Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1946, p. 1

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ut jvtto jte flfae sewntyfint yer no 38 acton ontario thursday march 28th imo fight homeprint paget pive cest acton ladies win return match in guelph 161 labge crowds at showing op pictures at bijoomkbury i iarg crowd wr out belli rtr i noon nd rvrnuig imt wuiiday to th followtnf motion picture szrzjx tixnd gzgsln udu kin 16 ol th n ntw vsvr ri ris ymca two wk io ih arton puuory lra for com doll took two utoul im from tjv ny to jopud rait wu also on om of th teams t that time giving her th distinct ion ol winning a shut out tarn on both th horn court and th guelph court a bountiful lunch was served in lamp light in front of th fir plan of th recreation room and mr harry oltrhtn thanked the ulph in swdrn was ihown in child wl far in sweden and how hlldren from all walks in dfir romp 1 14 to hav periodical madat inspection from ha by hood on in that country ih ihrmr of ttir kitchen omr lyu picture mii l he modernliallon an average farm kllihrn and how winner in oakville contest tadlm on bh11 or th a ion rlub l iu victory bond lor ih vry floyhl rvrnlnj ly rth iwlp farm hit to modrrnli thlr jw patdick lljivihl n kllhrn hm mlrll n1 ni i aintnn rinim rjulpmrnl tirom niorr plentiful to march mketinc mi hhi fhinn imi n op friendly circijj i m i in omifmn ihr nrw kltcliii ihoun th mrch mtlnt of ih frlno lh 1 rhn- ih in ill in- lytlrrl w hld 1 ih hm of j mr jirl trrbw1 with th rldnt i h i i mr frl kntnr in rhnt i t j a i it w decide to mlt ih w a mr llkmi hi wlf nd of ih church b vln on intl- v i turc w hlrh w a mm h enloyd liy mnt of ih tax on th parsonage i the audience i th members also agaeed to purrhas two laif ivlnj tras for u in th church kltrhn i iy i uiu t warner ka a xhort talk i jlmurlklimv iii on th human aide of jmiu allnn 1 i n prltl ronrturtmt a st ialiirh s i mai itfmtinimt iay conlrl which irovtdc1 sreat tmuwrncnl itr rvr nroup arr a vol of hanks u gun i mr ung mkn who wf mvokm 1amhrrt for hrr h and for n n tkr k ln th us of her hautlful nrw hom afon pam fof lftlr itlcbratlon in niu- rour in rtirj krncat wral a pupil of acton onllnuatlmi s immi who won dm 1 im tub otnniiri inl i al oakstltc lllith s ho 1 inl rilliv n hi tit i uptu fn in mlltthi lui linttloti 1umt nml hinnipim om in tlii- ttnl d fin th vnhinhh piit ftt whit h prx l11 a real w 1 g 1 llrlm ulrrhoui- and iwvrtl 1 ays 1 v spht d a lmty lunrh hom mra dan taj lor kindly offered hr hom for th nt meeting sllumuse party on silver anniversary mr and mrs hilts a ftuiprlfcc part of fru nu and nclghhor wnlketl in on mr ant mr henry hills on xaiurdnj cenlng march xlrd when uas their 23lti wfwldlng artnl crxjiry ttie prenl d them with a loveh liru loasl- t mr and mm illllk holli lhank d the friends for their iom 1 pre i- the rest of ih exerting u pnt atons rkkv k t in platng croklnnlr u hn and take part on chlne checkem the pail sred m loxrh lunch and also hml a cake nicely decoraled ulth the figure 25 on th top of it mr and mrs hills received man card and con gra tula t ions and also a lovely electric lamp in closing all joined in sinking for the are jol good fellows lakt week v ivd maeal f etirtetow n v a vk nd csl or ihrcf month in jail on a hare of rauilng a rii tuituince itnymond rnhnm tf rin village wa v mi j10 mir m on a similar t hnt m imili oxtrland and itaytnnnri i nhnm iwilh i- i in uric dumlu td iinmi n mrnl of rt uit t ots on liiim of rimng their wrong nanir wlnn juosiionitl h chl i hnrrop and nt li mplinj to defeat the infortcment of lilt il walcr pumps art back in srnirr again al spring ualrr tnnrr in b iaintrd mi khrr lltrru nl ommlwtkin itunlnrh i i he ai i tllilv i tn radio slnda n sundn morning nt 10 is leeve 1 i klrkncsj mill hrondcat and till ahout acton anfl lt advantages this mi xaage uitl he part of the nalute to the munlcipnlltlei program henni fnvn station tlllim at 10 is on sundaj monilngs it is 1050 on nur dial t itlreni of at ton and dlmrtct will he intcremcri m thlx totjol hroad cam acton frien11s welcome overseas rride home here a shower in honor of mrs ocmad headline set applevartt a recentlj arrived war i for new 1916 hrtda was held at the home of mrs motor platfis e rtd church street last week alter a few games the brld was ahowered with girt- kxprening tur- irlif mn applejunl thanked vr- one for a lovelj urlrom to a new rountrv mr kretl anderson gave a hrtef replv after which lunch was served visits acton again after absence of fourteen ears mr and mr robert stewart and mrs arrett of north ua tailed on th editor eterda mr stewart served an apprvntlcshlp on tw fin pans staff prior to th first world war and left this offlc to aervur in that coh flirt it is fourteen years since he has been in acton and a were nat m l w lllghwavt mlnlttr fvoucette vaid in toronto mondaj that april 10th has been designated as th last valid da for 1h5 motor ihitl numler plates and drivers licenses in ontario he vaid recent federal steel regulations will prevent a reversion to the two- ptale tcm in im 7 the plates are manufa tutvd at the ontario kt-form- atnrj in luelph at know edging ontario pnv touslv iruhcatim two plato would lc used in lh7 as in prewar earx mr doucett mild the ttel khoitage in canada aggritvnted h stee strikes in the i nlted stat em would permit only one plate dr each motor vehicle georgetown win second round of welcome hone he had given three year service world war ii he is now located il a tt a p1 offi korth ba in charge of maintenance t vfxli i lay viis for the bell telephone co in that rtt the irgtown intermdlat b- team l atlll in the running for th provincial honors in the second rourld they met port elgin the flrat game played in gatt resulted in a 77 tie in the second game in owen sound port elgin was eliminated by a tear of 154 in the third round georgetown played aeajnat owen sound on tum day aight and in the game ton owen sounds home ice cam out with a 33 tie the second game la du tt be played in gait tonight thoaa la the know seem to favor georgetown to com out of this second round on top at any rat they hav made a good showing- and gong quit a way on the road to ehampionthlp honors and we wth them th beat of luck a number of local fans will ldcely make the trip to gait tonight to as tha gam and lend a cheer luhlli i tllllm s m nivi n was hi id on monri tv ei nlnv hwu hn i kliknes nnd t nimnliiim r j h miifarthui wiii n h nl and i iiitnnt v m llnnsen presided superintendent v iknn mi m t l that the motoi or lie m w pump at i tit kpnng linn im en relumed anil in stnlli- ihe other motor hml leen w tit awnv to le inlet1ed mr wtlvon gave an outline n wum tf thi v ork that um neieuuir in imth hjdro nnd untir to keni le m ili 1 1 functioning n uvunl tht work would take the full summer and leave no time for nnj nt w walet works service or nn ewrri nrtes heeve hlrknrv 1 to inke ihe matti r up with ihe count il to we if inv sol ution ran be tcnchcd applet latinn ttir toe son it rend eml h mr ilmn mr jmtert and mr itogmnldaim were exprrd by ihe commission in th recent cmerg- enc nt ih wntrworks pump houm the motion turned in 1wi nutlior iztng m mcleod to paint ihe water tunk was renclruled and anoint r mot ion passed giving the work to th b phillips co ltd of toronto the wort nktoutllhed in their letti i of u recent date was satlsfactorv to tin commission i hev stated that the work would be done in ihe month of may of this ear superintendent wilson presented the prlies submitted for underground fcerv ices for the bt ardmorp and co house on th creaeent aa amn the prlrm are complel thev are f be suhmittihl to henrdmore and c for their consideration the kecreiary was insttucud to pv tht follow inn account hydro inartnient ii1tc of ont power a supplies 54 405 15 lull telephone of lan ser vices 6 51 grand a to supplies 215 sutherland a shultz sup- p s ioranizer of 1 1 o i k iiranch here mum heather died many friend iwre regretted to learn of the death lt week of mrs irmnvr a lleathrr t ihe kithener- alerloo htmpilal mr ilenher was th nrganlt of the uke of levonhfe hapter of ihe i i i r in a tirft and dunna the years since i nt ttt11 tt welt tune vlkitot and seak rt at the ri- l ing of the i haiti r n uvernl im i itmv l m r 1 1 cat iter had w ur w 1 nil h mm i harilict iltinjcland and nnada in toil ihe hul anl second world aar she oriniretl ihe itrri km hi kilt henrr during the ilia r war aiitl lir nnir- ihe firl mfreliiiy she nljt oi khiilftl lie lrli ini of ales hatr lolu lurin world war i iff did int its woik for ihe ted int in r in isnt antl sttrlanl at tti metldiiik 1o mnjor etrge lleai rr nl srvrn ik kent v ng in 1jim f i muumlt d a nad is n v tt rani f ir tned nn nil h of tiulthe at the ill i it rt the i un h lii iriixniilin nl i r win k iln ah in i it- a fell a uf ihe lonl v mjire s i t anil vtn nmiil a vi preld im f ihe i ha lit- tf meriy by iin t in slut se wna del gated to t nit f i w ll h ltn hael jh har inn ilal inn tilptur lnn he was nunml m itttl in do n itnltie of qm i n vim otui li le itnlitl in i ton i i nrk al ih sllvei jhhllee tf klok loftfe kin nnd in r hiittknntl win mining th gusk invmd tt k i lo m i ntll s alht1ial and hint h nl si lium i nlni stu w n tmlivt i reriin on i nml wiw t iiiftttlr of lit bml ounit f nmii uon ii aimll imj of si lohn antillinn r i urcli nnd iit ninl of mumiipal hnpler joiir nnd hnl lfii nnadan wo men n lfj i iilfitlve nl ihe wen bh y xtnl hi in and tit omimlttce of v tiua- still mt nt tf liritkh womrn mi u miivivi 1 h h r hiinlwinri nnd wo mteis mi- ma k n vatt liti ntiil mr ii y so iii si uk on hit- ijik rtoknds lhom wst oast onsoij- i s in water diijaima i ki i i in num miii final tribute n muti tilimon lo ihe esteem in wlhh the decensetl was held lie lerivi to mourn bin low three ilnugti li rv llevle main nnd anna all nt home nlvo two brothers alexander of acton mlllnm of uetph and iwo imi ix ji vkle nml y llznbeth of arton i lo ihe fnmilv ih svmpathy of the lommunlu voes nut in their sad imm avemenl rin fun rnl ervite on erincwlaj wt r ndurted b ht pastor itrv f ihnmmin mr etirge robert ion sane and mr vnntooen played very i miftlv favorite tnmns interment was nui h in fnirvttw c i meterv alton i he jwilllw ai m were meavr tlios sioiev wm mtlnljre c j van txitn lohn illatk nelson aniler- itm nnd tt 11 akin rowir nearer wrt ietue knot rt win dalton bar iter wm mcilnughlln meliln storey ilv n mclntrve mervtn uiompson t ilrownl iw birles anderson jo hi nderson amon the floinl tributes were thom from the following the tamllv snndv belle phe tnllotn mrs c itaiiinhiiw hannah jcpson fred ork him whltlev mr and mm ounran wnldu and family the n lhhor irs onnahl mrtiregor and famik jit pillv nnd famllj jennie hit le llarrv ball and janet the aikln kamllv m bracken ber- nue nnd kthlh jo frank charlie anderson mamie sear mrs mc- 1 aughlin and mr and mrs alt ntnr anne macdonald john y menabb fihfted president hultnn jr farmern mi mm i j n ui lb ttii 1 k n f imman nnd m iijutv m ii r kl in 1 wis tnn t 1 1 7 on son m iowmni ip ku s n it lie una nn ntllv m nit r of kn ho b at t n nnd wn iun willing to h nd n in l ing bntnl in nnv h erni ri n in tin roinniunltv n ienl ii ni ililnir aril hmri hv shiiik and s ir he itollht mitt tit wttr ippl in alton tintcllctl fn n nt hul rl a lie in t ihkinnt n pir mu il le t mil i he ve uhniw fnm nulili id it m here lr monn sparling njw the item n e nm om r province win ki r in inniiiion wllh the iitor lians in niton w ill rrmemter mn spnrllng tin vi r efficient secretary of th niton ounl 1 nil mr missinc fkom krilworth home on farm near milton found working on a milton farm under an assumed name ihyll s o connell 17 was returned tn her wlay evening si e iv a r mr and mrs rhnmss it it 2 kentl worth mutable wesley pollock of mount forevt traced the girl through nciunintanes she had been missing since lavt thursday the girl had been boarding with mr hiram donalds mount forest while attending high school n that town thursday morning she started out for mhimil n usual at h in o rlock shi hnl not le n se n or hi nnl from until picked up h her fathrr and chief pollotk late last night miss oconnell had taken the name of marjorle cli merjs and riatmed lo rw from owen sound chief i ollock naid she had been staying at a farm oierntid h prow r p p 1 mt ton important events of interval to all hallon junior farmers were planned at their board meeting in the agrio- ulltiial itepreentative s if flew in milton on manb 4th it wai auo tha annual meeting and the new slate of offteert represents the county s four hit mlhon junior farmers being t lie nrv one lie el i ion rtailteil as follows lai president join y mrnimi nnrval pnident en s atkins bronte 11 v he pn ident rrina auken at n jrvt vke prekident a me r on wu- n millon se retary lunr kean norv al 1 reaturer j f v hltelm k a m- a vote of thanks was i retksetl on behnh of t he group by o atklnv to mr whitelo k for hu thoughtful guidam e of and sincere ni ten l in juniors in hallon afler a lengthy rejtrt by eorg alkins tt m derided ju hold a r unty at home in th irani inn burl- i mgtirfi on april lllh llmfi ttvls u ihe first turh affair in i la it on junior n i le foi aiime years 1 his parly is lo ait as the i onrlus ion lo tie winter detuning meets the last of whh h is to lie held in milton llikii sibool on friday april 5th lh subjut thohtrn ft deikaca at that t me l solved hat it ii in th imni intetest of nnada that a policy of immigration ftom furnp be n1optt1 of tie ti teams playing off a- ion i sii polling ih afflrm- nlivjjind palermo i defending th n ijsi it sntiudny tun i was the date boon f i th innunl 1 iw stork judg n r niiriiilmi wild junior hom- iimki ai lilevi mml imy in i la hon llre m a pit liniinni disi ti anion re- ki lu k jrie f n ihe girl i hiring i ir ii tnvt ireen aw arded vv r sn ir t stnm and ii was their imit- m i v ho iinned to sllvef- f il avmlntilt mr ui k ke or lh junior mm sit lion wbxh sloival junior tre itlnnmrik to nor al tcifgetown run in h fall and ktiuu lcd similar niinn h ilr nlhn lot is at i heir n lot al fair a committee from he ei ullv iv also to neet a ram ill ill re from the ii ova mm to dlscubt the ptitilii of a junior plowing lmath in the otinly this year at he toniluslon of a heavy huxllu e nknda the metlng was adjourn t1 home tue ilouhhted i oconm ii chief r mmmh meetim of aujit y w a of knox church the mnrch meeting of the alert 1 yw a of knox chun h was held at the home of the president mrs f lerrv hie lc iremdent mrs f anders n presided th devouonj 1 were taken by mrs earl uarahall and mis y i ole pie chapter from our tuit of afrit a was given by alias m itoiell the hlghjight of th j hyteilal meeting held in u1ph i ti id hy mrs trry plans were mad for a s itally to he held in gait during ihe month of april tha fnstir ihnnktiffering wlllbe hi id oh n sunday evening the date to be ar- rnnied by the committee an enjoy- able contest w as won by mis m itorell and a dainty lunrh was served hy the homeu and the committee con vened by mrs j ingles moloney electric co plies snapon tools of can 1 jupplles can general electric piles f l w right insurance express jh transport sup- rockwood last thursday afternoon the mem bers of the local hed cros organiz ntkon held an aflrrroun tea at the hom of mrs crattan barry some ninety people were prnt during the ifternoon and the weatherman ua generous with real spring weath- it for th occasion overseas for two years l cpl ivan vlckers arrived home in acton tues day of last week h was a pasaen- ger on the lie d france and had been with the calgary highlanders for over three years on february 8th 1m3 he ww wounded while fighting intranc berore enusttng he wu employed by ur alex mclsaac at tha highway gang waterwarks iwpartimejit can brass co- ltd- sup plies sg296 jo arts and crafts club had display 7 60 at fairs convention 1jm a mcetini of th arts and crafts 3tt q georgetown was held at the home 56 mrs- u c mccllntock on thurs- djm march 21st the president wel- 4 844j35 corned mrs cochrane as a new mem- llmrek demand vancouer cp f an mons- jou a dutch lumber broker visiting vancouver on behalf of the nether lands government said his country is prepared to take every foot of lum- j v r ber and plywoodthat brtttah osiumtairsrwas brought up and it wu de- bia can provide actons new fire siren will he tried on sturdayabout noun nour ifsonly ah efficiency tost ber a very satisfactory financial report was given by the treasurer mrs mccllntock mrs wolfe gave on entertaining account of the exhibit ion of work and demonstration of weaving and spinning which the soc iety put on at the annual convent- ion of the ontario association of ag ricultural societies at the king ed ward hotel on february 14th th question of a display of work at fall cided that we exhibit only al th local fair this yar after a gener al discussion of different aspects of our work the tea hour was much en- joyed mr ross carton who spent the winter months in port arthur district returned home last week two more of our boys hav return ed home from overseas aleiander graham rca f and leslie duby mr and mrs fred day of hamil ton were up for the wekend rev w j mrlvor conducted pre- communlon service sunday morning at the presbyterian church slnce the usual spline freshet th river adjoining valley road is pretty low as the result of th break in th dam at the woollen mills m nd mrs milton greer and son glennle of hamilton were up for th weekend congratulations to mr and mrs arthur k thomas on th occasion of their- wedding anniversary saturday and to mr and mrs frank day for their wedding anniversary monday the latter the 37th anniversary the uwredawkink marriage took piace at elora i be marriage of v inn if red da ugh- tt r of mrs v l dawkins acton to ituisell lowi r h 1 campbeuvtu took place recently in llora rev h 1owry officiated the brid wore- a streetlength frock of powder blue brown arcasor ls and a corsage of american beauty roaev ing a fuachia dress with black and fuschla arceeori and a enraag of talisman rosea was bridesmaid its w abbott toronto acted as beet man actons new fir siren will tried on saturday about noon coming events ac at eats al liaatata caa m ca gvats jar ikd are chare w ceats fsr itfe a saiskeaaj caate lav say at al sac euchre at legion halt friday march th refreahmenu auaaoaa ladjea lglon auxiliary 35c dane brookvifl hail march 3ftth stewart buofi otrfthij j tra auspice oinas gawsy w if admission 40c ml

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