Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1946, p. 3

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thursday march lilt 1m the acton free press pack th suggests hay net for tendeb turkeys new brunswick n j cct for a plumper and mora landar tur key hit- slate deparunant of aerle- ullura t hunters univarally advlaas reditu the birds with hay itnwvtar trot iaul argolf l- vur using baled ha in irtleieuca to ihr loo sluff ha found tha birds had difficult pirklns leaves oft lha louaa stalks and aumrilmas swaj tcmrtf thr wnola stalk auction sale in lkamoha township kallm httkx wpikment tha1tuk eqi ipmknt am kl hmtl ur ilir undrrsltfnad aui llomris laa nnjvrd instruct lun from mbk ruma mrlmh tl mx nldim of thr lal joltn iwrliouijall to sll l iublh auttlun al 1 i faim lt jl ton liinua nu aled on ilw 7th lis lntli l i- arton una 1 milts n of rrrton on monday aikii 1st cnmnirniing al 10 o t iw k tli follomlna iioiikks i hay usr h rs old about 1mi l i itay llmit 1 rs old aturut ivo lb 1 hlark oldlnk fanrral luj 17 r 1 rarln ivrrhrron t iht cows 1 lloan cow milking well brio in fb had row miming wall dua lima of sale had cow fraah 3 angus co allh ralvaa at foot at catne kat staara rising 3 yra old angus youno cattle 13 cholca angus yrarllnga llots sow due in juna 6 ulf chunki ft shoata tractorand equipment m ii tractor 101 jr on rubbtjr ntly oarhaulad with brand naw mo tor 3furrow tractor plow 3 walk ing plows m ii 17tooth cultivator with powar lift and traitor hitch cajig plow mrcormlckdaaring 1 ft niiuur naw m ii drum uoadar naw potato plow m ii slda dallv- ary raka purnlp sowar m ii 11- apout dlac kaitlltrar irl1l naw vi ii ivsnout drill with fartlllrar at- tachmrnl mkormlck 6 ft mowar 2furnm plow 3drum staal rollar iynrhflrld manura spraadar nug- y xi ii 10 ft dump ilaka uob jalghs culler wagon and llox ramplln annlna mill hay rack hay fork ami hope jono lb scalaa halting pullrvs rtr sat of harrows 3 steal barrels pulper- lap wtc cm engine v h p johnson air cool gas engine suitable for wash ing machine rrk hoas shovau grain mags whlfflatraas logging chains ate furniture 1 kitchen lungai 1 dresser with mirror 3 dada wllh springs and mattreaars 1 colaman 3 burner gas htosr mellotta cream separator milk palls miwm mrr 1 chronicles tt fraln r ton clover hay pol tttly fquipmfnt foun tain hoppers etc brooder stove 1 rroojlrr house h 10 one 10 x li term cash no rhallrls to he rc- mnverl until settled fnr no itwnf a ihr farm it rentid r ran ia i will have a lunch niinlpr ho him m j a h i io 1 i audi tit i altcil tn t it tk t 4t 2 i ijarini auction sale in htln township farm htimk impijcmrtm i hai rirain n rm rr nx tht inrtviiirn an lion i uwv rvrmtl inslruiun frrnu ii n mrifn to trll lv iuhlu aintitin nl his turn jt 10v con 1 siiualisl n lh 11 i 1 ln- of ttin i mllr s of j4 hluhw mlun of at inn on oniiav mk1i lm1i cnmnirnthu al 1- u o iim k tin follmvtnj hohrs ak- tram of k1 purior loro him k nml lrown a iral iih1 irani kpnt i nl imrihm- marr t mi om roimi in all harne cows ittit io lntl jan 17 rry cow brd jan x white d hrtnl ian is kl low m full iu of milk llokiiin cow milking ull yol ni tvtii i- holw hitt foixi motvii rtonc r 4 short horn nti i timj j r pirltnk j oiink i lllms oik sm ln 1 lih uivttl tli ft x should lll mt h mli v hinil ir m h m w m n v sml prill ufflr m h lrm tl iuhinior i ii i 1 tlivini kollt i 1- l ui 1 ll n klil i ok nhutt j funow ll n irtlt i mii nm lliirw hnnnuit mill i- inn iton nrul ho vtth hi kim looi sleigh ioitlantl tutti hit umk 1 ft fvtinlon lntllt iuiihm iravil iu la kopo rullrv nl lawn mowtr m 1 nlout r tl dny fnlr hn v p1i ep air chronicles of ginger farm wrtttea strially faa j tfca aetaa kraa praaa kj uwrmmiuve p 1tuur i iin i i i n rm i an epljimlr fcrrni to av truck tll dlmtrht no it lint meaalt or flu or an thing ilk that and al though k mut irrlbly upvtting i it4ii t tlilnk oftrn provsa fatal hi namo of tint d1urlam e itm nrvrf i aid of if rll mab you havrnt but if ou ikrd in tmi dutilrt and card of farm aftrr faim i imt ttad twrn tulit or it up for kl iu would know what 1 ni an farm r from i he im k rt mi- ouli mi l ar tliruukh to ttu hlghwi ar wiling out mid if hint knl mlltli i don t ki w whiit u h ni hi- i ivrllmg wall or mum itint i rhrir liuliik hut if nnr na hazard a guru would uy mnif of thtm ate uiltlnr on a count f ill hfalth oihtr hrau- thr ar llrid of fighting a i rut oddt all tru tlnir lai k of help ithtirtbgr of fd milrig througti the nm for i vf ry- thing thr mutt bu yra buying all thf tim at oiling pru and mlllng mu h of thair own gwjdt al um thaa thr ot of pidhucllon and now that thcr ar plenty of would n buyr falling or thmblvo to get a gui plr to ltvvand what probably they think it an raiy living tirrd farmars aaa a good rhanra to gatout from under- and they ar taklnglt mayb ii la all for the bett who knowa new brootn iwep lean naw awniri will bring new idraa ioaalbly tha men who are going on to thea farms will mart in with high hope and great anlhulan and thay may get along all right yaa if trvey have plenty of capital the chance ar they will make good anyway hecausa work that 1hr can i do themtrlvr they can pay to hae done at a price hut if they lire returned men tak ing up land under the veteran 1and acl thci wu hnvr fight on their hands and we certainly hoe ii wlti be a fight that will end in victory for them and ai to that a lot will de prnd on the wlin of lhee men whether veteran or otherwise 1rettv toon all our turlvlng war rlrrtm will lie home tome with a wife and amall family other plan ning to 2et inaniid and tetllr dowij while atlll othan remain in the unat- tn hed bracket no mattrr in whit calegor thry fall there are anxloua d nhend ict convt rlon npphea not onl to mnchinif but to men and o- nii n 1h imtnrr an i i went thrtiu h it ill tftcr thr int wnr nnd wf km w ilifoitonnt i one h know- irhli ixn t muth help to this new u inintioii i im li mnt mnke h t ow n w u i im h hl ow n mlitakrt riot k n iiklhg we hai to allow hum nrtit wi do if we are w le smilimi ewrlince la dt arly i nit ht hut here i little the nutiml- ir looklnk on can do about it alrid ttoilen nre mmlng o light of the dirrituttlot mime of hump re- inrntml m n an up ngnlntt particul- irk the minted on of outlet l w ho find thint fnr thort of ihi it evoclatloni with aubaequrnt henrtafh nnd mliinitentnndtngt to uhlih the homing thortage con tiibutet in no small meiure rend the want ndrrtimmenli in the muiptlr nf nounn couplet nlmont imtking for one or two room in whiih to ike can uni think of inihlng mon dkcinnging thnn hut iitlltng ar t for a plan in whith t make n home musi if he ho who have i ome hnfk wii so kix la lc home agnln fir i whilt hn wnr hunt n top of he w ulil flu it lhe nnit up it iirit ilisillutlonmcnt dlanppolnt- m nt i i mil h i n rehihlhlntlon ji hlttn- it mi mod no matter what i i m- tl mi if i i the futur th wire i nhoiilitl with ohtani some utik ft llowt wlhlnta 1o i nli r univ- ivit found ititnin ln- in whuh lhi wnfc ininentisl nlreack ijj-i- i row did hthiri hixlng tht ir et on mii pnrtnulnr furm find mdd n o nurni itll thr hac nhdutil no time to thnk tt oir it i jut a ins of take tt or lne it hni o historians recall early b c fenians rmu by rbb rvoltfuonigu cctv trcd in laid mining cgjup 1 victoria b c ci vim oi the little known inrtdrnu of tha tajl hlttory of ilnttui columbia ar iming turned up by ir t w rn m 1 a tor c ranhrook who with others hat bn dvklng into ttia i ir iron prtttilng hat dlsrluael that tn 1h67 enlant caplureit wild hurt crmk mining camp km miles nprth of c lanbrook and robbed tit miners in a bat he hh h followtm fenlant were killed anil 17 aptur- e1 itacelvlng adane notice that the eiilam were on their way to hie amp the miner ar- repoi ted to unf leutleil s1hxmh ill uld dut1 h- i re the fight j hi fcturv m- i tealeit to lr it i harlet tdwatitt loneei of lha ditrlct mho oht niiied the n rtt frjni ih turvkoi whin he tame into tin min try hi ho erlv mot wnt n fol iomi itieii 1- niiniu an iruh reiut iiuiary txlft organized itt men warn in the wild hore dlrl t to tapture the tamp neart all mln r in the an a wei irith hy turpi im the ieniant lmk tot lon of flalmt arul mired u the kuld they could find ilie miners were disorganised un til xtubaet rhllllna hudson a uay nmpan officer in t harga and two other men gathered them togethar and org an lied a counter offentlw and sunduad the invaders tha min ers did not know what to do with tha 17 pr i sonars captured and finally de- tided to walk them out to tha roaat a l out 300 mllaa on their way they met a judje ifaynea on tha trail a trial was held and lha 17 ware convicted and sentenced to banishment after which the captive war diivan acroas the bmder into the lnttd stat as r- v a v rjuuumno halifax tcp mobil racrullln unit aim liar lo thoae usad during tli war will be used by th ii c at on lourt of nova scotia and princ ed ward island to interview proapcctkc rrrruita for ground cttw tn th panu anent air fone caiararv albektan ikaixks weekuks cauahy alberta ci paying tnbutv to the ueekl press o can- ada ttu calgary a iberian said tn a re en t editorial that the grass r tol prcu the country waekllaa tan alwnvt be ivure of a profoasionai and t iter ef ore vtnrer and lnf ounad tribute in the offices of tin ir larger bitthreti thr dalllaa ihtt itoilal went on to k if the ntple l hey wrrf have the same ap fiotlttlon of tlwm tti ntilor of tin ounir weekly it a hard winking valuable and loo- often undervalued menttia r of his iiimrnunlty he i a ihionl in of itt life of lit dtaths anl biitht itt dail found and ociauonal atamlty he hat a tym- albelk i ar ii ver tttxly troubhs aind eer tntl joi he 1 im hlid a k hdly kiilunff all togrstktf pub lit atlioii and al the vaiim tiiie take hri mlna mil to lufllt inlvat v mug t r hiifft ting he u mote liillmattiv u intl of the life of hi ommuiill lliun any i it in r i h of uillii it i illt or ran lnii me ii ik rev a nl la nut the ad mli at ton of hi piofi ulminl brother immmi hut in tiie proittt f hit town unit th- affectum i f its people hit ju ull lo lil i oinmunli la irflc1d by llloalt lo him and many a four lage weekly tet and piliiltxl tiy the editor hlmtelf though iu tr ulatlon ma le tmall lndead at mla to the far corners of th mill to old luwntfolk in californ ia florida i- jig land and the antip odes and other distant placaa a pro portion of that circulation which tha biggest city dallies never hope to qua foijrn anlmtvaouuby truro n5 cij th nova scotia farmers association has readi ed its golden anniversary premier angus i mcdonald was on hand at the vmh annual convention of the as sociation to congratulate the dele gate without mxoual aid lisdakt saak cp mra a llerslkom 34yarold mother of the isolated community of doncrest miles east of her gave birth to triplets without the aid of a doctor recently only neighbors attended the birth of ttre- three- buys adventure search said crime cause need for teenage lrv riulav sfr by welfare troupg mon ntkal cp tmera and urgent need for tenaje glr cmbs in montreal tlmllar to etltilng uoy t luht hat lie n ttreied fallowing a panel ht uiloii by a iiumbi r of mem bers of welfare group mrs n vail of ivrj community enire tald a good recriatlonsl pro- gi um for young miple would not iu- the problem of juvenile delltmju i it although it certnlniy would help to i hii k it bei aue bajjially our tulh nchd ixm1 volld families gool hiune tt hoolt and r hurt het mi m kennel tf the juvenile i ourt mild child delloiunt wat a tulm or innlatljutmi nt in um lty mil uri itl kriat nin- in orxenlrauod if k i lutu ixrnum we mud gtv km hl whut thev wnnt wlllmi llin- it iviul no olfer tl i in w hat w think ihi v oold lit mr n nl r of ih nl un- t ming eiitre aid tin n wn great nd of luun tlln aitlvlly for girls lie aute thev i ainel no tood htniwing around small restaurant nnd ttoret although the compulsory n hool at tendance act in ihjeber had iwltered th tiiuatlon somewhat a great numbei of girls still wanted to itav trhool al m and go lo work f j halt on head of the boys llureau federation of catholic char ities said that rs per rent of juven ile delinquency occurred during lte- ure hours as crime and delinquency in yuung peopl ar tha result of th search for adventure coai m1neh clobb ietniikilwr- alta cp strip coal mines established tn albert un it r federal government tpunstitlhlp now art at a ttandttill after conn letlng th u thlid seaton of operauoa llolng of the rnlnea it attributed 0 the detltiie in need for emergency fuel f hydro 00 hour lamp tu l youll enjoy our orange pekoe blend walallii an open letter to canadas exfighting men in imr 1ni msf m ii rr i i um iln vrll in i m i li lutr i ni ivll 4 v n tl t u i rip t t t t i r x vu sntl tur fellow wnur nirn htvr fouhi for he prtr frmlom ami htppinr c bow entv vxc n tininwm with all true anttlun believe that vou thttultt rrcivc our air dure a mmitlk tharr nl the priitpcciiv dial iouhl not im- ouri i i mm thr v uion too hae ttliuxctl wr hrluvr that unlr oor r hklinni men at a whole reath j l wl irvturil ol inini anatla unn i aium ihat lull nt jiurr of die proiperm i ir whuh we all i jh wr 41 i in lunl 1 m nit j iri m it 1 i all in oor powir io in i mti uiirnlml bo m im lir nl m tlu n pte it mju r lur in j phi iooklit fot sirvicimin huh o hi liking or in a hminet of hit own hat will afford him a lull ant i protprroiit life krprihluicif in ihi atknutc ment arc vnmr ilnnilm i nun a booklet we luve prepantl to help ci ran lintl iheir rei in tivilun life ll i our i- llut when ton are ininjin with he pro um of nariinj alrrh on to uriti he i lli mat ih ki ih ij lul in ton i unlit r we riicnil a nrntllt nt nan n i mi an i thai limit fin w oh an one ol our i14h4 t r hi kn wult the premin uiui n4l t n nnk tn bminrtt i in u anl tn ro n nut hit of iln t inm mn nm ix omiui m tht m4th i i n or mli ieihap in tan filer ll ii n v onuikur or a nine i bank it an if i u arr h ink in of braruhuit nut lir oil os mikisi i till i jjcnia f itttt itn fir w vv grain box omiitved air sprnt i rllaon is hp fnglne cyosxut saw pump j at k and licit axes of back pand harnett shnfu 5 t of single hnrnexi iur collars niank- ets etc ruks hags forks hoe a articles too numerous to mention hay ami ilain- too bu mlo1 iraln 1v hut oats a quantit or ha a large quantltv of mlxtsl soft wiol cut readv for the ttoe llovseholjt art1cies dining room suite quebec heater prin ce pat range good as new clock hair parlor suite 3 bedroom suites complete toilet set wicker parlor chair stewart warner battery radio rocking chain parlor tables larg cheat of drawers parlor rub fire extinguisher small tab a cupboards kitchen furnit ure of all kinds such as plates plat ten cupav saucers bowls knives fork spoons cooking utensils of all kinds terms cash osprtnjre ladle will hav a lunch counter no reserve as the farm is sold and the proprietor is giving up farming please come early as everything in the house mutt be sold a good prise for the early buyer furniture salt3 oclock rov hinduey j a eujott b auctioneers i w i iti i new it it it s fit ting thai tump hulnxi and industrial firms a iv failing t lite up to theli prom- ui of rv otnhltthmi nt for returned nu n li it an wonder our bots arc rest- leiv etmhtalk when while we ar presumably t eace war clouds still hang uminoutlj oer th horizon arv we going to let our bos down lh fought for us now it is our turn to fight for them to the get a square deal he mum r i 1 i u atkmk v rue or tee tour nearest it of ftl manager toda that kakmktts diu a to town cum ax satk qp something new has been added a snow digging bee the farmers of the treelon dis trict south of climax were snow- boond for a month and decided to or ganize a snowdigging bee fifteen farmers with shoelr and oire trucks dug their way to town l ij took them 8 hour but they ar rived in town tired happy and hun gry and glad to be tn touch with the outside world again ov rooat tpktt eimitrle of tlen lu be txi nu suaial uimu fs mnnt 11 if im 1 bank of montreal urig uttb camtdiami m ettry ui4 of lift nut jn7 acton branch w h clayton manager ov iu sfmff ridniltt dnn t kc tic rt tlk osrm ref ill aweft t nnr tin 1 ti it oa jrufp os xggjcfvg hfz your uimi mm matitaa rvadr willins fwj ld lu chat thinn over with fuu

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