Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1946, p. 2

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pack two 1 the acton free press thursday mamcii mill i ujj artitjfmirf as isubj iwr twtiir m arta 0uu abiswu wie u stul rml ttu 0rtml ikibws risjctimom katessac thi tlt h ttuitiftml s4fu tiw h- u ul bab ftlwttu t aavkktuiho satesobi stus ti ls tulmu jtam kaailf b suh a ta4 iu 01 is im ftu ww t vm ltfl idtuhl to ii hji m uf ufmlumml r t- j w- b4l ttrnk 4ttmmml u mmwj li w tjattfium ui rtw w lm i im fair uj fcr im rtuw w wwium utojr to uto itomi uu w ur to cmmm fcr vs rr im lu ibuuty dull bj wtk mtwtua lb tmrs mm si itwilwwsi is flat f er a ton t its ml ulmlltmhil a aslof dtux ejh telephones lurli 4s chu lutiawc how tru tfc llfadunt in the light of the headlines given acton last veck jn the water aituation particularly by the laie edition of the toronto star one may well piuw to consider the headlines about other place with which we do not have close contact certainly the headlines carried in the late editions of poionou and deadly water in avion were to say the least greatly exaggerated and we ve heard other words fjaed to describe the star stones that were a ot stronger the situation might hae hctn a serious one wc re not contradicting the fact that the water in many taps was dirt and bad smelling for a few hours on saturday so far there is nothing to mc ii was poionous or deadl and at time of writing a week uter we have ct to hear of an illness dirtctly traceable to the water supply folks in acton arc liable now to take the screaming headlines not very seriously after the local eipcncncc and wonder what little truth may be in any of them a vshi change when the auto salesman starts calling on his prospect list this summer he is iikcty to discover that there has been a ast change in buying habits since 1030 old customers tn the medium salaried class who used to buy a new car regularly every other season ma hae to be convinced that thc can afford a new vehicle after mailing five vears and pur veyors of radios furniture rugs refrigerators and score of other goods in the semi luxury class arc sjomg to meet the same resistance because the surplus money that used to be available for such purchasing now largclv goes to mr llsley and to meet the higher tost of necessities the fact that there are now almost twiic as many canadians earn itiguoo a car as there were in im and the same proportion would holdor the j mm and 14 000 citizens too makes no difference sharply hifher taxes and an increase of more than 20 per cent in the bare necessities of life has drained awa the bulk of the surplus purchasing power of the medium salaried clashes the financial post city paper pays tribute to tw hoaa tow papsr turning from the city to the small town papers thai come to us is like stepping frat use twwa fu of vice into an oldfashioned garden sweet with lavender and thyme and the scent of perennial flowers the page of the big dailies are so full of murder thievery immorality and selfishness that the better news la obscured by these glaring that tennga of the decalogue one puts the paper aside with a feeling of depression end heartache that the world is so full of terrible and unhappy things then picking up the papers that record the bap penings of the little towna around ua one gains re newed faith in life here are set forth only that which uplifts the community the activities of the huinrss men the church items the happy social gatherings of the people the marriage births and deaths farmers items and all the thousand and one daily occurrences that make up the simple annals of the great common people who arc really the found tion of this country of ours scandals are seldom published in the country newspaper but if it so happens that decency dr mand it the uglier details are omitted or given a kindly touch that is widely different from the unfeel ing publicity of the city press the offenders may te our neighbors or people we have rubbed elbows mith all our lives they are real human beings to their town paper while to the great city dailies they re merely grains oa tort that are ground out hour ly in their new mills sometimes people speak lightly of the country newspaper but it is one of the most potent and up lifting factors in our national custence hrislian science monitor sow to have intt nst vi cultivation of home garden provides thousands of medians with the opportunity to make a concrete contribution toward solving an urgent jnd desperate human need the world food problem has reached such mag nitude that millions of people in i urope and asm are faced with famine conditions this is in addit ion to the overwhelming task of rehabilitation and n const ructmn both national and personal that in oitably follows in the wake of war canada as one of the great fond producing coun tries of the world has undertaken to do her utmost to alleviate the situation to this end prime mm imcr king recently announced a nine point program aimed at restricting the amount of food used by tn ndians maintaining war increased farm productio i and providing more for famished land the problem is essentially one of increased pro duction and a reduction in canadian consumption nf uhtat and its products in order to step up supplies of exportable food merc is where every household er who has a piece of workable ground can do his bit high up on the government s food saving pro gram is the encouragement of home garden the announcement came in plenty of time to allow back vard gardeners to lay their plans at first thought planting an extra row of lettuce would not appear to make much impression on the famine situation but more home grown potatoes and other vegetables would atfcct tamil wheat requirements like cvcr plan for alleviating human suffering the current food production program calls for effort on the part of individuals however benefits uill not be entire onesided nutrition experts assure us that backard gardeners get better food for the elusive vitamin has less chance to escape oii its journc from garden to table kuitokial notks a firm conscience is better than a stiff upper lip etunc a dollars worth c l burton c b e head of one of our largest mercantile companies claims canada s urgent need i to cut out controls and promote production he aya canada must choose and choose soon uhethcr to have i large production and full employment or 2 small output and unemployment due to price ceilings and wage controls thta question of government restrictions on prices snd industry certainly has become confusing rrecuoni to sa what wc think is important bt the courage to do what e say is even more so i a home that isnt fighting for something beyond itself will become simply sweet or decidedly sour j ne cuts like other things arc just to be looked nt and not for general use but another feu months t neither hen nor there w t u c i ism made any clearer when we find to of the biggest industrialists in the united states directly opposed in their opinion on the subject henry ford ii for instance favors re- saoval of all restrictions while on the other hand henry kaiser claim auch action will spell econom ic disaster those who favor removal of controls say large production and keen competition should combine to fceep prices down st the ssme time providing maxim- ttns employment those tn opposition ssy the result w4u be sky rocket prices and inflation the decision which our economists and experts ssuist make is- one which demands the greatest bjttady and consideration because our future prosper ity is at stake the working man and farmer are not interested ilgher incomes if it means the cost of living will p out in proportion what they want is a dollar jen will purchase a dollars value not fifty cents thrbarrie examiner its said that the better weather has created a new demand for new tires and sales have been much heavier thismnnih appropriations for highways have been doubled in the ontario budget still wondering after twentyfive years if it will include the road between acton and milton in view of the fact that 20000 is set aside in the ontario budget for the maintenance of the premier it hardly behooves premier drew to cnticire local school boards as extravagant bodies and out on a spending spree every community should realize the need of job- providing industries in order that its young people are not forced to fiock to the city to secure employ ment industries mean payrolls and payrolls enable voung people to stay and help but id up their own home communities boards of trade and munici palities should encourage these industries alton a man echo carrolls omcbmttatu hum javex 14c movujnica w ml lit soda 3 14 c uuvht soap wax- 595 tttul tcuttk lxai tea 3 uac ho bub 4 c m a b u chan was mihola wax dirroah r m ulvo mm km f i ii bbamo im 11 bob ax ik bon a ml 1 ii cmbhico if awes lemon oil 1 ruoea otsii bufbb iiiii xm rmm mta pbimcsaa ruuua t a a la 1 woutm ta wax cbeam trr ma 4 clot8e lihii un 4 bcbatca oovkb folmh u fnnf uux a rj 5eanser z olocoat olveass bfa bim oartua skids trnu bum vayious rlcm oravats sist rcanuts caskot ttm arwmt ra t radkiablb our a mi it artm avio a u s mi twmi b w aiiiiio flsui mlm uh1 ban ca it ml a hial rss it ss cabsou b tttas rma ss fsc ecum rum b si a m u is b s vao ro rolirib wax i lb tim 4 nun sum stove rami m n beck itt b blub old burnt clbahssb tib mr mamd ciiahii tin tb oooiu1t tacial v s cabtb lf o cedab ho bub cbjuh raiiia 1114 obarcnuys txaabb a raos stc qhabcb s rvoa coffee 26c s 46c pineapple 33c c oxydol oe jc gsj chipsotto 2 ivory snow b3e camay soap jl 17c 8c 47c 15c 17c business directory medical dr w o c kennev rfcrduaa aaj bapjiia giifrimnr ts dr j a uenla olfus la symaa block ulll simm acton kit fkm mbuuuh fa m m ok h g joyce f majkaaa fttytumm aaj atarfaaa uric naal door to ball tuuhana ca mill and main btnau lmy m ijioncs nlfht ok 0 a gaukett fhyaulaj aata ftargaaa vixirruk hurt acton f unnvrly dr nalaon offlca orm ill nc am hridnc 34s iiejvtal 0i a j buchanan uaalal onicilahman ulock ulll slnat ubica hour 0 am u i aja x kay oab ttltpllone 1i lu rokgl a sikkb llrioaj nurgaoa mill mit inn frlfhik acton oin ii ur noi am 10 3 10 pm ih hllnh ii nrjial c i- leathi klano a at ton barrbur aad hallrlur nlarr pumlr luutr of marrlatf ijcnaaa llglllrar of lilrtln mrrlagm uaatha lirrio ii ikmua hh iu langoon aylsworth barruura hollnlun eta offlraa a loft t mt lltilmlllg ii matlntyra ayluorlh da- acton joltlna lllw rkmm lualdaaoa tlaj tjruritown orvuury divatr bulliff i ihonc tutw livlk hobkin hartrtl aoroiialanu suekrb lo jrshinb a iiaiuir 1 u mlroklitaa hm- 41 mcloru st loionto l mil itwik kccpink accounting 1rnional inoooc tax i m timhers f inii rly of th h a f llox lj7 irgctown oat vrrrrrisabv fresh california carrots lb bunches each juicy california orances large sue 220 dot firm crisp lettuce large heild fresh rhubarb i b bunch dutch sjst onions just arrived advertisingge ii u young v s bvsc ivrlnavry hurgaoa orric brook v i i onurlo ilionr milton 146 r 4 h o uakbs v s b vic strlnrr hurgvoa office and krsldvnl knox avtnu at ton phona 130 llftala chtatb uillouguby farm agency ijiritrst ant oldest agency tn ihad offlc kent uldg toronto georgrtown krprmntauv tom iiwb0- phoim oorttsw sss suaj cauu brofcar uaraj laaurtabea wm r bracken mionb jfi acton ohit time tables ray coach lines coaciifcs leave acton ft 31 1111 am b7 44 am 0 ib aja jna pm nia pm at pm 0 06 pm blul pjn 10 as am yu43 am us pja is13 pm 7 33 pj b8s3 pjb xb3 pn ylls pm a to london b sunday and holiday onlf x dally aacapt sunday and bab- daya y to kltchanar a to stiatf ord canadian national railways oahn waal waag dally exept sunday ojh aaa a 3 j8 p m t 48 pjn b u08 aaa 1j4 am flyar caorgalowa 8j5 p m flyar gualph c7 13 pjn oalac baal dally except sunday 6 48 9s6 am 6js0 pjn d 849 1 tlyer gualph 035 pm gaorsatown 99 pjn a saturday only b monday only c except saturday and sunday d sunday only flyar v v

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