the acton free press mtlltmday may 2iul 41 si artati 9ttt jjr bb mil rvi 4 rs maalt m i t w as wta ml ma a ftatvs ua asaiis ui wt miha n vus ww h ti u a via iitetusaki tkm m vstt cm k ta w b m it1 1 baashtalai banmh af sua unhuwm u wwniri to w br aj iliiiilni t sj to tl in ui tbe community to any a pandit tire based on ueh in ftated prices rajetrbt the debenture iaaue will be for is or 20 yeart ue ere el to facing tbe fact that building costs arc much higher a toronto contractor claims that a house which coil 14200 in 1040 will coat 7200 today than is an incrrase ol 71 per cent a mortgage company endeavoring to find out where costs have risen makes the following comp anion between coits in 1040 and today ihey re luc to a house which cost s620 tia years ago and whiih woulj cost llvqso now and are as follow 1040 1046 common labor lumber imacriita only plumbing laboi and materials electrical labor and materials riilud ing fixture millwork mairral only platter labor and material mason r labor only it will be notrtl that there has hem ii along the line masonry labor shows an adanc of ius per cent common labor has lturcascd t7 per cent lumber i h4 per cent higher part of huh is jut to higher wage m the lumber industry ins vms j 5 852 iv iso 02 ibs ih1i 2 w jjo u iuo sol an nu rcat gains and losses it la customary far buslnaca paopl to ukt lnvaoii ram uasa to tlm thvy flgur ihalr aacu and uablllua and ar nablad to tail whathar ihy r making aaonay or loalag it cttlaa and towns nad to taka ar- rount oi stork from ltm to tune and dtrmln whauurr thy ar gaining or losing on htm la a sualnaaa to- vaatory la that of dcprarlatloa whi thrr tlar is a loss causad by in 4- trrtoratlaa of building or aqutpmant so rommunity should consular that it has to dal with a certain amount of dpretatlun thlnga b- rvin loss taluabl 1tttr through mfr and tr or fallur to kap up with th times- a town la in comptl- lllun with itk ilvsli and neighbors and it has to kerp mmlng ahad or u it is rrll falling behind skasonai mmixasts ikki ahtuonomkr mriul km auttiama kti krftion torn ski tliruutftt solar ttas r vatlons are nrrded to hrli romtmt soil eiusiun in australia claims thr me hae auays advocated progress in mumupal i wmarr ot tur ot xhr vu and ton building matters c arc fully aarr oil tor tan abtrvtnmiral society v i present local need in sewerage and housing but feel r the public should know these fact before making wlt hnimird itrugii mm fasaujr ajul iivlkiduaw the dominion and province are this written monday engaged in diision of the spoils in other i commitment n that prlfa tnrre a lot of ount i anadisns and a lot ot nt mung will hsc their own degrees of nosialiii n jetton tluc d4s o those treasured woids of itrown ing 1 h in i ngland now that aptil there the warmth of spring will he on 1 ngland now on sussex and surrn and the downs and the tanl j words holding a conference on how the taxes shall beauties of lcon hut for the lirm piing tn vcmii be allotted between dominion and provinces former the comings mj roiiiks of anadians will not join conferences haven t brought fjrth the unit of all mate whole mvtion of thi south the provinces which we like to hear lauded on horn the canadians are home again thom tht1 will imon or canada dj ii h car most t anadian- l lu mi lht will hi rimciuturmg i upland no hope that the present conference mill sc a better as the calm befon the storm of baitu i cn ttioc family spirit with ku attention given to the division ho maintained their professed dislike lor all she and more thought to a lowering of taxes on incomes represented could seldom denv an appreciation o tu i and cutting funds where thev arc earned and more beauties efficient administered in a productive capacitv th- profound silenee of a countrv mn ihe there are rumors from ottawa these javs of tas jgclcss charm of jckss buildings the furrowed changes one if the main causes of labor en rest is perfection of the voluptuous downs the wheel of a the present tax structure and its effect on take home hieclc against a sunken road the long haul of the pay with present living cevsts and in vie of the fat pump that brought beer to the counter of a favorite that members of parliament enjo 2 ooo of tax free p the draw of london raih vestcrdav and prob income whether married or single it is onlv fair to a rain to morrow anticipate that the new budget will give a similar all these things came to mclti v ngland all these treatment to all canadians perhaps it was an un- things were life itself in tngland and all these viae precedent that was established b members of things were brightest and best in spring even the parliament in thetr salarv increase and tax free in i rain- when the dreary winter sis done and backen decnnity but having made the step it will seem that i c night grew shorter knowledge of improvement was such in lessened m now for thousands for tens pt thousands ilu expenditure that it could be extended to include all ar onlv memories for some the were memories canadians too look for clearing of tax duplication tr were strong enough to keep thejn there after between dominion and provinces in the present con- f others had come home the make then homes erorjce its about time that we gave demonstrat there a few thousand of them ion of ability to settle our own canadian affairs am ij thcie were thousands of canadians who left tcably when assuming a lace in world affairs knejand without anv nostalgia 1hc learned nost algia in other plaices on the battlefronts manx tw only thing- no increauaod changed their minds about england b going to those newsprint has advanced another so per ton and elscwhcres awrrcmnii as per cent since january iph dailv momc again now those canadians mnv read papers are reported rtrsmg the price from j to 4c per brownings words again and attach to them a far copy but our local paper still remains at 2 00 per deeper significance than the ever did before brown- year for those who pax in advance increased costs wrote them in italv manx a canadian of lesser sls farmer iitultt plan llirtr sou inn fut thr rar suih foirtasti hp ettnvldrrs would alto twnrflt taanka in making loans to farinrrs dlktrtliutlon nf lr flgtitlng diulptnrnl tn mli nil a iuci llrrs puhlu work an that construction pmjfhtb mitultl not tr tivin tn ir tod of i x ithi tntn nrul i hi trnft r of ktot k front htrniinl drought ar- puriaian stylists praise all modes patou papain and ihqivai raavh stiparau ceacitasioam ialtis tcl ona ean say today with rasonabu cvrtalnty that womaw will wrar clot haa this spring ajsd sumnvrr and th cloth will b good luoklng at the momert woman waartag an thing short of a flugrwad hanwl un hav sum dvgr of assuraaoa that sm 1aris designer has said it u hih stlv in lh past euupl of das jaan iatou ifcqutn and kutafrt ilijurt haw shown thstr eol- liftnu rai h full to brimming with larautltully msdr dothra which ai ruily wom ltuuh luu arrived at i dlffrrrnl einduslona- islou foi instanrr sticks firmly h qultr fchott skirts for daytima m ills skirts ar about tha mlii uf nn of the hi houaas nil likfs rsafialr4l shouldai s itd rrntlft ihrnt in mfitt of hla tirilo dothrm with lltm its and v let work ilia uil ha lontt jaek lt nnd an ntualr1 waittlinrs l aioiii lis tuitowt out a typically lirutlful miln of itiruai coals and llior fnntoub gllltvrtng rvrnlltg cloth- t ilir imuir kiis iarth ularly fond of rr full ttkatfc illm iulta and k rtnla and thn llirrr imquct wllh pad d d hut round kliouldrr linrt lots and i ii d un ikiiiui with iifl draa t nnd i fmliif tlothii and a wltou linr nf kllm imkcd fliiuii w it ii an lirmh lull nui ink f 1 irats in busineia directory tmatmlai bjt w o l kknney gufrnrnr to uf j a uvhhwh otfiea la sysmaji ttluaw ulu sttrkaa aetoa ocfta pswhsa w tiuipil ft llnlil hlllb i ik i h i iii khiwn dw h g joyce buaaaw af uaabaaa r a4 awfaaa ottlc un door to lull lalaphaaa oa ulll and lula auu iay ol illonis ntm feat dk d a cakkett rkyatalaa aj oraaaa prwlarlck slrrt arlon tunnvrly ur nln offlaa 1 riwmt 331 llotloaaea ms dtntau uk a j buchanan daalal biii oitlriauhmaii ulsck ulll oific lloura a aja ta aaa x hay oas teijcpiione 141 dk geome a sikus ia4ai kuraaaa mill mml urnrr riadrrtrk aeum ilflitf lloui- oui in to 530 pja ititliiont is pi inmrlly in im loal- n mu h ituht ur hr hi iwttl fc n i k cassotfl r 1 1 avlub k rtimi plums t ill atlhss soilsa dinnss mia atuiu caoir hits to 17a atlmss fact bosssus beets is tum yinair wioli hit o l dt ar m uu arum nioao beets os castors ii however make it imperative that onlv subscriptions dterarv note penned manv paid in advance will be continued a from l to 104 similar theme from it the essential difference was that the canadians declined to support brownings seasonal limitation editorial notics ever subscriber receives notice when the sub acn prion is due two weeks later a notice insert ed in your paper stating this is the last cop ou ill receive unless our remittance is forwarded it means eiatlv what it sav that vour local newspaper has the same plan as other institutions it doesn t i l j l most of u arree something should be done abo it require a long memor to rev a ii the terms that used a tnc miss the world is in then go about our own to go ilh auction sales for several ears the onlv l business hoping someone else will jn it terms have been eash or the goods vannot be rcmo j if vou arc travelling these davs bv railwav it must be noted that these time tables do not follow the mooern trend and adopt da light saving tme ed perhaps the weekjv newspaper earned the rcdit limit further than anv other institution because we knew most of our subscribers and there was a hes itancy about eniorcmg the cash on the line with using costs there is no alternative but onlv jbscnb oavlight sv time slipped along quite smooth ert paid in advan un be earned u over the week end and now the evening out t your home tewn ncmspapcr will remain for the door time has been lengthened bv an extra hout present at its 2 00 subscription rate with 2 0 to the united state we hope part ot the increased cost will be made up from the former loss of carrv- ing subscribers up to three months in arrears be fore discontinuing their paper in the meantime we can take on fift to stxtv new subscriptions sinc the bos overseas have nearlv all returned to canada grcit the wav the kbwkev season lingers right in to the baseball season on the professional unuits but not o m the smaller centres when the weather makes the devision preaent nalivw these are djs in which a bac of bmldmg and municipal improcments are clamoring to be satisfied and costs- are making the enturc hazard ous for those interested in real estate larger grants to municipalities for education have not re sulted in lower taxes and the fault is not all that of school boards all costs ol municipal services have increased alone with educational costs until the grants barely wfee up thearfterence last week we pointed out the rising costs of sewerage disposal and we frankly feel that municip alities should go very carefully before committing lrr spite of the larger grants t munnipi j supposed cubing of the burdeti on municipal taxpav ers we note that taxes in most municipalities are htgher this veur than lkt mavbc the grants have u eauh in them in second vear application j the suggestion is made locallv that the first four months of the vear be placed in th new order of januarv february april march in order to suit local weather corrditions for the past two years we haveb cerrgcrnn gourapn iweat h er-in-marchrlt- ear we had our march weather in april and indic ations are we can expdet the same this year digby n courier 229 kw climts ils rtw ta oowaits s4a uuncmiks a ssa sabbs s uwsstt casocolati ati ss vsastabls our a sassrrr s clean 111 ft 17 avasuuh rss j clask tomato aawir as norms tsmtt mix s roa luumm sbam vxaksa ui pbb isc rnimt tcllo multftid laos j4s i7 un4 tsni lb 17a m loaaiar out wai beans 2 t mm tiws 2sc lvhm vallbv peas sas lie iibims stbaimkd sasv foods 3 tiwa 5e atlhba omtom soup tin ioc atasoa coffee 4sc tv 14 cltamssft iiowtlaii ajisjftmta rss fa to oru dsaibb inkt ti lis pal outs s e cabss 114 sq is f o l au s oavbtbs mfffe 3z vrcvh green peas per lb tci stcjlc grapefruit sue 9b green tcos cabbage 2 lbs tor tea cabss ass bbs kasbwoeb etaassai- sn ssa isaasoit itu eabasf i sti e cttom cttwbii 19c 25c 17c foreanning choice cuban pineapples see our prices taumt i lballllki am it a acttn rarrutu aad haur4lr nurjr luku llsurr of mania ijrvii urlitrar uf lllrlha atxutag iath ufu ii llwua ih tu langdon aylsworth lunuun hsurlura eta i osirm ailon t ooim r llulliung it maclnlyr aturth bji atin loirtn titw pkwx teaida tuj i inirluvn rrgory tbrtrc buujs ilion mhw ltvih iiobkin caxtrd avoounlajit buccwwr lu jenhxnh iiahuv 13us mtrolltn llldg 44 victoria si loiunto llg jlh ilookkeeplns accounuac penonal inooa tax d m t1mueh8 urmrly of thr il c 4t f ilox 107 leorgttown oat vrminabv b d young vs bvsc vtrtaary fturgaaa offlr drookvllu ontario lhon milton 14ar p g oakes vs bvsc trlaarr bargaaa offle and iuldnca knoa avaaua arton ihona 130 bkal kstate m1llougk1uy farm agency largest and oldmt agency la canadat j llrad of no knl dldg taraats j gorgtown kpramntatlva tarn llwaa paaa o ms i oaaarml fntnr wm r bracken i ihone x acton out i time tables ray coach unes loaches 1tuve acton naiijiirt hals imr ii am blta anv 01s mm nm 306 pm 516 pja ipm 006 pm mill run waarawml 10 ifl iml yll o tjti x3s lill pm 7j3 pm ts33 x91 pm yll 28 pm t to stratlord i a to london j baundayt and holidays only x dally sxeapt sundays and daya y to kttchanar m ilob- canadian national railways ktandaro time doing eait 600 am daily except sunday 08 am 6 50 p m sunday only 819 p m -hyp- p l going writ uaik except monday 117 am 001 a m 0v p m 7 23 p m daily ax- cepl monday 12 00 am flyar cualph 612 pm y