Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1946, p. 6

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jlvv the acton free press thursday march 14th um thr week al ottawa by m wo boooow p skswi ottawa cj opening of th tcoad najnw of canada 30th pail- hunt foreshadow ivawv and jhargetic susyuaslosi of number of postwar problems domestic and in laraatlonjj aiuf mostly contentious coinciding with th last public ap- jarrr of th oovernoroenerel uu earl of athlon th opening aobadulh for march 14 was espert 4 to b especially colorful compared with restricted waatlm opening th governorgeneral daalgnat fui4 marshal viscount ale sand r u expected to arm about aftrtl k it will b sworn into office in ottawa tit new session la expected to face th vesed question of design and ad option of a new canadian flag and th problem of redistribution of ron stltoenrte outmoded through pul etlon shifts particularly during thr war year itoth ere questions tnvoi vtng strong and divergent views anvvng other business will he ron aider a turn of a bill to provide d t inrtiv canadian nationality and di russloh on thr me and pay wilrt f canada iwimanrnt force a nnwn ahl safe conjecture kt that thr ote question of housing will hnnr heated controversy it i likely also that international problems and lobcles will bring sharp discussion on th commons floor the united nation organliation and foreign policy generally prultahlv will rlalm considerable spare in i lansard the off l ial reimirt of debates i while some olmerter believe ii e 1 government will attempt to steer dl russion awa from the espionage in qulr until the final report has liern made others feel the spy rase and re lation with the soviet will be hard to ehclude from dehntes parliament mmthlv will le asked this session to ratify the new 1130- 000 mn loan to hriiatn agreed upon by a conference of hntlth and can dlan financial exports last week li titrations are that this will meet with httle or no npimslllnn here contingent on united slates ap liroval of the 4n000ii amenr i an loan at present before ongres for ratification the loan la repay j able over a period of v years begin aing i 10sl interest rate av j raging 1 d or 1 64 per cent th j government agreed to settle all claims arttlng out of the war effort with britain nalng canada jim 000 000 cash among debts cancelled in this manner is brit ian s 439000 000 indebtedness on the cost of the british commonwealth air training plana the new loan will help tide bt it aln over lla present flnancia difflcul- tiaa la purchasing good from canada and will help strengthen canada pott war trade in the agreement aa drafted canada and britain under take to grant each other troatmant no leas favorable with regard to im ports and exchange controls than that granted any other country this la taken to mean the british auster- tti ably to permit the entry of canadian goods into the united kingdom although the terms of the agree the internment of civilians at singapore 194245 continued from laat wk a gret deal more authority was now delegated to junior nippon officers some of whom used their powrs with rerklaa lrrptrujlllity on officer kawosoyl tn an even ings tour of th camp assaulted 33 men and 4 women moat war struck about the head or far th weapon used being variously a faggot wotd a lank of timber stick and in one instance a wooden chair one in erne was kicked tn th eye after having hern knocked down a ciippled woman was struck whluy trying to rise from her chair xl woman who was 111 was struck whilst asleep trie alleged offence in each e was that the internee had called to ttow but the officer had entered cells and living rooms wlthi ut warn ing and blow were it ruck in mm est- te fore intenieei were aware of his premence on another occasion the same officer entered an r serclm- yard after lights out and struck down an interne win had been slieptng on the verandah and was ris ing from his lied when the ollur present w announced he w av knocked unconscious and left lying on tti- ground wllh hi teal i iced ing i tofuvel n 1 1 r f fuer hulavshl when lr dim vi teal a hrest 1 of notation ntiaiduig the uscoi tjectrital equip rn nl in the u omen h canlp nrdered tti wonn n hepr sentatlve lo go lo the sikhs fuardroom and remain ktandlng there until further nolle he then it ft the amp for th week nd after great difficulty permission wn obtained from another nlponre officer for the prisoner to sle p in an iiwn room opposite the urdroom and the followlntl morning sh was released b 1 t surukl lhe same of fleer punished 5 members of th amp orchestra by confining them on the roof of the prison power for 16 hours purine this tlm they wr evpmtet to the full heat of the sun and had n covering at night i two of the men heprevenlntkvej which thy returned to th camp or th marks of th treatment they iliad received continued next week vouko fuvstxg yorkton katk cpwar ings stamp lotaillng t22766 aav- hav tjcajuso auction sale mtuc bked uudb holnttno pkmul isoawjch twaxtoat jm- vtxmxxth dauv ttuutt rustn- rrusuc itxax kshrtattw icrc ttie undersigned auctioneer hv received instructions from muulay o iuvwa1d to sell by public auction at his farm lot i con 7 twp of eaquaa ing 1 mil w of hornby 4 mile n k of u litem on paved road on ksuuay uajsuai ui com men on i at li to o clock lb following hoksks 1 erchron mare 13 yrs old 1 pare heron eu11ng li yi uld a quiet thick block y il r 1 lenheron man s yrs old well brok en hw iioistun cat1u inka ijkktiange lmtchland fresh jan li l heifer calf at side prtnresa su a tartra fresh lv 4 not bred liar baia lenalda monarch due april s rtaruy mrntdes h ho jo in full i flow tred rrb 7 lolltllla mary bred sept 12 tarrying first lf m oil koval ray txirn may 1h lm mull jo ally born may li llrtj mol ltoal sbll urn july a lmi leslynn man o war iewdrop lorn nov 1 ihi anone wanting a gornt yuurik hull wuuld do will to lnvm4t thli lull aiul exaniim lla hrecilinit l kai1 ahu 1 molvtrln ow due lime if sale 1 uouleln ow in full flow hied dec 11 1 itoliimn low in full flow bred mar c 1 mol t in ow in full flow not hred 1 llolsteln cow in full flow bred r b 17 1 houlein ow in full flow brtsl 1c 1h 1 houlein ow in full flow bred jn il 1 llouteln cow milking due june ft jervey ow in full flow hred dec jl j llolsteln lb if ers due may ji and jt 1 molstt n lleifrr bred e 11 1 houlein heifer brxl jan 10 j kolsteln ifu fetm 15 moa old nol bred 1 llolsteln heifers f and 7 moa old i llolsteln helfeiy i and t mos old litis herd showi a lot of breeding and product ion laim rquipmrnt 2 unit llin man milker motor j ipev and new ruhlmr j aluminum pall m 1 ii tttrh sletl ahlnet ikod cooler al mol new 1 leclrlt 1alt m goon milk ans n gsl capacity 15 ft kuhlmrllise milk pails strainer vfjj cutamdw auction sale rakm 8txksc mflmutfft kvm1jcy tstactost oatatn cuot- len purchasad since 1w1 by puplu pfcatfl and rvuhtfvnx i or yorkton ctty schools wullam r- parsons chalrmaa of th school com- th undersagived auctlomor havmittav reported rcauy received instructions from thoh 1iowden xo hu by public auction at lot 3 con a twp of k on vmtday taabcfl utb commencing at 100 o clock th following cattle- 1 durham cow du ap ril 1 1 llolsteln cow du april 1 1 llolsteln cow du march 30 1 ulark houtaln cow due tlm of sal 1 ayrshire cow du tlm of sal 1 llolalln tow du march 30 1 llolsteln cow brad in november i 1 had ow fresh 3 months 9 llol stein heifers 3 yrs old not bred b llolsteln helfera rising 1 year old 1 durham heifer 1 yr old 1 hummer i alf 1 iiokhks i ilruwn mate agd at tout 1vki hoitsr drawn impiemfnts i m ii frain hinder 7 ft m 11 mower m ii inthrow disc m ii dtm drill m ii hay loader m ii tedder int side hake m ii walk ing i low m it single furrow talking plow m ii keeper int llfwr int i furrow plow niactou and iowcn nrnvfn ma iiinihy humley ilact r on rulur jtixi in trimmi condition m ii lullr dive m ii hammer mill wih automatic feed ial le 1 ulttvnt r 1 se tlon rain h ler re ik isle d luble head in m rfn t shajie av line motor for w nahlng machine imp r mr nts quebec slngls lrrow itkllng ll w 1 h re anitn plow int dump flake ixw truck r arm wagon heavy iw tnick wagon i umber wagon sl of bench sleighs int set of stonp sleighs hay ork hay fork sr for wooden track 2 rannlng mills id nfrew cream sefiarator quant my of household t f fecti numerous otli er small articles t itms cash settlement wllh lerk on day of sale no reserve as the farm la sold aiil t he proprietor is giving up ovseii ion april 1 j a rl i iori uo hindi rv au tloneeri i urile leik h15 2 w t patteksom so htirflb la by i 1w wvhhuh rr ouetmi rwuw iim cmplui e4ulf4 mbh dlln uthr bka war customers corner who were tn the office during am squipmr nt regime were locked up for rtrrtnda of rb lu mi l ten day on a diet of rice salt anil n machine has imn well taki t water one fir ronteftting a stale nte of and run and look like new menl that brllivh doctors were leav k furrowed tiattor plow no ka j j t o kihutt almost new iouhl dlt ing nipponese internees to dl of die irk u ease in india without any attempt to i cksru furrowed int irsrlor lure ihim the other because an in plow r lra wide cultivator m h ternce n fatigue had used a ladder i im irmlor hitch circular saw an without the imtmlaslon of lh nlpon j l ti p sjteei jack itubher tired wapon with hack tractor and horse hllch i ans elc heavy drive belt of for lurat talaphon sarvlc cuttomr wrlt i to tnot if rirjhbour guf aslan in fhay con ot laosl ropaat corrachy w4vot hsy heard m behind tlm halfjulung nuggmtion one of tb moat arrtoua of all ausri of jissatiafaclion on the part of rural telephone ubacrtberft the watcningin babiu if you find aoiiirone already on the line pleaae make it our rule alwaya to lianp up immediately our nrigliloura will appre ciate it and are more likrlv to grant you prtvury wlirn you have occaaion to tall two memhers of the men s fecut oil ive vommttlee were submitted to the suck treatment beaten w th klicki ami plaited rotan and wire locked up in a store room for 3 week on penal diet and tn condition tf great privation the man had offended hobayasbl who denounced them to tomlnaga without the least juitlfu ation as being engaged in sub verslv activities in the camp these and other disciplinary incld ents equally brutal and irrcsponslbl created an atmosphere of terrorism in the camp internees felt they were dominated hy inimical forces which might at any tlm break through all restraint with incalculable results in september 1943 the first full ijahjno auction sle kabm htoch tkactob am im lkmilvrm vasm implement iiav urain and bkal rtftatt i hie undrntfinthl aurttonern m9 mkrlcd inilrurtlon from jvr uw to ull by public aurtton at jbrlr i i sr s s eefeaijj- y farm lt 15 con 1 tp of tr alirar h milp n of town of milton tt long t wide strl barrvl lyankmluion crraw and pump hokjik duawn imllkmints t rain ulndr ivrtng b ft mowr unav uabcii lik 1mi rvrlng b ft rut 1 crop mown ti1moav makui during 5 ft in good ihapr grmul commcnrlng at 1 00 o clocn ine drill lla lartir ining hump following itakc corkihutt nw itcapor m d i hoiuf 1 rry pcrcheron gjld nthrow iiik- sl of srni llarrooi ing 9 r old i clyda geldlrut agl koll call of thr camp under nippon p ji uparlon took place follow at intervals b simitar parade cul nlnatlon on 0th october 1943 tt double tenth with a holl call par- torm do nol naarily mean britain i w 1 h inaugurated a period of must spend the 91250000000 in th j dominion sir wilfred eady bead of thr british lon delegation said more than si 000 000000 will be pent i tn canada on ease tin i foodstuffs raw materials and manufactured goods in 1946 and 1mt commenting on the agreement 4 section set of seed harrows section set of heavy drags 2 sec i ion 1 walking plows potato plow single furrowed hiding plow hlller or ditching plow single scuffler iannlng mill platform scales 3 low truck vlagons slush scraper set of hectric clippers 2 cuttrrs hand clippers hoot pulper bench sleighs jogging cart hag platform truck hoad scraper 2 rl ectric fencers with new batteries ha fork top new hot bed sash self feeders for hogs steel clyde mare aged daiiu cows and hfifehs 1 ayrshire and durham cow fresh talf at side l llolsteln cow du tlm of sale 1 jersey and duihsm cow fresh just bred 1 ayrshire cow dua time of sale l durham cow du time of sab 1 itoan durham cow i sale 1 llrindle cow due time of sale 1 ayrshire a durhan c ow due mar 27 1 ayrshire cow du march 29 1 ayrshire and durham ow due march j i ayrshire and durham cow due april 2 1 brindlc dmk terrorism which will live in th m morj of every number of the amp at that time rilaae 1 antral hy the mppanaae military psuce letan 1mb uetober ims to list january 14 by 8 to a m the c amp w as on pai hall 12 ft m lbs binder twine set i milking well bred aug 17 of pipe dies no of oil barn 1 1 durham heifers 1 year old 1 jfr- full of fill oil com let e utter 1 ar aru ayrshire cow milking will rler now beatty r xtra utter car- nrm sept 11 1 eal calves 1 ayr- rirr bucket and lift 3 io i co milking well bred nov 13 chains odd harness 1000 ft slerl i brlndle cow milking well bred hoddlng new no of cedar posts aug 17 heg dual purpoee bull 3 odd collars set of brawi back band ra 0 r well bred bull thffs hantu 1 do mw imchfoik 1 doi l xl fcium lots of milk with a ry os inrge quantity of sarks high test hot ork swwlth 10plii ii ivogreaalve tonaervatue leader john rt about ow lt wrrp bracken said it was simply rood bus l h an officer of the i etio iness for lanada lo furnish britain hn announrw th r m with some f the accommodation i uf iht t wouu i monev she neeusi to rteaablish ttxml tnft wh ln an way oi d trutleti or n itt 1 the inv estlgatlnj mrhlle the canadian commltmi nt ofricers would le seven 1 ponlshed might appear comparatively laij lntrrnees wire then manned orf to against the united states loan it ih fvrrcise arti of their respective wsb to be remembered that sve ate iu ks where they wer again par more dependent per capita on esport aded tbc found on reentering th trade than the inited states mr aol that the whole building had been bracken said occupied by nipponese soldiers armed with the new amount added to th with rifles and with fixed bayonets rain fhd hmilrr poui t i h a r r hth lt h mo bui oals 10 bus sna beans 100 bus gal ire brwl feb 19 barky suitable for seel bus let 0 nun rtdv for market i lover sect 1 hu buckwheat v rk pigs 10 weeks old bbl mo1nsc j lbs rerlillxer 200 ha and chain 20 ton mixed hay bed clover and alfalfa 200 bus mixed traln barlev ami oats tractor tracton impl im 1- nts 10j0 inl trartor on strel in extia good running order mil 3- furrow no 90 tractor plow 1 ills el spring tooth drag 1 inter list canada s financial assistance to britain slncethe oh t break of war reaches a total of about 4 bfto 000 000 while canadians waited for the royal commission second report t disclose the nam ot further prsou connect tsl with eeonage actlvltlaa in canada ntereat turned on the fat of short blond igor gouxenko myv trry man and key ftgur in the cas it was gousenko cipher clerk on th staff of th russian military attach who apparently reported to canadian government officials last september and touched off th investigation placed in protective custody by th rcmp after an attempt had been made on his life goutanko emerged tn the cohmlaalons first intvrtm re port as star witns in the case th report said h had provided informat ion of undoubted authenticity meanwhile it was believed he was held at th ucmp police barracks t naarby rockllffe where the nln othar persons in the cas ar detain ed on authoritative source said he and that a party of military police officers had been allocated to each living room and floor ot cells course of the day internees wore call ed in turn to their living quarter oi have their belongings searched by the investigating officers diaries manuscripts printed mat ter and any articles which the invest- j lusting officer tailed to understand or regarded as suspicious were taken away at the close pf the day the military police officers except 3 w4vo remained in charg of the guard returned to singapore taking 19 male internees with than for fur ther investigation the armed sent ries retvttttnedj tn the camp and dur ing the nam 3 months internees were kept under the closest supervision by armed sentrtetv by day nd by night but this was a unall matter compar ed with th mental strain caused by frequent raids by parties of the ges tapo who continued to make arrests until by the end ot the month the numberof internees removed or in vestigation had increased to 44 of these orjjy s had returned the lat- i ter nad strict orders under pain of lbs b i b mineral 2 tongue fioo ft 1 hardwood 1 umber dr iso ft tongue and uroove i umber dry 8 bum he cedar shlnklf 1nykn hi n brooder house 9 9 new jntmtway rwstrlc nroodrr p chictc cnimicltv hoppers feeder etc rl rnitltkr t pbce ch sterfield rain irindr 9 plate willow suite like new 2 ah hohst impl fmtnts stands t plect wicker sun room m h t hinder b ft suit 9pieit oak dining ho m ea deering mowtr 3 suite stti beds springs and fen holler case hay loader ther mattrexms large steel clothes linker 4 compartments like new 2 dress rs couch axmlruter hou u x liv 1 elto rug 9 x u 1 reltol rug fi x 9 1 congoleum rug t v9 hex trie iron llappv thoukht cook stove small stxe mcclary kl in the stoe small tables plctuixs siln and other household rffevts hrau kstatg at the same tlm etc odd llar- tt und just used 2 years m h side hake new m 11 reaper m d craln drill 13- dls cvid collars 2 set seed har rows 2 walking plows m h manure spreader cream separator steel truck wagon tow truck wagon u flat hay hacks 1 set short rod ext e nil on ladder 36 ft- set sloon sleighs may rake s hp met trie motor emrry lings muffler and place there will be offered foe stand v li p hectric motor jan- sale subject to a reserve bid the 50- n mill clover buncher loading acre farm if not previously sold ton- chute platform scales set bretch- slsting of 54 acre more or less of ing harness several squares of le- sandy loam with spring creek and dar shingles 37 dodge sedan in rood overflowing well 10 acre fall wheal shape with good tires a quantity of balance hay and pasture 6 rows lumber forks hoes shovels chillis 1 grapes jo rods long 4 rows raspber- etc l there is erected on this propet- reau estateat the sam uma and place there will oe offered for ty a 9roomd frame bouse with sun w j x i ana piace mere wtu be oxtered ior- room bath and furnace main barni m nmtvm bid the ig bam 3 x 48 i farm consisting of 100 acres mar or 1 10 acres bush mixed pine and x i j mrn j i consisting of 100 acres mot or driv h 8 w btw ml h l0 acres ljush mixed pine and 10 x 12 hen house and work shop hardwood 2 acres of orchard 30 acre hy w l i pwd balance seeded to hay and and barn situated in the midst of a p on thu farm there is tn vr rtrosnrfeniis enenwnt1v nw mvni rtt i3i very prosperous community on paved road l mile from church sc iltage torontomilton bus l i roomed ston nous with good roof road i mil from thurch school and 1 a tmlr stale of repair bank was belnf held under close guard execution not to disclose their exper- becaus v- are afraid an attempt lencea but tnore could be no tuijruls- v will jm made on la life h ins the mental and physical condition ideal farm home anyone interested is invited to inspect this property pri or to sale immediate possession terms on real estate made known dn of sale terms on chattels cash settlement with clerk on dav of sale poltlvcl no reserve as proprietor hns sold his 100acre farm is selltnz his soacre farm and is giving up farming hot coffee and cake served free j a eluott roy hindley auctioneer r r ford clerk b303 iltage torontomilton bus passing 1 barn t3 x u suitable stabling to tie door this property would make an up 30 head cattle hog pens and 4 horse stalls also good hen tiouat hydro throughout buildings 3 walls supply water this farm would make an ideal home being handy to pub lic and high schools and only s few rrllnutes walk to town of milton terms of real estate mad known day of sale terms of chatties cash with clerk on day ot sale no reserve j a elliott roy htndley aqetuwieers ford clerk b353 but employart and work ft mutt attitt durmq thr war orarniattan of rnmn power sva mmde postibe through co operation of empoyers mnd uoricen thit 00 operation ra no ess nnesaary to asisf in ortfnjin4f the employ merit market during the presenf crrfrca period sorrte manpower con t roj ttu remmin thee are ntilf aw they are aimed at assisfrn in orjjaniatrnj the employment market remaining control are demqned to help employer and woraers and actually require onl minor aiimfflncr from the pubtn you are urged to comply with the hour contrdls which remain 1 employers must notily the national employ mont ohico of any need for workora as soon as that neod is known 2 where employers engage workers outside the national employment sorvico they must notify th nearest nes office within three days that an employee has been engaged form uss 312 is provided for this purpose 3 unemployed workers seeking employment must register with the national employment ohic tt inem ployed for seven consecutive days 4 generally speaking any employer or em ployee must give seven days notice to the other party oi any intention to terminate employment form nss 120 is till required exceptions may be learned from th neateat kes office th0 partners ro tnduwtry ienipoyars and employees ahould halp thm nation employ ment service fo promo t m njfh 7evj 0 ainpoy- mmnt by complying with th simple ruin only with public support can an mm ploy menf aarnce giva full aasrsfanoe fo fhe com munity mtrnv fvllwfiu local offsc of hv feorsoevw tsplflyltaaai sswtes h at inlfe ro ssvvat your h0ods obfl llsoee 0 hs mstsfo gosflnvubbsry has 4 national employment service

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