thursday april 23th ims the acton pree press pack bkvbi ttliptlno tts spring alone th country uw whn earth u rich and brown where aoon youll grn grass and as you go into town tu sarin upon th mdow wbr stolid eattl craw and ambl in in frcsiin of warm and sunny daya- tu spring along th river hank youll not it wind th band from whm th sun and shadow an added bauty lend hi spring on busy city street whr folks go hurrying by to pausa in mnw attractive sltop tor gay spring toggery 71s spring upon the corner lot whr flute children play with marble balls and sktpptn in a happy carefr way tit spring in gool housekeepers home where spring rutnt had a start but beat and happiest of all tis spring within the heart isohel anderson f twenty years ago fram the lass mt use kree fva at tlmiiii aaeo tmk itm lots of gardens will he dug on fri day and saturday for fish worms dr joseph johnston ha derided to remove to waterloo where he will practice his profession when harold uhd main street left th workt of the acton shoe factory to take a poaltlon in toronto he was presanfed with a fountain pen by hi fellow employee dr and mr j k llolmr of wljul- sor made the free prru a pleasant call on tuesday while motoiliiic through to toronto it la fourteen year alnce they left alton and thlm u their first reluin visit the member of the young people league of he inl led htmh were very hopitahly entertained by the member of kiuu chureh young people tullrt on monday evening iif3 nkait at hu homr i oung sliwt acton on krldav rmnini april mrd itji william k seai in his 7fth ear scot in rrln iimnthii n nairn- day april mlh ill jams scott in hi 7trd ear ix vol i nkki monkv for income tax if ou are short of mih to pay our income or other incs n 11 of xi personal loai ma be the answer to your need for every useful puijxim mr w li claton manager uf the hank if xlontreal is lending nionrv to people in cvcr walk of life at th ims tost of 27 cent a month for a gloo loan repavablc in 12 monthl instalment- which i equal to 6 per cent interest per annum ou an loi row more or lisv for longer or shorter pcrhms t r cot ik profkirtlonatrl the same the sunday school lesson htnday ahul ltfc yolith trouitlrs bojk and glru are often told that the are living through their happiest year and they should real lie the o of youth many will ka the have their own troubles on thing that troubles some jount- ten of a shy and reticent nature 1 the difficulty they have in taking part in athletic sport some of them feci a real interest in these sport and a deal re to participate in them but they feel a certain hnea about do ing then things they may be aft aid of making themselves fid leu lout by some blun der so some bo will land on the aide line and watch their mate pla baseball wishing they could do it but fearful they would drop the ball or make some mistake if they did so youth organisations and leaders tell such hoys to take hold and play themselves and noi mind it if they do nake mistake thus many young ster conquer this trouhlc of outh the devtoxjpalent of a hock- uke character golden lest w must obey god rather than men a- 5 30 lesson test jno- 1 43 alk- 8 v729 luk 23 m6t ci 3 jno 21 1517 ac 5 29 in this ordr exposition i peter drought to jesus jno 1 42 no sooner had andrew reallvfound jesus but h started right off and got hi own brother and brought him to jesus the clear implication of i he text is that john did th same thli was just as it should be as soon a we rind jesus we should go light off and bring someone else and the best one to begin with is our own brother andrew did a gnat work tn bringing his brother to jesus for it was this brother who preached the great sermon on the llay of th pent ecost andrrwi testimony was tight to the point we have found the messiah he said it was his personal conversation with jesus that had set i tied his mind on this point a season of personal communion wlthjeus is worth tons of apologetic titers lure andrew did not slop with giving his testimony he brought him to jes us jesus looked peler through and through he uiw what he now w and said thou srt simon the son of jans he taw what he was to become and said itiou shall be called seph- a i rock man l it wa faith in the hock thai was to transfer ordinary simon into extraordinary itork man h cor 10 4 matt 16 if ik i jno m ii petir c nnfes- thrift mk h 17- jo hul whom sa e hint i am thit va a i ritlrnl question there might m- error on other polnla and still there tie hopo hut error hen would absolutely he fatal to see in i urn nl tine ut the prophets even ttnukh the f lil and krtalrsl hut not lo see ip him the christ of clod and not lo believe in him at sin h would h to cmpls ills life of lis t ianlng nmi faith in him of its mtssi i and uttrl unfit hem lo t i he fiundnllon of which t ui ist icius lltmseir is the thief coiner mini- kph jlli i it r s con feu ion is er hmllvc there is no un rtninl not one shadow of dult a similar confession hm liern maito ufore jno 1 41 tj ivter hlmlf hud made it upon n former mt nilon i jno h f9 hul it wn under changed cirt limlnnrt now enthun- uvm fr jciut was fust dinji out his fclor wi alreatu iwomlnk en- eloie1 in tin shndows at te nv it crn now the woitlrs and pre- enilnentlv peter recognted uk a the chnwt nf cod iii peter denies christ iuke j2 ma7 61 62 one of the twelve had sold his iinl and oeirnved lllm with a kts now we see unother denlng lllm on the precvdini evening peter lind iteeii told that he could not follow the 1ord jesus at this time though he should later jno 13 3c ft hint lhr were to go away and keep out of unnecessary temptation jno 18 p hut peter turnm a deaf eat to all this and now undertakes to make kikmi his hoakt and to prove his mas ters mistike in his estimate of hm we all have to lenrn that our linl knowx us far hetter than we know nurvhci we first peter follow ing the iord afnr off if he was to follow him at all he should have fol lowed lllm close up jetu had warned peter of ht weakness and his commit fall iv 31 jno 13 38 to all this ndmonlt- ion and warning peer had been ob- iklous he relies upon hi own strepgth but will soon find that it uoes not oifer him support in hu time of nrd we now see peter standing with christs enemies and warming himseir at the enemies firw the itid was now sure ant tlose at hann of iourw peter does tot smjtalhle with what these men ere saying about the master siwi what they give utterance to grlefes hi soul but he ts not protesting he preserves a craven silence ii should not have been standing near th fir he ought to have stood separate frcm th enemies and persecutors of christ p 1 1 j 4t4 2 cor s 417 iv peter restored and empowered jno 21 117 ac 3 29 peter had boasted that though all the rest were offended h would not be that he would stand by ids uord even unto death matt 36 3333 so jesus sa s iov est thou m mor- than these peter had thought ttiat his love overtopped that of all the rest of the disciple jesus asked him if he still thinks so after his sad denial there may tie a reference to the instruments of his old business to which peter had been so devoted ami jesus asked if i et r was ready to put i lm before these jesus demand th supremo offtction uf ills disciples rv i i vone and eer thing must be put after him matt in 17 with all i he memory of his fall before him peter did not hesitate to reaffirm his love he do- not use as strung a word for love as jesus did but a more lender one see it v margin ivter did not say he loved jesus more than lite others did he had learned hum ility hut of hi love he has no doubt i nd i willing to appeal to j en us own knowledge of him are we so con fident if our love for jeui can we miy to jesuk thou knowesi that i love thee true love to christ is shown by 4edlince jno h 15 21 221 in act 5 29 we ec peter speaking out lioldl lefoie the sanhedrin he is a different man to what he had itren on the nlht or betrayal he had learnd the e ret we must nil learn ihll 4 id 1kikonkhh stray farmer cautioned nt johns que cp residents of this town some 20 miles southeast of montreal were more lhan surprt ed recentl to see two fully uniform ed ormin soldiers strolling unes i rortcd through the streets i it turned out however that the l two men prisoners of war had been emplod by a ste iltalse que i farmer a short time previously ihe farmer who brought the prisoners to town and left them to their own de vices was cautioned to stick rrfore closely lo conditions under which the two men were pieced under hi are proud aristorrats problem in poland rehaw to ftlbgrl with peevanls decplu poverty blalystok poland lcp in far- flung ulalystok pro vine near the polish- russian frontier tens of thous ands of polands peasants live in the prtmiov fashion of hundreds of yean ago and impoverished aristo crats stand proudly aloof and insist tliey are farmers and not peasants here on find a hardy race to whom the simplest conveniences mesui lusury living under condition welfare workers probably would term appalling the peasants never hav- ng ivad much dont exwt much i heir attitude seems to be it always has been this way and always it shall tie many of the aristocrat y who one tiad mufti now have little thous ands have only 14 to 30 acre a fam ily lelt but they consider that ther arutocralic durualn and rather than take in mrasant blood tiave inter married to toe point says provincial overnor stefan lyobowskt where whole villages of families all hav the same name polish land reform has split up many great estates and gtven the land to feasants but in ulalystok prov ince yohowskrf sas opposition of an esilusive aristocracy had made it hard lo find room for 4i000 home less further iotmwskl reports he has governmental difficulties with these eop ittrausc they will not accept the amplnlment of any villaee nny or whose name does not end in ski mduntlng an arulim ratio lark ground many noble can te found in lllal lok working as waitresses ptnviint villain follow a pnllin row aft r row of one or two mom hutlike ihium of wood clay or ran iv hrhk with strawthntihed or ms wtdded rs and su unwashe1 window eat h oulhulldlnks for horses ntlle pig nnd the like nre so ciom- tlmi neat i eer home smeltn like n miihle hsuilly the flnr is i he i old hard iwire ground bumpv fn m ii ti nmp of tn i chichenh rirne3 uincgcrn am iir icn mi which swept through m kl nrk hultt farm tiuildlnts hire destroved valunhle iniulmlnn nnd hroodcrt nni 1- 00o rhlrkeiis oiamond aixh7bs uluht rutvuz diamond th symbol of light ts th most important of th precious stoaas th standard of perfection in color for this gen is pur white but trrynely minute quantities of iron os id present will alter th color to a more common variety of pale yellow svral crystals both cut or in their natural state can be seen in th fan case at th royaj ontario ifuaaum th diamond th april blrthston is believed to bring good fortune to th wearer but only when received as a gift pledging love or friendship tuttuht hjrvrnve the tourist industry offers our country its greatest and easiest oppor tunity to inrrease the amount of for eign current y available to rarry on international trad it is an opnor t unity to bring added revenue into earh of our communities to the ben ejit of all who live there plcton ont arelte cropped children barbers victims yorkton sask cp as s l kreen ve it almost everything baa changed in the barber business eve4 th razor tie still using th ism on h used as a barbers apprentu in vienna w years ago in those days h raealla tsua aaa up to be shaved there were no cups for th shaving soap and th barber used a lather dish which fitted around the customers far when th shav was compete another dish waj jlttad round the neck containing watt te remove the soap in those days too barbers used feather powder puff and for lot tons a snray like a perfume atoml liarbers ramc up the hard way tbsta kreen says tie remembers bring ng la kids off tlte streets lo praetlc on and if you made a mess of their hair you jusl rjt it off altogether and let il go at that i kii hrlp put a broken world right if i slarl hy breaking with wrong ihunging money conlitionh llic prrviliii low inter r rsirs sre pro luiing many tollrmt fix mvrutim miny lomplctc uturs uf set unties sre bring called uh rrilcinption prior to mituntjr wtnlr in dtlict set until rciirmption ate tskmg putr wc luve prcpirril livt of iuil scturitici wliuli riiy lw of vjiuc to ynu diujmiii infill anil low uf miriest may ik- avoided by kiuiwing wliuh of your vcsurinrs ajv trirl rcurcil itfvile for ihr tut urth uhuh u ill a ftruarjtj tut i mm mi immfmiml sarerimi hakiuson company limitci u kin vihkki st llimimii 1 ania trln- waruj inl young meh hd women ontario farmers are cauing you now so desperate is europes need for food no urgent our fanneni need for help that this province is racing the most serious farm- labour shortage in its history 1946 is a crucial year and every one who can should help young ontario citizens arc urged to pitchin and play a worthy part in feeding the starving nations of the world lend a hand ligkt is cheop but you cant buy fie- plenty of liakl can u much prut ytt uta of uam 4j vm guf vou cml im mm- ful ay tptclally young yi jl you and thousands of others like you arc needed on every type of farm the peak season runs from april 12th to october 15th iay is good clean supervised accommodation good food here is your opportunity among pleasant companions to enjoy a profitable healthy summer join the ontario farm service force today fill in the coupon marked out below a registration form plus all particulars will be sent to you without delay pstmsst ost4s rstss hmtmhat itiroiuswwems twsais osisrts dr mir ostsru rsna tiaette ss ihsssslmsi noaasinm xgarsgy dsss mmdmhmmd 1 w4sisass dm 1 au w sosbifcu hwa 1 suu us is ks sis t oa sttvss ssni d la imu irua ffssw v roaisrvwiij caaw c kp a supply ort mnmnkwptovindal cojismrittl on farm labour asllcuxiuri 1aioui iducatlon mjul