Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1946, p. 2

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t acbtwo the acton free press thursday january 34th li cflljr artnn 3fttt tqttbb ruua i ri tmnur am 0lri m i lwl lfr lp subsrwrrwn iatescv i uua luiff pk auulml hub m k a w sa4 ar sata ttwtu to ffa chaa lijwii u f aovirmirg lattkv aflkiu m to vshmm a a althaaffa rf utuaa rvw tii p i a tb iftm it ww m ww ta ftar irt t pm tnaj el mb rifii u nkjmmii to ntllu fcf itw vdfrtu m4 r4ar4 m tto vr prm toikih fttk aelr ufuor lk ivrtiaf wtlh mmfc en r aarrriat 4jklir bamcrf to vftttojj tfctw m to tal rm u mi aa m u km rtrt4 it tto im tu 10411 t fttol m bmi mkk svr kllr cl at waxh a t art t tto ttwca m4 rtn toara lo tto wtww sptx a ltimtat g abijof diix ftuluar m to ik i ttclcvuomcs eafiiorui it ttaadma- summer flow of visitor from the united stile is not equalled many ire attracted to the winter ctrn- ivals that are featured by some centre clotjfng manufacturers have auo found new outlet for their industry the design and manufact ure ot ski clothing has become an important part of the trade the simple lines of ski jackets are pop ular with the oung canadian who has spent up to fie years admiring or wearing battle dress in war special troops were taught how to handle wooden lat on the pleasure slopes of banff some airmen unfortunately forced down in sweden hap pily plied the hills north of stockholm others won championships in ski meets in the stately himalay as of northern india confined to the comparatively i ngland holland and i rancc swarming wiih swooping figures pleasure rather than destruction veterans who are undecided a rood man vrterani recently discharged from the armed tore set m to be having trouble deriding on what un of chilian employment they should enter the decision of the occupation which one should rhooe u tor many oung people a perplexing question it it 10 import ant to hit the right thing and gel started on the right traole uuu period ot inquiry and inveatgutlun la warrant hie veteran hae no doubt spent many hour wlile war srioe in l tanning for their future and weigh vvith the return of these fortunate devotees qf i the nances in tie d fferent the sport along with the hapless skiers who wctc da inr been i andirepped ty dlbtane i torn home and the dlf snowier plains of flcully of lh the hills will be what tin ihamea and op- bent on healthy lruntlea are man jounj po lr i nve vil ns of i the kind eif thing t ey wnulu i ke to t do some occupation may seem es relally attraetlve t ih m hut the liffkultlrt in he way may term in fcurmountatle 111 t inj they w uld like lat to do may rail for ni irr tilutatkon it an thry fe i able tu et or inoie t a ital thitn they art a be to ronunand 1 he dlffi ulty in the aw of many vtttran la lm rrnum hy tin in t that tle hae mnrrlet arrt man of thtm have a hi id or ae rnl c ildren to ui port hie thing they would ilk to do may teem too uncertain or tha rhancea of an immediate income suf ficient for family aupjwrt may iiib douhtful or unlikely it la the wish of the countiy that oil the wttrana will find congenial employment suited to thvlr tastes and abilities many will have to take wlatever chances lie open at the mo ment and cannot spend a prolonged time investigating possibilities the i undelded veteran can well review hi various expeitfmes and atk i imsclf 1 wlat kind f work he like bet and what kind e mtiiii tet alaird to n a om list e more in an occvip- atlin f r w i it u nature las fitted business directory tasucju db w a c kenney pkjklcaaji ma 8ata4l sueccaaor to dr j a ucntvafi oih in symoa block ulll sttmt acton offlaa rbm t i i 8c pkama iu i in uantkll a i1kahh bwd lallrvl m ip iattem for sutwutanshtp the atomic homb pushed the news of ihc domin ion provincial conference out of the national spot light last august hut just as the ttrntic light of tomic cncrg lias shown us that nations must learn to live together peacefully or perish from tht earth it reveals to us also that canadians from all prov in ccs must learn this lesson too fupcrts from the provinces and the dominion are in ottawa now working on the proposals of the conference and the provincial premiers ill have further sessions with the dominion government ut the end of januiir the interest and conexrn shown by the countrv in these fundamental problems hi been nhnckmglv little ytx upon their satisfattor solution the future of canada depends if c want our leaders to show statesmanship of a high order at this cruual time then c must show thltn that c will back unselfish jum and far sighted polities t r each countr t enactlj the kind of leadership it deserves surel it is plain that the wealth ot all provinces must be distributed fairlv for our whole economy is inter dependent if the rich provinces refuse to share with the less fortunutc uc will ccrtaiuh not he building in our countrv the new world that can dians have worked nnd died to create ours bns been a proud record before the world where we hae shown we will co operate fully in an prospect for thj common good but real and costly 10 operation must be born at home springing from our deep love of this land anj each other springing from our gratitude to cod that we have such great possess ions to share together at the beginning of this vcar president truman tatd lmf is the vear of decision this ear e lay the foundation of our economic structure which will hvc to serve fr generations dr frank n d buchnan leader of the oxford group said in a speech in hhn suppose evcrvbody cared enough everybody shared enough wouldnj everybody have enough there is enough in the world for every ones need but not enough for everyone s greed canada can set a pattern for a new economy at home which will be an cvamplc all the world can follow dive luahiiwkm a charter ve have reached the stage where bus nessmen arc too much shoved about too much meddled with too much suspected and frustrated to be a busm essman on this continent to day to help in devctoj jng the country hy producing wealth and work and wages is to tie s mark atrohjerf of suhpuion recently other s said something on this store worth thought listing the multiplicity of laws and controls that harass enterprise it said there is one type of law however which we do not have and which would not work if we had it that is a law rtuiring any businessman or business organization to stay in business aguint his or its will no law ompels hrysler i ord central mot rs graham paige hudson packard illys it ul to produce automobiles these und other autoimit it tonetrns are in business bcausc up to n w they euu make money out of staving in business m iuy for iheir shanholdirs their dealers their employee but they ean ijuit business any time they uel like douil so the time seems to have come for people to eon ide r thi- husinessmctl ure tit t e k to stav 11 i usintss just li r the sake ol beinc in it arc not t inc to dwell 111 ihe shadow it a meddlestme hurtau ino and put ip iti bt ng harustd b lives and que stionnait es and controls and recul it ions ji j with heinl sh ved nnund tnd mivjuted nd tit die ke d a 1 d in idi a s rt of sv mb 1 of e v il lor the exploiter and ehistlir there need be n ympailn nt r tht man wbt sas to lull w itri the public liut ft r the honest busi ih sinm the bu id er prtviding work and waces ind weilth treat iil bis cmplovccs decently and helptnc bis iinmunitv nnd country there should bt svmpithv ind com mon senst e in this country talk about an cxtaiision oi trade about exports about world markets di is invbody believe we can achieve tbes things if men f ambition and enterprise ore denied change of re wards for their energy denied hope of rtturns n their capital the while being made targets of abuse by the envious and unthinking canada was hi ilt up by private enterprise by men of pioneer and adventurous spirit who were not afraid to take risks and who were encouniged and acclaimed in risk of such men we were proud if this country is to prosper if it is to fulfill iie drmms of the old bold pioneers if n is t have a population prosperous and employed then can id ion business canadian enterprise and ambition must he given a chance it will not get that chance if we l ii hamstringing it frustrating it cursing it suspecting it taxing it penalizing it leaving it half bond and half free it is tune wc made up our minds the ottiwa journal anion t h 1 ntidi uld llht m nt the n 1 hftnum 11 l a unity lift- ml if entvlue we top la a brass pari of our com greatly misled uk h g joyce barswtor f m i ra office at il ii milous lutldmbm 1ormvrly dr menlven a ottto tlgln street ac ton ihonfc 223 hen- art many cum lions in the it of a iiwn wll h require the ser vl of a hrana band most towns imitthy f tl 1 name provide a weekly 1 m ti nit i mil c ncrrt fur lt l liens luting hit uii nit r in nt ti then it fir are ii jiaradvft and the public f ut 1 1 n wtlth are very deal an i tint wit ut n irnu i an 1 nothing du d a cakkltt rhysirlaua ajd hurgai riederuk sltiel arton rtrnurly or nelu 1 office i hune 2sh duntal ad n tnki lt 1 in iiim r vllle n s v climbing spurt main dav dream ol gulden snnds and palm trees when the nurcurv slides but thouinds of sc t lasts go into uction with wux and cloth whooping with delight as the new hakes heme to it uj on tht slopes toddlers on tront launs soon mark out mi iii designs with their abbreviated scis while then eld rrs head tor the hilk in cars bristling with equip ment mnn canadian skiers have not had a snow- happy winttr and tht muk the best of each oppor tumty the popularitv ol tht sport h grown trcmenj ousl tp the past 10 tars clubs ike increased from a handful of txperts 10 associations that nutu bcr thousands on their rolls- bkting bids tair soon to rival all others in canada as a participator sport enthusiasts sa the sensation of speed exper lenced while dropping down a smooth mccp slope is matched only bv flying an airplane close to the ground they claim that the canadian landscape is most beautiful when its lines arc softened by a deep covering of snow their asesrtions icadjo the be lief that if horse racing is the sport of kings skiing must be the stprt of poets the monotonous yet musical rhymes of the cash register are welcome sounds tn the ejlqof resort- owners throughout the dominion who cater to the hickory trade accommodating and entertaining the thousands who flock northward during the snow season has provided a ne industry while the 1 kditok1 vl notes it takes mote than ihe mess w t re m weeping state incllts lo clcill 1 t lis w 11 v ihl d 1 iu i 1 i er it nt cists in c an ida touched jj in 1 in 1 14i iluinst 4s4 millions m the last prt ear but itttr deprtc itioti and 1 1 p iv nieiits stnbi table protits werv duvn i pet cent irom the lie it tush for new ntcs expected hy dcaleis uith the removul uf rationing on january i has hot materialized according to information ironi dealers nd distributors sales are steadv and volume i up ubstantiallv but there has been littlt difficulty in filling orders alberta tnav trv to rfulie sodal credit a reality instead of a thcorv as it has ieen for more than 10 years ih that province at tht legislature session opening february 14 government supporters are reported growing impatient and premier manning has voiced a veiled warning to the financiers that something tnav be brewing recognmng the immepse value of a good band o a community the citizens bj pnllia readily en dorscd a by law to provide 5000 to outfit the kiltie band there with new- uniforms with the hope of expanding the organization to forty members and with the enlouragemenfent by the ratepayers the band will look forward to their work in 1046 the quality tea c at alla jflllflllfl 1i1 asi a custard 25c atiwsa ctote m beets carrots lie tea 44c tl awlbn flour l 19 tea balls 3sse puffed wheat 7 shredded wheat 2 23c quaker oats its 19c aings cc sauce i8c heinz foods vt 3 25c iduah uial ihodiei floor as junket taslets 1 hid eedt rw old dutch to ovaitini it m javex o bleach 14 arnan luciaomi cvuu oinneb n tt fresh grefn beans 35c b calirovnia naal oranges lurge size 220 do fresh texas spinach 2 lbs fresh rhubarb celery tomatoea pineapple special weekend prices 47c 27c il hugh s austin dmttaj tuufm mill slfrl cornrr radrrlck acton offu hours ttjuim to 53u pen r vrnlngs by appointment tauplmts it uk a j buchanan umttsd horgaaai oflirr llihman block ulu suwm j rite hour t am lo pja x kay tas 11- 1 kimionk 148 i tiff a i c 1 li aimrkl anu 1 a at kin urruur and holirlur notary iumic luturr uf mainni ucriisrs k ul llirthm airiatftrs latl a lanodon aylswokth ibutlaurv hollrltars kuu oni p a l it t cm 1 1 r hull ling it ma lntyr auworth ua ai1n tm xlfiw i boors kmldrnr iioj it i un rmury ihalrr bull j a 1 i on hhw 1 i 1 1 lltlskin 1 tuwtrrr anttinuutu su vs i i jrnkism i iiakdv i l milrih i inn lllclk ii lili rlji si lm nt h mil ktmtlnakt u i uund v s b v be rtrrlnar su raton etlitr brook villi ontario 1 hoih xliuoii htir a h i oaktb v b b vbc w urinary nurjron ulfi f ami itisltlrme knoa avenua adun i hone 130 itkal kntate nxillougmuy lahm agbncy 1 nr a and oldrst agency in canada id a 1 offiec kent uldg toronto i rg tutn keiircawnlatlva tmii llowaon ihonn oeorgauw mt hl bstmu brokar uanaiml inaurtuww vm k bracken imlonfc j6 acton ont time tables ial lch links t ual11u tlji h acton kauthound l 11 i m h- if n m dig ajft mm nm 0c in i6 pm m lm 9 of i m bll ii p m ealhound nil h am 11 ii am 135 pjiv t i 1 i m v ii b 33 pju- t pm 1i28 pm a la london b sundas and llolldas only x dally exc 1 1 sundaya and holi days lo kitchener z to stratford r canadian national railways going waat daily acpt sunday 01 am saturday only 19 dally axcept sunday 7 49 pjn monday only 4200 ftjb- dally txcapt sunday l34 uta flyttr at georgetown dally exctetsgijinlshl flyer at cuelph dally mx capt sat and sun 7 13 pjn 713 galng kaal dally axcept sunday v 8 49 dally axcept sunday 9m dally except sunday lm sunday only u 840 flyer dally georgetown 029 flyar dally at guelpn 830 t l vrttktcawwrfafcljrlgtwt

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