Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1946, p. 6

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p- the atton free press thursday march 3ut 1u the week au ottawa by h demy uoooson priaa waff wrisar the internment of 4vuianb at ottawa ci the ww pasuaraaat- ary session oened amid a burst of activity related lo canadas espion age probe hlch uw on of hi men- imt prvd rom laborprogressive member for montreal carter involv- ed following mi arrvst in ottawa the night parliament opened hnntf minister maclrmle king esplalmd lo the common that mr rose was be lieved to have sciet at intermediary in obtaining information or lui meanwhile a ieunrt inter on rfrnd li tlte hoy a i cemmisslin iiim t gat ing the spy raw brought l i ghl four new nhinrt leaving live unuu nl- ifled tti ml ill tield lllnim unk- arto the new name n lr lan 1 ilnyer of monlnal assistant ilirm- utry professor at ill tnlvrsm and ke rs art li worker in the dev i oimrnt of the fuirr etploajve ki harold oivrt uf mont rest for mer munitions ilar1meft ofll lal rudn 1eacj r matt mghllngale 40 of montreal iu11 telephone employ ee and former h a f oftlcer and ir liavld shugar 10 polish imrn torontontan who formerly did re search worm or the navy on anti- ubmirint devices the four alone with mr itiw were s its 1 need in court charged in connect ion with espionage activity and were remanded uke the four peraoni previously named they were relcated on hall whtrh ranged for the nine persona thus far charged from si 00 to 10 um the homing hnrlags itutttt la the aide of practically every canadian community targe or una ii likely to remain a number one problem fur some time but it la due for a lot of government attention in the near future the scarcity of labor and mat rials which li holding back housing in canada la a re fled ion of much great r shortage and munh wnrw homing oondltlona la warravaged areaa such a britain the netherlands fiance and germany and authorities do not aspect the canadian situation lo clear complete while the world slt- uuon remain so black however the aped arte of many art vtcemen and their families without shelter has aroused acute conscious- fte of the seriousness of the sltusl- ion and indications are housing will i receive much attention in parliament during the new s both pro gressive conservative leader john bracken and c c f leader m j cold well have indicate thev will press the question to the government new government a lion to siccd housing const rut hon b channelling available materials into the most sentlal jobs pilmartl the mnttrutt- ton of low coat homes and rqln ruing building regarded as non essential if expected short 1 the throne speech last week said special efforts were he inn made to expand the supply of building mater ials and at the same time provide em ergent y shelter as steps already taken it mentioned the arttlngup of the cvntra mortgage and housing corporation the at mutes of which are being closely coordinated with those of wartime housing umlted and the veterans i and at t admin istration with a view to tucking all matters relating to housing aa largely as possible under one government de partment brightening the pit lure somewhat was a statement from w j leclalr general manager of the canadian lumbermen association who said logtutting in canada s mvithern foi- esa readied ah alltime high this winter and that there would be no lumber shortage thl spring llifii- probably will he more lumber than we hai labor elestilcal equipment and plumbing supplies foi hous t m strut lion he uild lnck of skilled labor l tlavmsl bv the construction industrv aa one of the main problem a meeting of employ er and emploei reptvsent ing the induktrj in atiout iarts of canada last mtwth revomniended ap- prentloiiihtp training that wtvuui swell ibe ronv of sktlh mirlim by mwl singapore 191245 continued from last vk rnouh was ruw known of t lc metttud of the evtapo for inurneva tu form loirn idea of the ordeal in volved in an uivesligationiinprtsoi nunl in conditions of almost incred ible pmaituii and siualor the nur- nlew tslinv torture b buinlng by uffoalun rarkinn deprivation of f jd dunk and vleep ftr prolonged p hods itwse were not inflicted pumriiu nls 1 ompi kjt ol illvril islll wt the u orld w heat shortage has ruarhed a highly critical state with an overall lack of 186 million bush els vocation so help saimon altm b c td u d iangman pioneer real estate man twe rs j f him clkaatlno auction sai pi rk brrd ouaur irouiteinh pkaull ikj4lkkh toactos 1m- lijcmxntk uajuv kqijii kuun- kkax ehtatn etc self ttie building in whlrb he had ah off u e fur 30 arv has been con demned l rlt council and there is no at ant oflice ajtace in town m ke ll4v me1 iifft it nlh on it mix nt tnd ot the illvst uillv llt- lull objett i n will not tx- uovmi until it is jilt lo ikim rull nuhv lite of mo i i but l v in puit m ii 1 wl i h di j o i of w li eh i u wmb i ml ltn ot hi t e unip rnr hih rtv and in h to uiunak a upiniud plot whl u it ii nt ie ium un r lt tte il h iirm atillnil it neeille to wiv 1 nui h plot rvl inl but kill flit i made it all the in dllf mil to jule w lu1 11111 ti vi i iu 11 hi would not b reanted av uplrnus bv the until iating nllioi ami few iiiiiiiks tould f t- 1 that the weir safety out- htde thr niiie if i tie invent itcallitn itie tak wilhdiew ttieir offlc- tk fiom tie camp on ilt januaiy 1h4 and the control of he interneca revrrtrl to the nipponew army au- ihortlle hut the invent igallon had by no means flnlshetl and arrests ron- linudunlll 4th april 1m4 by which time v internees including 1 women had been takan into custody of the male internees 1 was executed 8 died in custody including 3 w ho were re turned dead to the camp 3 died in the camp hospital of the effect of their imprisonment within period varying fraen a few hmira la 3 month after their return to the camp of the remaining men a were returned within 11 davi and others suffered im prisonment for periods var fiom s to 12 months of the 1 women 3 were imprlmmcd for months and 1 for 7 months nearly all those who relumed required prolonged hospital treatment to restore them to a semblance of their former health during the period of gestapo con trol all privileges e g lecture con certs educational classes meeting between husbands and wives were cancelled and the camp diet w aa drastically reduced internees were subjected lo all kinds nf persecution from the sentries and tha sikh guards and instances of face slapping punching and kicking were of almost dallv occurrence piiaab 4 on 3ut january 1m the nippon ec arrm authorities asxumed con trol of the camp hut most of the of ficer who had held office under the m a 1 admlnlvtratlon remained it munkl continued as camp supervisor nnd mr lomlnagn n camp censor and of fleet in charge of t ommunic- nlion hobavavhl and kawnsml al- i retained office but the aiiprt nic command of the camp was vested in militarv nfflteis majttr cencrnl sat to major tamaka and sgt ma tam- nka iunltr militarv officers we e alto appointed m charge of the nr- ious branches of camp work eg mgetahlc gardening michanlral tianvrl nmil t onvli i tlon elt mmc sikh guards later to be rein forced bv malavs were retained but their authorltv vyax reduced and tha mln guard vcn1ktfce4nipporieso soldiers v 1 he change in administration did not result in anv immediate ion in the restrictions by the casta- mi hut major tamaka effected in provement in the camn cereal latlon which vc as in reused from eight nnd a half minces to about thirteen nun res nnd us nutntlonnal vnlu was lm- pioved for the first two months by the intluslnn of sov a beans svtth the ftrparinreof heceslapo in lanuarv the patrolling of the i imp ntaitu lens rlgoious but hm h ant lnfonii nt mcthnu of nlmiv fitting me ipline oitiiil liotn tilne lo time a room tepr- nt iiim- t i tie nit n camp nnd lu i isle esoi r kept in the kii m t tn vtith m ihi fot dnvx u ins thtv w r omble h tvpltin the origin of onie f ol print in t he eat t h tkhm of imsige running underneath the giiuirwl fhwr of the gaol and entrance to tahiih oult u gaine1 from t lie room for which thev were raanonslhla pie unoxrsjgned auctioneers irtiod instructions fium mlrrav o uavwaju lo sell by public auction at ins lol 1 ton 7 twp of tjiua- mile w of hornby 4 miles fs i if xtiltun on pavitl road oji k1u1iav ma1u ii rath l untmrnuiiit at w jo oclock lh xum farm tokii ukntkunkrs winsiim ci lheve tuufh mighty touili in ttie weat and they live long to henry tlmlb k w tio it fl ontaiio in ik7j elebrstl his uund birthday recfiitly and mrs su- kuiine oppln eel tirated her 102nd tl following day ioits 1 im heron mare oil 1 iei b rem efctlng z j 1 a quill thit k bloc ky pr it 1 ion ma iijn old w 11 bn li r t ti hi iioisimn ca mk lnha i inimit lutt hlntid in h jan 1- lidi talf nt sldf ilinnu sue al- uliu fitsh r i 4 not bnd liar t4ii itriialda mount h due apr i r i in y mm l ya ho jo in fui iu lrel rrli 1 lotllllla mmy bred sept li tattylng first calf m ill loal ijiv lin mi 1h iuij moll jo sally bom may u imj moll imhi sbil ini july jft ill llwin man o war lewdrop i r 1 1 nov 1 i mi a n v one w a it 1 1 ng a good young bull would do well to impei t this bull aiwl evamlne his bitvcloig aik catilk- 1 houteln tow due time of sale 1 houteln t ow in full flow hied ikec 11 1 houteln t ow in full flow bred mar g 1 hoi- kteln cow in full flow not bred 1 houteln cow in full flow bred feb 17 1 houteln cow in full flow bred lec 1h 1 holsteln cow in full flow bred jan 31 1 houteln cow milking due june 30 1 jersey cow in full flow bred ier 30 3 holsteln heir- ersue may 30 and 33 1 houten heifer brad dec 30 1 houteln heifer bred jan 10 3 houteln llal- fera 15 moa old not bred 3 houtel heifeea and 7 moa old 3 houtein heifers 4 and 5 moa old thu hard shows a lot of breeding and product- ion iary kquilmknl 3unlt illit- man milker motor pipes and new rubber 3 aluminum palis m d kl- ectric steel cabinet gcan cooler al- most new klectrlc iall 14 gooa milk can h gal capacity 150 ft itubher hose milk palls strainer etc 1 r actor and fquipment j li iractnr on ruhber model b it this machine has been well taken new v i pin t auction sale in m rntn rr t ml t igiod have iisnoil m i tions from hmith i 1 put lit iui lion at tli 1 t in t iv p of tt imltll of mill n mill n vtt m llminbv i m leaved road on kattkpav mar if mui at i ul oclixk the lulloin i cln vlt mt id sulti mlk wil ui n w i besternld hli nnd uptitdsiery in good i plece iinliig kooin suit just like new an esieii 1 i cuuiked cuovh a review of the 1946 position of tha oil and fat situation by the combln- e1 riwid itnarrt bnwnd a mbstantlal rtefirtt of supplies against requlr ments hit- world s exportable sur- piuv which was divided approv-lmate- iv uiree ways that u between the t nited kingdom ttie tnltad states and canada during the parted 1m3 to lmi must now be appurtioaed tn anada among 16 or more rial masts who art demanding their fair share of world supplies says tha currant review uf agricultural conditions it was in view or thev facta that the lominion iruvlncui conference on agriculture rtctmm ended that l he riavstel and sunflower at reajie ie intituled and ramsced and aoy uun acreage maintained ihw birvee jajujed john ratner was recently eoavici ed in tteglaa saslc on 17 counts f mrlng frr inriia s aaall- en ed iu serve one day in 511 on 4 haigt sentence to run concurrent- iy katner w ho purchases hogs for tha iralrle parking company raclaa pleaded guilty to forging and utter ing lo ernment hog premium wajr- rarils claiming that the presnlum money was neied to reimburse him for tlte extra price paid for boga this was not juvtlfted in the invest igation made by ui lic m p jlaatlt ution of xjvj to the dominion traaa- ui u prunilscd premium war- i an it weie in man i ae made out tu fteisortt lio did not market any hogs ir fmm it sing j i nv lutl ti i this machine has been well ti rare or and runs and looks like i j furrowed tractor plow no 8a i ockshutt almost new double disc m ii x section drag cultivator jcocksnutt 3 furrowed int tractor i plow kxtra wide cultivator m h with traitor hitch circular saw and krame craln crlnder ft plate sieed jack rubber tired wagon with i flat rack tractor and horse hitch i oil cans etc heavy drive belli 175 long t- wide steel barrel of lyansmlsslon trrasc and pump iiorkk drawn impiemknts i rain hinder dcerlng fi ft mowr i dee ring g fl cut 1 crop mower i veering 5 ft in good shape grain drill ln inrtcr i veering dump rake cock shut r new it en per m d 1 int brow disc set of seed harroas 1 section sel of seecl harrows u 1 section set of lleavs drags -sc-cl- 1 ion wnlklng plows potato plow single kurt owed riding pirns illller or ditching plow single scufiet i k inning mill ilatfnitn scnles j low j i i tick wagons slush scrnjier set of mectrit tlipjiers j cutters puwer i hnrul clippers root puljier sel of i bench sleighs jogging t hag i pint form lyuc k road sctniw r j ki ts trie fencers w ith new iwttt erics has fork rcie new x hot ied ssh self feeders lot hogs steel rail 1- ft 50 lbs binder twine set of pipe dies no of o bnrrv u 1 i full nf fiel on complete kttter car rier new realty kxtra utter car- iiier hut ket and uft 5 lxigguig ichnlnx odd harness lopo fl steel i rodtling new no of cedar posts tvcld collars set of bras bark band i tlamexx 1 do new pilchfoiks 1 doz yiew hoes large cpjnntitv of sacks i rain kfkd mmbkr popit- a fkitnii7kr too bus ttals lo bus sova beans icx bus galore itnrlev suitable for see1 s bus red i i ver seed 1 hus buckwhent i bbl molasses tkl lb feittliet jlx lb ihlt mineial 2 tongues wxl it 1 hnnlwood lumber dr 150 ft longue nnd groove i umlier drv s lumht-a- cedar ihlntlcl j3 ijig ii ns brocvder ibntse x i n w lamswav he tuc brochler vx c lo k iputt hoppetx feedi rs ett kchniivbk 3 plee t in sterfield willow suite like ntw wm stands t piece irker shn uonri suite pie lak dining room suite j stud beds springs nnd fei- tb i nntliivu intge steel clolhrx linkr i c omcirtm tits like m w j diessc i couch vsmlnter ku ii x id 1 f bug x i j 1 lellol rug i i 1 congolettm kug 1 fled tie iron llflppv llicnlghl iia tove kmill slxe mcclnrv ki el rlo stove small tables pictuits nrnl nlhit hmurhnm rffnli iv tianlsomt suit sitlil tk i unlng it tistful suit leather i phtdvtt red daveiitrt child s enamel 1 dining room lables j odd buffets 7 small tables settee and j urge chairs to match bedsteads and mattresses 1 wash stands 1 dress ers ferneries several odd rocking chairs 3 chests nf drawers several wicker seat chairs feather tlrka pillows ljeurge oval couch several smoke stands no of oh lamp no of klectrlc iampa 1 i arc bronw ornamental shade 3 cook- slnvecs i almost new electric anne new 3 coal oh stoves 3 burner 3 hot plates with side ovens walnut organ and klool solid oak hall seat iarge hall mirror with brass hooka new kitchen cabinet knaa hole ivsk r drawer with chair new 1 oadi wood but k saws garden tools iarge quantity of cooking dlshem and aluminum ware quantltv of china ware several extra good pieces of chins complete set of rut elasa stem ware electric grate premier ie luxe vacuum aith all attachments and polisher in al condition klectru toaster 3 fl eet hr radios all working 3 bonk- cases 1 ivory enamel a quantity of kood tmoks religious doctor books and fiction wilton bunner large very large quantity of curtains many of them new other household effects too numerous to mention terms cash settlement with j clerk day of sale l positively no reserve as the prop- rrtelors have sold their farm and are taking a furnished apartment in tha cllv and have no further use for the j furniture aa this is a large sale we must start on time j a elliot roy hindiey b auctioneers feo currle clerk real estate insurance insurance now is the time to renew your inursnc and bring it up to dstc value of properties and contents have increased insurance rates on fire have decreased and new benefits sdded real estate we have a number or dwellings for sal some are owner occupied and immediate possession it given others for investment some choice fsrms fttr ssle targe snd small acreage ocean steamship tickets while restrictions have been lifted somewhat due to tha heavy losses in ship during the war and the present ships not equipped to carry ordinary passenger traffic the steamship companies are still restricting east bound passage in order or priority thara u no guarantee of westbound passage for return snd travellers to europa take their risk as to returning thu will remain until all wsr da- part men t requirement are filled hrat sat ling to northern europa crlpahobn which has main tained a peartlme condition tailing march 30th unrestricted paasstif er service to oslo norway and gothenburg sweden passports sad visas required for further information spply to f l wright realtor and insurance phone 95 a year for four years b urged also that appivntices he drawn from prov incial tcchnlcakewjjavls or the canad ian vocational training schools woik- ing condition were also di visaed and the conference ironed out many dlffemme between management and labor t ranking higher than housing as a world problem is the food situation particularly the world shortage of wheat recent report have suggest ed pressure might be brought to bear on canada to increase its wheat sere- but it u not believed the govern ment u likely to take such a tep sb present policy on canadian wheat sversag was laid down at tha domln- loiinrotnctal conference last deo mbar when it was decided to rev etnioahd to wardars that the ares sowa to wheat be left unchanged from last year at aproximately 3x414 000 aerss tha position taken by au- thorlusa is that any inereaxa tn wheat aersaa would naceatarily cur tall tha production ot coarse grain having n sdvsrsa effect on tha sl- veady dwindling output of uveatodc i fikbt workeis in the camp r oe stores were vtresteel on a con ge enever substantlatext of misapprop- mtion of stosks nev were taken ti the iirdle rivd wheie thev had their hand tied together were made to kneel ahd then punched kicked and belabored about head and body with sticks thev were suhsequenly tethered together on a rope al inter vals of about two feet and were lock ed up in a window less apartment where they weie kept without feod for 6 days tcorvtinued next week and meat supplies also badly needed abroad in an effort to conserve available food supplies and allot them to coun tries most in need the combined food board composed ot britain canada and the inlted states met at wash ington last week agtlcultur min uter gardiner recently returned from a western vult was tha canad ian representative and he left for washington after a lengthy cabinet meeting at which it was believed food was one ot the main topics discussed kfal estate at the same time nmt plnce trier- w hj be offered fo sile subsnt lo n reserve bid the v- ncre farm if not previouslv sold run- sisfng of 50 acres more or le of sandv livam with spring creek and ovvrflowing well 10 acres fall wheat balance ha and pasture ti rows grnpe al rod long 4 rows raspber ries there is erected on this propel y a 9- roomed frame house with sun room hath and furnace main barn w 5 adjoining barn 24 x 4s drive shed 18 x 36 new milk house 10 v i hen house and vsork shop hvdro and running water lp house and barn situated in the midst of a very prosperous community on paved road 1 mile from church school and village torontomilton bus pasting door this property would make an ideal farm home anvone interested is invited to inspect this property pri or to sale immediate possession terms on real estate made known day of sale terms on chattels- cssh settlement with clerk on day of sale positively no reserve as proprietor has sold his 100acre farm u selling hu soscre farm snd u chins up farming hot coffee and cake served free j a eixiott roy hindley auctioneers il b ford clerk bm3 tf you 0ft 0 exswvkwrqtl cltin recstabliahed ciilian life you will find your local hank manager a useful man to consult nt is- fotlilliosf with local business conditions and oppor tunities he is glad to give helpful information to any veteran who comes to see him h9 itnows the hopes and fears joys and worries of small business men wageearners and salaried workers because be has been talking to them over many years considering their r problems lending them money rendering thens service in many ways hell be glad to do the same for yoti why llot talk to himatthe first opportunity veterans all over canada axe saying bey am i gud i saw my bnk manager rii aijvtrlliimcaf sponort j by yovt bank

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