Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1946, p. 8

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aoe war the acton free press thursday march htk vm al blrtks uwlun i is1 arnrtia to tsi iii i warn aee baxto h yattkitsonoa thursday mart ttm imc ts mr and mm d h pattaraoa toreato use ma roa- y a daughter jtulcwcki mr and mr j kul- 3ld sriah to ajutoubce the bjrth l sunday march loui uhiaafharaa cuelph mi m lha nundac atram acta robert john dolni bleary fllancis al sf joseph a lloaplui gueiph on friday march 8th ims tfceaaas franrta husband of the uu mary ann crawford morton at th highland park qaniraj hospital detroit mich on saturday march wh ims cfcarlea j morton ion of thomas bad tha lata mrs morton formerly of arton aged 41 years- sprlnf la due a week from today robln ar reported as nulla ue- haj bow jr maro a o hist b iprln ir out w know it b aprlns ir pratty cloa ba tha eeason when build lag operations can ba started axaln tha free frees carrlaa moat auction aala iuu in tha district you ii sad it baat for urn of all local av- aau users of tha small advertisements la tha fraa press are having remeru aala results it th aconomical way ts maka direct contact a uaar of a amall ad laat wak reports ssle of ihe artlcla adverllied tal tha frea press before 5 to thur day afternoon and many mora enquir ies a butterfly waa found flllllns about at lh door of an ahon home laat thursday lor th unbelieving u has baen on exhibit in the rae i window pbifuthl charles j morton many frlwd hr wtll rgrt to uarn of th pasting away on satur day of oiuim j morton son of thomas and th uu mr morton h hod bn in 111 health tine last jun and dld at illgtusiid park general hospital detroit mich ii wu for tyels yr old chart morton was born in ml 1 ton but spent hit boyhood in acton and a tended arton schools about twb ty years ago ha wnt to rld in tn detroit whtrt he has lived sine if u survived by hli wif mlldrd uumley of london onl and hi fath rr thomas morton sr of toronto on brother thomas alio of toronto and four sisters mir jam thorns ijla oshawa mr a j mrmluan jwai toronto mr- curtnrt ban ham iou and mr wm king cur icei both ot georgetown to all of these sympathy of many frlndi go in tnir bereavement char 1 1 morton was a veteran of th war of 1914 1910 and had many friends in arton and dutrtrt tit funeral waa held on monday wtth service at sneddon ontario and in ferment in tona cemetery pallbear era were si of tht nephew t word ha been received from the toronto conservatory of music tint johanna veldhul and christina lamb habv received first class honor in tuselr piano ttamlnatlort grade ii tny ar pupils of mlu mhel i- rank urn the acton junior farmer held thair regular monthly meeting at loraa school on february 28th u lib ted road and tlrknets there wm not ft vrr urge attendance mr sl4dell of toronto gave an tnterevtlng talk on p of weed a social urn was spent after which lunch was tatrvad oirtktandino film feature next week at ijocal theatre since you went away iavld o selxnlrk s first film sine his acad emy awardwinning gon with the wind and kcbecca arrives at th regory theatre acton for monday and tuesday through united artists release with seven star claudelt colbert joseph cotton jennifer j on em shirley temple monfy woof e 1 lonrl itarrymore and robert walkrr leading ihe rait of hundreds the hlg new film has been drsrrtbnl a a panorama of the horn front the story of ihe mil inn family an average american household whose man has gone to war since you weni away raptures th spirit and human courage of simple people a roes the fare of the nation it a heart warming tale full ot thr en ergrtlc humor of the american home i front erin th erin continuation school llt rary society held their annual skat lag party at th local arena last frl tasty when a large crowd of oung pswple enoyed the popular winter port for a couple of hours after which all retired to the school and partook of a bounteous luncheon w a n urchin reported seeing the ant robin in their communu on saturday morning march 2nd milton as a result of the defeat lait frl day night milton juvenile were 1 imlnated from he o m ii a play offs port doer won the gsme by a i 9t score the milton entry had a good sea on they won the grotip and put out the teams from arton and rlnuby be fort closing the season applications for the position of tqwn assessor were received from k ii calhralth and frank mcnuen a motion was passed engaging mr mrnlven for the remaining nine months of the rar at a salary of si 13 per month mr mrnlven asked a few days to consider the proposal be fore accepting i poii motion council a proved of the purchase of a fargo chassis for a new fire truck purchssr ts through johnson a rage at the trndrr price of 01r the chnuu is of three ton raparlt with 160 in chri wheelham twehr pl tlrei and fle speed trnmmlsslnn the tenrtrri for the bo1 anil ojulpmrnt were n i rie tded on frtda nlht principal f ostcr an tniuh r brld mrs it mr v w vane iut of hor at a fancy m elln ha clnel a mu c up- instmucale held i1 ek at th- h hh jvsm of mr rul mr ilcrt eckv 1 1 of th k ho1 a jtj niunuet of sj ring flown was pres- a large crowd assembled at i ctjasuno auction sale rtsujltuhx llorokhold ajst- lctjcas trc th undertgned auctioneer has re ceived instruction from in oboaak sonca to sell by public auction at hr horn on wallace av in th village of acton on ratukday mabtii lotst commencing at 1 00 o clock th following 3 small tables wash stand cot and m st tress toilet set four beds 9 iron and 1 wood 3 seta hpringa 1 mattress troll spring screens i couches jo kitchen ova irs iktur es 1 organ 1 oil stove palls dinino uoom rurnituke 6 chair 1 table 1 china cabinet window screens card table kit chen table kitchen cupboard mats 1 clock olshes kitchen utenf t wash tub copper boiler w tin iter loots vrult jars quilting frames 4b lad loll bulbs crocks furnry scale lamp fruit luskts trkms ash hoy minim ry 2 auctioneer town hall last rhurda evening when mr and mrs mac abbott th- nr wads were guests of honor mr and mrs ueorge orlffin q ict ly celebrated the sit third annixer aary of their wedding at their home liar thursda mmh t rate ntttl to hrr h ael and rson i rade om as a token at ap rectatlon of her service mrs loroth ilarton wile of cfi ja k bartt n a scheduled to arrue in milton this week she is a pass enger on the s s letllia and was ado- rmerl a teacher at the wood nook lourutl s h vil accrlngton h nj land anadlan ham p ton mabch blrtrlstone ii s dbet sicmficanie parsons born in marh hava as ihair blrlhstone tha bloodstone or aahotropa which i ihterprated as a blflb of a ttrtri a alor thj i aiaw t m imii wui 1 ssana which ma ba tean at tha hayal ontario museum u a artaty i quarts and la dark green in color with- rod pot of jasper ttatlrrad throughout the red pot were said ib cfcrtlltsn legend to repreaent tha blood of chrlit tha idea ha been asautlfally utilised in some gems cut tmg this stona wher the thorn- 1 i a h of oirlit 1 aaplaml i that tha red spots appear a dropa of blood trickling down tha hair and face i af tha savior tha bum heliotrope i j la oartvad from two flreek wonls bmabthg sun turning accordlns to i lafaad a bloodstone was suppoaad to i bapart a raddlsh hu to tha water la j which it was placad so that whan tha rays of tha sun fall upon tha water they gawa forth rod reflact- lons- from this fancy davalopad th kagtarauon that tha stasia had tha f powar to turn tha sub itself to a ia6wirsrjia 1 causa thukdar bughtrang rain and tampast tvtra chut usa is as a giu t hi m rlnts tha urgaat sapoalu ot i wlbiral aw found la india with i deposits br mbarla and tha cxcajuno report of five years work of busy bees club burlington i haendant tra chapter i o o i- celt brated thir went first annlm r r in then tom at phavendanegea mouse on m n la march th mr a raver the regent presided a hplemlid turn out ol veterans fnm world wars i and ii called to gether hv jhe l anadlan legion post 60 ha 1 an opportunity on r rlda eve ning lar to thresh out as a troup the guetltn of a suitable war memorial tor burlington and district w ednesda night w as ser lc mens night at trtnlt msns club w hen about so serv ice m and l formerl with the church wer hon ored at the regular mens club ban- i quel at the conclusion of business at the regular meeting of tha high school board on monday evening chairman robinson reported confer encea with the department ot educa tion on the proposed plans for th high school addition and announced tentative approval when tarn chang s which he said were for the best were made vcaxett auction saije in htin rownship ok ut httwi impsjohrnix hay irain btc ihe undersigned has received in i u tlons from rdgar c binuiiam to srll by auction at his farm uot 14 con 7 r rtn township situated on the sixth line half mil north of no j4 highway on ut3nrhliav maju1i tath 1mb commencing at 1 o clock the fol lowing hoksj uiey rey p mare rising 4 yrs chestnut mare p 10 yr old hrown mar i i li yt old brown mare aged kpt cxws a hhir us koan shorthorn cow with calf at foul keg rian shorthorn tow with bull alf at foot ueg noan short horn cow bred nov 5 keg while shorthorn heifer bred sept 12 ireg white shorthorn cow bred reb 10 keg t itoan shorthorn heifer due before sale date keg koan shorthorn cow bred sept ikeg koan shorthorn heifer brod iec 19 keg red shorthorn heir rr bred r h 23 keg shorthorn hull 13 mu old keg shorthorn hull 9 mo old keg short hoin j heifer 17 mo old keg shorthorn heifer one ear old keg th abov registered shorthorns are from foundation stock urchased from w j errle htlwood and the younger j stock are sired by o a c command i the 2nd j ruadf catti f hohteln cow i hred aug hi holstrln cow bred cvt 18 red cow bred oct 17 red i cow bred oct 11 4 baby beevea if j not previously sold this is a choice herd and in first class condition pics li young york sows due in artl 10 shoats siiffp 11 suffolk ewes 2 to 4 r old these ewe are bred to lamb from april it forward impirmfnts m ii binder 6 it rut a good binder i ii c mower 3 ft cut peter hamilton mower with pi a harvester m h drop head drum hav ixadcr new m ii side ivikerv rake and tedder combined ntarlj new m ii hav tedder m h dump rake m h 11 disc fertll izer and rain drill sylvtster 10ho svtxl drill cockshutt 13 spring tooth cultivator new blssell 14 out- throw disc 1drum steel i and hoi br 2 walking plows m h manure i s reader nearlv new 4 section llnr row h snif fler xloulder tempiln banning mill with bags platform scales a0o0 lbs i umber wagon with ho mi k wagon 2 hav racks bnrh sleighs portland cutter s bungles democrat stock back iiig truck bng houirr barrels bote neckvoltes rain hags sacks forks i 11 ws shov is chains etc thcve implemrnts have been well taken cure of and man are as good as new j harness j sets of team ham ess with bak band and breechlns i low llnmr single harness st of i uhle drlvlnit harness nick 1 mounted sk r he collars blank ets etc iia rain i i mbfr v tons f mke1 hav 2m bus of arthr oat 4v1 bus of heavv mixed t ram j0h hus of turnl s 2 or 1 itiouvand feet of 1 umber consisting urn i lank hemltrk plank hem lrk sprue basswood and maplr v i01vh01x ififctn deljival no ittveam svparntor i real k xhi r r t u hoards w od hrai r jar dishes a tv rs cash r mne until settled fr no rewrve a th fwm the no t nassagaweya busy bee i club end ave years of war work with receipts of wj0s08 and ims recelnts of ju1w25 th past yoar w held 17 dance during th aum- mer months a bazaar la th fall pro gressive euchre in march and april last spring and again in january and february this winter wa mad and sold and quilted 42 quilts and mad one and sent it to th halvsltlon army and had one quilt draw collections taken at meeting for cood oieer amounted to sll 46 and earh member gav her red crosa contribution last spring to th club and it is counted in donation receipts the lub parked and sent 13 boys hoses which is where nearly all tha postage accrued clgarts war sent to th asm boys spaced every other month alternate with th hoses live aood cheer convenor reported 81 cards sent to cxwivalvaoents and in svmpathy flower to a neighbor soldier buy who bad been in a train accident j4 bote to th sick in th community and a wreath waa plarod on th cenotaph th roll call had 24 name and an average attandanc of 10 member at each monthly mt ing the high light of th yvar was th welcome horn of sis of our ten boys namely cpl karl frank sir rrank allen gnr gorg wal ls re s james wallace pi glenn brltton and slgmn gordon allan financial summing up ilkceipts 111 from last year 04 23 returns of last year quilt ac 34 10 donations interest and dls counts 54 02 membership i- ees 2 20 art hies sold 6 79 qulltlngs 300 quilts made artd sold 1h1 00 draw lit oo prog r uchres 80 gd uasaar eurhre and booth nut included 73 39 boot li receipts 304 05 dante door receipts 1206 jo good cheer receipts 11 48 with th coming tournaments this month the acton y u abuz with acuwtw th junior at ar practic ing for th tabl ttanla tournament on march 20 th winning boy and gtrl to receive th baxter trophy w hich is a beautiful tjrw etin the list of partner for th sanlor badminton tournament has bn post ed on the y bulletin board and the player art making us of th early posting of th names to get in som prartlce with their partners and to try their ability as badminton players fir th force tlectric trophy the tournament will be held wednesday night march 27 at 8 30 th winners will b chosen by elimination thert will be a lunch and dance afterwards the boys hesathlon competition got- underway last thursday th j first of a 4 week competition for all- round track and field work points are given to ihe boys in each of th five events s broad jump hop step and jump high jump fio yd potato race and shot put and at the end of the 4 weeks competition th boy with the most number of points will rocelv the lleuthlon trophy at th end or the first night the two boy in th lead ar melbourne blow with 519 points and lnrne arblc with 513 v points iorne was runner up for the trophy laat year being only s points behind the winner jack stew art who took th trophy at that time for ihe second year in a row junipfr nb cplonly indus try of this small lumbering village went up in smoke when fire destroyed the sawmill of fleming and flbton umlted two hundred of 1 000 vtl lag dt liens ar out of work as a result of th 9200 000 fire auction sale of horakh cattfje fuuccf an mat the undersigned has bn instruct- wm ritchie a ast hrown to sell by auction at lol 23 3rd line lsqunlng on thurhdat uajuji us at 1 o clock th following wu ritchie ho its fa amy horse agad cray horse aged cray mar agd catti fc- grade shorthorn hifr calf at foot grade shorthorn cow 1 yrs due time of sal grado shorthorn cow 5 yr bred july j7 rade shorthorn cow 4 rs hred july vi grade shorthorn tow 3 yrs bred aug 6 gran shorthorn cuw 1 yrs bred aug 20 grade shorthorn ow 3 yr brd spt 18 rade shorthorn lulfer 2 yrs- bred mar 10 2 trad shorthorn heifers 1h mm pdre bred shorthorn bull 20 mot pk s slllrp fowu ftc kg tamworth sow bred jn w h tar worth hunks jo young breeding rue bred to lamb about may 1 osford ram j shears cjuantlty of rurnlps snd mangolds 25 lit no reserve as mr ritchie is in poor health art brown horses ray mare a yrs blark elding 4 yr catti e holsteln cow r yu calf al foot jersey cow yrs due time of sal jersey cow 7 yrs du lime of sale short horn cow 5 yr calf at foot shorthorn cow 3 yrs bred in july shorthorn cow 5 yrs bred in october shorthorn cow yrs hred in march jersey cow yr bred in nov shohhern rati w mos blsrk heifer m mos 3 shorthorn heifer n mos 2 short horn heifers 6 mos t shirthorn steers 6 mos plrs fowu ftt yorkshire sow and c pig tal llttr yorkshire sow hred jan 0 pigs 10 weeks old 5 chunks 25 hens 2 geese and 1 gander uster cream tunaratae nothing to be removed till settled for in rase of bad weather sale wtll le held under cover mtms ash frank pktch auctioneer a w bent in clerk v2 104 5 iilsuuitsr mrnts prira halloween euchres etc advert islni ielr hone calls secretary treasurer supplies booth sup lies articles bought chair pall elc bazaar expense orchistra and floor manager quilt materials postage good cheer boys welcome home hovs cigarettes including ot age salvation army sirk children hospital bovs boxes postage not in eluded red cross acton branch nav v ueaguc 40 mine sweepers m0 jchrtktle street hospital acton irlnlty war service league institute for the blind british xmas cheer fund lontaiio host hal at wood i stok w reath on cenotaph 2 brides of the cluh honored mmouhcmmi my dentsl prsrtlre has baen soli to dr korce a kirks of teraate who ulll utunw hu duties about march 30th hugh s austin djxs farnworth memorials menoaseats at maaarste prlaaa cemetejiy lettewng clara ma ai cemetery oiulmi ont tt i i i i pieeie inst ij4tion sifciausts bxv ht j hck fv- ic mastin district m sniffer iijin lnsllltion compav western ltd 7 bloor si w toronto rcr complrte infortnstlon kstlmstea etc phone 21 acton m nev on hand s2104t5 june r vans mrs au lit rs mrs i w s r ice 1 burnt iv ilose this report with an expression of thanks to all who at tended owfllances euchres and hai aar those who contributed to our ihm th and bazaar ami who gav don atlons of m ne with thankfulness for the safe return of our bps al readv home and the hone of succs thl coming jear to be able to send comforts to thr bovs still over there nntl to add to he fund of those org- anizatlons that are helping those so muth levs f rtunate than ourselves sctretar treasurer elma i ken nedq 1 reulent 1sthrr m iavenport attention veterans mr maurice scartc chief pcnmons advocate for ontario ill address the next meeting of the acton branch canadian legion all members and tx members of the services are in vitcd to attend the meeting is our regular social fvemnf refreshment snd lunch being provided time h00p m date movdav march lhth place lemon hall gkokgktovl iiinin r- ami hi iorr au tlineers t lrrnrr ocr u trusses afcds trw ami rtop austexja4ll- asurss k adsady sra m ossfga brsar ooelpb mnj it items of business al the mon lav night meeting of i eorgetown i unrtl wn a decision to include the completing of fwlng street through to flm street in the r d expertdltur hudget u r 1m6 i in ill health sine last july jolfls pav brnned prominent georgetown citizen died at his home on church n tuesday februa pftth j lorktov saslj cp warav- ing stamps totalling 22 755 hav been purchased sine 1041 by pupils of yorkton city schools william r parsons chairman of the school com- mitt reported recently contracting housebuilding remodelling renovating sprav brush painting builtin cupboard and closets r jmwards cwbtrnctiwi and pamtine service main st ttockwood a concert sponsored in the gln town hall last wednesday evening by st alhan s ladles guild raised 0000 which has been given to th george town recreational council i w ord has been received that th ah- force ross has been awarded to t squadron leader icharle sjockford and will be presented to him at an in vestiture in ottawa at a later dat by- the governor general at a meeting of the georgetown recreational council in the municipal 1 rullrilng last wednesday fvening4 february 77th mr charles auter- berr of toronto exftlained the prov incial government plan df financial assistance to municipalities which em bark on a recreational program herald muv is thk timk tt wuuz vol h nursery stock f 0 r early delivery evergreens trees shrubs roses heding climbing vines black and red currants rasrbero canes no i ontario crown stock atl stock guaranteed write for prices gardenalesfarti 1519 avmitie road toranta or box 58 ahon lka

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