Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1946, p. 1

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whimtltss seventy firti year no 20 acton ontario thursday january 24th 1046 eiht home print pages five oat plans made lor county assessor to start work st albany vesttty mecting heard cood reports ok year mrtfcbl ajlauiac immln of omttljr critk4e4 on tester riiiln only oat tcnjcr be eevc1 far woe free bwiee tea gaufl appoint wwiu ma4 t tw rom coswssittce ii alt on county council held their imtutd meeting of the year last tuea day all members were preeent with ik ekuwpuon i mr crawford minutes ol the last meeting war read and ctmtrm4 followed by rom rittblcsuoma a representative from the oanad la national institute of the bit almraeaej the counril outlining the work of the society for lulton cjus- sti during the past year of whom there are 90 he asked financial as atttance from the round for their work with the expressed hope that it would he increased as the society was endeavoring to enlarge the scope of its work ib committee of the whole re mary pettlt acted as chairman bus iness arising from the re torts and af terwards roarirmed in nvnrt rounrll was as follows special communications keeve klrkneas reported that this commit tee recommended payment of the foi lowing grants canadian national in stitute for the mind hoo salvation army 1300 ontario aasortatlon or rural mualrlpallit wo navy league of canada 1300 ontario re forestation association 30 assorlsl ion of abetting officers of ontario 10 total thto a resolution u endorsed from waterloo county thai the license fee for transportation of fowl be raised also one from wetland to petition government to grant old age tensions at 1 00 per diem at the age of 65 printing somr discussion arose as a result of letters received from act on free press and georgetown her ald protesting the method used by council in awarding tenders to the lowest bidder mr dili in his let ter pointed out that the trnder of s2s0 per page uai considered as fair return for the job and suggested this he verified by contartlng the weekly newspapers association fx- eeptlon was also taken b mr hills to the fact that the county advert i ly ing booklet was printed outside the county dr lleslop said since there was such a difference in the price of fered by tenders he thought it was up to the printers to get together and settle on a standard rate mr craig i agree with that it would then be possible to award the printing tenders by rotation mr smith i cannot understand why there u such a difference in prices submitted there must be something wrong somewhere finally council adopted recom mendation or the printing committee that tender or the burlington gazette be accepted at 1-50- per page for aud itors report and ii 60 per page for minutes bylaws and reporta ctxiriw bulmlngt- thta ton un ts warden haxton lwfi iteeve c v lullroer of oakville who was elected warden of iuh on at the inaugural session rtt council 11 week aclon juniors drop two games to oakville sqt ad introduced a subject foruscussion r rant m rtnijranfihoua sine the ovrimormr calvin flernlnc has taken up residence in his own house rathar than that provided by the county it was suggested that he be paid rant for his houas 30 was mentioned but it was finally moved by m sears cleave and mcdonald uint calvin fleming be paid the sum of fjo per week as rental while present gaol residence is rented and during his term of office as gaoler and while still ihtng in his present n sidcnit carried accounts pasmd for payment were finance 2 333 it printing 4m m fduration health 13 tj county buildings 777 ou hospital accounts fc7 u county roads j29 41 special communication k70 0o antra tn oakville and arton ilolh wonbj more kxprrunced team the opening curtstn in junior o ii a horkr was drawn on frtda lat sa the acton junior team journ eed to akule and came out on the short end of a 1v4 siore phe ab sence of ice from the arena in pre ceding esrs made lts if known as the heamcr and faster oakville squad oulxkalcd and outplael the home iters p e aittn team vii tn ntomed cnnsldcrahl v 1th plaers from i eorjctmn hut wert unable to with htnnd thr oakville thrusts r rom the ojwnlnk minuln of the game oak v illr seemed to take command as they scored it heatedly on ttolvtaon uf ac ton rubbers seemed to pour from nil kldcs on the luckless goalie at he attempted to thwart the oakville at tacks however in the latter part of the game the local seemed to col lent themselves and managed to beat the oakville net minder four times with a little practice the team would have shown considerably better counters for the acton team were scored b f allan with 2 kentner and stewart with one apiece in the second game of the junior series acton had the misfortune to suffer another defeat at the hands of a much heavier and more experienced oakville team the local lads held ih nirn snurt in the first of the game and led for 20 minutes the annual vestry meeting of st alhen i church was held monday ev enlng january 2uf in the iailsh 1111 the rector opened the meeting with trayer mr c ranney was el jected vestry leik reports from i l he wardens and church societies the women s auxiliary the oulld j the choir the ctrl auxiliary and e hurrh x hool showed favorable lal ances with which to begin the new eai j the following ulficiau were elect ed for 1046 eoples warden mi thus jones rextors warden mr ii jolley auditors mr c i rather land and mr c ranney delegate to syn od mr ranney substitute dele ate mr t jones as mr 1owery was resigning as delegate to synod mr w j o oakes uai elected lu complete the lemalnlnfc two years ttl his term motion were passed epresstnt the thanks of the congregation to mr ii iargrter for hli fallhful work a leo le warden fir m many years ti mr weoster tor hit work as bullet in secretary and to mr 41lfford for his work ai envlnte wcretary it was de ided o hold separate meet ing on thursday january list at k p m in the parish hall to make plans fur the angliran advance apt teal ihe inlur pronuunml the blissin at the end of the meeting t mission rand owicekh elected vimt year 1946 fhe officers nt the ruth nelson milon hand uf the united churcti for ifmfi are suterlnleitdent xllu m ren nett president i- reida harris secretar johanna viltlhul rieaiurrr irene fvans ttalih tower ronnie kolxlon world v rtentl secretary hi isie 1amh nrrenpondirtjt sctrelary v er na johnston ilii man w ho i nlwnvs out for himself is aims in tmid with others mr stewart lowrie made m b e and rtnrn to singapore mr stewart uowrw m j r left on saturday on thr first stage of his trip hark to singapore he has lieen visiting for a month with hu sister mrs w monald toronto and his father mr it i iiwrie acton from the fall of sine ore until th close of hostilities mr iwrle was a jap anese prtvoner of war although re duced in weight when released to im lls he has since regained weight and when leaving weighed 120 lbs mr lowrie will go by host to kni isnd and remain there for a couple of weeks and then expects to go by air to singapore there he will work to put in order agsln the business af fairs of the msnufaclurers i ife in su ranee o of which he wis the rep resentallve while in kngtand mr lowrle was honored by the king in recognition of hu service and made a member f the order of the itrituh rmplre llr eects to return to t anada again within a year srrvirinnnirtt hridr comes by plane to join him here lrsl bride of an acton serviceman from knit land to make the overseas rosslns by plane arrived here on 1uesdsy night having left fnglan1 on sunday iac eorge i largrave married mlu marie crump in ley ktone initland in april lst year and two week mo be arrived home on the mauretanla he had been overseas for t years and for threa nrwl a half years in the canadian atrforce before enlisting he waa employed with ma rather at his ser vice station here mrs hargrave rcorti a dellnhtful trip from r ngland by plane she is the first bride of an arton service man to make the rrojing thus and friends will join the family in wel coming her to the new i imc in an attn acton wins one and loses one in weeks games returned to singapore mr stewart lowrtr m b f who was a japanese prisoner for four years has visited his father here and alhtcr in ii ronto for a month and i his week left on a return trip to slntaiore whi re he is representative of the manufacturers life insurance o council considers estimates but tax rate not decided tnrr oakville fared ahead and held th iad for th rest of th gun two major action took place tn which ucphall and cunie roughed it in ht tint period ajid cole and snoubal mixed it in th aecond both flffht drew major penalttea th final acor wa acton 4 oak vllle 6 acton will meet milton juv enllm in art exhibition same in milton next monday 7 jh4 s moed by craic and cuae that beginning jan 1046 county to charge back to the municipality from which inmate comet so per cent of coat ofjnaintenanr of halton in- mat in the ontario training schoou carried moved by craig and cleave ihut an office be rented from the canad ian bank of commrce above the bank tor the county aaapaxor at s10 a month including heat and llghl carried moved by healop and murray that ijeyd crawford be appointed to th road comanltt for th yean 1m6- itfio alao that w h blggar b ap pointed for th year 1s48 carried reeve mary ivltlt u alao ap pointed to the road commute for the yean 1s464 letter of resignation from the road committee from w j robert- eon and w n gilbert were received vand accepted bylaw to arrange for financing road and other expenditure were patted initei church choir entertained at home mrs jas svmon on thunida eenlng january 17tll mm jbm sjmon entertained the inlled church cluilr to lupnel about is member and trlendt at down al the tablt which uere beau tifully decorated vlth spring flowr and candle mr r n balrd c- prvued the feeling of all when he thanked mr smon for her klndnefe in arranging thli delightful affair for the choir after rapper the mcretary treasur er gave her report for the ear which wat adopted unanimously the fol lowing member were elected to of fice for 1046 hon preldntcmr r n balrd preddent mr d prieetley vicepresident mia d simmonx secretary mnc d taylor treasurer mr b veldhul librarian mr d richardson social committee hrcd priest ley mr m-symon- gown commttltee miss r mcdon ald mlu m rolston membership committee ults e franklin alls s rolston music committee mix f brown mr g mcdonald miss e franklin miss d simmons ruling cien on holding of king- o by the legion school hoard fciul fir ilrirade present re quisitions other itetna on council seasiona of monday and tuesday acton council met in regular es lnn on monday evening with coun rlllcr w i o oakes j ii cralght on c cook and w j benson pre ent and reeve c l ktiknex presld ing xlr f 1 lxfriglt nh w i xlf ftuirrtion the leller also ge de i inllh ol the amount that made the increase necessary and the increased facilities made possible hy this ex pendlture accounts were paxsed for paymrul as follows uelph sand at gravel co 1 td 170 w coll rlerk s bailiff fees 8 00 acton public utilities comm vrlous services 230 04 bell telephone co services 1659 municipal world subs 800 w d talbot supplies 103h knowles construction co on evan when a small home goes to pieces th nation it belongs to feels the bump leod appeared before council with a lew to leasing to the utilities com mission a section of the brick build ing at mill and main street the had appeared before the utilities commission and been referred to coanrlt the rent was 100 per month council deilded that nothing could be done until a request came from the commission as rcquesteo mr mcleud submit ted the cost of painting the arena roof it was estimated two coats would cost 4e per foot and the art a was 2000 square feet no action wns taken for purposes of estimates hre chief w koszrll and d daw kins of the fire brigade appeared be fort coumll in connection with es tlmstcs for the ear it was felt a fire slnn was needed and suggested the punhase of an air raid siren coumll approved of suih an exend ilure other supplies needed were a i fireman outfit ring expander jot i lo 100 ft of i inch hose and 4 to g i crash helmets for theftremen at the adoumed meeting on tues da evening all the councillors weie again present and reeve klrkneas presided mr geo musxelle was present as a representative of acton titench can adian legion and enquired regarding the position of th legion in holding blngos council gave a ruling re ceived that day from crown attorn ey dick it was permlsaable for legions to hold one bingo every three weeks- during the months of january to september inclusive the monies are to be used strictly for charitable purposes biweekly blngos may be held in tb month of october nov ember and december all of this ruling is subject to the approval of the attorney general of ontario a letter from the acton school board gave the jvqulaltlon tor th year of t76800 for public school and j71m00 for continuation school co ctcttt 14ot0 contract armstrong anderson fee s ii mccron repair at ar ena bl so manning electric repair 12 00 dr f o oake destroying dogs 4 00 i- e harrop transportation to toronto 20 arton eorgetown a milton public health nurse committee 300 on w210l- details were discussed with chair man of the school board o a dills regarding school grants and the sink ing fund requirement mr boulton of inst eors council was present and took part in the discussion regarding establishment of a sinking fund for n w buildings a resolution from the allied indus trials was left over until a latir meeting a letter from f l wright xu read regarding the fidelity bond of the treasurer f turner and robl johnston secretary of the arena a letter from j l graham and co was read inquiring for debenture that might be for sale on th sewage disposal expenditure a letter from the dept of plan- nlng asked for information on acton postwar improvements it was decided to purchase eight copies of th municipal council and councillor of ontario for tha fruld- ance of council members th clerk was instructed to garn ishee wages for the hospital account of aman who was working regularly and had claimed to he an indigent council then considered th estim ates for the year and after working oi these until well after midnight decided to meet again on friday ev ening and complete tha estimates and set the tax rate or k year fig ures compiled indicate the rat will undoubtedly be higher than last year aclon soldiers return iromservicc in european war arton hm share of men coming llomr on hath troopship pti herb o oak rame hack to arton laftt weslnesslay afur serving four ears untj seven months overseas with the highland 1 l infantry he was a passenger on the queen fllra leth pte cook saw service in r ranee holland and cermany and waa in the anadlan army five years and seven months a brother ord on is still srrvlnit overseas and his sister mrs j mroachle resides in acton before enlisting he was am ployed with ajax f nglneers in thrlr plant here overseas for four years bandsman norman clhson of arton was also m passenger of the queen fltzabeth and arrived in acton last wednesday ha has been in the canadian army ttnc 1940 an experienced and talantad musician bdxmn gibson played in many or the fine military bands and orchestras while serving overseas while overseas he married and in a month or so he plans to return to england and make his home thara ills mother and sisters and brother reside in acton and before enlisting he waa employed with baardmor and co in conversation with bdsmn gibson he said that folks ha cams la contact with in england were indeed very appreciative of the canadian help that had been sent overseas ik said while tha common folk ware not given to much talk no on could mis take the gratitude they felt for all that canada had done in their hour of need we understand that tha maurataa- la which docked in halifax yaatar- day had on board qms f u hoi- loway and pie a moyaa of aclon pie ben corliss an accountant tn the bank of montreal hare whan enlisting la also homeward bound to clinton from this boat booae pucfcj and dlnwvuatta team uwe toe tfaftai irt muton game tuuun hlsaka he jinx and woa ha ftat out while acton plaaian kiu itehind ilrowne of toon ftoekl aton lannrr went further into the cellar on fhursday night when they brought home the short end of a ti score on a lutttlesa and rathar listless gsme played in milton the arton team made the trip un der handles pa norm morton waa still out with hts head injuries from the fergus gsme while bus morton had a knee laury that kept him out of play johnny oy was getting his army discharge that day and towns- ley was out of town rhere wasn i anything left for manager vic rum- ley to do but fall back on some of tha older players and some of the junior players they put up a fair game and should have nosed out a win milton s two lucky goals that slipped past woods ware the deciding factor j in the first moments of th gam jmatllsnn of milton was sent off for ilkiardlng at i vi while milton was hort arton failed to acor to dew- i hurt gave them another opportunity when he was sent lo the cooler at 500 ft r hoarding aclon found a gap its mrduffe stick as undsay scored on a rebound at 5 on acton out played the milton squad during the remainder of th period but no score was added at 14 03 c miro of actnn was tens used for hook inn a failure tn the lighting at the arton end stopped the play and by mutual consent ended tha period milton fclk went off to a fast start and had the acton team bottled up tn i heir own end acton now drew their share or penalties at 4 and 10 i3 wren waller and mrphall rerwtwd penalties for tripping and hoarding respectively otlsnd and marco were roughing it and received penalties at 1545 ovtland finally lied the score whn he heat woods out ami scored at ihfti aclon retaliated and at 12s riddel scored from outside th blue line to put actnn ahead again a fracas broke out in on corner b tween klddell and bllnco but no pen alties were handed out and th period ended ulthout further acor in the opening moment of th third period kmarro waa hurt and retired to the dressing room but was nhle to return later in th parlod acton pelted milton net bat atadtttf withheld the onslaught oattl at ii 43 dewhurst on a baraly inovtat shot scored on a mlacalcujation of woods milton rallied and carried tha play to th acton end and at 1s10 baaso on a fast corner shot put milton ahead despite actons attampta to even the score mcduff rapaqad numerous difficult shots and held tha scor 31 th uneups war muton mcduff c dwharat l d bruth h d mcmann c atatv tlaon 1 w bunco it w aharaal- es basso sellslzit tlmlwra murphy carvels kennedy and borer acton woods a bayllas l d kentner r d i ulna c h mar- to r w undsay u w aluraat- aa ottvhons anderson uephau hid den waller and bardan rvfere dorv houston toronto f thpmpbon is speaker at meeting devonshire chapter the january meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter kode was held at th horn of mrs j symon the regent mrs j c matthews pre sided- th secretary and trsaiur- l er s reports were given tha nomin ation of officers took place and tha honorary regent mrs beatty took charg there were five new mam- ben welcomed into the chapter it waa decided to writ utters of congratulation to lh following rv- icemen who had been given awards private w coleman belgium crou d guerre flying officer e mc- heown dfc gunner t near posthumously efficiency medal night usut hmton kings com- mendation the gueat speaker for the evening waa mr thompson of the childrens aid society it waa a vary inureat- jng talk on the work balni daae hy the crhildrana aid at the eloae of the evening tea waa served by the hoiteea i the two mortons coy and towns- ley certainly weakened the power o th acton team acton looked good whan thy start- id to knock th board off the rink in lh first parlod the spell has been broken on tuesday rllght last the acton tan- continued on ptjte five coming events nl of slmtmes coe cm r oiks essls tau hmdm sr cksrswt mil r tm wl s mwissbss rtxsr urn sar ssiwuiusmil al sfs euchre wednaaday january 30th st xlban s parish hall lucky daw prise chicken ar as the reeular meeting of tha aetna junior annerwtu be held at lena school thuranay january slat lad les provide lunch euchre and dance evary thareday night l o l hall crewsonl cssro- ere-al- 8j0 aharp raitshmat asw mission jsc everyone trisrnnsa ar whan aunt tluy ooes to towm anythutf can hanpan it da m albans players prove- that tsxtt ht it howler yeajrur sxh tsswafe ma ruary afth and frtsrtmry xtos i 1

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