatiori and at its threescore editor a e dobbie well krjown in this district is gmng that community a splendid and progressive newspaper service birthday congratulations and best wishes for many more years for the present editor to guide the destinies of the record news oouwm t tea cmwu own tea oosdambts tea vktkhinakv b i young vb bv be 4 veterinary kurseon oirice bronkvllle ontario ihonemllton h6 r 4 k g oakeb vb b v be elerlnary hurgeoa office and iteildence knox avenu acton llione 130 rkai state willoughby famm agency iirit it and oldcit aaency in canada i iliad office kent uiiik toronto georuetow n henrescntattva tom llewaon lhona clihirgftlowa is i real catata brokar general intiiranra vm l ukacken illonr jc acton ont juicy seedless grapefruit large sire 96s 4 for fresh spjnach 2 lb tor new green texas cabbage per lb california oranges sue 220 i 47e dot sue 288 fresh rhubarb cauliflower tomato lettuce celery green peu speetal weekend phee 25c 25c 5c 33odoz time tables fka oach mn a his l favfc acton ast hound m ti inn t7 in n m 0 1g son jim am j oh pm 4 r pm 66 p m 0fi pm bll 11 pm t mthaund alotu am 11 13 am 215 pro ft n pm 733 pm bk33 pjn x j3 pm 11 h pm to london b sundaya wu hotldaya only x dally exrtj t bundaya and hall- days to kitchener x to stratford canadian national railways going wmi daily except sunday 041 in saturday only 2m dally aacvpt sunday 7 48 djo monday only 1306 sun- dally except sunday im sua flyer at georgetown dally except sat and sun 835 pjn flyer at guelph dally sx- capt sat and sun v 713 pjn going east dally except sunday fl9 atn dally except sunday 986 bum dally except sunday 6js0 p m sunday only 1ub pra flyer dally georgetown 9j5 pjn flyer dally at guelph bjs9 pjn n la i u sy arr r

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