Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1946, p. 3

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pace four the acton free press tijuhsday february hi 1mi tuli arton jfr urrau pubhtkod bvvrr ttr4ar t ada 0ttu amimmmw mavd cum natl peal flto dfrtabmt bubtcbiption rattsu f m u linw ull4 sc atuiiiumsl acu caaftua tc uli ou 4 awi4rms evhevwi b i- mhm ckaf m uirni u rvtwi4 advebtwwg batfvob pfli- is vaitoua kfhlit allhmlth 4utu will b t bvu mw th fra ftw 4vrtltof i us mihm iks m4t4t ilut it will tm im ubu lor sap nfm u r lrtimbt publish krulr mt of tdvwlimni r u wrtll f th 4rtlr rfvri to tfc kt pram 4r lnri ft ft uvtftlmr tm rrwr cemctitmu tulftlj bum u wniiaa ml am mm ii ur error so k ml camrtm tv kra ptwm lit luullty mull mot mmj mcb mwtua tlm rajtto csmu l wl dr1lutimi ik uwa br ft otaj crro bari lb vbola tkanipu by iwh ufwilmsmi g ablop dilu editor tkutriiones- ealdorui ruti cr 174 lltimt uruuf the triple a citizens from both town and dimriu surround inr must indeed have been proud of the showing in acton arena on friday evening when nearly a hund red boys and men anpeared in hockey uniforms as active participant in the sport this winter its on ly a start but there certainly is a word of praise dut the acton athletic association for the fine start made in a year when jt was not even certain that the arena would be available all communities have been lax in dceloping ail ive participation in sport for all ages of the com munity there has often been too much attention paid to the winning team and ncjjcit of the othei groups from which local winning teams must ioiiif we like the spirit of the acton athletic association in having the stronger groups foster and help the oung groups friday night was more than booster night it was ec opener night bports can play an important part in the community and when conduct ed ct oprnitively by all the community under one head the community as whole can benefit by mich work 1 he acton athletic association has made a fine start they dcscrc the encouragement of all in making their act i i ties ear round and broadening their scope acton ha many splendid facilities foi community work among the young people coop crotivel used by all the community can be develop cd and we can think of no better way to do it than under the plan of the triple a that has made such fine start ah othen sf v in the account of the fergus acton hockc gam ip acton last week the news record de fcenbes acton fans as ontario wildest and movt profane hockey crowd that covert a lot of ternt orv and were quite free to point that the title is onl one man s opinion but it s a title fans here should we ashamed 4o have tacked on them not having been in ever hockev rink in the proince we arc not prepared to argue to its truthfulness but we have been in a number of rinks in the province in the past fifteen years and we do know there is too much profanity among the fans in all of them x e like to sec crowds enthusiastic and even semi wild in their support of their team but there is nothing original or smart about prof am t in an sport we alwavs like to think of acton fans being s good spirts off the ice as they expect their team to be on the ice profanity is the most crude form of team support me hope acton fans will continm to wild support their team and make a communis effort to show that thc can do it without rcmrjng to profanit its more important to beat fergi s in this than it is to win on the ice everybody likes clean sport lets do our part in keeping it clean decentralization of industry if tbis war has taught the manufacturers of this continent an thing it is that the decentralization of industr is no lopgermcbatable but urgent an ex ample is what ntbght hae happened to the automot ie tndustrv of this countrv if japan or germany had succeeded in bombing the city of detroit there are many difficulties in the wa of scat tering industry in small plants all over the country but these difficulties must be overcome against the possibility of another war which would bring with it stratospheric bombing of this continent if the unions or the government is permitted to establish a uniform nationwide wage scale it will force many pfljlte small town manufacturers out of business manufacturing costs are made up of material tabor and burden these- vary between the rural and urban areas higbayrrttechanued and equipped urban plants operating on t urge volume basis ven though paying high hourly wage are to etoicji 1 cveil ower labor eott than thervmitl and more poorly equipped rural plants operating on r low production basis rents for factory employees are lower in rural areas the relations between employer and employ ee are better because they are more- personal than m the larger plants but this very personal emotion brings other problems then too there are higher freight rates higher power costs and the fact that the rural manufactur er must of necessity tram many of his men in spite of these advantages and disadvantages it is evident to skilled economists and deep thinkers that the time has gone for centralization of great factories in large cities where one successful bomb ing run may wipe out an industry it is also true that when large industry ts decentralized labor troubles and housing problems are divided the kiwanis magazine the week at ottawa bv il dent hodgson cumih ptw btif wrtu nature challencv canada s muskos etpedition now getting un der way in the north is a timely reminder that the frontier and the wilderness still exist that nature is still a challenge to the ingenuity the endurance and the imagination of men a jet plane spans the continent in four hours in toronto a business man picks up his telcphon and says get me london please a radar signal bounces off the moon a visitor from mars reading of all this while waiting to receive the press or to go on the air with h personal experience account of his trip to i irih might gain the impression that this planet is after ru but a backyard lie might easily come to believe lhaf in somr manner wc have telescoped time and space generally that anyone can get in touch with inyonc else in a matter of minutes that this earth i just a hive of humming flashing insicts and how wrong he would be the bush fhtr takes the prospector to his destination in hours in had of wicks hut the prospector still must spenu months alone in the mountains seeking out the sig niftiant strata the on bianng ein lor no main ine can ever substitute in the final showdown foi muscle and patience experience and instinct the wireless message can order the shipment of 20 kk tons of wheat but onlv men can luide ilu machines that sow and reap i and iarr it to an other continent and onl the sun and the cdiii un make it grow and ripen the frontiers mid the great spatis urt still thirt the sea and the desert und the wilderness the nun less and the ptunc an hut the methods of eoni munieation and transport thai scrc the men and women who heed the call to probe thur unknown resources thc arc i mom para bl faster than the pony express the cocrcd wagon the n boat and the dogtcam but they do not change at all the essential qualities of the virtually unknown lands if anthing thc have nurcl enlarged the wilderncs by bringing more of it ithin the reach of adventur ing man and thc ean nccr displace the personal ejuilit ics of daring caution strength and patience it de mands of those who would live with it and learn its lore ottawa cp with frtm reports of starvation in furop canada la reexamining hr lardr to dttermlna how bnt ihr can aid hr wartun al tie from available food surplus kir i hand knowladjt of eurot a lr ng nrd for more wheat meat and gm has been brought bark to tlr flera cabinet by trade m in liter marklnnon and by agriculture min uter cantlner mr tardlnrr returned to the cap ital last week after a month overseas during which he made two trt to the continent itoth ministers have i ledged anada s cooperation in tup- illng iikxmuffi to the limit of her rrftource and announcement of new food contracts with ilrltaln are ex nected hortly viewed in the light of widespread and urgent demaruti canadas larder uhlch trnt the allies huge upiiuei of food during the war year look anything but overstocked the dam i inlon and other countries are supply ing fcufflrlcnl juantltles of food to ilrltaln to enalilr that country to live juetl hut ilrllatn is re distributing as i mui h mb she can to continental roun tries one item on whlrh definite figures could te given was wheat whlrh is al the top of the shoitage llht overseas cfcnarin will he able to supply 140 nnoooi bushels of wheat or whi nt flour txlwrtn 1th 1 and july it huhjtct lo shipping fa till lea already she hns ctjmrtcd jtm ofmmmmi hiikh is of whint and w heal flour nlme last aug 1 lliv i loposed slilpm nt for tin next ils month will have 77ni00x bu kih h to nitir domrktlc requlnmcnti nn i noldi n modcrat l amnll cniry icr in ihm nf crop failure nrxl y ir i r ff- tl ru xs of im al rationing is i raftacud in export tisures lor the first three months rationing opera tad in that period canada shipped 375- f pounds of mal mraranat tfl 000 000 pounds more than durjng the same period the previous yst t 1946 planned axporu axe 79433000 pounds of meat including 405 000 000 pounds of bacon 31600aoo0 pounds of beef and 12433 000 pounds of mutton and lanib the dominions cheae contract to britain under which ah agreed to supply 125 000 000 pounds in the year ended april 1 has already been filled and a umllar contract will be in for n the following year another surf i us item in the larder is eggs sbuut kho0ooo0 dozen a hldrllrht on the rffect of heavy oerea demands on c anadlan farm ers was noted by th anadlan mori lrultuial ounrll which urged at a meeting last week that the dominion and provincial governments continue the dominion provincial emergency farm labor service on the ground that thirr was no indication the farm and domestlr labor situation would ini prove during the next season the round also passed a motlttn urging lltnl lve ellltlunal m4 maintfnsnre of equality for agrtcul lure in a iwilnncfd hatimul economy lmonir a f undsmefttil fait of can ada k flm a llr more drflnlte plan f r increased farm production v rrr reported under cahlrirt ttudy alont with the immed latr rt i leiii f v t nt ran he done mw lu ii ir ovrr 1- urown countrla until ttrh rrt pm are harsrttcd llilk and oilrr i robtems harried th illnrt t such an extent that 1 ilrm mlnultr ma kenjle kinj post i ned inns for a brief holiday in th wiitlun inlted slntfi until nfti r lit n m msliin of j nrllnmrnt opens martti 14 mim inn f n nt of tlx date of th w i n m sni n f he jtith i arllainenl le ft tl k vi nifnt nl llltlr lime to plan ll ltlrtlhrt it will present to the i i mil lis vlih i ijihly will m irct i in w miadlnii titty nmi i nl lir n ill slnmkiink n dmindiw nnnl inn i nil niillft business directory dr w g a kenney pfcysiaktai suai iaurajaaa tsueerwnr lodr j a uentvwn office la symoa block ull 8trt acton ofau pbau himuuu 4 im dr h g joyce tts at tit pltyslbssus suul ttasrgaaa off ire next door to bell telsphoneco m1u and main stru v day rn night dr o a garrett ftrirtaat ajsi hargeasi rrederlrk street aetoa formerly dr nelson offloa i hone 238 dtntal dr hugh s austin dastaj rnr mill street comer frederick actaa office hours s 30 am to 5j0 pa y venlngs by appointment tal dr a j buchanan dmtftljfla onice irishman ulockr mui stt44 office hour 0 aj to pjal x ilay gas teiphone 148 i c h lfathik1 and ha j acton barrister and haurjter naurr pueile issuer of marriage licenses iteglttrar of mirths xfarriagea deaths offlee ix wssmsai iu th llonl itirow rice it is difficult for the ateiagc civilian on this luek eoulinent to re llizc just how short is food ncross the atlantic perhaps this little stor from the northwestern miller ma help some time ago in ipswich england lt john hulhaucr of milwaukee wis wrote his parents of his coming wedding to an fnglish girl shortly aftrrards he rcccicd n package from home which ontaincd the rice that had been thrown at his parents wedding more than 2t years ago they had acd it to be tossed at their son s nuptials it wasn t tossed at the oung couple when they left ihc ehurth however bjit it did appear at the wed ding as a rue pudding nobodv throws aua rice or nn other food in tngtand mhtorial notes ou ma raise the roof t build a house hut it s no wa to build a home the uu to fight for a new world is to stop fight ing with each other in the old one it lint spring et but the usual disintegrating i of the surface on the highway between acton ind milton rcnunus us of that song that sas it might as well be spring 3- it not too early to plan now for some re union old home week ends or such community affairs that were popular in summer time holidays before the war the royal winter fair is scheduled to hae its first performance this year folldwipg thrtlose of the war buildings are to be cleared by the nation al defence department by the end of may the first article on the internment of civilian prisoners in singapore appears in this issue and will be found on another page it will be continued fronvweek to eeji until the full atory is told custard row oca se mi ottw 1 0lass dish r a a a wilt a- pftl t a savoy costa sd rowdu k court viin rt 4bat hi m 1 c0l4 romar coffee 19c 35c shkeddeo wheat t tj cabmou teas ls km ootdkm 44c coui a cakkolli damdee 3c u in fln y kwlt ho ttli extract tl tm homt riuir acid tl t4 himitb gelatine ra 1v poit rlakcd bran nrifli iwlrib mmt ttthtl vv okcsm ta vrnttuu soup 2 17c rlm vegetable soup ni txe tomato iouf atlmu artainbd intalrta foods 7c cut beets in lie wax beans a he atlmtb rlfoiri ptrsp beets tic kodiii rieua ax ohahmexl almonds u iu puffed wheat f quakeb uuffet a 17 coanflakes 1 uuiiili tl- li javextleach ti i4 uako tilvo a la iii 0 mother parkers special coffee dr 41c teau 38c old dutch ruain timim atluxs picep cabpoti tim wncm avaiuasut ubs f luttllvi m cmm in icsuini krapefkuit special texas q igc ih izc s forboc celery crisp irecn ip 2 for 10c rhuuarb fresh j lb i c bunch iaj a firm greerr cabbage lb dc langdon aylsworth lurruun holmura eta orirn actun lujoikt liulbllns it maclntyre ayuworth ba attxin ubin ilia iluui rnodaac iuj irorgctuwn rrgory thratre buildb 1hone khw li vi k iiobkin luiivd arvountejito surrvur lo jrnkinh iiak1iv ihig mptrolmihlan llldu 4 victoria t loiunto h mil vctejunabv 11 i young vs bvsc vrutrlnarv kuraimmi office hrtjokvlllc ontario itone ullton 148 r f g jakes vs bvsc wuirlnary mormv office and kraldence knox awnua acton thona 130 real chtatx millougiiby farm agency ljr and oldeit agency in cama4a i trad office kent ulds tonmro cettrgetown representative tom llewaea ikone oee u qeaetml inanwii wm r bracken ihont m acton out fresh pineapple caulif low spinach oranses spedal weekend pricea t time tables ray coach lines ooauiks leave acton eaeibound xf 11 am t76 am 0 1 aaa 1151 am sof pm 4ss pa tm m 0 06 pm bll 11 pm we the und aloth am yll 3 aro ul pja imlpm 733 pm ban pan 9 j3 pm yll 28 pm a to london b sunda and itolluaya only k daily except sundaya and ttall- days to kitchener i to stratford i i canadian national railways galas waal dally except sunday oajt auav- saturday only um dally except sunday tab pua monday only 1301 ama dally except sunday mj4 am flyer at georsatown dally except sat and sun t las bjb fler at guelph dally ax- eapt sat and sun t 7 u pjk oefng eaat dally except sunday mt jb dally except sunday 086 u dally except sunday u0 mjb sunday only 8j 1m flyer dally georgetown mm auat- flyer dally at guelph km m 1 i a

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