Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1946, p. 7

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thursday march 28th 1m6 the acton fre press pack ftkvbjt hapirthkba hafy u h wbo male a start cch morning with tinging hurt who keep from deep dejection free and maya the beat u yc to be eper him th dreary mornings fine aa4 every reinclou is divine happy is he who goes to work ryepered no hont task to shirk whoa skilful hand and wtlung heart together play thalr steady part for he in unpretentious ways find theme for oruid songs ol praiat happy t h h rinds hie beat soujiuf ylng place of real when vning comes and work and slippered res u dearly won whw wife nd children tnako htm foal tl bounds of love are hands of steel twenty years ago nan uw las of yw fw pr w tfcnrwaay april 1st 1w potato sold on fulph market at 1330 per bag on saturday now that th provincial highway is open motor traffic has already as turned a wry conadrble volume the first hot hous radlahaa grown in acton war delivered to local store from a h bishop groan ho on tuesday the nrat umplr of new ma pit ryrup was brought to town by mr john mcdonald third unr mr hrdonald has about moo irm tap ped in his maple orchard walkvr lodge at- a a m was honored with an official visit of the ddom h wor dro v y lur rarlough on monday evening marrirn 4lkowl mnsaac at the horn or the bride perenls un vednatav march j4th low b hev a c stewart ma john robert s rowl son of the lair itottert spnm i and mrs sproml to beatrice isabella only daughter of mr and mrs peter mclwiar dikd h ijott in nakagaura lon ship on sunda man h jxih 1936 thr vlfr of john hi loll ajrd vt eara the sunday school lesson 8uvdav mabcm si florida ioulili to get ni home a peoples responsibiuty for its government coldn text blessed u th nation v hot ood u th lord ihm 11 lraton test 1 sam 8 1022 tim 1130 b c plac ramah exposition i a porta te nations t wicked rulers 1018 th people were eager for a king w that thy tall samuel bruaquely tnd hrartlaasly that h is too old to 1 any longer fit for th plac of iradrrshlp vs 15 if samuel feelings wre in the way of thlr am billon they muit br trampled upon i no msttrr how faithful a ruler sam url had been 1 sam i j 3 s hut samuel iitni to hate been reaping in part the result of his own folly his sunk wrr unfit to be judges but he made them judgr over israel it is cod s bu tineas to appoint judges and not man a the fact that samuel himself was a judge by divine appoint men gave him no right to make his own sons judges divine gifts and offices are not transmlsaable from father to sm it is a grave mutaki 10 sacrifice thr work of god for thr interest of our hildren ratherly ambition for his win arems to have led samurl atfray een with the awful example of km before hs eyes irh i 12 11 1 11 1 un a good man and thta goes to show how he best of men may mak mistakes and with what sad conae ouence they are fraught especially when these mlstakek an in the train i nit f ur children hundreds of years hefoir deut 17 h lt od had anticipated the da whrn his people should rruct king but he was not pleased with the result when it was made ch 2 17 that illustrate the differ mit itetween what od predict and wlml rod desires hie thing di lie ed samuel fi ii was right 11 nhnuld for ii 1iplead the i old n wtll hut he did i he wlet ihlnj th re mri lo he dune under the iriumilinc he praed unto the i nrd i hll 4 6 t samurl with god about it ch 19 11 th lord bad samuel hearken to their voir thtre is no stemr judgaet which god can visit upon ua than to let us hav our own way ave carver insure thumb for 10000 noctbtrn ontario wood cant im latc mmtuh la uh plmiirokk ont tcl whn albert m patterson obligingly carved a new pointer for his school teacher in n ago he didn t real lie he had started a rarwr that would lead to his present title ol sorthrrn ntar lu s wood arvlng guide since that iiulnlercarving episode when he wi 15 years old albert has carved jiikt about evvjything and when visited at l lwne heie recent 1 he wan ut ling the finishing tout hem on umim h refillca ol a bull moor ul out of wlld blo k of wood now he ik preguirlng lo leave un his annual lour of t nllnl slates cities w ith the international sport men s show and with him will be tils wood tarvtnic display that weigh about vtf pounds his carving tools gullel by a cal loused thumb that s insured for j0 i mi air favhloned from straight ras ors wielded in cleveland street biawls itr explained j a cleveland mllce officer a friend of mine i break them down in a vine and regrlnd them j patterson lives in a modern two- tloit hi u k houe mid his only e i urhlon into the wild are lo find a elnl e of edar found on nx k e linns if i lie nearby laur rnlians r rom this he makes cedar heats i used to are just muow now i i nre nlin vtrvlhln he said tta k urdeia nunitered aunit dnm nnd ate filed in thre koui i ho h ii nlt nrt to immrd ni l the inn lir ii irt at nun 1 lo sometime and iht ulhtn hell i ribam ntver look aft r hiiwevrr two sons and a dauktr nlrtkilv nn learning thr business and ja k kd i who tan turn out nn alki afink nimm i nn i bmkt n in nntli r f i wiiks the percentage decline in unem ployment during january ims whan m300 men and women war released from work was below th average of the last 25 years cucajuno auction sale ft re mud and grade iiol- wteink peauvooton hoitseh liuoh and parm uolxttknyh the undersigned auctioneer have received instructions from ubobue hoatehvlllk to sell by public auction at his fsrm lot 3a on highway vquea ing adiolntng acton on the south on weumeisdav april led commencing at wuu uilock cattle at 1k pm ttte following iiokskn 1 dsihle grey pert heron learn b and h yrs about wit ha i dapple grey pert heron team rtlng 5 and ft rs about jmj iu 1 hlai k perclierun riding rtung 1 yrs iliiw horses are quiet gool workers and 1 tam very sultablr to the gar den trade hh iiolmhn iaitir 1 reg hnutrln t m fresh lime of sale 1 iteg moulein tow fresh 5 w ks not hr 1 keg huuletn tow due apr ii 1 iteg llolktrln tow in full flow bred jan iv i llouteln calves 6 mo bred 1 hey llolktrln ow due apr flow hied jan i j holsteln alves 1 mus reg 1 iteg holsteln ow in full flow bred mar 9 1 reg houteln ow milking bird jan j- 1 iteg holiteln t ow milking bred jan k 1 iteg llouteln cow milking bred 1eb 11 2 holsteln heifers 1 n keg oien 1 llouteln heifers 1 r iteg open 1 uuli calf 3l mo- old eligible for rrgtilralloo 1 keg hoi ktiln hull 1 jr old extra tpy in dividual itadl catt1 i houtrtn ow frekh calf st sle 1 holalftn cow milking well calf at side bred mar i i llouteln heifer rising 1 yrs bred jan 10 1 llouteln heifer ris ing i yrs bred jan 11 1 llouteln heifer bred reh 6 1 holsteln heifer bred keh j7 1 jersey cow frefh nlf at htdr 1 blue i lei fir mllklhg well hied jan 11 these cows were nil raised on remises and are all oung showing wonderful tvpe and with will khaped udders svial i ted from grandmin of monlvu itsu anl plitji herd full acrellte and ni native to the hlotvd let llelfrr tl undei 1 ears vaccinated ikxs advance kegutry mo k 1 ure bred oik sow due air 7 1 uiv bred ark sow due apr it i pur- bred york sow bred ijex- 21 i un bred ork sow bred jan i hee tow nr eligible i ir legist at ilixt n t se m to have n win of i iaabnea and their rour sl of pinh for the ingratitude f the e twina lo mou out of frame shack tal 1ahassr ha til h u ida famous famlk i f u thr chllln n of mi nnd mrs w j pub nr air going to m i i inl i tlirir first n al home the 1 vear id mot hi r of four arts of twins and two otht r hildren aays that the houe will be th ful flllment of her lttatim ami 1 1 n she hat alw avs wanted large house with a htg ard so the child ren r i freelv and hnvi i lenl of sunshine now her dr ams an alnut to be real lied the tallahassee board of realtors i sionsnrlng a drive to raise funds to purchase land and build a home for them the realtors sparked the ampalrn with an open ing donation of jsort and ontrlbui ions are coming in at a fast clip the lahne family ha attracted nation wide attention since arrival of its recent set of twins shlrlrv and tleyen offers of adoption gifts of clothing and niine and even a pm posal that the hildren be pin d on exhibit have in en receked b mrs dahney to auggestionii of adoplli iabne s answer has itern no and he add the i hildren tav with m husband ha all dlrterent as to questions of whether she i an tell the t hildren apart mrs dabney say all the t hildren are different and add none of thm ats jut like thr other ii doeen t seem to nie that an of them favots a h other however mr pabnrv a imitt she hash t quit learn til to tell thr cries of the latest artlvau apart helen and shlrlev wre b rn januaiv 19 the first twins martha and lar rame in 1 h2 itiev w ere follow ed b carroll and i arolvn in 1m1 and jerrv and jimmv in im hi fore the twtnsthere were two bot rol mrs firm nn 1 gnirtwiw ntnemnn biiiv nnw ww the famiu whbh has reelvd tu ivnlv income from the florida tale welfare board since p4j wlun dabney gave up his job as a naval torn worker because of falling eyesight live in a tiny wooden hous on the outskirts of tallahae- aa thalr horn la without plumbing el ctrl city or heating equipment lack of running water la a particular pro blem for mrs dabney who muat wash acme co diapers a day besides other cloth tnx for the youngsters sha gets some assistance in the housework from the eldest boys who ah says wash dishas and work ilka everything some of th time at other vim however they gt playing on their minds and arent much help until aflcr he had talked it over with the lirl it wnn n i 1 flmt t holt e ti ktvr ihem ft ktnk hut i ml i iv n wn f inininn ills rhtld m n t 1 i tine t hi ni hit vi thi ir w n i and find out bv bill r er lei tt how mu h iwitir his va 1 s kl 11 l i uke n 1j li od wai thi ir kinc in avklnt a human v vlhh kinu lliev had rejectnl the divine invisible king when lsiarl hose a king 11 wn in ll tnci of the full revelallm of whnt manner the kini shotihl le so n n li t iheir own wa todav in lh face f the thai levtlallon of whnt thnt n lnvolvi snniuet mus in mnnv hikii n n d 1 prea her be kept sib nt until he int n mi wiue fnr tlf i j id nnd then he dillvired it in full iv lot he spoke only what the i lird savc htm lo speak it wa not i a v erv plentant or a er w i it omr nirssage hut it was the one od ave him nnd he delivered it nil thr thnukht that ihev mlkhl be ver mrtirliu nnd jovnu if ihev could nlv have a klnjj but thrv would find ii quite dlfferentlv v 1h he would hrinu tears and not rejoicing so it turned out what a curse to them isrnel s kings taken as a whole wire how act uratrl- tod pictured the manner of the coming kings it it a bitter thing for men to get what lhr thikvm if we do not listen to ihe lord whrn he rail he will not hfttrn to ui when we call v 1m pr v 1 h thrrr ittmr a time when the matter of the houae rise up and shuts the door and all knocking and irving i in vain il uke 11 2vr note nil that i t told thrm the king would inke vs 11 11 17t note also the for himself and the cnitantly rep atet his lntenl of hutbsndiv nnd i nrvrst ihev were to have war nn 1 dentation ii tovls leo le not lo follow orld i at terns 1 ihi op1e were not at all moved bv i mil picture of the won the klnt woum hrmg ujh n ihem the ir fused to oh thev had made up tkif p ft a w and- wll i iioksks hlntw skis 1 arihoo ql t sm i it kit lid i r s nt nnln tiiiik buntiil on skin in tl niilmx tountiv and in hi ah mfl knmloopb nnd rantrook u in an ns lnce ihi hi itlsh i lumh n j vi i ninrnt inm tutnleil h imtuntv m s l m in 104 ni pr imntel 10 000 tun set have imm n shit it is i tl mil isl ihal un nn still nt lnr n the mng s siitri s f hunti n are out in a final i i fort to nd the land of the giniu i luiiummt imsii ittunliis from il to v nre pmd to lit t nsed hunt n for mill st t of i art delivered ioitv v nrs ngo w b n low iitd hit sis win needed to open up the irnirtis bv the plow the avernge wild it c bronco brought 51- nt the corrnl knti the were shipped to th i tallies in ai load lots lameil b ihi loni journev in slot k art and i ail broki n th dvd thtir bit in transforming un vast vacant vlita into thriving t miu live home tends auction sale imi 1 r m r nts ftc 11 1 nv av uuantlt y nsllage m h rain n ier f ft ul h win little nr r a u m wer fi ft ut m it av mili r nrft l n w m it side dangkkor fikk drlmheuuer alia icp about 30 windows were 11118x11011 in homes and stores at roaedale village near here when two 8yearold boys set fir to a box of dynamite they found that settled it hen an man sets up hit will asalnst ilod s then his ruin u tertaln their hearts were futlv set within them to do evil and their whole after history shows the bitter consequences the reaped they desired a king only to be like the surrounding nations a 19 30 and they made the waywardness of sam uel sons the pretext for demanding one god had railed them to be a sen- arate peopl tex 33 16 lev 30 j43 deut t 8 this was a great honor ex 10 3 deut 26 1 10 but israel did not uke the place of separation they were dazxled by the temporal glories around them and preferred them to thing unseen hut eternal 2 cor 4 ib it is just so with the church today w are called to he a separate people 2 cor 6 17 srom 13 2 1 pet 3 9 phil 3 30 but the church does notuke the place of separation we want to be like all th nations samuel list ened to all the people had to say and then went and poured it out unto- the ears of the lord it seems to hav been samuels fixed habit when he was grieved to 10 and have a talk or ft rntti re pie i ndirnlgmd hae received in ti ui lions from v kmit1i li sill bv public suction at their farm ui 1 con 4 lnvp of rsqueslni 2 mib noith of milton 1 miles wrtt 1 ik rnhv on ived road ori hatvrdav march mtsi at 1 u olok the following 1 pleie oiestrrflild suite silk wool viur new hesterfleld rep spring and upholstery in good shape pltte dining room suitt iiiiklimiijust like mu an except f h nllv hunimiir stilti la red cou h solid oak ittnins itoom suite a verv useful suite leather ipholstirnl davenihirt child s cxt enamel 1 dining room tabb s j odd hunett t small lables srltee and 2 lare l ha in to malrh j bedsteads and mattresses 1 wash stands 1 dress- trs ferneries several odd rocking chairs 2 chests of drawers several vv ci fr tier t ii i hi r hav icnki nvi isihlr dump itnke m ii mln dull 14 ho m i torn hinder in evtri good hrjtc i ii ullivnlnr lllikilh torn km k ni v idea mnnurr sjirendet scunlcr i jin i kollei sti i 1 lrum scales dls intl row liw tiuk s kn k lal hav rack saw log hunks took wood stove ranningmftt set of sioop sleteht hand uppers sei if i u hi sb irhs root lulper nub tei tired hutgs stone hct 11 killing pi iw single furrov t 1 k shult walking plows iu fork t of seed hmrovv n section t of seetl harrows 1 section a v r llox with spring mnl pulle mell dt reim scparntor hopes 1 row team orn scuff ler saddle drum of roof ing pnlnt set of sling iiudrn car for wooden track nrnr new flee lib brooder new 1v ft draw rope water tanki no or collar 1 si of henvv rjreechl c harness set if hack rand harness chains set of single harness whlffletrees 1 wav i liter carrier switch lor beattv track new 1 eed carrlti neck vokes shovels hoes r ew fence poxtx t rindvtonr and other aitlclet ttrms cash settlement with the l lerk on dnv of sale no reserve ax the proprietor has void hit farm and is giving up farm ing for catalogues apply to prop- ietnr or a bbmhacher dublin v i wit have booth on the sn undt a b rrubacher auctioneer on cattle i a fmiott rov iiindley h auctioneers w bracken clerk milton welding lleetrtc and acetvlana welding hepalr welding of ail type portable equipment phone us mux ht milton want immigrants chatham ont cpi a resol ution urging th do govern ment to take uninadlate action to facilitate immigration of at least 2u0 furopean families to aid tn handling and harvesting the 104c crops in kent county was passed recently by th kent federation of agriculture fight to death winnipeg cpi footprint ka th snow of suburban st vital tld the story of a fight to death a large majm deer and a big mongrel dog tw o rabbit huntaf found the carcasses of th in the bush and snow marks j they had waged a terrific hattl customers corner were acrau llirra u do yilun ibal will lrrp prtiple frmn muming iim agrjil rtulcim of chatting with thrir nrighboura but r all know how rriwil1 rural hnra ar ncht now and we do urge uu to lrp tluiaa frumllr trlrphunr uiu down to a minimum it kill hrlp to improve trlrphoao vnm all rouad imllov larev 0al c ourh saral smokr standi no of oh lam pa sit of elfctflr lampi i lara hrnnir ornamrnlal shade 3 cook- ttoei i almot new electric annex nw 2 coal oil stove 3 burner 3 hot plate with aide oteni walnut ortn and stool solid oak hall seat larx hall mirror with hrui hooka new kltrhen cabinet knee hole detk drawer with chair new 1 load wood buck saw garden tool lart quantity of l fooklns dlahea and aluminum war i quantity it china ware several extra nod piece of china complete et of out tuus stem war baule rate premier de lux vacuum with all attachment and pouther ib al condition electric toamer 3 19- ectric radio all worklns book- caaea j ivory enamel a qumnuty of rood book relltiou doctor book and fiction wilton runner urte very lane quanuty of curtain many of them new other heuaehold tfecta oo numeroui to mention terms caih settlement- with clerk day of sal poaltlvely no reaarv a thannrop rteton hav aold their farm and are taking a furntahrd city and hav no fur furniture al thi u w muit itart on time j a eujot rov htmdley i auction ceo currl clerk apartment in th urthr ua for th lart al baby chicks i goverment banded and blood totted babbonsnuin s c whtib leghobns and b p bocks now bo0kdk3 ordkrs write for prices adas pfttkry fans boxst8 acton ont but emphyrt and worler mott attut durtnj th war organisation of mmnpowr was mmde post6e through cooprmtion of mmployerm and worker thin cooperation is no ess nemary to asajaf in oranimin thm employment market during the present critical period some manpower control sfi remain thee are still law they are aimed at aitm4 in orqanuina the employment market remaining control are demifned to help employer and workers an of actually requirm only minor iranc from th public you are urged to comply with the four controls which remain 1 employers must notify the national employ ment oiiea of any nswd lor workers as soon as that need is known z where employers engage workers outside the national employment sarvce they must notify the nearest nes office within three days that an employee has been engaged form nss 312 is provided for this purpose 3 unemployed workers seeking employment must register with the national employment office if unemployed for seven consecutive days 4 generally speaking any employer or em- plo must qaeeaa day notice lo the other trty of any intention employment form nss 120 is still required exceptions may be learned from the neareat nrsoffcc ri thm pmttnmrt to industry employers mnd emporeea thould hmjp th national employ rnenf service o promofe a high tml of empjoy- menf by complying with thm ajenpie rusa only with public support can mn mpjoy- mmnt aaxvjoe 41 re toll eaajsf an oe to th com tn unity fum mm lskaf otffaelfew hmihutj ser4csv at if sisws is ssvv ypyf national employment service ase

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