Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1946, p. 1

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wht jvcfam sttt t stventyfirsr yesr no 36 acton ontahio thursday march i4lh iwfl right homeprint page five can appointmeiits rudej aton idit win and grants given by erin coun from guelph al badminton 102 will rsvejv twukrt for grave an oikcr tvwmklp wnrfc boslncm of mirth meetine lilieacton ym cajk tu day night he acton ladles badminton lub had very iurruful tourna ment with the uelph y w c a tak- j log 10 out of 12 matches played j tw o of 1 he art on vl l orles w t re 1 played ine lime ef 1a0 the first i one being won by the team of miriam ilttlrhle and dorothy morru lite at ton team won the aerve and the 1 point were piled up without th bird ever hanging in the uelph aide the vmnd of the two 150 game waa plaed and won by flor county names commiueeon secondary school matters ejj -r- i and wu tic sctonil ganir the return tnslrh will be played in the curlph ywca on tuewl man h at iiomb in toronto the clin townihlp council mat on monday march 4th present were all member and the reeve presided a bytaw for the purpose of ap pointing fence viewer lound keep ers and sheep valuator was tolrod kvandiovothy morris ured civ th necessary reading passed and numbered 6 appoint menu war aa follow pane viewer duncan mcmillan chester burt joa b mle nwmtb pukhu1gcinh davis oo c burt wm c barbour jaaae mcenery and itobt a row en poundkeeper itobt a mckneiy john mcdowell r e smith r d graham morgan traham norman jackson kenneth held m a nod- well david stewart wm iagles angus thorn paon nortia sinclair and stanley romervlllt kheep vatualora north dlvllon clarence c rrysn went division karl jeeeop south division nurna mfklnnon est division tordon jarkaon the tender of the r rin advocate re the township priming for im for monnn was accepted the treasurer mh lnatru1ed in the home of mlaa annie fenn 11 n on ii ion r st w toronto waa the scene of a pretty wedding on satur day afternoon when ilev coo rmri of college apostolic church untied in marriage jennie geneva wiggins daughter of samuel wiggins and th late mr wiggins of artomand albeit william tress of toronto world war veteran vd ilatt q o l of canada the bride entered t he spacious flowerdecked living room on the arm of her brother andrew wiggins who her in marriage ih wedding halton count council kadorsm reaolutioa reffarjlnjr hytlro cycle ckanr ou a peeulon and cowpulsory inepection jk inmtrmnrt of motor vehule kmlcvorauns part of count huildinjfa i approted the wat den presided and all mrm un wre pntettt at lat lisdny a mealing of halton i ount y ount ii 111 meeting was called for 1 3l pn ttut iwium- it was late in slatt ing menilteia wrie tailed tu art ount for tiieir unpunrtuality by tit war den and asked lo keep laelter time at future meeting following the reading or i lie mln utea and ommuntt at ion the i uun il was aildieel by mr i 1 sku i s i with tegard to the appointment of a moie rrirwnl1 ive committee for the high s hool dlslrlttaof the ount it was felt the purpose of ihla cnimlttee had no been fully uit- dcrstnod at the last meeting and as a rttult hie rontmlttee npmlnle1 at that tlm waa not suflilntl repint- entatlve of the ounlv i a whole llw fumttr apklnlm nth were there foi- nm inried and a new committee foimetl to include v ii hhlie oakvllle m m hoblnson ilurllngton and j m mionald acton mr nkuce anitrdlng to the a t automat icatly becttine secretar uf the torn mlllee acconllng to mr skuce the itimmlllrr will have authoitt tu look into all matters pet1alnlng to m cond ar education throughout the tount mr i c marrllt mnr tor rater of the lept of ijindi and forests also w o jack alper wiiik awunl for overseas hcrvirc in the inent llt of ainiy men d totaled for gallant and distinguished seivue ovrrteas with awatds of men i ion in epatrt- we noled one from aton wo jack ii algr it sm me retuinet frnn overseas a few months ago and resumed his pos ition as guard at the hit itefi rmaloiy near uelph r join willi other ft lend hrre in extending ongrntul atlon on ihr awaid won pay the schoot inspector warrajlt to march was played b miss marjory s s no frln and fjiat arafraxa tummlngs th bride wore a floor and the clerk authorised to levy nkh gown of while kheer rep umm on the rateaaers of fitn wlh fingertip length elf and halo of township portion of said s s no 15 n a while ml hie with tn ima owing to error in requisition of red roars and sweet peas for ims ndeamald mlsa annie wig the clrk was lmtiute1 t place kna of hamilton wore an embroider- on file all paper and letter of agree- rtr rnk sheer crepe with ment between itnlon s s no 1 ijast be1dres of pink and blue flowers odd leased the meeting with regard to cararraxa and frln and s s no 11 mn shf carried a white bible the erin re wllhert mcfees schoot trans- wtn or ol pink roaaa and awaat fer peas the groom was supported by the auditors lienor was recevrd mr hher carletnn and adopted and ordered printed in ruling the signing of the register mr david held sang a wedding praver a reception followed for the fifty guests when a delicious buffet up- i since such er wav setved the table being cetilr- one of the ed with a three tier wedding cake flanked with pink candles in silver holders thor who served included mr ta hnhlnson mlia blrdena fw i harris hostkss xr mkkt1n irnrtki cihrcii w a i he reguur monthly meeting of the woman s auuxlatlon of the un- 1 med hum h was held at the home of mi ivan llairla with mrs i agar i pielding pie devotional period waa laken hv mrs d itlrhanuon th indlts have ile l1el not to do any moie ullllng until fall was and meana wer dls usaed on ptans for rauing money after th lulnes vm dlsmael of mrs harris assisted by mrs i lean and mr i idhuli seia r1 a very delirious lun h a m ry haity vote of thanks i was given to mm harris for her lioine anl hoapilallt la ing um m the setond of an inlerrnellate 11 o it a im off icanie leiwee caorge- town and kergut in fergua monday iiikm failed to tweak a lied aoi i he more attmht at i 1 at the end of the regulation time and in th over- lime imh team tallied one lo make it 4 4 ferrl reuterlng the vliltort hilton ah0ktet hy miimi aounled foi igus single org wn iol off t n had alail in the opening pt when they i oufited a komi foi ttielr opkinenta eaily in the ei lo1 hllii of fer- gua wm f1ltt will the goal as he appmienlly waa the uai to touch hie puk rrigus ird i al the end of t h fit at m rlod an 1 ea h train m ore otii e in hie mm ond pei hd eoige town made tlir nl mom in the third period lo tin hfitliof leoigtlown sot nlnd at half time hut r ergus got ihtlr tlnk koal by hi- akin of their ih mlth nl ui wonda to go iheie waa only one penally in tha game featured hy lnir t he king and fair team play it was a poalxintd game on ar lotinl of lie ondltlons mm lii was fair 1 hi re waa the rd rowd of the ummin in attendance ortk kils tka ok ioiik at iiomk ok mks siikokdkk journal of proceedings for dlstrlhut ion councillor scotl and wheeler were ftrantod 10 00 earh to cover expense as delegates to dond hnada cnmmt ion council donated 1s00 to the sick childrens hospital the clerk was authorised to coun teralgn all towtishlp cheques as pro- rr ml milej tofflemlre miss kuby vmed for in the municipal act nrk mlas claire pultock permission was granted the can ad- toast to the hrlde was propos ian national institute for th illlnd to m h rt rm m d responded to conduct their annual lag dav on pal ln m happv manner hy the urdaj june 1st in the township groom among those who made grac- the itoad superintendent was in loufc pproprlate apeeches were atructed to obtain snow plow ing equip- mlafc hev d p williams rev ment for the opening of township ais and kev uobl thomp- roada mtm miss ij1 mae tofflemlre sang the council also instructed the lo god road superintendent to advertise for uts were preaent from acton tender for te delivery of sono varxu lmllton port colhorne pine grove travel more or lets tendrrs to he in st john n b among those whb the hand of the road superintend- nlertalncd for mhs wiggins were ent hv thuradav march 28th lmfi xie nn and mr mak of nathunt accounts were pasead as follow and r paid general accounts sa1 1 v relief accounts 80v road accounts 52- polir cav heani council adojurned to meet again al ti filt ill lrali- hulshurg on mondav april 1st u hefuret ration areas al maintained b the council and urging them to further increase their activ ities in thla direction and also that the t ouncll as a body make a point of visiting the count plantation thxt they might he bettet acquainted with the work that ha already been don v 111 had already b n warden objective for 1946 it was agreed that arrangements hhould he made at an eaily date for u h a trip to take place reeve dr heslup was chairman in committee of the whole when the re of the standing committees mr k wild the april meeting were considered a rut afterward paa- panned to be held in the evmlni ed in open council accounts arising i to other special me lings of the march mkkting acton branch ok womens instititk i lie man h mfi ling of the w uun n a institute wax held at the home of mr r wilds menilwr anawetrd the roll rail hv naming n halton ik or gttl who hastnade uimmi mrs t ol ller le ptesldent pttoldfd in hi ah nee of tti prtsldent ihe i iiph ii f the program was illalotl al itraran h mrs jamei wilds read a paper on st patrick ami the molto of the month tod gave u memories so w e rnulrl hav e rosea n iecemlei was givin hy mrs f red hunter a reading on irish coa- tom and hospitality was read h tin w t th the i r of tl offl t nhrimilrr m- from the eendlturea made b the committees were as follow finance 999ntl kducatlon and nursing s17 rwi printing m50s agriculture and iteforestrallon 117i county nuild- ingv j251 61 hospital accounts jh111i good koadi vmc 51 a recommendation h the printing committee w a approved that the ol- 1 lowing supplies be purchased for the office of the countv asseteor 2i0i1 nppraiial cards at 10 per m 15000 fieul sheet at 4 75 per m and 11 aa t aessment manuals 01 also 4 has i maps scale 4 to 1 one of each town i whip y making a total of 123- l7- dlitrlrt helng the umr da mr barblender donated a lovely pair of hand trimmed pillow rases which were raffled and won hy mr far davidson t uchre parties were to be carried on as usual at the close nf the meeting a social time was enjoed being arranged by mrs far iambert and her helpers mrs mrhugh mr uovili and mr iapptn a vote of thanks was lend ered the hoale and commit i mra ijircnh ilnestlav aft- rn duke f drvonahlre hap io i r hld th lr annual i a at tie lome of mrs m mower ave tb hegrn ml malthewa pirxldd aftr i1irli and nthft hualn of th month lir werotnrl flit giil mrmlirri of tht ercullve of tint ljkio1e chapler paying tribute to th ir outatnnillng wotk thla paat rar mra msln rlt on he half of th hnptr eij r l the m pre la lion flt for the elhl ara of effltlcnt a rvi 1 glv n hv the rtli ing i reaa uret mix mi donald and with most fitting teniaika t ttrnd her with a cry atal roae tow i mlu haul do hx nl v hool nurse wai the speaker of the day her tup ii waa henllh in th s hmila ac ion a hool m parthvlar and her talk wna most informative mlas hen net t moved a vote of thanks an hem nf local interest to the m mixta waa an article read by wai pearl smith which gave a sketrh of the activities of mr ii s mcklln city engineer of futlph mr mcklln was lorn and spent his boyhood in acton and has recently been appoint ed president of the canadian instit ute of sanllatlon j- nglneer th kt h appeared in the financial post delivery ol new truck t public utilities commission operating hurplias truufafrad to apply on wttarworu iwv enluretauroter hew at meahinff iii ikii metliig of atofi pbu in 1 tthllra itiniiilsshan was held on m- ndy evenlnx ltvr 1 kirk- hem nd imnilaloii r j it macar- tluii wer pieaent with lialrman c m llninrtl pitaiding a letier from ihr ii r pc of out- alio stated that they would carry th ommikbion a iuhln ijatiilily and piop rty damage inaurance fr ji- otlri year it ala ltd that thw tale wruld l redo d frrn 2 t to j tenia er m lendrr wne reelv4l for insuranc on the new lruk whirti was deltver- rl on lriday taat i he tndeia were ft m w lira- ken and v i writ it waa derided lo tarry ja0f50- and j i insurante on public i lability and property damage the the as submitted hy f i wrtffhl wna at epted he serretary waa ufion motion aiilhorlfed to iranafri f run from tha wittrrworks attount to hie ensrat aiount of ihf nroiatlnn eve klrkneb inquired as ti the ioeluie of putthaalng a new fire 1 drant lhe oun ll turrhase ihe hydrant and the x tllllles staff inital anir llieir at- it numiker of fire ivitianta in wt u whlth when uaewl in the wlntn muat have rut re attention a mint j nd d for payment were ai follow a hydra lvpavrintmil md i totiald let tn lid kupple 12j iiu k inlnrrrink ltd limk ttody cm no highway arir gaa a oil all mi 11 1 mi donald insur an 14 no i ine a htr aisaorte aupj lit if moffats 1 id au pb a 9a0 noithrrn frit aup lies 121 ib soi ion mot era lruk 1141 40 jaa kearney orp aupplle 24 7 ltitr eneral of an meter inspection 4144 mnior vehlrle ilranrh lie enae- 300 fa 1 r ks 130 contention spenvea for de legates nno w11km v alerwarka depaetaaaa s ii unnlnaham hill 53 rrrr a healing al tprlnff c371 w0 jo haiton raragemen dtrcltss work holtlfl- at march meeting court yotcrdav the follow inn resolution forward hv other counties were endorsed h halton county to te f rwarded to the proper authorities from the county of ent w or in ihe vhintt of lraing a scene afp appeal to ft he hydrollectrtc pow en acciilenl and was remanded lni commlaalon of ontario asking said the man h meeting of the hakoa cullumi for mr umlit for mlrnt commission ln the event of a chantf branch of the larag operators aa- a charge i in police court in dav llenrv andrews milton pleaded vest 1- kuiiu aortatktn was hekl in the odd fellows nrwn hall in milton on march 4th presu ent red waumslev was in the chait this meeting waa called for the pur pose of hearing a proposal from head office to bring the gasoline trade un der the industrial standards art an invitation had been sent to cver gas ollne retailer in the count v to at tend past provincial president i en mrklndlev gave a brief report on provincial council matters it was decided to hold a ladles nlsht tn april the details to he prepared iv uve director rge of careless driving was with- helng made from 25 to 60 cycles that rohrrt hcnery is pleaded guilt to crueltv to animals and was re manded in tustodv for one week for sentt nee lames wet ham waa dismissed charge of wife beating agajnst wai- ter hubat vas withdrawn when hu wife refused lo give evidence lie paid the coats of fl oo and refrained from further assault five mills was the 194a tax rate for 1- ramoia township et at a mtel- ing of council in rock wool all member were present and meevp d d ray presided div ussion of plans for hontrlng of war dra t took a majorplace in the i agenda r w fa rn worth of uelph atlenilrtl ihetmoeting to dlacuia wth 1 1 ouncll the moat suitable manner of inmrihing the name of those who t disl on active erice on the present mmnrial j on motion of messrs hutchinson and ben ham the clerk was instructed tu proceed w ith the closing of 111 following road in the township be l ween lots 4 and 5 and between lots v and 11 in the 1st concession be- itween lot 10 and 11 in the ind con cession between lots 15- and 1 in the 14th concession and between lota is lo limit the working day of employer a discussion followed concerning th car and persons endeavoring to j and 16 m hfl 6h and 7th cc- to 13 hours per day and at the same making of quilts for the salvation coopecate with and abide b trafric clrrk f ju mli lo time to introducea minimum ui arm and aendujg clothlnc to rrfue- reuutions jtfn ftxdro fontripu h t the march mect1nc of rocfllong mr uarrv hastings of heal office womavs institite mse a thorough and complete discus- s alonhvn all phases of the industrial the march meeting of the rock a standards act and its apnllcatwvn to long institute was held at the bom carrying of public liability and prop- the garage trade he then submit- of mr c o plank with fifteen muag insurance with a view led the head office proposal to members and two visitors present eradicstuig the menace of old bring the trade under the act the the roll call was answered bv mv j bd irreapomihle owner two chief points of this proposal were favorite character n literature owners causing damage and expense the commission will pay to those users w ho are obliged to make tne change the full amount of their lata r rom ihe county of ontario res olution was endorsed jetitloning tie tovcmmcnt to revise old age pen kjons w hereby pensions would be granted at the rate of 1 per diem at the age of fi5 and that the means teat be eliminated from the county of hasting a petition from this county was endor- ed which requested the motor eh c les branch of the department of highways that legislation be passed compellira compulsory inspection of all motor vehicles and enforce the tax rate set for eramosa al meeting of council i honoring thei triplet calves all doing wrii on local farm plans lhacuwed for thme who fell in strand uorld war ny oamphelmlte corrpdeaitl on the farm of mr leonard wat son j mile aouth of here a durham iw gave hirth to triplets this week nrh one la strong and healthy weigh m around vi lbs each the mother was recently purchased from mr jame ijimbert mr w at on reihirted a rough time try to feed three from a nail o now he ties n each in a little stall of its own pasture exhibit at the hilton seed fair the ptngram at the annual ha tn seed fair and baron show to be held at atton on man h 1 and ib includ es a number nf new feature a spet lal tarcas grading inmpetltion open to all is stheduled for 1 ol pm on saturday afternoon some excellent rash prtje are being offered then in keeping with the keen interest manifet tn loni term pastures the management has arranged with john d mcleod director of the crop need and weeds branch toronto to erect a special pasture exhibit which will be of interest to many halton farmers the morning program is devoted to halton junior farmer and includes the achievement day for the members wm wet a v l r t zt cumraci on oenau oi of the two halton grain club as tnlia ejlwli i5 f dunbar nvw- some ujon took plee regard- lhe corporaton only in case where well as the annual judging competlt- these two combined would keep hour or for the meetlnt conducted a ilnj ing the advumbilitx of redecorating there were no arrears of taxes against ion ln grain small seeds potavoes of operation dowii to a reasonable aong mrs wm pasmore took the part of the county buildings and re- the properties concerned wiltshire etc t sri option neid k motto m dunhr gave a talk n suited in jnmln motion bln wr day reported to eouncl that general interest would lndct herf isnrearvn i t ij unpar auo conducted pajd moved by hall and petut b n p o the road a crowded hall for the afternoon pro bers expressed their ideas the arg- a contest won b mrs root- john- that instructions be gien to the k uments were hot and heavy and it ston and miss doris watson building committee to paint and in- was quite evident that the boys are the meeting closed with god save ulate the following court room still convinced that the only way th king refreshments were sen d judge chamners sheriffs office any order la- to h kept is to limit the by the hostess and her committee and d the hall anlkjp paint the inside hours of sale therefore it was decid- a social half hour waa spent together of the realstry office ed to forget the whole thinf until an invitation from the ontario ed- clearer and more it is indeed a reflection on our u- ucation association resulted in it be saturday and stuiflay night disturbance here murray rauer driving a car owned hy mr robert win ton crashed into a car parked on main street in ar ton tn saturday night the parked car was owned by mel storey chief harrop investigated and the ease and i ireumatances will be heard in pouea court sunday night three young men from erin and one from georgetown created a disturbance at the royal afe chief harrop investigated and g t the situation in hand- two of use men q uest toned ga v e false names and addreaae it u said they sua mused trouble in a teorgetowm rest aurant before coming lo acton and leen chased from that toarn they w ill face police court charges ifi eirgetown and charges tirefrrred y chief harrop in rvth the saturday night and sund night cases it is said there was evidence of drinking of latoaie aling beverages coming event a aokharl f sf rtif tt a thse koewia 4r k4mf r femiatal crata ti iik utaiia kaf kluaifmi jv c a m h a time a derlnlle propoaal ran be tubnulted for luaatton that laummken muat tulk ln asreed that mr patut mr juanuajon w ith ihe carving of eof- about forcing parerlt to take care of craig and the warden attend the n faa and aaodutchm the meeting came their children it u not a pleaaant ea convenuontn toronto on april 1 a cloa thought fort franrea om time 23- and that their experoee be paid mipertntrndent had been approved be gram whjrh include ilrtrefaa by thedepanment of hlghwaya prof w m drummond ojlc the appointment of an asaeuor for guelph and meaarv mcmullen and the ear ims was left over until a senn of the federal department who penal meeting of council further w deal particularly with tha hog apphcatloni uil be received by tbff altuatlonand bacon dliplmy in con- clerk up to 12 noon march ibth- on motion of meaara hutchlnaon and lealie accounu amounting to kuos08 were paaaad for payment and council adoumed to meet april lt nectlon with the latter 44 halton farmer made enlrlet the auction ing off of the 10 bus lots of oats and barley will be tbe concluding feature of a busy ahd worth whit days pro gram r t uchre legtoo iui1 friday march lmh m3f pm lunch terved- aue- plt taea auxulao guelph male choir concert wed nrda march 27 united churct- arton a 15 pjn admlsalon 3sc s2 the ladles of st josephs cuuresl uill hold a baking sale saturday march 16th in tha tows hall i pjn umehpusa memorial mali eoriira friday march 15th cards at ucl- pot luck sapper and concert friday march 2x suppar i to i umliilia soc ami 25c r- w iiii

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