Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1946, p. 7

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thursday march 211 ima te acton free pres page sevlw uiaix towns over thl land i lot a liundrd own i king wlrfilny 1 mild lir in thfm all and ou ovao oa- th try them out town tike hualcu lining of ten or flftetn thousand souls or thereabout i want lo walk in the cool of the 1okt ks lummrr night under thetr oaks ami elm or on their trets without trees and then in a vear or two when the time is right move on to another lae whenever i please but i arn bounded to a single spot a ity for 1 like du must live m i ne life not flye siore mtime irunyrr titan w aoderluid time hat no pity spare u inexorable thnurh we have learned to soar their names good gold thpte towns of in land are for their own not r v uhful vagrants like me the tiunit it nit fedi nun ltiown familiar t and hand i r mav inim hut lr it never free paul ii orhwi sunday sceool lesson hi mv majioi i aucrion sale or ihirhrk c atoe hjiekp am 1i4jh micfc are vu1aerable ordinaril a mantle of snow con ol the meadow mire whiles thev cmllii iniintfjriilt inri hiflrttt anrt farm valine less in field crops danokrols ronovro ten praying on an tlit twenty years ago vrmm taw isssse taw frae h i taaraaar mare w w hie mercury rnw to 41 in th shad on sunday the robert wallace homestead at the comer of wallace avenue and ne bower avenue has been eol4 to mr org sonar who is now retiring from mercantile business mr john robert son of the flank of nova scotia has been transferred to the branrh at brarebrldg tha western farmers received 37- 000 00f through the wheat pools in tha threw prairie provlneea ivmn mrknrki in krtn on monday march nth 193a to mr and mr w k mitnerv a daughter mauued cook sco it at the home of tha hnde jiarent- mora on wednes day marrh 17th 19 by hev k a thomson thomas herbert cook of acton to kdna mae daughtt r of mr and mr i- s nroll mora uikx wii i 1amsos at thi teneial 1 los pitat uelh on ednewlav mar h 17th i9v william a ultliamun aged 4 man icelicrg airfield claimed feaill abandoned allied lrojert iowmon model had i oittttva up chief of the natl hi i n rn nal ltemwtith nun ell s hrat mn tlnn liellrvr ihi nlmnd otied allied pro t to iulm n un iceberg airfield hahhnkuk prnj ct is feasihh ir nlvm wh ondu itnl an ndv c ttnent v it h n 1 l ton m i1ia1 imh a natios old n lest hearken unto luy v- and i will be our d and jk vliall r people and walk e n all iht wa that i cunuaind ou tha it in le well with ou j i j1 uuuii it t 1 sam 7 1 h 11 iv lim mujm h i- position 1 ura i hetuin to lhovah 14 tuiing the twent tai that tlte nk alnle iii klrjall jtarim sai u- 1 k tin to hat len piaiik in irl hiki alud nic ht lime llie u itr ol ixjndae and discipline for 1 t f i at intt ui i lamenltd wf l i l l h ihis lonunje for linn krrtl 11k it minomi hr ought itum to mil plait- i xike 1 17 jt i 2 19 is 111 7 lh unlri l h nkng fr j hoah warn a lioped i m nrtd sainu 1 lmk ftdantag of it he ifot a hiaiintt now samuel ititl them that they could get deliver ante from the ihlllftunes if th y would return to jehoah with all the r heart ii f 1 in order to return unto llim tiit must ut away u other gtu tuning ii all sin and all kitvli l alwas the fliat step in repentance toward tou jlka 53 7 when israel lotjk lo it am worship the had no intention of giving up jehovah worship lhey sought to romhinc the two ittey were itu rals in intention and wanted a congress of rehgtonft tmatt fi 34 1 jno 2 n jai 4 4 samuel uh very narrow hut he waa right pie people if- londed prompt ly anl hea r 1 1 1 y l o samuel a call to reientance tha re formation was not very permanent 1 sam h hi reformations in human society never are israel will have a reformation some day that will lv tatting hom 11 f in rivi v 9 we see samuel as a man of prat the fact that he was a child of pra er prepared him to w a man of pra rr ah 1 jtli ills htef dlsllntmum lit mts sight was that he was a mlghtv man of prayer tps 10 k jt r 1 we uauall think of samuel as a tp of chrtsl as a prophet hut hen we see him aft a tpe of hitsl an intercessor hch 7 as a pn llmlnary to pramnk for irnel samuel diretted them nil tn gnlh tr al mlxpeh it waa neetlful that i here tw an outward manlfi nation of i hi unitv of tlte people of od mil 10 jo at 1 4 j4 u up pulling awa of idols preceded and w n netfwm to the fithtiin together it i nlwa necexsaiy in or- drr that lh n tiu union 11 urn in nimi together not to distuta nir ninkt war hut lo prn a nation nl pinxi met tini it pns lo tmve a man like snmuel prnv ln m hi tl f r itri wnii i mid inmiicii l mil lufoit lhovnh t vxnilwl f iht unoerugned has been tnslruct- 1 t t kitciue akt wuun lo m11 b aurtlon at lot z3 ord in 1mjuerjng an till khuav mau1i tatts at 1 o lock tlte following vm icirciut hoisfs lia llore agtd a llurw ated ii mare aged a 1t1 1 frade sitorthotn llefer af ut fot frade shorthorn cow i ift dut time uf sale radc shorthorn ow i lusal jllly 7 dradt slunthorn ow 4 r uitt jul ui tiade sttot thorn tow t htnl aug h fiado shorthorn i l mk lieil aug j jiaile si ltd it n v i liel spt 1u ra1 hirlhoiii ii lit i i tid mm in j tntl tutrth rn heifer lh m lur itil shot thorn liull jti mos iks shu p kml ll hcg lainwoitli s4w lud jan jm k iain until i links it out ic irteeilng lwo hie1 lo imiiii altout m 1 tivfoid knm 2 slirnr quantl ot loim mi1 maiikold a luo so it re as mr kllrhle u in ihruhber but ihe snow d saplear- ed in uttember and earlv januar at it winter exjioilng the myriads of nilt to lh attarks tf their enemies hawks and ow li fortunately tct the f timet and gurdener wi re on hun i ti lii1 numtrs to fel on the vul- nettihle llitrw salute for tin time i inf u t moi nit fiom the rtilioned list otnl ha ttllel in htr old d pendn 1 usloimr ihe iik of pre to si ate in the least lml lllh akt huown jltiltsi- ra mare 6 rs black t iding 4 r t a ill r hobteln ow h r nlf at fxit jeiky cow 6 yr aw lime of sale jerey ow 7 yrs du lime if male shorthorn tow 5 r ral at foot shorthorn ciw 5 rs tred in july shorthorn cow 5 jr bred in october shjirthorn cow 0 r hred in march jersey ctow 8 rs bred in nov short horn haifa o mos black heifer ltt moa 3 shorthorn heifers 8 moa 2 short- hotn heifers 6 mut t shorthorn steers mos pi s towi etc yorkshire sou an k plgv 1st litter yorkshire sow bred jan 6 9 ilg 10 weeks old 3 chunks 33 hens 3 fieae and 1 gander lister cream sanarator nothing to be remove till s4ll4 for in case of bad weather tale will le held under coer tpkms cash fit an k pkttii auctioneer a w benton clerk 363 t r iplowiess ind ii e del which remnlned afloat in pntrlclw r l f i nkf ainrln throughout the summersi u ftm f ill kv ihir la tin llmll in th 1 1 sim 1 1 1 it failed of 1ml mi there is no limit to th iwlae o hurh n cm1 hut the cost might proe prohibitive the proposed uil oikilon wf air craft i arrlt i tm to hnt h t n ton mrurlcd of n fro n nilvturc of wntir and hihitl pulp known as pykrt le i prcfahrn al d in hii vet mm 40 feet deep and floated together howevrr lr nlven contends that i refrigeration should t installed right from the start of construction with m keel of hollow fjvnme blocks through w hit h t ixdcxl ntr would be blown lontlnualk 1 he anvx thlft uniill nsiito n fuilon of the bli ks and mnk unnecossarv the inatallatlon of refrlreratlng pipes as th ivnl tr w in me the n frig eratlng epjlpment ciuld be trnns- f erred lo the ship itself the joint repaut on ttie ptojett is sued in itnwn lmdon and ash- ingtoo in nitnned the hijh resntance of pvkrel to irolttdr hut lr mv- en nllevt tin m t unkrtnnl feat ure of th 1 1 aft would lw the iiimii allng skin imimi th iii ri nlviii nlicftm d that while it might he trui a loipelo plos on wool i onlv ntnki n tl nt fixit 1 1 n ti at ion of the m ik p kr it idt tlie vll inviilalion would n destrov- ed u t iptslo viruk it inv ire it d th ht low tin w liter lin n ur of ttu ituuliling vklu would k difhiult if not lmpofcibtr in 1 tut mini uoull l u ewt or nin vid in is doubtful arw eaoctime appllinllott iould n found for pvknle allhoutrh if the iost of refrtk laling was jutlfied ice btulcs and roads might he fenmbli m i he far north kef i iteration would be needed onlv to tht extent msssar to keep the utruiture frozen during the summer it also might be possible to ranstruvt railnuiils over muskea i ajd o btgg terrltor the patrma lake model would have kept indeflnltelv if the re frig- j eratlng equument had not jieen rv- moed 1 tis t vigil tl mid nriu t sir t t ac 11 tl tt ssion of their ln tno 1 ni ph v ifptioti of their nn the i oid iin m x r i hi v fasted hiimlliillon of if to find d lltnn th v run lr o i proi s it 1 iwul ihe hih con- i wm anlllm samut 1 judged th ni it is nlwavii mi k ord r that judgment of vln pr cetb snlvntloi ii israel k ictorv o r the i 1 u islln s 71 w hen ictd s people return unto lllm wlih all their h nrt nnd are un iteil in prnvei the em mi k of od iii fight th m no mil r that nf h r more thnn twcnt vearv of dt fent niul tvtindik isyel wns n ild of it e philistines but then was no n 1 of f ni now ieut jo 141 in tint evtrcmitv thev 1 mikid to s inui i to h thir inteneoi o hn e e n i tetr one il in 2 hen 7 5 hum s 111 vhi felt the ne d of unttftsiiig piavir iv s 1 ttict v 1 ps so n ln- t ik of ihji l wlnm th hn i return i ns our m i hi hil n runt to nn that w u v trust i n hiv sir n in 1 not th it wn t m th tn ovhimildiiv in lllm t i si us mt of th t and r ill ut n mi v ink i 1 i i siniml offered wi t it 1 rn pi nifi hiving nm i m mil f iit i iod sim i 1 iru t unt the i oid f r 1st i 1 t n 1 ti lh i ml lliinl l 11 lui hql ilf 4la auction sale 11 ut rhkh ami rradk iioi sttjnh itjmiirjmln ihikhkk llfmm ami ram impijmkntm 1 hit undi reigned aui tioneeis hnvi ietivei1 instiutloiik from urathur r hiirjtiur lo t 11 h puhhc autlon al his aim lol j on hlghwa a lmiue tn adjoining alton on the south on umlmwuah aiuh int ommi mlng at utlo clock all at pm the following llksks 1 dappl guv pel h in am t nnd h vrs about tlft lbs 1 in j it kiev p it hettm i am i im and h i abiui jijsi lh i ida k pirtition tiding using 1 r llse hoi mo mt timet ghl woiki nnd 1 li mi rn vuilnhlt lo the ga i tn n tride uk iihs1 mnialih 11m i lh kit in o freti time ot sale 1 k i hoist i in sues lush i w ks not hi 1 i la llolsl in l w dm ai 1 1 ha llokiin tow in full low i t d i tn ll ii i li in t ilvev i mos l i pi lb k ii t ow du i ii s hit d inn jl hoist in ilvs mo un 1 iu holsl in tow in lull 11 is hittl mi i 1 kig l l w nillkiilk hlil un 1 peg ii l in ow milking i r- n t 1 i eg hoist in low milking htd rh ii llolsl in hi iff is 1 rs 1 k ohii ii ilst m ii ili i 1 w 1 v op n 1 bull ilf i i ni i old hit i f i n iisirill ii 1 i m hoi st in bull 1 m ii stiu tvpv in tlmtllul t baik itil i 1 hoist m t ow f stl llt it s j 1 llol it iii l ow in iking will tl t jit sol hi i mar 1 1 ii 1st in 11 f t lislll ms hi d lin 0 1 ii 1st ti 11 il i is mg j vrs hrc1 lin tl 1 iioniin h t i bnd rt h f 1 hokt m 11 if r i i 1 feh j7 1 i t i ow in sh ih nt side 1 bin it if i mlktng wll hi i inn 1 ihs nil tftkcl nntrtmis s mil m nil v mug stiowink won i i ful tvpe nnd with wi ii shmtd uddi t s v i il tu si cioni grnndson f m mtvl 1 i i i le pitjt llei i fullv ntr dltil ind n gut k i i l t i d tvt ii f r inhev iitult l 1 j sats va ilnited lltns advnn it istiv si k 1 i ure hied oi k si duo j r 7 t pur ttcd crk s doe r lo i pur i nil irk sw i n d pet jl 1 i un hn d ork s i 1 l in i i s s ivss h mo l it ist i imi iimfmv hi 11 n lta vju intnv 1 iimw mm i nln 1 i h t ft ill s m v tv i tt e v ii r va m ur c ft i t m ii p iv i i li r nnrlv new m m si le m lr 111 1 ike uveivll lhimp ik v if i inln 1 ill h m 0 corn bind r in estr n 1 h 1 11 i nil nt i ll l uh i n 1 new p i minun s v urtl r i w i i 11 t ot 1 ttitm s lies piv nth w i v luk w i n hi hi t t hti lihimi auction sauk is llll itiwnmiiiol- uamh i nrkhai k hokhkh ih l 11 i kibmthm tim whthkltlmk ihmm kl i hua mirti i minims iif sm a iaum imp mil kth 1 h ui deislnd inv ietivtl n u tl iii 1 lolli ntanut htiwaiit i m ii hy puhlu autlon t hi laim 1u 19 tun t hamoiva mil wuih of 1 ultitll m hool and 1 milts n ith of ikwutid till rhlas maui ii jatfc on unt tuing at 1 oilooi the fol luwllik hoksls lde male rulng j ita and t 1 ilt tiding using 1 r if not previous dikped of t lyde lloise using 11 yrs lde horse rising u rs cldt horse rising 12 rs male rising i rs sliel liy iercher caraii- betl shorthorn cow 10 vrs old bred mar koan short hoi it tow h rs old bred reh 7 ited slmrthorn w 6 rs old due in au bed shorthorn ow 6 yrs old bred nov 23 ltoan shorthorn cow 4 r old hred nov 4 iloan shorthorn tow 4 ym old bred nov 1 ituan heifer 2 rs old due in may 1 keg lllfr ie1 bred veb 3 1 beg heifer white bred eb 2c 2 steers rulng 2 yrs 1 heifer rising 2 rs 4 summer calvts fall i alves 1 keg shoit- hurn bull t is old 1 his is an e- yptlonally fine bent of milking shorthorn ow with lots of sixe and tjuntirv and with good roomv well- hhajkd ud1 i practically all hand milked hocs 1 sow hied jan js 1 sow bted rtb 2 otn sows 1 sw bred jan 5 1 sow hied jnn h 1 sow bred jan jo 1 sow bred jan 20 1 sow tied i- eh j 1 sow bred eb jl i stiw hred 1- 1 h jt 1j shoats 3 moi- ld peg oikshim hog atout 1 jr t old shim 7 suffolk hin 2 r old kiimivtd to 1m in inmh to a southdown rnni h1ns ji inborn hens j i h irn in ki n la impirmrnrs mil blmlt r lift m i mower l fl m 11 knk but hav lonlrr m 1 side bake m ii sulks knkt mowir with pi a liar visiei ail inn untm unci box torn i lei ili kin k om bnrk u agon box inkshult iiitlluit drill 11 spi ut sew idea mnnute sprt ndei s u umiowv llnriuw art sti 1 suit bont 1 walking plows m ii sun i plditik plow 1 potnto mow in lemhn bin h sleigh nnd i- 1 il i k 1 1 i w i- itiish r orn l ul tiv itr i nt spnng lth cliltivnlor hit stiff lth iiltlvntor 4hors ii hum iun unit r is toilette plitr loppir m ii lbr for 4 hnrs- i s ouiihiov m i lind kolh r n s t in ulir stw cutting box int oin binder 4 n built i spring 1cmi1i st u hi r iowi r cm am s pnrnl i neitlv n w cmkshutt i klrr tin nip sow i luinlp pulinr uhsid h row hav iork hav km cutur i ighl s igh iiinmrnt buggv bond ail 1 h p h nv v dutvi motor jti ivih hp heaw dutv motor h i m it ii n nil new h 1 i ith r btltim i widi othei blt ljid in i umbt r j 1 t t horse rouble- ints logging nntl binding chnlns niw metric fnir h tro i nil ml hook ston ho k mnple sir ui pill t sugnr kellles 1 sap pan pinup chutes knnnlm mill twiw ei r hand set jooii lh s iles ve br oler llous io t broiler siov incubator i on eg si ipjin tilv of drv mnple u immi in log to tons 1 i n jih i us u hi nl fs1 bus i ii i sodoits ielini li hus misel nn bus vi bnrlev haim ss hnsi mountfm team llimss s x un hnrn sv s sihl1 linn sv c d collnrs blank- ef pnhix etr ihm sv iuii pin- kits i me i r si huinr miilnrv wohi tttue chiir hum r val p 1 s t i oil mil jt t r vl ilinltr 1 t nsi i hl nn j b ii bms tn n itv of vil s hntt is t t r rn tv d 111 s- ttl t f ni i i iv p farm 1 for vn l i t r ktvnig up farming n t i nt f ill i enlth nnd h li i id it mrtofi rn n institut i t iv n hm h ount r n th un k fnrni lui li nirnt ani i i t i i r s s iw fmit i l iii tl m t f t i i ii i i u i in 11 m i ice floe at he waterfront here an un- iluftrsi esimate of the farm al- lk nurim rmmr to than wfcwi u hi f i in la f m h iin anou u 1 r pm3 as imtitared wlb the value mm mo hls wy ov 150 fth ftr im and m has just been i of tmn ant rtuul r j a siin1 ihi evtirtuile l sttjl to le tn fe tracts i is on and dots not ritcnt ali in une iiv- f ri m siliv hut u the o s valu tf farm firthlu tin sev i f tl t i ips su it us mixed i un lui f i and f hi h i i rn ii t i t l ih umii- n t farms l hv m ll i i v i of ii l i il in lil iw- ii i i dun fum in iulj i it i t 51 if- urn ll ti 1 i r i- ii i 1 ill i in t do it 1 i r v milton welding it trie and aetmrne weldlnj i 1 nh el lln of all lpe i uitnl le 1 pilpmrnt iiionk 3sh mil t kf mil ton in n oi i i i ti ii wh iii iii fl ii i p j i w vi i tf in i t i s 1 ml ih nlu h 1 l wl t i limitti at h1 h million 1 hl i llll null on uro than th i v ise1 ull vnlut ot jtui4 million i k w 1st lin olto i i u m i pal maui i ru i mil itat lev i e and ma steed all ii iw n prt uoile d- lin s in valu fiorn the 111 flguns as a result if itdutd pmmlucll ii on the ot h t hant the 1h hav and h r and alfalfa i io as the result uf ln- it asetl pixlut lion are esllmale1 a ha her xnluex ihnn in 144 ato chum uriloustesing dont discard your old furniture have it reupholstered iuttr lluu mmm ttnuuv tdj phone 8v for esfiaale dick tine umioujraub now avaiuhle lo permit holders thk nkw imlrovpd 1946 fargo truck sunt from t ton ttrkup to the his 3 ton special the informal on is now available regarding the important changes or a phone calt till bring this information right to utir h nic or place of business a ucensctl mechanic lair of the iicak hm now hn obuinrd pnimpt smlcr allablr on any make of car macswain motors acton phone h5 i fr rk himn tlnn n i uiti tniould you hire a first class worker 47150 a year vthrn sou employ an catra hand you expect to pay him monc n also a worker which could pay you a jikm1 prttht vshen properly uscsd on your farm ritr approved urm improvements jou may borrow upto mhto from 1 he lunk of nova siiilis at a wage of only 3 or m0 a visr it can give vou more prtifit than a hired man and where can ou hire a man for do a year suppose you use the money to electrify your farm 1 wiirmtv un separate cream churn run a luv hoitt milk iimler grain i leaner feed grinder milk cows and pump water or maj he you would wish to use the money to repair buildings or build new ones improve your livestock get new msihintnr more fencing or better drainage hese arc onlv a few of ihe ways m which a loan will i ne se arc oniv a lew or ins i make more money for you drop in for a friendly confidential talk with our near ittsrireh manager lie will give you full information on tha new farm improvement loans plan ikbamefmom scotia i ii siuul iii i i 1 lk t ll thv china rtttjics v r hirliwavh chicago icp china is looking ahead to the da uhen iv can build 100000 miles of neuhlghunyv ilk that in the urn ted states a committee or three represent ivee from china u studying americ an road systems and methoda of reg ulating traffic curbing accidental and licensing vehicle ili 1 what lii had would hnve hn i ktvat trouhle in difc o ufiiitti the philistines bui if hovnh hnd none at ill ilannih irophev was fulfilnm litmll nh lin in sihulal nk will a ii be historv there aie nnn instances of oils lulng the elements to deliver a prttvtng people irael antuiiplish- el more hv piavtng than bv fighting thit dav la th 40 10 it was isrn that was smitten here their eneni le wm the difference israel carried out the defeat that jehovah had begun in their tctory they came even unto bet hear the house of thff lamb samuel celebrated the utor with a stone of memorial god s mercies should be held in con stant remembrance il cor 11 2t he ascribed the whole ictorv to nod so ahould u always the phllutlnea were mbdued and god can subdue all our enemies ao that they will come no more within our bardera iv 13 mlc 7 lft it only laated ao long cs samuel lived but our samuel ever llveth heb 7 23 k wosi tin inning mill set lljtn 1 i pp m s i i igttmn sot r it r rttib onliti r i h lir i hn pi 1 n plw mih fun v c k shutt walking pi ws luv fork ilf s rt llnirm- itivn of see lhrrmvs 1 stnn a nv w ih spring seat pulle melitt iim separator r vpi i row tm corn stuffier sad lie prum or ttoof- l ing tnint iset of slings iowden oar fvr woodin track nenrlv new flee- t brxvixlet new iv ft draw ropej j water tanks no of collar j se of heav dreechlnc ha mesa set if back band harness chains ret of single harneas whlffletree v wav litter carrier switch for beatts track new 1 fvsd carrki neck- vokes shovels hoes few fence posts grindstone and oiher ntt teles tfrms caah settlement- with the t lerk on da of sate no reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm and li giving up farm ing- for catalogue applv to prop- let or or a b bruharher dublin w i will hat booth on the grounds a b hrubacher auctioneer on cattle j a eluott roy rundley 412b auctioneer v bracken cleric mu rt rn clerk bvi 2

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