Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1946, p. 4

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t r pack routt the acton free pre ss thursday march asth ini 0 st neighborhood news fnitsnlli haass ceteatilag otw clr end com iiihtw b which mast i oar euaaien are ibimwuj nassagaweya 88 n 7 last wek farm forum was held at th home of ur and ur wilfrid keiuudy with a food attendance to djaum the question can the world b f4euchr and pdro war lyiit during the aortal part of tha avenlag after which the hoateu serv ad tandttlrhaa tart and cookie mr c c davenport qulltrd a quilt for the buay ue hub the progreulve euchre hrhl tn no t trhool by the lluay iteva last friday evening had a gd altennanre win ner for the genta were lit mr ed davenport low mr john wilson ladle 1st miss jean frank low mr leslie u tiler miss kirs nor ietenort uelph tpent the vamkofwl at her hmm here erin ballinafad on tuesday sftrrruwm alarrh 10th tha ladtes of uallinsfad t himh and community gallverrd at the hums of mrs m smith to do honor to her son ilorara and his brtdv horace was ae of the first toy in the commun ity to olunteer for service when war broke out mrs smith hvfore her marriage resided in toronto when all uere asaemhim mlu 11 mill nad an addreas welcoming mr and mrs umtlh to the thurch and lommunlty and asking them to accept the many gifts which weie presented to thrm by little helena 11hu and shkrle klrvwood mi and mrs smith both made a most fitting reply itrfiesh- ments were then seized ai time enjoyed h all mr wm mckay and jh onto spent the week end and mrs ale m ka and friends in the community mr and mrs kusswll ialor of tor to apent the weekend with mr and mrs j allan the young people preened ihetr pla aunt uessle ileal s thr hand friday night tn the hall to a full liouae and it certainly waa humorous it was well presented under th dlr action of mrs el wood snow we un- aarstand the hne a number of olhrr ngmgements the farm forum met at the home of mr and mrs- snow it being the laat meeting of the winter term and rlew night li was questionnaire night and man queitloni were dls on thursday afternoon march 14 ilurna itesbj tertan church wj4s roe at the home of mrs w f mr- kner thomas traham lifelong resident of cstmon died at his home there on xaiuiday nig lit following a long mi ne msple ayiaip run tn wellington mntt u rrtorled to he slowing down say the ountys agilrultural re preaen ta 1 1 ve john iltiaon one time mrmlwr of t aleion township ouncll died at his home flrl line wesl alrdon on vm1neta man h 11 al i lie age of h7 ears llie uui rillrctlon laat i- rlday rralirrd a net turn of m for the local lio septula thl is a aample of w hat an ttr realized from lisp whuh would ofttrrwlw tired adv ate a aoclal isle or tor- wllh mr other ckdakvaie i he moithl mrrtlng of the cedar valf w i met at the home of mrs wm im on thurla mart h 21t it oil all was way laptoa nrlglibor 1 llir following program waa gl en mollo more hlessed to give lhan retclve mti a tiffin and was read h mrs in inatrumentnt mrs v llurien r adlng karmerell by i- lean or trtffln solo mrs cunning ham a song contest by mr i hur n n wam won hy mrs u iddls flean- or riffln rendered an instrumental i unt h mri aeracxt and a mm in half hour rnt dnlrndett for lat weekt mim adrline innlngham of alton tpent the weekend at her homr here congratulaltona to mr and mrs kenneth hall of turlph nee ihjllit smith on he gift of a son a number in our section have tapp ed mrs r imvf u aperultng a few das with frlrndm tn toronto mrs j heed ipenl the week end al hrr home at orton the hydro has been lumnl on in a number of homea here and makes a great improvement to our section mr r mulder lost a valuable horse one day last week georgetown gordon martin has returaad to his position with tha office staff or tha 1rovinctal paper mill after receiving his discharge from tha rcaf at a quiet ceremony at the brida maty kdytha squires daughter of mrs arthur squires and tha lata mr squires became the bride of edwin eugene hall of gowganda ontario mr kenneth itaxruon a pupil or mlas lynda stewart waa succeasful in passing his crade 3 history with honors at tha mtdwlntei laminat ions of the toronto conservatory of music with a successful hockey aaaaon culminating in tha entry of an all star midget team tn the play offs at maple lelf atdens ntht friday night the eorgetown hecreatlonal oumil already has plana underway for baaehall for the summer and are discussing the possibility of reviving tat roue in town a t lowd of j30 dam r enjocd tlie st ialilks daiwe aonsored by i he i jo is lub in ihe hotf h urn on man- 1a evtnlng ihe dance was the sec ond srml formal hrld in town this ar and waa so successful that tha lub lans to inakr 11 an annual al- fsli herald iimkiiousk a mini enjoahle lime wrta am nt at the memorial hall on rimay ev- rnllit when a ot lui k auper and nncett were held lhe tahlia were well laden wlln liol htipier dishes meat anil saliula and waa fulloutd by toffee and aket iikim taking part in thf concert int hided mlaa ituddell and her rhythm band of s s no 0 mrs w romar mi vara helen and herttia mielutuine mmgnret and rl eanor spllier itoas norton mr mow at mr sam tlsh and mra j hough ley a few rounda of rui hre finish ed off thr evening with lilgheat scores being hay iowell and ken mr ionald mr and mrs w 1 mills and htlen mills of ilcar u omen a division were welcome v tailors in limr house on sunday mrs cordon sutherland of ixtndon malted riends in thr nrlghborhootl laat oakville mtiurmrs of the uakvlu town i ouni il wan guests at the regular weekly meeting of the itotary club on monday night the gueal speaktr for the evening was mr charles austerberr flrld set ret a ry of tha community welfare council for ontario who stoke on juvenile de linquency the british a merit an oil camp- any a clark son refinery haa present- rd a tjsoo prtxe to be awarded to the student having the highest landing in upper school chemistry examination swinging alortg wlth a free stride mr charles iriestman complete with ahlllalah waa welromed hy ids wor ship mayor j m campbell on the completion of ida 161 h annual hike from lorojito to oakvllle keconl- siar burlington at tin legulnr meeting of the town iiiunrl on tliursday evening the in mix is in m km n gave iwo readings to a by law to lift residential re- htititlona on llranl street from maria to caroline street and at the same time a ih utsllon of residents atrong- l tipjhml the alliwlng of a machine shop on the rear of lot aacet as 104 llrant sireet and fating john street llie managt incut of i hi l of fie lot arc liavlng plana piepared to make exit nsle altn a i ions to tlx premise a tut uplrd at irrunl lo ihe opportun my shop li llrant street nlor lo nttivlng into snm in ihe near future harold llumphif in his seeond mar s s at ihe inketalty of loronlo reently won first tnie in the seaklng tompetltlon smnaored hy the ami rlran mechanical engtn e rs j ii dunham was nametl truant and iyafflr officer for both the pub lic and high s hool tioarda for a per iod from march 15th to june lslh at a salar xf 50 00 per month and co per mile car allowance rhe en- penae will be divided equally between the two boards gazette ibbbbbbbejbejaabbffbbbs woods 3 ucctriol fum kqulpawit j renfrew s hoy w coodwin tiik hawiih dkaleb ii it no 2 acton ilitmc 40i laaababbbbaaaaaaas concrete i blocks i now available in gixm hirxls 8x10x16 and h x 12 i 16 these blocks are manufac tured to meet ihe toronto by law specifications by cheltenham concrete prod uct cam victoria 20r31 harvey walters acton keprctenutive call acton 37 small advertisements at ch villi 4f i a4i4limj sf4 ic im filff jic 4 i 41ikmkj 1m mfh m4 uaut tallboaid olt trailer rwl pi4u illone vx rob bale 1 tool t ultlvalur john aixan il ii 3 acton wantto uud mmtm wantl kindly ctau is rondlllun and prlra box 40 kkkk prj23 km hale ouanllty of lrd rurnll audly ii j iihuwn crwron urnara wan1tj itfllalilt aiitnin to rarr or baliy mi inlay to ijday tpimmni 1lionr ti7w aixn rtlr haijt iltin for air hab hark ualn st rr raij- nldlnk lot tor lair on brock imiosr 11 7 lhi nr la th j ytu haijt miirnl hlork h i urt li mrrrl llm watson 4t rtmaby campbellville mr earl anderson who haa been in the hospital for some time is slowly improving but experts to be there for tome time yet we w lah him a prompt recoverx eden mil1s mr a andenxm ia spending some time in the home of her daughter mra j rillot and mr elliot at mil ton mr el hoi a mans friends will be pleased to learn he is makmg a good recovery from his recent oper ation in hamilton hospital mlas mary farl of london la via- hing in the home of her parents mr and mrs w early miss doreen petttfer of ouelph who via ted over the w eekend in ihe home of miss rett mclean sang a lovely solo at the afternoon service in ihe lresh tertan church which was very much appreciated mr george cnadale of magnets- wan spent several das tn the home of ur and mrs j p lowiie lcpl billie lowne of london also spent a 4x hour leate in nia home here a very pleasant evening w nt recently tn the town hall when friends and neinhhrk of this com tnunltv met to honor another of our young men who ha launched out into the era qf matrimonial bit pro- grecsixe euchre was ptaed for a abort time xlr 1 mactonald acted as chairman mr tdwtn watson fa- ared the gathering with selettions from his electric guitar and mr ma- xougall present ed the pntes for thomas consolation mr eork mi alpine gentleman s high early consolation laveme tuhon mr and ira russell low rie t nee v ynne dawklns were then called upon and ulo eileen wright read the addresa and the young couple were presented with a beautiful 65 piece set of dishes ad tablecloth both ttuasell and wynne thanked their friends for their lovely gifts honed all would come and visit them in the near future lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing music was supplied by mrs v early my a kear and mr edwin watson with mr gilbert kingsbury as floor inanagr mr and mrs george ramsey jean tattd nelson of st george were recent vwtort tn the ramsey home wadding belis are again ringing for 1 ef oar local young ladalaa rtha- tympathy of thlt community rtoea out to tha mcfarian family la etna daath of thair slater mln mc- slfaruna waa a former raaidant ot this cstattrlct mod was a member of tha elocal pmbyterlan church thr w i held a moat auccesaful prtgresie euchre in no 10 school on edncadav e enlng ixwr prise waa won h ilod crawford fuchre prtia were won b mrs frank mil lean cramp wallace king and ar thur smith clifford hill won the t himren a gamf mrs i lod crawford and mr john rut ledge pro ided music j f t darning committee in charge of the event were mrs robert huinn mrs nelson howard mm m ituck and it teirtie stokes pilot officer harry freestone and mia freestone t sited the misses huhhert laat frtda mr freestone has rjrcently returned from actmce tn india he was a former emploee of the nank of nova sooua mlta fleanor mclaren spent tha vvink v nd with her parents mlaa olke mahon of toronto and it inalructor craw fonl mahon of lumttton and mrs crawford mahon and dauchter of kitchener pent sev eral davs isat week at the home oflr am mr fdward mahon mr and mrs therald wetheiairct carlisle visited mr and mrs ross miu hell on sundav mi and mrs melvln hood were sundav uct of mr and mr joseph mn hell of freelton mr and mrs arnold cant eon of rockwood have purchased the grocer uvlnes from mr and mrs charles n uriah the new owners take char- k april lat nt fi school farm forum had thrir closing meeting tn the form oi a dance on mondav evening with the jo e orchestra supplving the music i w manaeee nti sthool farm forum were gueats or no i farm forum on mon dav evening after a discussion re view in charge of the president archie cairns progressive euchre was enjoy ed b all pruee were won by mra j k mahonmrs albert stewart elmer carton and donald bruce thr blair young women s auxil iary held their march meeting at the home of thje mjes van sickle with the president mui black presiding during the business period the ser vice of worship for youth with tha theme on earth peac was used leaders for the different sections wfr miss u black mus vetle van sickle mrs unn and miss delia vansickle a social half hour was much enjoyed mr and mrs norton o ni falls new york andmlsa edna ken ny ot burlington visited with tha mtaaee huhhert on sunday mra g agnew had as guests on sunday her daughter annie and mr and mrs guthrie of burlington who have recently returned after spend ing tha winter in florida mr heatherlnrton r itleratlon of agriculture field man again visited ua on wednesday ahowlng several aplendld films both afternoon and ev mint it la too bad that more people do not take advantage of these educ allots features put so conveniently within their reach a social half hour la enjoyed at the close a tuesda afternoon euchre was held at mrs klrknatruks lat week when ihe prlies for the five week marathon were awarded to winners i mrs f miller and mrs ilarvey nor- j ton admissions lo all were artlrlea tor sale at a spring bazaar of the w i i mrs smethurst and mr w a 1ane are both under the doctors care and we hope to see them out again soon mra clarke is staving with her son nnd daughter in law mr and mrs vnl clarkr mr and mrs spllzer and dnushters imtrd nlatlvea nt ilreslau on sun- i tlnv i mr and mr t miller and rusaell vnttcd in tuelph tin sundav ospringe mi md mn david stewart and familv vlaited on sunday with mr nnd mr ale tovcll at owen sound j mr nd mn ross r erituson have 1 movid onto iht ir farm on the nd line whtth the retonllj purchased from mr earl smltn i mr and mrs arnold suntrr call i nnd plane of frln are visiting with mrs r sunter arnold received his duthartn inst week from the army friends of little joan a tkrn daughter of mr and mrs gordon alt- ken will he sorrv to 1 am she fract ured her collar bone one tiav last week all with for her n aiccd re covcrv a number of new ats have been purchased for the school and are now i in place tne attendance now la higher than for some vears with tfll pupila regiatered ihe ijtdles aid conducted a lunch counter at the sale of dan mclean on 1 monday afternoon and did a brisk huvlnesa rte r meiratptrei of ladles from ihe first line an en tertainment was held tn the lovl f hurt h on wednesday evening the entire program was given b an art ist from toronto tea and pie was also sold at a booth in the hasemert proceeds amounted to fifteen dol- 1 lar mr d n mctavtsh visited m tor- onto recently mrs a beamish and nina mr and mrs john beamish anne and shirt- j ey spent sunday with mr and mrs victor beamish in the village mr and mrs f brydon visited with mr and mrs james brydon in acton on sunday evening wren grace burrows wrcns of ottawa is home on two weeks leave prior to receiving her discharge mrs charles bruce is lilting with her soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs smith at tallemor i mr pat struthars obtained his dis charge from the army last weak and is now employed with a construction j company at hulsburg miss isabelle scan ion of gualph spent the weekend at her homehare warning th ntv air raid alrtn lo uwd for the fire ajarm lytrtctn in acton will probably be given a trial on saturday march 30 1946 at one oclock the counul is diiirous of ascertaining the effectiveness ol the alarm in all sections of the town before a permanent in stallation is made tiik municipal council c l kirkncu reeve httj barijvr rcakr sr mr ulr for aad j ii lkhiik and son it it i acton ii ik 3 ihonr vrlt ikxkwooa omrijttf rnokhektino hkrvkt ur aniall bulnaman flnajirtal tatmrnta tax rrtumi writa 1iox ii fiu k itikms v for haix kounitatlon a iocily s1 iotatoa aiily to alttlltlh j ilirnn acton ii it no 2 in j i iit in 6th una erin fob raix a quantity of timothy sed gov- rrnrnrnt grade no i alui 3 vyaar- old rrkttrirri suffolk lr dua in april a ii maitsiiail 1h moffat now available to permit holder the new improved 1946 fargo truck sixes from iv ton pickup to uta biz s ton spada the information ia now available regarding the important changes or a phone call will bring thu information right to jour home or place of buaineas a licensed mechanic late or the roaj haa now been obtained prompt service available on any malt of car macswain motors acton phonk 85 its fur storage time to his many friends in this district mr d grossman of the artistic fur coy hamilton wishes tp announce that he will be in acton on april 1st to pick up fur coats and winter garhtents for summer storage mr grossman will be showing a smart collection of neckpieces during hn stay in acton if youre thinking about repairing or remodelling your present coat this is an unparalleled opportunity to consult an expert on this kind of work estimates are free you are under no obligation for fnrtlkf morasabon telephone pallants family outfitters acton pbone 124 ktm ai jr ur i r u a vna tlru for hand rwlna exparianeed or lamara alao aewlna marhlna opar ators r xrvllrnl onportunltlaa for uhmantlal aarnlniia apply iiiitmoiif llars ltd 3b1 gualph fob rale too ijjhorn coekrru 1 to 4 waaka old s7 00 rxr hundrrd rrlna your own boxe alao thorouahhiad garm- an rhrphavvl frmala puppy kvanlnss or saturday j a wiujtts dalilnafad puimbino and ifeatino ivaar foundry hrallna and plumb ing aupplle rhone or call for dem onstration of nrw typa of vacuum cleaner r o stapieton phone zx church straat tf nabt 1iichh ilray april may rhlrka ahoukt ha ordered now llntchrry haa limited aupply started for immediate detlv fry cockerels too for the meat mar ket whatever your neeel let us know ute lime correipondlnir wera bray agent cfo c ilitown it it 1 nerval for mir acre farm wen half ut 1 con 1 townahlp of frln two miles from acton on county koad 9 nom 3- storey frame house stnl barn wall- equipped and frame implement ahed heasonahle caah offer considered for further particulars apply to tiie public trustee of ont osgoode hall toronto ttndeuh tenders will he received until ap ril n 1m6 for wlrlnr number r school naxsagawrya work to ba completed h august 1 lvw tha lowest or anv tender not necesaarily accepted details at the home of the secretary treasurer a ii diamond u in 2 nork 0n notiit sealed letlera marked application bei ethyhaumarjtoied up tp ii oeloc noon on monday april 1st 194s for the portion of koad superintendent for the town ship of eaqueslng at a salary of signed mi x m bennett township clerk ajjtiima mnrw enjoy food nlghfi alaep without eouhi choking lira rhson7ss shelby ave hamilton lays ama great suftarar of uthma ui hronehltl and triad everythlal jalk with ur howey and ms mad n idna proved satlafartory to i ant happy to say my a say my asthma jranfwtaforntlon fg lagone and 1 am douiefmy nstlon v laa rtk hamilton st4 w t pattbrsoif ro twelautt la eye avi mil im wtntthah trr odcuw riuae mm sbjij-

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