Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1946, p. 3

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thursday january 3ut ims the acton free press y pxcvtttkltm of interest to women i wg g i rn bowl jtbhr jmbji hello llomemakers its february the shortest and oftan tm chilliest month of the yrar rut it bring us si valentines iay and t may rum fort ourselves and our gu with valentine rt which rail for an evening of indoor nm hearts set the l heme and rd the color irhfmr refreshments served on tables geil decorated with red centrepiece amusing favors will ptrtw your guests your menu too can be planned lo carry out in val en tin spirit here are two mnui wr think you will like the dishes are juite easy to previa re and good lo eat they m ntakr your arty complete part uen1 id jrlllrd tongue potato and larsle salad i ukles heese rum pet 1 krd maspherry shertel love hindi party ftfltnl id wedge salad bowl 11 re so strk maraschino pear sweetheart cakes jrjxjru toui r 1 an tomato mup cold wter 1 green pepl tckpid flnel or i ttttp aivlc s tsp minced onion 1 hollfd tongue irticedi h u salt 1 tbsp ranulaied gelatine s up of tanned eas combinr miup 1 up wler green pepper onion and sail stmmer s mlns ihrn n id gelatine which has been mmiktnt in ru old water for min- stir until dissolved ihrn add mi and tongue iour mixture in mould and chill in rle1ri refrlk erator when artlv t stir to di trihutr m l and egetahlev i 111 ii again rkfjm mtu uk 1 u milk 4 thspa shorle nin 1 i thsj mil s tip nalt 1 east taki dissolved in s ru lukewarm water 1 egk ruin fhur 1 tns rawav xeed staid the milk and cot 1 it cream the 11011 in ink and kun add the milk and kail a1d the dissolved et the efcfcw tile well beaten and the flout knead and lrt tt rtw shape into sinks about the me of a lead pemll riarr thrm far apart in a floured pan about 4 inch sprinkle with seed when light put into an elect ru turn cf 40n degs then decrease ihe heal no that thr slicks ma iwtome dr and crisp red rahtnrautt hiirrbft 1 cups hoiltng water 1 rup rai lerr juice ruy sugiir 1 tsp gel- atlnr s cup water cup chrrrtrm j lemon s ful p arx orangtx up met1rd ralttm pour imtiling watei ort sufni d wi 7 mtnti 1 our hot krut ovri i aline w hit h ha lieen konktd in rup cold walrr for mtn cool ad juice ct orant lemons nnd rn brr rlrs stir in fruit and put in fnelng 1ra of rlwtrir refrigerator taitr a tir 1 tart ji 1h ntnred into wtiffu lieatrn rgg whitr mavet n fiontink of tweet kmoothnrt in a lorl pavtt i nlor sweet otattri haw mort natui nl tuprlmu than other egetable- lt them add ugar to jour meal t llrr an ra wax to petti the procrai of making n largt unntit of kjtndwuhcfc stand the i nitre lost i hrt id on t ml spread tht filling on lop butterrtt nliit and n i it to thi nu of the 1 tat whin i hi cond shoe ha tr n preiul mi n and tl fclliv undei tt on top t f tht loaf thi n mi lwt kiln on the filkd pilt uu will onl hutlei tht on kid i f thi nllf umt wrilptltne filling 1 prrm1 hut tt filling u moi thi will be lnal 4 minctnl tl ntoiott ned wilh on ornt rated crlri oup ninki n m r jihwi tandwuh filling t1ik hi tmlrktion ro man thank to our fluids in northern ontario fov their j li nd d lrs 1 alrntlne part mi ni o put our valentin iard on thf jwitc plate tut unle of flo phut e the ktte of thr innrt cirri of 1 1 ate and covrr lh iaixt our glnifcm of lomnlo juice will look ery effect ke imn p k discarded adhee tape ipool a iv good t amileholder for valentine arrangement- t thr nase ma be painted or htmpk cov ered uith iaper imra r mi llt ou hae numer ous leftover canoes melt them pour thr mrued j into individual gel atins mouldknd insert ofi trtng r kitk set their on fancv platen and burn the candles in the moulds j chronicles ol ginger farm qweniwmjnr p uak the sunday school leson hi nday ktiiki aby ltd i m5lfc4bft nit wouni of ituniois an i nlvhtsahir allen i rut ile iord halt great thing for u whereof p 126 t dona e are the other day partner paawd the following remark wnat wr want in tht country not more work but hrllrr work th reawn lor that somewhat cryptic itatement was a new ihlrl i ltaon tel lrv 15 1ft j n jk m 3944 a separated i- x posit ion i 31 7 k itteae verm s are taken from a tun text whlth u not in arouriut to thr jno 1 9 ileb 9 1115 tabernacles the confession 19 25 ii the feast of 34 3044 the feast wa kept on the flf teenth day of the seventh month it was a time of festal thanksgiving be cause of harvest as well a commem oration of their deliverance from kg ypt and t heir liv ing in boot hs the ftut wa to be kept for seven dayk lie puritosr of it all was that they khuuld never forget jehovah their dtliveier from fr gyptlan bondage is rati howevrr did forget and the tea fcon bet anie largely one of rest an 1 nxitttllun tather than a tune to re member oil ju1 as our own thanks givntgft in these days with ihe maj orlty of jwo u are taken up more with tmiru rather tan with glad thanksgivings to od jesus gives us tt e true intir n tat ion of tht feat in jno 1 17 1j an ordinary plain work ihirt which other scriptures of this lesson uev i had brought home for him that day to start with the mstrrtal watnt murh more than good muslin cut to tattem and then thrown to gether with stitching that ran off the seams and thread ends left hang rdness of kgypt they were not ing everywhere in iart the whole lhtnk of going lck their etarat khlrt was such a meas i wouldn i lm unto od was to be complete have looked at it twice a few yersyyhey re to put away all id dairies ji deals with the manner of life of m s redeemed people whereas iev il has to do with certain memorial feasts ilecause jehovah had deliver ed them out of the tyranny and wick and the wltked ways which they had learned in kgypt and they were to safeguard themselves agalmt slmilir iniquities in the land whither jehov ah would lead them lev 11 41 4 19 2 this is an eternal principle in ods dealings wfth us he has accomplished our redemption through 3 rut 1 pet 1 ik jt horn tt hid hrttempllon means to be dellveied out of one state of im ing and evil r latlonshlp by whlth we are alienated fium tod into a new t rraturefchlp arwl fellowship in the presence of od in this sense what r gypt was to is rael th world is lo ihe chrullan as israel w as to live holy and separn e from i- gypt and the system of evlli ior vwhlui ll blood so the hrtstlan li to seek holiness and live a srparhtnt life from ihe evil which is in the world tlph 1 4 lleh 1j 14 2 cor f 1 lkl ll is ihe solemn duty of ev it hrtstlan to live as one who 1 truly redeemed from the woilds evil wai how cite can he he a witness h mrmonal i- easts il t7 2s 4 f 1 16 ago unless it were to comment on poor workmanship hut now i buy thing like that and try not to look at it at all what burns me up is the fart that the manufacturer have their finger on the puhllc pulse as ii were and know just atout what they can gel away with and 1 sup pose as long as there is more money lhan merchandise the puhllc will con tinur to tie exploited when manu facturers find goods harder to jell then rometluon will be keener ftth one will try lo do a little belter than ihe other in order lo make ms goods more at tractive and of beltrr qua ii those days cannot come too soon why we have even bought milk pails brought them pome and found them leaking like a selve another problem these das is ihe butler su pl which threatens to be come more acute and may even result in s still further cut in our weekly ration i- ederatlonv convention and tin and thai organization mem to be yelling their heads together and wondering what can be done about ii and ihe solution could he so k m le if the c a quart onsumrr subsidy uur taken off milk and placed on churning t ream instead then the sit unllon would toon rlkht itself hut of ourv to keep milk at it prrscnt i rice level to producers fluid milk to the consumi r would hav lo iw taiscd to 17i a quart there ts no rtmiht subsidies served a good purpose in their time hut for nil that ihev are i iwirl of a queer svstem with farmers and consumers alike through indirect i taxation helping to pay their own i suhvldies a better pnet on churning ream of fky ty plcaf it prefigured would also encourage hog produ i rlif ir li and thrrc immmusc nearlv every farmer w ho f our hedeemer ll cor 7 11 sell cream also keeps a fewptgyt around as a sideline iia- tf make ti the second feast w nx that of use of his skim milk w ht reas thei ihe i n leavened bread vs fis it an verv ft w shippers u ht tothcr w i t loselv related to ihe passover wilt raising plfc i its ilist iplinr w as to teach the ideal of xtavln vou will think i dm i know n lift ol faith as unleavened bread w list i am talking about but we have 1 is unmixed so the believers faith is shi hd milk for fifteen vrars and not to ik mixed with carnal doctrlnrs h f n thai we shipped rfiini and ku h ns plense and sir ngthen man s rnised j igs so vou see wt itt t ip m n siniul natyrc christ iu tur hedeem to know holh hides of tin question itain wutlits am mkashrrn lite following tablt shows hi weights and inritun i used in anada in con ne t ion with the kiiicltial field trops and fur wheat flour nounli pel oats u heat llailey tr masses t rn bushel v4 vi fi hut kwheal ah mlxe1 raln vi s nenings 4h all others fio soya beans ml sunflowi r senls ja wheat flour one barn 1 equals lo pounds and approslmati ty 4 hush els of whrat are used in ihe rotlut t ion of n barrel of flour pictou n s p warden i- rank m mt n ll of i ht li harboi pn sided ovn the 194fi session of thi pltlou munlttiml council thi and consitutlve ei trial in tin held this ffln twenty years ago vram tke uaue of use keee press r tlmradar kebruary ui lt the- snowfalls continue with some what increasing regularity m r j b mackenzie w as elected vice president of the ontario retail 1 amhermen s association al their convention ft toronto splendid ilaaws of both ladles and men are taking the ourte s of agric ulture and sewing whlth opened on monday one of the best hotkey games of the season was played at thr rink on iii vlnj evening when arton defeat ed the fist t p it team of toronto l j to t born itaham al the eneral hospital w innlpt g on monday february 1 iri io mr and mrs mill u im am a mn mariurj mm1 itoss al the htinte uf 1le i ride s father montreal on wad- n slay kebruary t vrjf h kev altsantlir mt laggart h a john s mix ie of ihindas to miss i milan it s mi ntieal iirj ml khan in uetph t eneral ho pit al on it ursday january jhxu ivj6 lauia atbylene daughter of mr atid mis w murray n hr 17th yt r liri hoijdays and stivmau das ash wetlnesftay man h flh txxl f- it lay april 1 hh l asti i sunday a rtl jlst irtorla day t rlday may j4th itmlnlon day monday july 1st lator day monday sept jnd hianksgiving day on a day to he fixed by pnwtanvntlon llk ly monday ot ioimt 14lh iti mt mhraiit i day monday nov imlmr 11th hrulmns dn xvittmstta iet ha1jfax cpiilevolvars provid- ed members of the city polio tore a year ago have becom faulty be cause of improper rare tha pouea- men will be provided with 36 new weapons krpalra and altwmuoni kurtriol work kepdra etc ork tsrouur clarence ronnvildon ilowhl avknue mtx r hi ovilljilutn will liciumr u arr un i hrlalljinll brramn fon a floyd smith jeweler uattlleji hiwi jewelesv 71 qiuiik slrl w jukull ont thipick op tobacco it does last good in a pip phese verses are selected from a chapter devoted to memorial feasts to le understood roper l the whole hptcr shoukl te read these traits were not religious annlvrrsarit s in ihe tagan sense sut h havt often brought w ith i hem pagan brhavlor when adopletl bv christians these laasu eslablishcd hie lord for rai 1 were seveii in number 1 1 the first was that of ihe lord s 1 asaov er tvs 4 v it was to be celebrated on the 14th or ihe 1mb day of the first mostln which was april it com memornted israel s deliverance oul edmonton tcpmising five days in a cold wave that gripped al berta ou en sw iney 45yearoid termer of the peers district and rather of five children was found frown to death on christmas eve of course 1 suppose big business in ihe form or large distributors would 1m itu ttoltleneck lo tt e liltle solution 1 have mentioned sulural iv ihtre would he less milk for sale hut l here might also he less wasted if the supplv wen no quite so plent iful nnl thi pint a little hihi r ht t quite mt manv hottlis 1 ft on door st s in ihr hot sumtm r sun w hen mininn r dimi s will now ive mt that off mv tin si iu tell vnu somi think funnv nl lets i thought it was bob hituku rf fllend in to suppei with httu tht itthir night a youn lad who in the war suffered more hari ship in a few months than vou an 1 i nie llktb to know nil our lives lint watnt anvthink spetlal for m t i hut on a farm there are a x kk t with the htatoes and u nirttiw t i ft led some eggs two a i nil i not u til they disappeared rnllur quuklv so i said to bill that whsn t his nanit hut it will do rill would vou likt anothir couple of tg would i ivei he answtted so 1 frieti him ivo m re after that thev had peache for dessert both hovs apparetp7o he liumpet tvs jt js quite some finished when just in fun i said to h elapsed since thr feast of bill iii took vwmj another couple of ventecosl therefore it would tndir- ekg if vou will eat 1 hem tc a prvfthelic event which is spoken all right he said i will repeatitu in relation to the sound t almtul col lapsed tut i cooked of trumpet at the return of christ the tgg hd bill ate them i d the resurrection of the believer of coure we made a joke of u 1 cor 15 5 1 trie 16 but i knew it wasnt altogether a 6i wrnevi have the frast of the joke vvllh him when ho told me he day of atonement tv2fl3j tor was making up for the time w heji an full description of that day read lev 16 svmbolicauy this feast looks to the future israel had been redeemed from egypl but their history reveal ed the need of continued mercies forgiveness and provision for restor ation this is the message of this i i his set for all hellevt rs the iruo pattt rn of life ii the third feast was that of the rirst fruits ivs 9 14 while not in cluded in the selected portion of script urt ll is necessary lo a com plili knowledge of the feasts it has to do vvilh presenting the first fruits of thi harvtst ti the prlrst who waved it before ihe lord in suitable ceremonies here was a beautiful ritual expressing faith in god through ihe woik of our hands if all work ers and businessmen looked upon ihimselvis ax partner with tod in ihur woik we would not fall for dt lusions mi h as tht sot ta ki i i4 we lumi now to the ttastof the 1 tnttiost ivs 2 this was a ga tht ring to celebrate their establish- nun i las y holy nietlon it was to bo svpilmmtsst h taking tht flour ground from tht harvested wheat an i miking two wave loavts of two ttnths deal in this firm the of ft rink lei ame a token of gratitude ind national rejoicing it meaning foi christians u that the chunh of the living tod is a holv nation tl pet 9 io eph 2 19 22 ii the fifth feast is that of th- egg to he and his buddies was just something ip dream aboil wait atxeptncr ictoria bc cp lands mm m inter e t ken ned v announcjpdthat passage itseounterpart in ghruillaiit one million acres of land in b c experience is otr need for cleansing offered as a gift for rehabilitation of our lives in i ho world provision has service personnel wish trig to go on been made in the atonement wrought the land stih is awaiting acceptance b jesus christ our cord for remls- by the federal government sion and forgiveness of sins through its the local touch that really counts the magnetit- power of itmiil newio win uul hold pctiplcv attention i h fundamental a human nature itself local ncw begins to play its part in a mans life with a oneline notice announcing his birth progress in school participation in sports graduation engagement marriage follows each likely to figure somehow in local news then conies the upward climb in business perhaps an entry into polities almost surely some aetivity in civ ie religious and social affairs each step pro ductive of news thats of vital interest to self to family to friends and fellow townspeople so it goes till death itself w rites the final story v only in the hometown weekly newspapers can people satisfy their craving for thi kind of news their unceasing curiosity about what goes on close to home nd onlv there can they find every day the local huving information they need which ex plains very largelv whv people read their hometown weeklv newspapers so eagerly and thoroughly and why such weekly new paper advertising produce such satisfactory return x you cant afford to neglect the buyer- who live in the towns villages and town-hip- of canada and are o well erved bv their weekly newspapers the acton free press is one of those important weekly newspapers serving those important parts of c vda that ue oitside the cities and is a member of the canadian weekly newspapers n

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