thursday march 3ut 1mb the acton free press pad tkjucc of interest to women bowl bal i chron ituo horoemak wmn w ran into aunt mary kltrhn th other evening and found m year old jeroey eagerly nini bed the ovw naturally eajhfhleo tn see butter tarta or a um lout pie peai but to our amaiement a t of pu whole whfil cinnamon roll lued t ilh slnre whin had tlit tiobby veis be imr tntnrktrd tn i he iuvl bun a jame iellnd unit ea li hand tlulih ing a hot bun and buine1 tuuju protruding from hit mouth aunt mary esp ibet innamnn roll mart wllh whole wheal iniit rr jul ttto immi fm anyone to resist and lb ame i uln appi to the cooking of n iereal make it at tratilve and i br w hole family w hi enjoy it takr a til 1 if its jmrrldge you are making br bute ii is uftlilinllv looked many paopl hav e aiutred a dislike tor re real bet bum t bay have nrtr tasted it whan h hat been free of starchy flavor j serve cooked cereal piping but smooth without lumps and with tub milk nr ream lopped with brown iukii pits last item oflrn dor tbt irlrk wllh i mid ran 1 uotl ivitaii require a mu b larg er guanine f kail to might n lb flavoi than other foods 4 lw i hull mboloty when miv- ing n m w ckei rrraal nrvrr annulling that it is full of vita mina nml minirtl walt until thr teen agrtw esdelm lluba hut then notubalantlv introd uce a frw health polnlets into the corner vat ion keepln mind that whole train ttriu air the most inexpensive i foort- 1 buy ihu is in ltu i an impoitant irn tot th ir extensive uw so lets loll up our sleeves mid makcjhe whole m ighttorhood jealous of the itumk of rooking bread mid roll i wiioit u nrt nurn 1 iuw lukrunim milk 1 tips kail 3 thsps mar 1 thsp fnt l rakes fi i up- whole wheal flour jj t up white lirrnd flour com i im milt sugar fnt and milk nnd whin lukiwnrm add crumbled imt l t t uid until bubble i n ar dd wbiii flour and 1h nt well add whoh wheat flour imne in nit imii ihw 1 n mnulm rln to hrestf tin urf nt of the sponge lt tiw until rouble in hulk km nil an lourvd rnanl and return to bowl whbh has leen wsihnl and tireoad 1 wall lei rise km until doubu in bulk thu time knead it in the bowl lt rle until doublr knead atiatn hi the niwl always greasing all ur- faces lt rise acaln until doubla and turn onto n floured board and ihane into toae place tn nans and allow to rise until double in bulk imace in a hot oven mm degrees and ixiok for jo mlns keducs heat to 330 degrees and bke until done if a small pan of water 1 placed in the oven during the cooking period tha trust will be muih thinner and of better color clovkst lkajr koixr lroced using tha sayne method as above but when sponge is ready for pans break off small pieces about tha alzr of a larg walnut roll light w tn the palm of the hand and place three of these together tn each individual muffin tin allow to lis and place in oen and cook about 15 minute 1wamon rolls make ipongr similar to that uaad for whole wheat bread but plaea on floured board and roll to about h inch thick spread with th follow- inf mixture 3 tbspa fat cup brown lugar tsp cinnamon wall creamad rolf th dough ilk a chronicles ot ginger farm wrtiua atatolly far tvs arta kt lraa b owknihijnk f cijksuib 1i tmanertt wave and treble wllh the bull don t make a good roinbtn btion al bal that is the way i fr i almiut ii 11 also makes one ask i h nu atbii why go farming but untiimunntely it doesn i supply tbf answt r it was tin mi 1 had an appoint intiil to get a priitamtit at u o lot k miwxlay inomlng it was a job thai bail long t- ii rtrlayrrt nnd will h i would gldl have pthnil still furlhri inly self ree t plus the bnunrtinic of a husband drove me to ii so tbeie it was oixlixk monday nmttklnit at the lime 1 made lb ap pointment 1 knew no leasun ulbrr than dtslni llnstlon wtiy i sbouldn t keep it even ihousjb it did etime at an inimvenienl houi ame monday mnrnlng son hob want out to the itarn partner followed a little later in a short while partner was twik very white and looking for a bull ring thai we always keep in res erve ten minutes lihr hob reap- rared looking even vlra i ban his lad arvit favotlng one aim he t m me to phone fur the vet to help put a new ring in th bulls nose t du i know even t all that rrilly happened or w ho did what v i thai lloli got penned up in th hull j pen nearly gut tils arm bioken ml jumjmd over the side of i hi p n io rmif ilten partner was tr irtg to 1 do mum thing slippisl or elv the bull pushed him and he fell wllh hu feel i nnd b k under the hull sonuli iw he managed to get away after waiting as long as 1 could at lb bouse i uieaked down to tb bain tod found that wlill i bey were waiting for lb vet nty men had managed between the two of them to get th new rlrur into the aolmal now naturally they were taking a i banc but it was also a risk to have a full grown bull lied in a stall without a ring in bis utse roitunately be was not i ross but he was very nervous and ei ited and hiii n hob jumped over the side of thr vn be was just alkjut it m aied as hob w ii 1 n 1 bnidl tell y hi i waoit wnirvliik niutb bimhii kp inic an appointment with a bull tr i itt itint mm homixr half nn b iiir latei i wint out ki just o nnuir ins if and foon 1 nil mm itiirt m th batnyaid rionl miui im in i mfcumn i hut i t away uftm my hair do s weit an 1 whin i kt lui k al tiimin itirf wan dlnit r to gi i and nfl r illnni all mv miuiiln rltures to do and thu all r in wild to i it v hi die tiulh lb splilt w n not very wlllink and the tlrh rvm lio mi and 1 kutiunithmt to iuptalbn tuintd on i lie radio to listen to doulni abtmitt addiisalng the v anadlnn club and mtllel mself t omtirtahly on lb ioik h for juit a ft w mtnulea hut nlaa wbat mi ablxitt said i ii never know the only thing i hi ard was he telephone ringing it brought me tn my fpet in a daye and i am still wondering what kind or answers 1 nave to the eiin who was railing i hope- they wire sensible 1mm bus ii was all in itinnnllon with dishes nnd ihlnga i was to tak in prepai ntlon for a imiihiui l fur w hb h our institute t rati ting this week and of wbfih uu will probably hear moit in our next hy ihr lime i wn through al tn it it ptmnr my brain nnd brnwn was im tclimlnti to fuiullon om c nttuln and i wn- nblr to tmkle the luh s nnd the milk j nlu nmt aftcrwnnu io sit down t m tiarttrr i look a nd w it h tor tbln uiuriiliig to m ike a rough copy as i aat under th dryer but there was a l uuu uaut tax- rier dog that belonged to th plac who jumped up on my tap and aiayad there as long as i was content to pat him and rub his little black ears ne he got down but in a tlttl while be was back again thar were two other women there at tha time but lie ignored them completely lontlnlng his attention entirely to me and do you know i lake i hat as a iwmpuiumt it always makes tat fee i badly if i cannot win th con- flden e ol an i ats or dogs with which i ume in rmtat tlven llni i generally succeed perha i under bland their language or prhsjs it is i hi y sense i have no fear of them and spanking of rtof last week i saw a man i tin ovei a little him k sp4itii i ii wasi i lb dtlvers fault ih utile dog ran ilghl into h mr hut 1 tilled to ihllik how mimeitiie was kolng to miss thnl mmi utile dutf and bow 1 wished i i mlu i seen the ii id- nt happen iiamtmkivimn poo iuaiski iiv motiiuis s 1m h aulmlla t i a l an i tin down ntcm whli h em in 1 nil th mb of syij in in uir fumlly fot wlim i lot in s dui inu th wai tlliie shoitntfi a and tail nbui mii rfenll iimi al a lending sloie bete t unit uiilfunn la a very lnihllaiit h lug io autli allan blldjen who hi in rnlly wear distinguishing hat i adgrs blat r mm kets and in the ave of ho at publh ntumli flat stmw boaters in summer all llu se and many more garmenia ie riulrlng smn lal manufaclur wei pioblbited io save material and labor lining the war and bul for the rloth- liilt mhi would havt lieen unprocur able a hla klmkanl placed at the lop of l in ew n lal or i n t ring the drpart mint of i be store foalertng hie kul was available in harassed mothers hh would bnlk up their hlldren s ieiuliem nla enrly tn the morning nnd by nightfall the response bad usually come from some aympathet m ilber in tin joodfin iransai tlons in vthhh hh tui changed hands then was never more than 1h worth of lothlng in llu poil at a lime rpajuc ttaoc lli ijuestlon of what paopla do with their spare time has a bearing on the question of town progress some teopte may bswao hurried and driven wllb their dally work that they have tluw or no spare time when ieople do have ajutre tlm wbli h ttiey i an use in an way they fll ihr community would be glad and giateful if the could gtv lama of it tu rffoila for th publfr good if propli use some of that spax tune for wik in local organisations and movements they help io make the imme town more interesting at- iraillve and jautlful rhay ar well n wanted by the greajer proa perlty thai i nmes tu the town and hi benefits whlih are h ipful to the lcl e generally iuewaiuor lfioui an old timer tells haw in hli boy hood lb school h attfuu4 gav hint a ard entlllel itaward of uit when he bad done asp filly wu it would no doubt stimulate tha child ren of those day to renewed effort io learn their leasons hew aids of merit are still btaf glvm out in various forma th stud ent who gets high mark in aejtml or rillege is honored in varloua wayiv llu i lunrei of getting a god job ta work ir business are greatly iraprty- mi liter e are reward of martt also in work and business tfwhsv who are es- laity fflclnt and faith ful are llkly to get itetler chajmaf i promotions ih- higher pay th world afltl leconnies merit and effort ajssl ability io d things lally wait real estate insurance ocean steamship tickets insurant- nov i the time to renew your inauranca and bring it up io date values of properliea and content have increased insurance rate on fire have decreased and near benefits added kkai kstatk wc have a number of dwelling for tiu some arc owner occupied and immediate poueailoa given othcrt for investment some choice farma fef hate iarfc and small acreage i- or fuillir itif irmatlon apply to fl wright kkaitok ami inkhranck illonk 95 jt re inn c- uiw t in inch thick plarv in crawd muffin tins and lt rim bake in hot ovan for tan mlnutea- do try to arrva tm- madlataly kotc at thla tlma of yaar on anould taka particular car to aav that all ceaklng matarlaulara warm alas tha uvtradlabta ms dratti ahould rach tha iponc whan it u rttlnt or la tact at any tint a tlttl car mak all th dtfttrwu in th qual ity of tk nnlahad prxaoct not opcanonbox la antwr to aaaay rauta w dukllah th almril rnthod of maktnl butur spraad lt a bound of buttar atand in a warm plaea until aoft but not nwltrd craua butur craduahy add cupa rallk oaatlni with a rotary hatr until prtetly blandad add at up talt and eomblnt wall chui aafor pladnc on uhl or maklnr aandwtchaa aa incraaa in th pric of vt abw oil in th united state win boott the prlc ot urdlna and hr- mnta atlthtly sales and service milton ontario 04- mercury m iim 111 n mrs mttclirvtmls u are plaaaed ia wilnmj ban bee l muua aa ear rearaaealaueea to tlw fast rrewta p wtia body ef merrury and i airiln dealaia ta aaw daa wm bntu eannlete aaleaaad rrlri lanwilea aa all prsiaiaa at the hereaiy aad uaoala dhrlatoa fwatur- d fw 1u ar th new mereary lit tlw big aaaltjy ear r awdlaan price lie raaavaew e a a meeaory hi la the i prloe field v unoata fan aetata hnr line ef iroelu mercury ufai trurhe rererlac the baallag earhalf te thrrr teae ia hrhalf of year aw dealer lavlt yaa to drea la aad fee riane are aaw aader tray to medara kalldlac whlrh will rqolpped to tereks mareary rare aad treeka aad a wide ulna eewrel aad llraay ae fahy i tiaaala aff ta- mkrcirv m lincolu ililslfll ford motor company of canada limited anilfflflhlsiytwl