Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1946, p. 6

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js tacmt six the acton free press thursday uahc31 ims 1m the week al ottawa by il dknt iioogoon kkuki ft- staff wetter 10m policy aimed 1 i it duct ion t maintaining and for rnrninu a mu h wheat as potable s1v girls preftt r shipment lo a starving world j j harh to kitchcri pme t included in the weeks devettp- merit urrr aiutoumement of a nlne- i point prudut turn and conservation poliy by iumr minister markeruje jkmg innoun4rmrnl of the 1m6 inlt- inl wheal iiv l trade minister rt kinnon and conversations tet ecn meinttcis of the canadian win at lioid and the ahinet wheat om- nit from whi ri fuit her dewlop- vpt ull mi kt ig hi nouni men outlined lime itilwi ttt on mf pa a 10 per ttnt iei tli ii n fiom 1m on wheal alalia blc fol 1 miimi nullm a f ent let u hill 111 w heal for dls- tilling pi 1 m and a amalgn f rm our a sa vulg h i untuniin of wheal pi imiu and i uihjiatr home gardens i mee itln- r mints art aimed at gelling f xxl to starving unmlnn as civilians at singapore 194246 centlaiud tram lut wmk in april ihr cimp vm vliilid b iu4ororl salto who uiirtid ltrnm by utdrttln thm term oi courty expreuln lym- pthy with lhot ulllng hem he i wh h wu working o kane new ll tor x i tk betterment of their conditions l he ott ue lut the new 11 were reveeled on lll eonvlldll may whan tnterneea were moved to slme road camp the thange iron tha prison conditions of chengi lo tha open air life of tha him road gamp was generally welcomed but tha condition or the camp was i dis appointment many of the hull ibuilt of rough wood and attaps rr v i dilapidated home being on thr verje af roll par and the great majmiy of tha roofs leaked mora or lau ser iously congestion in living nuirimi wu aa had at changi thr aveiage para for inleinee being ahout 24 q ft ijke mr aaahl oneritl hallo started hl regime with an ambitious program for the improvement of mt 41 1 inns in the imp ksira hut weia t ha built to relieve- congestion mil artatl were lo le provided for rejmilr of huu aeparate accommodation n to be built for married cousin rd famllle and a pig pmilir afid rallle farm elablhhed which wmild ullln- tel fill the camps riufiemenu li meal rggt and mlk hut alao like mr akahi the oneral found tha rorce of ohttrurttnn too trodg for him no materials could he obtained for rapalra or nru ronatrurtlon until uarrh 1w when lino new inlein- aai uirr aent to tha camp the new hut than bulll were lea than if- qulrad for ihalr arcommodation and otiginaj interne had to submit lo tnrraasad congestion tha kaim a aatabllthed hul on a acale mi tmnlt that it made no apprartabl- contrib ution to the cnmpa food uppl an imimrtant rhanor in the life of tha camp which followed upon i nr move to slme ftnad thai a kiral- ly inrraaaad numtter of men were rn- jigr1 on regular work for to i iutil dnlt at clmnyl onl aonu 70 to hoo men bad been engage o ragular fatigue lhr numlr m row inrreaaed to 2x at find thr additional labor was mainly cmp1nn1 on gardening uhk1 cutting and 1cm l- ung a site for the farm iwhuh was ftever used hul duitng recent monthk large numwr or men hmr been em- ploav work which is of no appur nt henefll to ihe camp the iaii- i at ruction of roads outside the jeili- tar the linking of a larg oil fclornge- tank an1 the digging of mnneu d to he for a r i ue hul which hc all the apnea rane of military woik work u nominally lunint but the nonworkei l ut down to n stataatlon scale of food nmt on m- aral occajilona dunng tin- lt few months the nlpponcm har threntcsi- rd to rut the mtin fr the v hole camp unlriw men w orki1 hardfi the necessity to woi k a stipulated number of hour in ordci to iusllfy for a mrrr tubslst rnre scale of rat ions mean i that most tnlrine wre com pal led particular duiing the later stsfias of internmentt o do more physical work than was cons tant with their weakened and ill- nourished rendition internees he- ram mora and more emaciated ul- cars bolls and carbuncles were pre valent and tended lo develop into aertous septic conditions treatment wu hampered by shortage of anti septics medicines and bandages during the last few weeks dispen saries were unable to supply handag- ss and patients were required to bring their own other common illnesses were ds- entery pellagrous dermatitis and malaria the latter was due to re fusal of the nipponese to allow our health officers to carry out antl-msl- artal work outside the camp during the early months at slme road or to supply oil to deal with mosquito breading plarea stnce the last rut in the camp rat ion scale t since february the full- time four hour workers dally ration had been 9 ounces rice half ounce fish hslf ounce oil 10 ounces of leaf and a little salt most intern- m had lost weight rapidly and many were now in a state of extreme maciatton with their resistance to disease at a dangerously low ebb in pit of repeated requests no evtra food was provided for the sick under general salto regime there more than 3000000000 feet would be retained in canada mr howe also announced a haw ruling under w hlch priority for budding materials will be given i j auxlrmjimn women agitated airmans allegations y ctjcajuno auction sale ineeramoa townsiue farm rtock umfuatknth veterans homes and materials wouht xkactob kqtipment and be channelled into goernmnt-ap- proved low coat bousing projects such as those being built by wartime iloutlng ltd under the veterans land act top priority will go to veterans with homes t5 per cant completed but which are being held up lilai k of material mmin av mwihle marketing of wheat held l farmers on theli fnrm will le tncouragtm re1urtion of inventor- tis of wheat and wheat pi1uts is utgvil and in reasel ipjantlti- ot oats and nit 4 whral will le ntaih- av ahlc for eiom if xhslhlt lrt addition prlorltlea for rail lianhrt of wheat for expirl have lmhn otahluhrd and inodtfh nljon of emulation affecting bulk shipments of flout aiul fee1 la planned farmers no- txing urgeil lo plan tlo pro duction to obtain the nmlmum eld f fmnl klutfs ovei thr itrvt four m ra mcnnwtnlc ihr goveinment offrrcl i m ourugemciit to ninirrs tn wmfcrn 1jounlrt w ith thnc long a w ait cd nn- luniiktiihntp ifivmenta on the var- ti ijition rilificalr for the car 1h i 11 whml i top will in- atili in june and the lhicv hnrlc niuall- ntlun pnvmrnts w ill le made in mav lhe initil when pa men i of 1 js n bushel tuivis no 1 northern in unir al kort william iort arthur oi vancouvn will le i on u nurd for the nitm iiop car ending july 11 117 pavments on the lm45 ont- ano wheat tjualiatlon fund will le- tln in mav the w henl pari it ipallon certlfltalr a ti m entitles western fmiiurt to shair with the wheal ixmrd nnv pro fit- made in selling the whral at jl a huhcl on the exiwiit mntkrt illclshank australia ci iils lhi wetk irr discussing in agllattd groups an australian alt mans alleg ation t tint they rrr tiw independent 1 and nretr i ma imn to rnake go1 1 tn- airman coipoi al mi hael mr- toitnaik of queensland was one of 4i it a a v mini martted to knglkah jii la w ho lerentl relumed to aus- it alia after five rir serl e in irrat llrltain australian git i art- r natter than i l be ajli but they j pitfer lo spend thru lelsuie tiaklng vit ttw bet b lather than in the i klt hell whlih all giaes to show that there ja wa lo a mans heart i 11 way of compensation attu4 1700 lauatialian girls marrleit to american arrvitcmen with ihelr babies are making last minute arrangements to leave australia on the monterey and j marlpoaa short iv some of the brides have been wall- ing for a passage to the united states j for more than a year others who will not tiavel in the ships have been heartened in their long walling by an announcement that all u5 servtoe- i mens wives approximately 6000 i should lie on their way within sis month i laundry fa ihllis playrooms nurs eries and equipment for sterilizing i teotllrs and utensils will hr available almianl the two liners c pet ted soon i for feetllng hlldrt- n there is eap- ota led onduiised and whole milk also cream of w heal tomato juice fitkti fruits arul fruit juices vitamins 1 a and ii codhrr oil and varieties of i v rtcrtahles wusrtvus the undersjgnad aucilonacrs have received instructions from una emu mcdouoaix widow of the late john ucdougsll to sell by public suction st her farm lot 21 con 6 ersmou situ ated on the 7th line which is the ev- erton line 3 miles n of kverion on mov11av aprjje ls commencing st 1 oclock the following horses 1 hay mare yrs old about j500 lls 1 ray elding 3 yrs old about 1m llw 1 ulack jeldtng general purmse 17 yrs 1 yearling er heron olt txjws 1 itoan cow milking wall bred in feb red cow milking wall tlue tlmr of sale red fcow fresh 3 angus cuwx with talves at fool fat ca1iik fat steers rising 2 is old tangus yolni cathk 13 choice angus yent hugs 1ixs sow due in june 6 big chunks 8 shoats tractoit and kvjuhmknt m h iractor 101 jr on rubber rec ently ovrthauled with brand new mo tor ilurivw tractor plow 2 walk ing plows m ii 17tooih jlllvator witb iower lift and tractor hitch dang plow mkormlrkieerlng 7 ft hinder new m ii drum 1oader new potato plow m ii side deliv ery rake turnip sower m ii 11- spout dlst fertlllier drill new m ii 11- spout drill with fertiliser at tachment mccormlrk 6 ft mowar 2furnw plow 3drum steel roller lynchfwld msnuie spreader ilug- k m h 10 ft dump rake uob sleighs cutter wagon and ilos templln fanning mill hay rack hay fork and rope 2000 lb scales helling pulleys etc set of harrows 3 steel llarrets imlper 1 h p iiic as knglne vi h p johnson air cool cas fjiglnr suitable for wash ing machine forks hoes shovels traln hags whiffle trees logging chains elc furnithrk 2 kitchen ranges 1 dresser with mirror 2 heds with spnns and mattressrx 1 coleman 3 burner cm stove mellotte cream separator milk pall hay and chain oh bus mixed rain tt ton clover hay ikmiltry kgtiipmknt foun tains hoppers etc llrtiodrr slove 1 llrnodrr house h x 10 one 10 x 12 terms- cash no chattels to lie re moved until milled for no reserve an the faim is ranted kramosa w 1 will have a lunch counter roy hindi ky j a klliott aurtlonrers allien ray clerk im1 2 aursies cooperate in pouftkv s0cietv leeton australia cp formad on a capital of fo a registered eo- operative society of poultry farmers here hasmade s profit of 12890 in 9 months tlie new society now jj to buy its own prernses and will supply poultry feed 16 members a killing and pre serving company may be built tills is nne of many primary producers cooperative enterprise now gaining support throughout australia chum renewal or unemployment insurance books to all employers irivuisruc rooks for tlc rar ptfi muvi l rvttisiiurl for all i nciiiplo inciit culling mirtli vlvt ll u nr invurincc liotikv for tlir fncsl yesr 1v16p will ix- niluntt ty lie itcl nticxul 1 tnplo tnent ifluc in tur srs ftr eiilcd liivurmr lv proltft tht brnrfit rigbtt oj your tmptoytet by itmdittg im thr r expired bookt property com- pitted om march hit unemployment insurance commission we specialize in attractive printing w new government moves were ev- petted soon to give farmers incent ive lo deliver wheal thev have teen hoidini in atornge on theli arms and thus help meet the immediate needs of amine an i inai famine innts lhe wheat ixvard has cstimntc j mimiui buslirls nif wim bld bat k irom deliveiv while other estimates run even higher it is conlendsd thit i bin growers in many cases ate not de- i livering w lieat tn order to save on income tax the argument is that if s farnirr delivers all the wheat he has to sell in one year he would pay more tax in the evrnt of a crop fail- ure the next year than if he spread his deliveries over the two years anv government move to encour age such deliveries therefore is ex pected to involve readjustment or in come lax payments if 5o0o0oo0 bushels could be made available in this way by july 31 it is estimated canada may be able to ship about 100000000 bushelr over seas before the end of the rntp year this would mean a cany over of m00jj000 bushels into the new crop year which wheat experts say is the minimum carryover possible to mft domestic needs until the new crop deliveries start as the throne speev h debate pro gresses criticism of the governments housing and reconversion performance came from all sn s of tne hivise op position members said the reconvers ion program had bogged down and that government steps to me t the housing crisis were lopjlev inad equate exen liberal mernbis join ed tn the criticism in repj jtacanstniciuan muuuttr give to conquer bictaib net to heart ducse csneer is the greatest tingle ciuic of jcsth on this continent it kills 1000 csnsdian evcrv j month one out of everv eight nersont now living must expect to die of oncer unless urrcichtne preventive measures are taken cancer t s deadly killer unless the patient seeki earlv medical advice put when caught in irs earlv stages cancer is general iv cliriblf 1 tt ffsmw mnd efermtt fmllf tfmifptd smer dimes st mitthe rrarrfj ufart feeflt asev bt tv- aavraw smd if ueceitmn trtdted scxerdm t thr must icremtifie tmlhtdi j t fsj s perttem ef the est ef trimmint ef c4wr fee tbttt mtedtm ftnsnasl keif 9 t fy rrstfllim femjes i smd frm jimtci t ttndmct mm ifcsfxa tmerftttc fregrsmi f had been no fundamental change tn the mathods of administering dlactp una but major incidents were less fraquaat on three occasions men reused of making contact with per sons outside the camp perimeter were severely beaten and kept in eoaftnament under the customary conditions of privation for periods of from 3 to 10 day a camp official accused of answering a nlppoaee aea try disrespectfully was knocked 4own by a blow from the sentry hfla and than severely ticked and finally takan to the guard room whare ha received about 13 strokes with a haavy pole a bona in hit wrist wu broken the ualson of- dear far tha womans camp was ss- oaultad by a member of the nippon- a fttard yamada whilst h was s his ordinary sanctioned dtltlsa ha wu punched kicked setssd by tha throat ttsjtsn and gen- aralry roanhandlad thare wart many other instancas of faeaalsnnjag ttukihhijr and kicking of intartvees by one of tha most o of whom wu yamada continued kaxt weak howe said about half the facsones in canada already had completed their reconversion program of the remain der 30 per cer would n completed within six months 75 pe cent with in a year mr howe said the most recant ea- tlmates showed 44000 additional dwelling units were provided tn 145 of which 39000 were new units and the rest converted homes this com pared with 34000 units tn 1039 pre viously canadas high building year while the number of units which could be built in l4a would be- limit ed by the amount of building mater ials available ha predicted a coeuud era hi y larger house building pro gram in 19411 than last year ha added that a wholly incorrect impression existed that canada wu xportlng far greater quantities of lumber than before tha war lut year ha stated only 413 par cant of canadian production was exported leaving 2e000a000 board fast for domestic consumption in 1946 tha canadian cut of lumbar would reach about s feet greatest la the dominions hutory nd of this the cause of cancer n still unknown and there ii yet no specific cure but if diagnosed in time and treated by surgery iray or radium a cure can he effected in a ma tori ry of all cancer cases it is now proposed to organise an energetic campaign in ontario against cancer in all its forms this campaign will have the follow ing obfectives to carry out this program the hrst need is money your donation will definitely help to reduce the number of deaths from cancer id this province it will help hundreds of people to be medically examined in time and ui escape from the deadly dutches of cancer it may well help research scientists to dis cover a cure for cancer and so free mankind forever from the dread scourge of cancer this aavsveat u far mm ohfacmva af a000000 sa neavta far aj th a caitcar resaavreh i anal frvuicawtla sarvlta on tario cancer foundat io n 1us ssgsslsiil dflea ajilnl aaaaaff is a asi aawt af ta oaftarta caaaar fesasasaaj aad asaa f asmj tfca ci mis c tul contribuuoiu auy tie wad ihroufti yow ion bank or at uw hamtihoit casetr caatpalcn commi ubhagatcoiiipaiiyaol 82 klnz streat batt haatiliett ost-

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