Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1946, p. 5

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thursday january luk vut the acton free press pack rtvm uta mad- huff and mr b uar- tin visited with friend in acton dur ing the weekend uan friends are indeed itud to see ur r ii arnold able to be around again after an illness of five weeks ur robert iowrie wa in toronto the past week with his daughter mrs wm mcdonald and hl son ur stewart lewrla mr and mr bert davidson spent sunday with tiirlr nelce and nephew ur and ura carl fuller of krin township farl returnad last week from overseas on the qumr eliza beth mr and mrs eo masoit attended a complimentary banquet to commts- atoner prank irwin who has been ex ecutive secretary of th ontario div ision of the boy scouts for twenly- fl yean thr event n held in toronto engagements untttb ghurrt of sattatui qelea ufettuh the frtandly church kev a waitms f08buby ha b-d- mteuur rinoftts dowr avenue si no ay i1u january 7ui 1m this week by norman axtstedtcs ri-b- pre stsff wriur i morning worship serro- the christian ufe as a uf of study installation of church sihuul staff 13 15 pm church school 7 to pm keening worship sarin on what is ieft friday jan 25th fi 10 pm -contg- attonal supper annual meal ing of congregation iraw nigh to dod and he will draw nigh to you come and worship ker welcome mr and mrs william mcleod an nounce the engagement of their daughter isahelle to mr uervyn yahsley sn of mr and mr- a b yahslr ottawa ont the wedding has been arranged to take plar on february 2na in know presbyterian church acton prrbtrrun ttburrl tn catubt knox annual acton rev forjiks thomson bju mm hln msnie- wluow street sunday january 27th jm6 it is a m morning worship and lie nut con for rued 3 no p m the sunday school and junior illhle class 7 ik pm ktrnlng worship ulbhcal studies i2 trie oimiwi according to matthew toronto tcp dairy farmers of canada heard good news from feder al officials concerning prospective market for the coming year at thrlr annual meeting in niagara tails an unprecedented opportunity ists for introducing canadian dairy products in european markets par ticularly in france and belgium ac cording to j ii trembley of ed monton a dominion government ag rlcultural trade commissioner he said that the ability to gain these markets depends on th quality un- ifermtty quantll and regularlt of supply reviewing thr economic situation in northwest kuroe as it affects marketing of canadian dairy pro- iluiu mr trrmhlay stated that -re- unoris of dairy product weir valued at slmoonrm annually ami in lm4 the total on mh00oo0 com pur ed with total agricultural ekinri ul 1 1 0000000 and 1 000000 000 respect lely before the war britain produce only v per cent of its food require ments france followed a ollcy of selfsufficiency and belgium import ed mainly cereal foods the war i hanged the picture britain now concentrated on increasing farm pre- they that wait upon the iord shall renew their strength constant vigilance protect plant life were it not for the constant vigil- wire of the plant protection divis ion dominion iepartment of agric ulture canada would undoubtedly be ihe hnpp hunting groond of many kinds or fotelgn insects and diseases affecting the plant life of the domin ion these inserts and diseases as- tall the borders of canada by road i all se and air knrptng canada s plant life free from external attai k of enemies in volves the division in a multifarious catalogue of operations each nn ex tensive undertaking in itself there are for instance the formulation and enforcement or the various reg ulation of the letructlve incct and iest act the infection of imported and exikirted plants arul plant prod uct for the presence of insects and disease harmful to vegetation the treatment of affected shipments or their refusal of entr or of export as injuirrtl the nperatlnn of fumigation nations and fumigation lesearch the maintenance of domestic quaranlln- s the canvtng out of survi in onneition lh the spread control or eradication of new pests the is- tuame of health ccrtlfhato covering the export of plant material to mul the requirements of imintrttng coun tries the establishment of standards governing the production of seed pd- tatoem the supervision of their pio- ductlon and shipment h inspection in the field in storage and at shipping olnt to mention onl a few of the main atiuilrs of the pi imlon insm tors are stations nt all the main point of entrance and exit in the dominion in the latest reimrt of the dominion minister of agricul ture it is recorded that even uml r war conditions no fewer thftn 15 4fihh7 plants were inspected during the rar under review these plants were in 19t55 containers imported from five different countries under 1 970 standard and 107 eniergency permits requiring o40 aeparate in- jiex t ions klght hundred and five of the inspections deal with panvl kmt importations covering 15 hofi plants in n5i containers fifteen 1m- lortatlons were refuseit enti he suae of infractions of the regulations unler the instructive inaett p at act tile llv islons inspetlttrs attended i 070 nvits to examine plant mntcrml vrrlvtng in passengers bnggap nine pasjvrngrrs were found to hae hnd taints in their poaeesslon tluvall at niagain kails hrldgeheadx 2sh plants and j 10 ear of corn were srlred and destroyed because at via lalloin of regulations throughout ihe jearthcre were 3l0 interceptions of injects and diseases on import plants arul plant products there were itvw inspections t plant products from 31 cuntrle in- j volvtng 1m1vm containers plus 71 carloatls fifteen shipments prohlh- i iled hy regulation were refused en- tr 14 of the consignments were de strove and one sent ha k to the i shipper 1 in the export af plants and plant products 1305253 plants were in spected and certified for eport during the year 443 ocean boats were examined before being loaded with foodstuff and 89 of the boats required cleaning or treatment to re move insect infestation one hund red and seventytwo lake boats were also inspected- with 118 requiring cleaning and 101 different inspect ion w ere m of el flour rfinis and warehoussln association with food protection then there were inspections of de hydration plants fumigation of in fested plant product in a thousand railway cars and th numerous field 1 proacts for suppressing and control ling destructive pests like the dutch aim disease japanese beetle and pear nsylla birttas hurrrj action rv w il walxjtck faatae sunday january 27th 1946 1100 am morning service 12 15 sunday school serxlce at night withdrawn until further notice a welcome to all tuntrrlf of tt xlban thr alartnr sunday january 7th imc ihe i lord sunday after the kplphany hjtiam llolv communion 10si nm t hurch school llii m mntlins and sermon 1 i pm senior laxse 7 tn p m 1vonsong and sermon hnda jtn 5th onveislon of st paul htsi am holv communion acton wins one and loses one in weeks gaines continued from page one neri on their home ice defeated the flora rocks by a score of fto the tanners seem to be back in their old form as they outplayed the rock and came out with the only shutout of the season and put s shots past the eteran brown in goal acton carried the initiative from the first and brown staved off ac ton rushes in a brilliant display of net minding k marzo broke th ire for acton whrn he uored at 9 45 un assisted during the nest few minutes flora played the test hocke but woods successfully held them off until at 1h50 n morton on a pas from his 1 brother bus slammed the pu k home and made the ixunt 20 fo alton on another rush on thr flora net blown the flora net minder te- 1 1 ived a tmng on the ttean head whlh held op ilsv for several min utes before the se unil prlod hiul hard- 1 got under hi dang kentner retvlved a minoi jienalty for high stitklng at 0 40 johnny coy in his nnxlrt to add anotht r tail passed the puik willi his hnnd w tit n he st u mhled itefi r e jones however fnile1 to see any remrnhlame intween ductlon lravlng a wide oirn market i n and trusses ahdomlnaj trnaaea and hopporta expert1y n alex stewart lut aagua kasusady ire- hi oeatgea rqosvre ooejpk for dairy products the cattle popul ation in france decreased 30 to 40 per cent and that country is now in the market to buy anything canada can spare mr tremblay revealed w c cameron chief of the dairy products grading and inspection ser vice in the federal department of ag riculture told delegates to the meet ing that although conditions may cluinge rnpldly indications are that there will he plenty of markets for must canadian dairy products during this yeir canada has contracted to suppl ihe united kingdom a total of 125- 000000 pounds of cheese at 20 cents wr jound the quantity and price to he the same a specified in the prev ent rontract there will therefore le a stable market for cheese without nnv change in the price level he said r h mcballev of edmonton m reelected president of the association nnd j j k mccague alllston ont wa reelected vicepresident other officers included w o coon elgin ont rov mck oshawa ont a ii mener vancouver r j scott bel- kinvo out itmsetl k stanlev ed monton i k and sent at 4 36 off for upholstering for see lent woritmanaalp anj aervtee in raphoutartag and r d aligning af year dseater- ium 8ulu phone 87 fob estimate he alee take ardera far saw upholstered furniture i soealgna dick the upholsterer inn for ontarios six lndutr1nl fnrmm which will eliminate many of hie existing county jails cau for complete rrcrhlon of prlsonrnt in to nrc nnd type groups proxlnrlnl secretarv george dun bar innounn d hint tin re will te rlv 1 onlv in the sections where hardened i nnd incoiilglhle prlmer are held other prisoners sleeping in dormltor- n tin new farms will house men sentenced to two yenrs or less besides a location outside toronto farms will he locnted nenr ottawa tn t the kingston nrcn in the bruce and niagara peninsulas and in the lon- i don windsor district bug on d c dianei ended a ear career as chief constable w hi n john jockl chlsholm foimr me detective took over ihe top joh on the toronto police force the 71- venrold retiring chief will art n i sjmdnl consultant to the department for at least five years the new hlef has tieen n member of the force since pi jo rferrnt e ihsplte the handu ap impoaed on the acton tram n mot ton beat out biow n agisted hv bav lias to make the score 30 at 530 with uilh tennis im k at full stiength i maro broke away from the faieoff arul s ored on a solo iuiii nt j0o klora in their eager ness to count attempted to slave the aton rushes and mcffler in his ov- ei exuncrance ixiarded a tanner at 10 10 nnl letelveil a minor pen it at 1 i u n morton awl k ted by buy iika nnd i uwnvle on a hi ilium evtiiliilion ol oowrntlon scored lo make the tally at tin- end of the sec- olid jntiod hardly had the thud priod begun when llndk4iy m ored on a pnia fim i minn nt 1 i maro missed an opportunity when lie flatbed through the entire r lorn team hut failed j tnat brown pordgc rlddall enled up in the pennltv ih when he tripped a luxk ul 7 33 in a light in the alton end w ilh pnrtuipanu including bay llsx toy lowusley miller strffler and schist resulted in luwimlr and mil ler winding up in the penult box at k mnmi fount ed his 4 otul limi gnme when he t might oitlaricrvillaige free of crimes cuin sliriinff to beat equipped of iu size in ikmlnumi sllkunt ont crfa unique calm spd in ontario is this commun ity of lu7 just north of belleville ii luery tier of the village vkhlrli was incorporated in 1kc0 says we never had any bos in jail juv- tniir delinquency doesnt exist here wr believe in rearing uor children as lesponsibl cltlxena oldtimer say uat crime took a holiday so long ago that old john iawleas never wiu around but the records show liat thru- were several burglaries atut 10 rara ago tliat irinw wave endett with the aikintntrnt of sam kggleslon sla- hit two as onttablr lie is on duly fiuni j p ni to a in and some say ttial would 1m- lawhrenkeia ar urd ui whin they see his large form in the iliiimxi piere has lesn no i line slut tin const al le ame oh 1 he lie at nor has there len a jail imming that the village is th- b st shipped of ms size in canada in mutik ijal itii1 puhlu irnloi reeve w wet points to he town watet kktem an letru light i stem which nes all but five per cent of the htii1e pivrd streets nnd a pullicl- oaiint theatie thai turn in a rev en ur jl uf annually inr hi immediate pmt wnr plan stilling has a new sewage sxtrm out- liniit arul is wailing to learn what nwiinsnu ihe provlntlal government nil give itie village rue hrigude of l men li not expiated to get riih on their pit lrv receive two dollars a fire ur lor attending flietlghtlng pract- nr but theie hasn t been a real fire mllir vsth when a 1 0 hlae oc tuimtt ip till im there was only ii imnd engiru hut to dav the vlllig- t i have the imst nii fire-fight- nik itiulpmenl in us first iin ihtrf stirlings lax ikwtii jitv i jisl eai loses were jiikih gib pack news how to make roik ivst much uniut i ven though wnrllnie nenmiuls for mi- me over and iom- fihrc produc- ng areas txt opie1 h ttie enemy are how uttrialeil there still la not nnugh riijk- to meet nil the demands mr it hit life of rom tan tn- cxtemled tiy kieplng h dr if the n about to ik iimmi has lern dnmjwnetl b snow or rain drv it liefoie uing it is also on monday evening january 14th at the ymxa thirtysis cube aa- swrred roll call and were instructed as to what was the firststar testa a so the net exsary accompllshmenta ret ul red tefore they received thla stii at the inspection parade the fundamentals of hygiene were st ed such as teeth tiands feet etc by akela in the dim glow of the ramp fire baghreia gathered the cube around and held tbetss skellbousvd with an erthgtiterrnig story dosing with a amp fire song and the pree mption of first star lo don daw- kins and john cameron on morula jnnuary ll at 7 p m in the y mca thirty rtvc cuba ware in attendance a almrt peilod wu tlevoltl to body fxerlsx with all cub taking part unih r the direction of miih nntl the atixlnted pack sis r iih ltiinkie speltvogel led tin- a k in i splendid game under his own direction with onlv the glow of the tamp fire the cutis gathered in a group around the fire for two in nt wngs e the evening meet ing sooai even inc home ok mr mrs p minnie hie wtwwlslde bed cross held a or- inl evening lam week nt the home of mr and mrs peter blnnle fourth line trie evening was spent in ptay lug euthre and croklnole the win ners for euchre were miss clara swa khatner and master john mr- donald foi rolnole lorena crmy nnd freddie iormon ihe ladles alxti held a small busln- fu meet ing w hen a number of art- h lew were given out to be aewn and four tullts arrangetl tt tie ullted for their bet cioxs ihe ladles servett a dainty lunch and n heart vote of thanks was tndrred ii mr nnd mrs blnnle for the delightful veiling which all en- joved nv orrh iiibeh the saskatchew- iraltier products announced it will pnv 91 to hunters who send the hldsw of det r they sht in the province this senvin to it ginn provided the hunting licence number accompanies hie tilde and the head has been re moved ttie government shoe fact ory can make good use of the hldea ouiul nnd pushed the ill past brown iwc to t rops ircfoi 1j i luddnll and dargel visited the imnnlt box at loott as the toughed it in the corner lo wind up the game and to score hit fourth goal of the game n motion llukcietl the flame at 19 13 lo give at ton nn outstanding victory over ihe hot ks 1 he hnup was klorn hrown bunnells 1 d romlmufch u d bunnells c rld- lev 1 quinn h w alternates st filer datgel miller st hist mar- on dohiusk nnd kaiset acton wootlx bnvhsit i d kenlimr r i i maro c llntlwiv i k mnro b w alternate iihums luimnll n morion b mor ton coy tow nslry and harden iljferee lohnnv jones ueph kling it for ran be r care in n prev cnt- along the lrnge ihe suifnte wear of ro nttuted hv taking greater handling it for exnmple i trip it from tnlng diaggtxl kioiind and from robbing against ihsrns or kistx in the hnrn or liafed li rubbing ngalnst the edges of poorly designed pulley blocks one of the sureat wavs to reduce internal i wrnr of rope is to use it on as large pulleva nt vossible a serloux fray ing of rope ends tan lie t he ked hy dipping oi trow rung them the radio centre gurlph ji arantkki radio skhvicinc don farquharson i ihonc acton k for pickup and delivery i all rn rt h rations aiimjj oittiurr kfi own a b c it men is of oknnngnn apples t cinnd i order to em cam british itetl offlt eastern gregory theatre thlhaday nuiuv januaxy th and 3t olr 1nes have tend- er rafes coxtat ring margaret obrien kdward c robinson cartoon chapter whip wild and wolfy i airros bhick hlp- tein nr were curtailed in t supplv lonsnmcrs in west- l uln with their normal quoia columbia tne fruits i nn- ial said the shortage of die canada apple crop hnd brought heats demands on okanagan produiis and it had been fount nec- esar to set up an equltahle dlstrlh- utlon vten to protect western t iliilmln consumers ivsplte the tjuo- ta eastern canada has received a larger supply of b c apples than ev er i h fore oknnagan apples which would have brought 10 to j1s a ton for cull pur poses were shipped to ontario under sjieclal prmtts from the dominion government nnd brought 1 30 a lox i hi linn i lock is in w rklng ordei again and added mil ch to tht tfimc s jovment hv the fans all ailo 1 needed lo ink them 1 ok good w ei e t ic n w outfits d iln wor k so well for v ora who al- st npmnri 1 in their nt unlforrtis morn fans stood open mouthed as th- boy s bam added lp and rest to t he g inie tiiiess t heir bund doesnt jln foi the games and it h gelt tonlt ornngeville s ioi getow it r ai ton milton s flora 3 fergus 4 results of last nngcvllle won fri acton j fer gus s lkii mlmnittng 1 w l 1 0 now aailihle to permit holder the nkw imtr0vk1 1946 fargo truck size from i t ton pirkup to the ilijc 3 ton special the information tx now available rcrardinr the important ihiinccs or a phono cjiii will hnnr thix information rijm lo tur home or place of huxincxs a ucenkrd mochanir latr omhf rcak haa now been obtained pmmpl service available on any make of car macswain motors acton illone k5 n s coal outpit oecijnes in 1ws st1koav janiabv 51 iuiiim ai s naughtv nineties ahlwtt and costello mullral star in ihe night cirloon silver streak fox new a xrondatnuuurainrj brewsters millions dennla okeele helen walker mutical melodjr faracja traveualk merlda cam- ph cartoon blppy diplomats 1113 k kitmi or- m klorn yiltnn 1 frrcu a ieorcvtoun 3 or- nniellli- 10 ferkuv s mlllon 7 torritmn 6 overllmf arton 8 klora 0 rame ihlt ueek- tonuht ceorac- luack hay n s icti rnducl- town in artrm milton in ormnnevllle ion from the 11 rollierle of the do- friilnv iimh fereui at elora- tuea- rtilnun coal company in cape breton iln ilh fergu at milton orange- 1romihl otr durlnit 1945 and the mite at acton mo weeka holiilax eranled all mln- er was one of the main cauge or the z decline i during the fummer month all mines suspended operation for a week while the emploeei went on a common wish a ouns couple asked the parsoa to marry them immediately following vaatonwtth pyan agmementtiestinaaymorritniraervteiwhrn eaonfhash hastuasaan t rim mlrias nrsaeatrvea i reached between the mine operator nnd the miners union work for the year ended the saturday hafora christmas as the colliers enjoyed their yuletide holiday their second week off with ny for the year total production for 1045 was 2- 611046 tons off 380s6 tona from lost year the time came the minister arose to ay- will those who wish to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony pleas come forward there waa a creat stir as thirteen women and one man approached th altar notice tlii it haslleen requested that smoking by chiijmtkn under ib ye arm he suipres3ed as far as lossihe arcordlnff ip the criminal code it ia unlawful for any person to aell give or furnkh to children ttncttr the above are tobacco in any fortu or cigarette papera whether for personal use or- otherwise even on a note it u unlawful the mertbxbi has twv control over this and therefore it will be greatly appreciated if parents will refrain at all times from sendfnc their youne children to make tobacco purclv aseo e e harrop chief of police i vwnitc gja v

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