Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1946, p. 4

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r hiijiim ajtjje y- is yfi w j ragk roim the acton free press thursday harch 14 th a jveichborhoodivews lejiihllat iumh oauittitac other centra end cfl la which hear el ow rulara are talere ballinafad ths- firm forum hold a uchr and iwno in tk hall on friday night mr u mr donga 1 1 of erin and ur o rawnaaii ol otprlnf had tha mtfcaat aeor mr wlllatu tiad with mr robinson for tha moat loan hand mr wlllatu winning out in tha draw mr davtd mrenary was taktm to guatph onaral hospital aa monday w hona for a ipaady ravovary thar waa no church on sunday owing to mr foraman hoing ronftn- ad to had with th flu w triut hm will toon ha out again tha farm forum met on monday night at tha horn of mr and mr wffl wright with an atundanr ol 30 following the broadcast on who will sport our farm products th different group discussed and prs- tad thlr findings garnet sinclair acted at ronvmor and mr shoitlll waa in charge of recreation all en- joyed a aortal half hour folio iy lunch limehouse mr and mr koater of batten vl- llad the noble lal week the spllxwm spent sunday with relative in toronto utt week winner at euchre at the mentor- tal hall hoard party on friday even ing were mr k miller and mr clif ford mcdonald mr dill mcdonald won the door prize after lunch a vary pleasant evening was fin l tried hy dancing to muir supplied liy the rhythm rube latl tuesday afternoon euchre wi held al mrs klrkpatrickv the march w 1 meeting was in id i mrs mitchell with seventeen at- landing a committee was named to arrange a bazaar in april sawing and knitting was handed out on be half of the salvation army tha pro- pram wat in charge of mr wright urt litby displayed a home made whole wheat loaf pointing out its good and had point she read an article advising use of whole wheal after which mr wright conducted a con teat on umr current event ware given by mr sine hunt arul mr itby gave the motto ner gay 1 cant always say ill try even if ii only ha the making of a pe roll call wat answered by how i us my head to save my heel tha hostess served lunch following the national anthem visitors at newton over tha week end included mitt w ivent of toron to and messrs wm and gordon grelg of brantford orton ospringe mrs tad meade and son karl of eramosa spent the weekend at the kama of nor mother mrs ceoorga cook mr and mra george robertson and joyce spent a day recently with their aqn mr and mrs hugh robertson and daughter at hamilton rev and mrs charlaton of erin visited on tuesday afternoon with mr j stewart friends of mr dan mclean ara plaased to learn h la homa again after his recent illness in a guatph hospital congratulations to mkta blanch mcklnnon who received honor in the recent rusmi of the toronto conservatory of music we are pleased to welcome mr and mrs calvin kvana and family who moved on friday to the farm on the highway which they recently bought from the beamish estate mr and mrs w j j nekton stent a dav last week with mr and mrs alf ifvlnter and family at oustlc the monthly meeting of the wo mens institute wa held on wcdjes- -uy- aitornoontthojuuna of m ea- f brydon with a fair attendance in tha absence of tha pramtdent the vicepresident mr edwin barber presided mr e sunter read sever al communication from the depart ment an interesting event of tha past institute year proved an inter esting roll call mrs w j jackson gave a splendid report of the booth held at a recent sale when forty dollars wa cleared mrs k kalthoff and mrs w j jackson and mrs f brydon were named a committee to purchase spoons and tea towels for tha use of the branch xlrs alvtn fisher report rt on the com pel hive program which waa to be held this month mr d g- robertson read a short paper on the motto a gentle touch kindly sift make a very prdcloui gtft an amusing reading tne- in- ttuute meeting was given by mra w j jackson a copper conttst was won by mrs d g robertson th monthly mystery contest was won by mrs ed barber who had tha longest arm measurement the host ess and hey assistant mrs e sunter served a delightful lunch and a social time was enjoyed friends here eitend sympathy to the leson and fonaghy families on the death of their netce tha lata mr henry held nee marguerite hoare whose burial took place on monday from her ute residence in orangevmie to greenwood cemetery mr and mrs wallace gregson and children visited on sunday with mr and mrs delule kversnn near or angevlllr mr and mrs chat oakes and family rntkwood were sunday gueala with mr and mrs herb howletl and family mr leorge cot cooksvtlle called on friends here recently mr dirk tlrtmn who buffered a heart attack and who has been in guelph hospital hat improved so at to be able to he out of the hospital sunday visitors al john watsons were mr and mrs percy kellam and shirley brampton mr and mrs clifford watson toronto and mr and mrs lloyd lyons and family erin the auction sale of llrth how utt held last wednesday drew a large crowd alto large price mr root king and audrey of richmond hill visited here oakvjlle the institution or a pension ftasvj for town employee waa brought be fore roundl by councilor j o fraa- er on monday nlght- oakvtlle junior amerced froaa tke tama aialnit ingereoll played at crlmaby tuesday nlht with a ll lead and a firm crip on tha second round of tha junior c oil a championship playdowns movtn pictures of an 18montha world cruise made in a traot ketch wrt ahown by lion bill macrae at tha mealing of tha uona ctub on fri day lira i i skure tlllton trorlnclal kduratlonal sacra tiry of tha loj3jl waa guaat apaakar at tha uarrh mkl- ing of tha angala druea chaptar hald in tha auditorium of tha legion hall on monday night ura ryland ii naw rational itagant and mamhar of thr whlla oak chaptar war gurtla itfhordhtar rockwood tte membt of ihe hock wood w l if met at the home of mrs s ivlly for their march meeting in mttr of mor weather there was a fair attendance miss j uttle in rharge of devotional eetrle hated her remarks on the prayer topic for thr month that we press forward to the mark of our high calling thai guidance he glvrn to all who lead and that we live for and in the prvsent i am ready waa the title of a reading hy mrt s lllat herw ick mr qatrander read an article drew ery will fight radio ban interesting dltcutklon followed these articles mr k thomas gave a brief summary of the lire of frances f wlllard from her birth through her different act ivities until her passing away sever al exlractt of her sayings were nnd bv the members it was decide i to hold evening meeting during the roming months mr w gardiner rloaved the meeting with prayer lunch wax nerved and a social time e n joyed rev foreman of balllnafad had rhargr of mr geo cooks funeral latt week and alto officiated at the committal in hock wood cemetery rev e a iulker of acton conduct ed the funeral service of the late mrs 1 k fox ami also officiated at the committal fcervlre in rock wood cnn- elery a number of flora wreaths bore silent testimony to the esteem of the deceased the annual women world day of prayer was well attended last friday in the presbyterian church friday evening a concert was held in ihe town hall sponsored by the local womens institute and well at tended considering inclement weather the main feature of the evening waa an interesting play put on by mem ber of the institute mushrootnt coming up those taking part were meadames g f mcarthur a mallby crostland and w guild with mrs a ewer playing the role of nurse and r bacon of housemaid considerable interett and mirth waa manifest throughout mr i guild opened the program with remarks on the ev enings entertainment vocal solo by mr campbell mcarthur were much enjoyed musical numbers by frances glbb were alto to the fore phyllis gray presided ati fe piano for brief step dancing by ii mcarth ur catharine lin foot played for c mcarthur a numbers a highlight of the evening was a aplendld violin iw lection by mrs d ward with mr a m tltt at the piano followed by violin duet hy metdames d ward and a m tltt with mr tltt at tha piano one drawback to the even ings entertainment waa the racket caused hy a number of young folks itthe frontiaeala durlngthe violin selection mr tltt wat obliged to stop playing the piano and remo- at rate with the youngsters mr c julllffe made a capable- comedian and kept the audience in a mirthful mood phyllis gray played for hit vocal numbers sunday morning the sacrament of the lords supper waa observed at the tnlted church with a large attend ance holy communion was also ob served at st johns church mr donald mcarthgr of hamilton was homr for the weekend as a result of mild weather and heavy rains last week the river rose to spring f rennet levels and during the weekend a portion of the dam of the woollen mills gave away to the heavy pressure of water in one corner of the dam mr wilfred its ute r who in com- pany with other member of the fam ily were recipient of presents at a farewell party at s s 1 eramosa have moved into the village other members of the family have none to guelph la- live mr john r smith returned last week after another lengthy stay in detroit i campbeilville mr and mrs george ingltt enter tainrd latt friday evening in honor of the latter parents mr and mrs arthur markle of mulgrove on the event of their weeding anniversary progressive euchre prtie winner were mi rutaell early mrs hotkey radnor arthur markle and goidun crooker campbell ldge a f jk a m wai host on tueaday evening to st clair lodge of milton whose officers titled degree work walker lodge of acton and burlington iodge were also present guett speaker wat i llammet cook of burlington frank bui and rosa carbert at tended the hydro convention at tor onto last week the local w i met at the home of mrt george inglls on wednesday af ternoon mi cameron agnew pre- tldlng ten dollar was voled to the lted crotk campaign mr jamej mahon gave a poem on hlttorlcal re- sarrh mrs george harrison gave hlntt fur home rconomtca miss jane held gave a talk on cheese mrs lloyd crawford gave a paper on hal- ton county v year ago miss anna early played a piano solo mrs gcntge black give a recitation mrs j little gave the topic eatt wotl home it tet the lunch committee wat commated of mlaa jane held mrt cameron agnew mrs edna wilton and mrt lloyd crawford the institute held a most aucoras- ful euchre party in no 10 school on wednesday evening prize winnert for progressive euchre were mrs ro bert inglls mrs frank bill wallace king walter robin mervln deforest alto russell llurren and bruce hnoj for children game the committee in charge were mr nell martin mrs george harris mr george brack and mr thomas hilton the funeral of the late mrs john mahon took place laat friday after noon from the home of her daughter mrs alexander moore rev john macnell officiated at the home and graveside the pallbearers were al- bert ijowrlc duatln iowrle of nas- tagaweya murray mrlhall william mahon murray mahon roger mahon of camprsellvllle interment was made in st davids cemetery mrt r c menxles was hostess to the wms on friday afternoon march 8th the regular monthly meeting was held with miss held presiding those taking part were mrs m hood leading in reading the scripture lesson mr geo inglls gave an interesting paper on mission in africa with special emphasis on the work or robert moffat the prayer from the glad tidings waa road by mrs menxles the roll call was an swered with prayer as the text word the a location of 1315 00 was received and accepted at 3 oclock the world day of pray er service commenced leaders for the different sections were mrs mac- neil mrs j k mahon mlts hold mlts e j mcphalt mist gertrude holmes arul mrs menxles special prayers were offered by mrs elalcy mrs s calm mrs g harris mrs e d mahon and miss reld the key woman appointed waa mlts c mo phall there were 31 ladles present the hoatess was assisted by mrs mc- phee mrs g inglls mra harris and mr nmartin inaervlng -rerfresh- menu mrs geo agnew was at home to her friends on saturday afternoon jienshecolebrated her hcth birth day she received several nice gifts and cards the brightly lighted birthday cake was carried in by her little granddaughter helen agnuw who was also celebrating her rth birthday helen played some nice piano solos and a very pleasant time was enjoyed py all canadian cows go to mexico vancouver cp j j grauer announced here he has shipped 33 purebred holsteln cows to the ranch of carlo ttrqutxa at querataro mex ico twenty of the cows are from his own frasca hard the others from vancouver island and lower mainland breeders he received a special permit from washington allowing american boy cars to cross the mexican bord er similar shipments were made tq the same buyer by mr gxauer in 1041 and 1043 everton mis marie parker returned hotne sunday she has bean in tha sick childrens hospital since new years we all hoe her health will be much better recent visitors at the home ol col and mrs will head war ur and mr fred murray and mrs kitchen er head guelph mr and mrs john alton and mr albert alton spent sunday at burl ington mrs oorge young and marilyn town line visited mrs g g robert son on sunday mr and mrs james ldoughlla and baby are staying at the home of tha formersather mr wm loughlln mr and mr harry hortop wrr recent visitor at the home of mr and mr bert palrraman guelph ltd mr w blair of acton vltlted on sunday al the home of mr and mr omar parker and family there ued peacefully away at the guelph general hospital tha lata mary reed she had been tn falling health for tome time and death was not unexiaerted she being in her fimh year she was the daughter of tha late itoherl and margaret read she leaves one brother archie at arthur and tlster mlts kale reed of kverton whei they have spent many year together she will be missed by her also the nrltfhbors and friend the funeval wat haul privately at tlie home then a service at the church of chrtat or which the wa a faithful memtier and waa always in her seat ir the wa able a friend of the fam ily the ii rv j p mrtend or windsor had charge of the tervlee rev w g narlelon of erin assisted tte palllaearrrs were messrs will robertson duncan mriougsll 1-ea- man tomson j a stewart harry hortop and walter coullng friend were present from toronto ifrnnall arthur guelph erin and other placet in law canadian civilian aviation had covered 10009271 mile i am now prepared to give a service on eleefrieai wiring and repairs to electric appuaac estimate cheerfully aivaa on wiring in artoa and dlatrlet prompt and efficient workman ship guarantead- earl van norman phone 3m main st be up to date luv bk1x nln- yaatf ayaa by ua aaacjraaa a hatirfattiom k m item b o hpaalalait u yi r lr tirlt ixa aaaaa concrete jdalfalssl now avaluhlc in vlmtl hihxl 8 10 x 16 and hx 12 g 16 these blocks are manufac tured to meet the toronto iy law pec fixations by cheltenham concrete prod ucts call victoria 20r31 harvey walters acton kepreientative call artoa 37 a new furnaces wc have jum received a shipment ol the following mzc 19 inch ftrr pol uith auujigb 21 inch hire pol uilh caainsr 21 inch fire iot with caning tbmn itrontjrr ktovn 11000 511900 slll00 t7ji0 symon hardware rnone a now avajubu to permit hpldcn the new improved 1946 fargo truck sizm ron lvt ton pickup ta the blc s ton sptxial the information rs now available regarding the important changes or a phone call will bring this information right to your home or place of business a licensed mechanic ute of the rcak haa now been obtained prompt service available on any make of car macswain motors acton phone 85 second special meeting halton milk producers asst will be held in the court house in milton mon march 18 at 130 pja all shippers requested to be present to get all information about the agreement messrs h c watson and w h wilmdt will be present at this meeting m t mcnabb president u davriea secretary small advertisements juviuaamal- aaaar thla kaajjaa ac caah th ii u a ar uatltaaaj woraa ic a vara if ta 4at ao accoaiaaar ik aivar u akiabvum kaat jk aa4 ic air vort a4atlmaal fa aacb vara aar aa t fob rale hand wruiaar in food rondiuaa- phone m wavtoj famala halp wantad apply mason knitttno oo ltd mo aeteai pom rale u hay stark for aala apply l jno c dennis ihona slr3 itorkwood no 7 lllfhway wantto to rant a hnuaa or thraa or four ronma itnna tananta no rhlldrabt alrtily to nox h rnrr prem foe haix lllark horaa food for aaittlla dfiv- inl or laam work apply anrinr shpji rdan mllla p o ro raij aliut vl trncr- itnmt for aala ap ply wm iiamkntine l krln ith ortiai wantm to bfvt aiprntmntrly ivlar faat for work ahop fiaraaa iiaamanl or mir1 tmjlidlna lultalla ixmk up writ iwx in fiikk ilirss and s mir rait art omfnnl shap 1 ham jiinoa sfimr rnmlna in yal kami itosiey con 7 lot jh naaaaaawaya wanttji a tannr of lona rrlfmrf with rrin if maklnit any kind of laa- thrr vvrll ikx 12 kiikb prvrts tlmputte iuwhrrpino hkrvke for mmall hualnaaaman finannol statement ia rrtuma wrlla iiox ii krkk ikkiis v a ttrniph 1r halt alut uai tuhfu iwlrrlm turnl in pit makr offr t1ios nkwsikv it h 3 aeton ihnne 07r2j ahtiima htpptjtpjin knjy a nod nlahta strap without roughing or choking aa othrr ara do inn fro- appolntmant wrlla t u howry 144 catharine so hamlmlon ont 2lj iiarrmool ptr haijc maplr and harrh 1 rord 4 irnffth 114 mi 1 lord i lanath 15 25 3 ronti 1 length iinno nallvarad t k peiihyman phone lt7r4 oeorgetown laovt ijtt kim no7nrr from dlatrmper or let him luffer from roughi eoldn inteatlnal flu a few doaaa of zkv made hy tha makera of rtitrkleya mixture gives quirk relief 5fc and tl00 a hottla at karl s cooper heed fob haijc calore liarley government grade no 1 grown from ragiatered sel alao quantity of 1k1 pea waiiacf swackhamer phon 1d9t- for haus quiet dualpurpose pure brvd re1 poll bull 1 year bred by itann mlay farms alao cockihutt 3fur row riding plow john ughtte tot k con 4 erin for halt quehr- coik stove with naw hot water heater alao kltehen link and quwbec heater in good rendition ap ply to george holmes main st opposite illmoura dlaekamlth shop plummino ajtd iieattno peaar foundry heating and plumb ing luppllet phona or call for dem onstration of new type or vacuuaa eleaner r stapleton phone 22g church street aictiom hale advertwino our auction sal u the woodbrldge advertiser thla paper has a large farm circulation in peel ork and south slmcoe tha chart a flat rate for advertising a full hit i i raia charge of five dollar par insertion send copy and remittance to tha dub- llsher g- r- m lavery palgrava bav nihus right now bray hatchery haa soma started pullets immediate delivery aa wrl vartoua hreeda croaa- ea like nll wl nil x br order for delivery march april may lon t let your markets down agent geo c brown r it 1 norvai keys made lanka repaired oeaeral leelc- amlthux uave orders at symon hardware art joiinhon ij phone georgetown 306r6 1 foot ailments g 11 treated miss allan h bf ourepattait 5 5- treats foot allmenta for both ladles and gentlemen open maau thuraland baa 5 m avanlnga uu eejeekt ajjhy b m apeelntmenl h 5 guelph yiiihi am

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