Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1946, p. 3

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the acton free press tirursdav february 7th 1944 tulji a dim jf rrt jhrres publish fvai tkuilt i attn oaaiaito autkututd miia4 iuii mail iaat t riarj daflssvcatt cnu slrvbihtius iiatis ft usilraj ml tja svasdiisaastal w4tw mi v h h uu 4 max 4ditthi atauubl itrn b a s sktufaa ta iiquttird ainrtitimm bats 4 m it tllhhil iuiumk skail aj allkowah fxa aulfb ail i latm i oi ctiu tw fust jtaa a avjailai t ma uluwai ob ftt umtilaawttta ttt tl aiill awl it uatau log r rtfu ui t rt tiaasavrl pul uahaat ha- 1 insular aauii iu aal dvtiltaaaaaaji ta taiaimal j ta wfttibg b lb advent as flmanl tk rt ufl duly gou ti tlw mltrltaf ik tin cnai u rurtiioa fjattsly ie it tfcrrraa aawt tkal fa tl ui aull la ana iwirilnl br ik fl 1 liability ah ii staa ai 4 aw b a m ofaua i matt wl b taiu il tj im h ita aa lit ar a up b tb awl erf friiat van lu b twir tatii o uptr j ba h tt4jatti akutt- llll i s tan th h hums mi rial bu o glsaaj j different first were going to be different starting now this ejjng may well change the moral climate of the world especially if you go out to help them but its a matter for infection not correction we can turn the tide of thinking and give new direction to our youngsters but only if we find and follow new direction in our own lives edpiu ivtriion not imviiuon another round of the dominion provinual con ferenc has been held and adjournment made v that ljie discubkioni can be talked ocr tn the var lous province it is perhaps worthy of nou that the chief hassis of discussion has been how to divide the taxpayers money the hone of contention is whether the dominion shall collect more and dole it out to the provinces or whether the provinces shall collect it individually and dole a small amount hack to the municipalities me haven t heard of a bn of discussion on thi responsibility of provincial and dominion govern merits hor instance such a conference mould he e spec ted to deal with whose dutv it is to enforce the canada temperance an there has been some passing the buck too on inlorcinr the criminal code slot machines etc that ought to be cleared up in conference the general public would welcome too some consideration on lowering and removing of takes canadas mustard gas canadians who know of the deadly potentialities of mustard gas must have been relieved recently then they read that the dominion s supply of the lethal liquid was being moved to the east coast for dumping at sea buijbcre are others who will real ize that the mustard gas marked a mile stone in anadas path to tnduttnal maturity the value of poison gas made in anada during he war is small compared with the billions of dot lars in other war goods produced hut the indust rial know how required in making the gas as far greater than the value of the iiiaufial produced would indicate canada s chemical industry prior to the war was relatively simple it was founded chiefly on the great water power areas where it could produce grral quantifies of basic chemicals and resins cheaply rthe coming of war brought great problems and one of them was the manufacture of poison gas be cause of the crossing of the rhine the use of gas by the enemy w ihrt thvuntid naltmia had to rntet this threat in kind so canada undertook the manufacture of mustard gas it was a difficult ob chemists had to mnkr in jon lot a liquid the slightest drop of which on the skin would raise great hhstcrs in the tve would muse permanent blindness and if breathed in small quantities would cause serious illness if not death inexperienced workers had to be hired und trained to make and handle the deadly stulf c whin the danger of gas warfare was at its height enough mustard gas had been made and sior ed in the plant at cornwall out to give tuiadu i head start ihc quality of the product produced as so high that the american army used anadim mustard g to fill thousands of shells breakage op eggs loss to farmers lire k age u the greatest single nuif of losa in marketing ejt in car a da reater shell strength li neilil it is not a matter only of i he luu n the eracked or broken egg fhrmwlvr but the loss in value of other rgjf ant parking material through ymfartngr there u alao the unknown luu at point of uoduetloo in the nl in gat he ring and in handling on the farm and in the tuniumer homes arrurdlng to a sur vey made by the dominion depart ment of agriculture i it k not a question of whether ecg l kltcllv ate wtaker now than lie fore the vtar but just a plain statement of tat t that iiefmnt egg sheila are not suffn lent i y strong to withstand the hnaids of tranortallon i rain art h a ier jolls are more severe aiul handling let tanful something hji to be done now to improve hjy ii strtngth s le tlon breeding fe d in mn all tie brought to bear it i minielhlng in m hit h all phases of the industry an take iart f ggi with thin poroua ftlielu should not be used t r mlting lum m krmt h iii on ftl urrtlji v mhln ed nfte nt the must important of all ulnvm inn implements iteri nt de lupmijtb the r it id ituslmindry tl is lun ifcinttnlnn i- perlmt ntnl r arms service htlnlh iwl hnve railed thla onfcidt rntlon to omstion in mnny imii is of tt rn anndi where sll dilfllng ii pi e alrnt in trtnln srii t no it tins twen found that ploughing it not only ntmissnry hut mn en im ih ti inn nthl i rnh on tin surf tee of tht cittund lirxk to rt inrd soil irtfllng a plnugli turn lh trnh under the surfnee while a disk n ont mr disk jr tulllvntor will lenv tl 1 tiioli on top quebec makes plans to protect beaver quebec cp minis ter of game and fisheries ha aiuiouj- rfd the adoption by the provincial cabinet of an order in council reapee- tlng sanctuaries for the breeding of beaver it is forbidden to hunt kill ef n ture heaver in txwrves or sanctuaries established for breeding purposes in 9 natural state except for rerve where it is permitted to rapture a certain number r animals from mid november to ajbffrlhir keserves where iteaver may te rap turel in tht following numbers are kuim rt house ji nottoway 970 ahltlhl k40 iltere are five terrltor i les of the lludxjn s imy ompany va here tever may not he taken fol lowing contracts agreed to by the federal department of mines and re- business directory lobslcux dr w a c kenney sueeaaaor todr j a uenlvaa qffle in 5ymo block ultl street aetoo offla ritaaa tt lliawa im dr h c joyce ilajralflbua ajtsl horgaaa nest door to lie 1 1 telephone l mill and main streets night jtjh larahitkh uin nlu wrsminsiht ii it i he jien worm whlih has plat uid r raser valle ma grower soon will bt a thing of tht past entomol glal eftterls reported after exam inlng ttili rr i rop 111 slid paraviies i rikitht from i nland ltav attakei tlr worms and will i live oni leletl tfinr work wlltilri j n rs pick of tobacco it does tatf good in a pip meciinjr lont war prohlrtiui during the war and since there has been both b the dominion and provinces and a reduct nofhhewayooftaatng kvbotb vxe- magin the i icpt of altclllzcn av eragc voter is more concerned with these things than in the division of the spoils true it is well to define where taxation can be stopped rut with each war and the years that intervene there has been built up a system of taxation that should at least be curtailed in the peace vears and deleted rather than divided among the taxing bodies me hope the conferences will finally reach these phases of the problem before they break up the point to keep in mind is that the wars overt lets have some post war study of taxation much dtseusston on suitable war memorials it sccui to he gencrallv taken for granted that monuments with no particular usefulness will not be the lorm of lememhering the sacrifices made that the cnuse el freedom might predominate there is a trend to have something more useful to commemorate ihc aenfice of the war since all the community was whole hcartcdlv be hind the war effort and since all shared in some measure in hrtnging about victory it seems reason able to deduce that such a war memorial should he communitv whatever the project chosen to be a memorial it should be a fitting one and one that will honor the sacrifice as well as please the living there are many worth while proposals being made and all of them deserve consideration by all the citizens when a majority decision is reached on such a memorial its success can onl be assured b the whole hearted backing of every citizen to turn the title dates radio and movie thrills orchestra leaders football and basketball scores cokes difficult par ents and teachers impossible younger brothers and sisters the dullness of home these arc what the average teenager thinks about all day mbat we think about all day is our philosophy of life roiled down this teen age philosophy is to have fun in life they like the dirt and danger of the vorld and the only tfeftk they see to fight for is freedom from parents cjihers preachers and oth er old fashioned restraints in old fashioned rslavs this mould have been called the philosophy of a lost generation and a toboggan slide to hell it is stilt all of that but today it is also the phiusvphv of lost democracy for there arc malignant ami democratic forces on the prowl for personal or part power all they have to do to get control of to da s voungsters and tomorrows world is to keep kids minds on sex port and trivialities continue to divide them from their parents and responsibilities promise all the liberties they want to da however thefc is still another gang of youngsters in the field the still think of date but of what the can give to a girl friend or bov i friend not what they can get the still think of movies but of pictures that showour homes and country as they can be clean strong united the i till like music but music that seta ou on our way m e do wish that medical science would gq to not the kind that sends vou they still go for work on a cunk relief for a cold in the head and wc port but go out for the game and nat the box i mean quick fore j they still think home can be dull but it la fitting now we hear a good deal these days about our deal ing with the japanese wc have in canada and there is a wide variance of viewpoint on the question it as our privilege to have quite a conversation with mr htuart lowne who was prisoner of the japan ese from the fall of singapore until the close of hostilities mr lowne was a civilian prisoner ma as conducting business for a canadian insurance company at the time he left with us his notes and e secured permission to make a copy of them and to use them atwesarw fit me think it is fitting that we should use them now and starting next week wc will publish parts of these observations each week mr lowne has since returned jo his work in singapore when these notes appear it should be borne in mind that t the treatment was that accorded civilians by the i japanese wc do not believe in being vengeful but j c do believe in being careful and viewing all phases 111 anv discussion carrolls editorial notes there is no i spell democracy in it if vou really know bow to itis not so important which men control industry which ideas control the men err eod cat rooo raa mi posts r out a ais sims ssbt r tm sims aaar ota amjf a tias 17c a sib s cocoa lb i7 soup 9c bran loc 15c svu1ks dick beets lie cur aaeaaw ss beans 2 25c nasi vraarsaka a soup 2 17c unn muttahd if rr 7 8aucc an 14a s raaa omcmatk st aa a osapsnutt rum a ra g a2l shredded wheat x3c diced carrots lie jour good mustard mr loe smwfuki ammonia se swoodbssrya soay sts if it ihey ttf whit they can do to liven it up they get all the tmil having fun as they pull together for a goal much bigger than it ever could be if til were thinking of themselves alone they still think par ents sisters tnd brothers teachers and preachers cansbe difficult but know that they- can change them ir they start by being less difficult themselves their philosophy is that we want a different i we were pleased to be able to resume the sn- opsis of the sunday schooubrssons last week the delay was unavoidable we were glad to learn so many of our readers missed this feature yes- the hockey picture is a pt brighter in acton the past week but then it always rwat a subject upon which it was difficult to make predict- world and if the only way toget it is for us to beh y ripe cuban pineapples large iiie each fresh cnsp spinach 2 lbs texas seedless grapefruit size 08 s for fresh bulk carrots 2 lbs 43c 25c 27c 9c cauliflower tomaloen celery green bean- special weekend price ok d a oakkett ffcjatrlaa mmd margma felrlrlrk mml a ion ormrrly ir nruon s utflc i hunr j3h devtax dr hugh s austin lumlml hurw mill slrfst cumrr t rdrlck acton ofrtea houra 9 30 a m to s30 0 m vrnlngt by apuointmant tlpt is or a j buchanan doatal hutaaa o0li lalahjnan ulork mill btrat office hours 0 a ra to a pja x hay gas tki miionfc 148 k1ha1 c r llatiii kl ano li a acitim rarrtstar ajut hnuritur notary pufcua luufr of marrlai ucaiuaa ltrlitrar of hlrljji krarriagva daatna fxriro ii rtuaa haalitaaao 1sj langdon aylsttorth furrtatora uollhlara eta offlra ailon kh r hulmlna it marlntyre alworlh da actn qui zisv ckoara baal it aura tisj tcorrluwn rrgory thiatra buuttg ihonv hhw llvtr hoskin caartnml aoruuatanta jnnhinh a itakuv vkt mrlroklilan hldtf 44 klorla m lorunto big mill vetesunamv b d young vs b v be wlariaary kuraaaa utflra urookvllla ontario ihonr ulllon 140 r 4 f g oakes vs bvsc wlartaarjr bor offlca and itaaldanca knoa avaaua acton inona 130 bxal ehtatc milloughby farm agbncy lrgaat and oldaat afancy la njaaill llrad olflca kant bulf toroato gaorgatown itapraaantatlva tan luwaaa tkaaa oaa us wm r bracken phone is acton out time tables cray coach lines coaches leave acton xs 11 a m b7 4a a m 0 1 1131 am j 06 pm 4 3s pja p m 9 0s pm bll 11 pm waatkaoma alow am yll o am us illl cm 713 pm bsu a pm yll28 pm a to london b sunoaa and llolldaya east a dally avrapt sundays aad daya y to kltchanar a to stratford canadian national railways oaua waaa dally aacapt sunday mml saturday ally dally axeapl sunday t 41 monday only 1sh 1 dally aacapt sunday im i flyar at caorgatown dally axrapt sat and sun plyar at gualph daily a eapt sat and sun tx1 1 dally axrapt sunday dally aarapt sunday dally aaeapt sunday w sunday only flyar dally caorgatown flyar dally at gualph so 1 jw 1 aaiui j i ui

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