thursday if ay 2nd 14 the acton free press pjsbat he vi bocnrtftne fmoplk cod bless th routine jopl of th world tlti mk on who inherit th what no on really want yet with purcna rronjuf th lutut lu those who play secret paru in the public play drawer of curtain hwr of th seen all moaay raiser la all noble caw au human bolts in rvtry bit machine chairmen of program scnibbr of public floor by night uiat nmi may know the dawn t clear tread teller of popple down the day ion at reel the cleaner uppr when the crowd had fled au water carrier et football came embroider of flour tacks for church baiaara all brother of brother and eye that glow for having helped another reach the tar the checkervln end checker out of tickets the also rent tlte ell who had no place and every subcrelman of subcommit tee iod blew them all for by their un sung grace high momenta poise uiwin a up of time and vr their sure tracks great wheels run free without who salient power each ahajt of glory flooding our eyes might never nti be i sa belle urant longfrllow s thesunday school lesson hundav may hit twenty years ago ft use less a tar kre lres u tanreaay may th lx sunday was the miil rt since last september an interesting event took place at 1h home r mr and mr r k k fail view axnur on moncay in ihi celebration of their ol jen weddlnit anniversary the wide reputation of the acton machine o is shown by the fact that on tuesdnv an rtrd r for motor pait- uu shippd to australia a prtltv wedding i qui 1u l rmntred saturday venlng ul the home of mr and mr gaorg t woods w n then dauhttir mb 1 doris was mauled to mr n ri louth of nnrval the crowd that a ked the town hal aedn sday cv ninj for ihe itandk ixncfil concert and old time fiddlers l on test broke all previous records i7e riddlcr contest had sin entries tut owlnj to hud nmd 1 from llillslflirg wrir unable to at tend the judges awarded the to mr ii shortlll vnond to wm mason and third 1 rlt to john mrkcll itiroi ool f in mlllon on monrtn- itkh lfljfi william olf i f tton ole third line jujssr 11 ai hli residence on monda ma lid lov kusaelt in hit h mr learning good who from jesus golden text this co have we from him that he who loveth god love his brother also 1 j no 1 21 teeaon test mk 3 14 17 luke 9 4936 1 jno 4 78 eaposmoa l the telv ap pointed mk 3 1417 jeaus now provide for the carrytrib on of hla work when hewlmself should have gone he gainers about llffruvrlf a company of men whom he will specialty prepare for th spread of the gospel jesus chose the twelve men efirr a night spent in piayer luke 6 12 11 there was a great diversity of temperament among them previous history aa1 name ability i hey ate an impress lv illustration of the different types of men jesus tan use in ills woik itie must d flu oil uurlion that artsrs is why jesus those and sent out judas israriol it sterns hardly suf nclrnt to answer thai it had been itredlcted in thr old lektament that one of llii enlourage would betru him th 9 m 12 14 and that jesus hose judas whom he kne to tie a dtvll jno f 71 in order to fulfil this lophr hie let explanat on wem to le that judns had qualities that would have lit led hlni to be in the apontolu company and the l aderslilp in the early c hun ii if they had iteen samtifieil inn gave him a it teat oppoitunitj but he hartltnitl ills heart and brought uon hlmwt ii the greed r ondemnalton and infaiay lhe flrnt puiose in tin np mintlng of tin twelsr wan that liny mlkit iw wltli klin all lh ntt followed fiom i ha i lhi one w ho would pit at h hi rti and itavt mlwtr in ills name lo i t nl tli kk nmi ast out dtvils mukl willi him eno tfie ni kt intimnte p rwuml ft llowkhlp with him hamk had thrm wih him lie would send them forth lo tlo ihmf tlung i im at h ji h 1 slrkneut t ast out ill nmru 1 hi wer rt tarvd for ttuli umk b 1 hi ltid impartlni lo thim nmu to 1j it i f matt in 1 a 1 h oui mial in lh to oul and liodl hut hr st pul tpn llonl nins fnt iv 14 n t malt 40 hi 11 lnikint l hr l mi luki l 49 j un s r love hat that dwelleth in love dwelleth in god and god dwellelh in him tv j2 1 what wondrous thought it is that i should dwell in god but this is my standing and my state if i love other that is heaven on earth a life of love a life of tacrine or self for the good of others the one who loves has th holy spirit irrigation problem up in south africa capetown cp a change in south africa a irrigation policy is under way as it has been found that the schene of intensive mttlemenl has not proved as successful as it was hoped in future plans would be formed lands minister conroy said ecently to create extensive settle ments and water would he brought to the farmeis rather than the farmers brought to the water the counliys topography render ed it most suitable fur the appllcat h n of legions development it was intended to ool intervals and know lidfcr with local authorities in certain oieas among the area which were sultid to a system dl regional plan nlng wir kltnherley and the vasl itker alli aimtown and the v ttern irentnre towns last lndon and kingwllhamitown lfiere were great possibilities for south africa but if it was to supp a greater poj ulallon the lvernmenl had to rruuir that supplies of water would not fall the mninhtay of the water supply wn the orange lthr and ambit lout k henu wre urn consideration for it ndin witer from tht orange to ttie men ft rtlle nr practice in writing soma people who have llnuhed their course in college and schools may aak how they can further lm- piove or acquire th power to write and talk orreclly and in a way to win interest the habit of constant leadinl of good literature is a great help people who are always reading become familiar with a great number of word they gain the power to discriminate between word and to select the ones that are beat adapted to express their meaning ih hab its of incorrect speech that people of ten get in modern life are apt to dis appear when they ere constantly read ing good literature hie reading habit gives people id eas which tliey tail incorporate in their writing and thus make it inoi interesting fnaae who are trying to improve their writing power at in tieaung their ability to express their ideks and meet the world mlri poktmahtkk mratlolu qu p i he pom niaitir of this town nemr quebec iotabl will ohe out on a lot of lown gossip a door to door mall d 1 bee swarm attacks elderly schoolmarm johannesburg cpan elder ly school teacher alone in her class room in an east rand school saw a large swarm of bees fly through th doorway she fled from the room pursued by th be and in hr hast fell and injured her hip sh lay oa the path unable to move while th bees settled on her in hundred four young men went to the reecu and managed id move the teacher a few yards but were driven back by the bee they made fresh at tempt picked up the woman and carried her to safety itif teacher was rushed to hospital where the now is recovering from her damaged hip and more than 300 bee stings on her face and nerk on oj her rescuers had 50 stlnga on his hands and face tujmafjtirh that foint people like to read about the lri of the home town bul so many b liete the little things whlrh ton iffn llinn ate not news irlvlallt left neti llfr itiwlf in trlwal for or u h i life iiiniput lteveltoke h i kevlew ideal maple grovk the ideal maple grove should fulfil the following seven requirmeu area should be ctasptetely filled with sugar maple trea with fully develop crown th canopy of leafy crown should llow little sunshine to fall up on the ground thereby dtocouraglhg the growth of grass and weed maple tree of all ages thotlld eovr the are a th ow mature tree ate cut out the younger one take their places roadways through th grove help in the collection of th ap ad reduce the usual difficult with ui- dr brush uve stock should be rigid ly excluded from th sugar buah i he bush should be thillned to allow only the tree necessary for replace ment to remain an unthlnned border at lestt js feet wide on all tide should he left as a windbreak which serve as a safeguard against storms prtkhprxtivr rjvwrrw livery is the reavm for thu f orn eil the towns 5 i0 population ol letted thttr mall at the post office irmintjn 11 p iht an adian panfir hallway has placed h4l tons of natural ice in storage i ere in epe tatiofl of a bumpr crop of soft fiults from the okanagan val lr this st ason ilie ire was ihlj pel fiom ahmtia in 1j0 freight ci room t11un lona 1 n h mr cju rt 1 a kl nu ommiui 1 1tm imm m im 1 11 ii is asie 1 nirihula town on mm tl n is o w heduld to tnlfik will monlh on a n rmal in m 1 a r 4h 1 1 f it t lis ami n the lie lil work tt i ady in pn r kk oh n ar llnir n lit n ii nrl v st hiih d i inn 1ia1 if ax i il ions of ii pi impressed h op- i- aoa llan army in i ean recently du harmed from the united slates annv lave a ked the nua scotia govern men information buteau how to go ilwut ininit a anadian scottish un ii rimiirkmrnk haiti haiifax li maritime fisher mn took j9torvn kinds of flah lunnt march an iti lease of 1j390ho pourwu over the alrh for similar period of last year according to the monthly n l it of the eastern dlvit un f ihe fuller le department cup mr mr ai how big is each farmers mure the world is ctlng out for supplies of food to keep millions of people from starring hwry can ad ian farmer knows that he will play an important part in supplying thl food he knows also that this food repre sents monry for him 1 he greater the produdion of aleahk food th greater the farmer a income mod ern efficient farming calls for modern farm appliances without theae nec- etaar aids the farmers will be miss ing opportunities which are right fully hla he makes his work doubly hard to goahead farmers who wish to improve or modernize their farm buildings appliances or land tht bank of montreal la ready to offer the necessary financial assistance visit mr w h clayton manager of th local branch today discuss your needs freely make certain that ou get your proper share of future prosperity rntted kingdom kindh new uhem for mine lotatorm london england among the moat important and sucnssful war weapons of the allied armtts tht british mine locator hns plated an outstanding rote whereas huwever mnnj wtapons become so much scrap iron in peacetime the mine locntor can be adopted to useful ptmetime servkv it will be lined to locate nails in wood plarfks before the wood goes to the saw ml us and the ptestnc of metat wires and pipe in walls and floor can be easily determined polite and custom officials are using tht locator with great auccess in tin r aearch for hidden metal artulet suth as gold coins which might be smutc- gled our of the country ctban ami x1llvo pricth awolvcfji a wartime prices and trade board order effective february 4 set con- turner prices on hard boiled candy imported from cuba between 29 and 31 cents per pound bringing it in un with comparable products manufact ured in canada and in most cases light 1 lowering present price levels ths price which may vary slightly within the two cent margin depend ing on packaging wlllpply through out the country and differs frm any v previous- price control methods for this product in that it set actual pri ce at all lewis from importer to re tailer the muii miinlfisttil n j john in i 41 m justified thlr sur name hunnrrin w hit h i son til ituindei i ht w anted a monoply on un m ik if thus i hat s ir l is lommon lo dn ll is not t nous for many of us that one really casta out demons in i hrlst m name he must alfco ttelong 1 4 our wrly or lse w n i would forbid his brnellrent arliil t loatrui disciple of jesua it la enough that one casts out demons in iii name i he line of demarcation ht i l ween those who belong to jcus and those who do not la mo clearly and so rlnsel drawn that if one is not foi te christ then he is against him matt u u1 and vice versa the time thil jesus should lx recelveo up was drawing nigh i 51 luke 34 51 jno 6 gj it 1 ac 1 2 9 eph 4 811 but us cross must comr before the ascension in full knowledge of the agony that aw alted him our lord steadfastly at t his face to go lo jerusalem t m 1j 5 ac 20 22 j4 2x 11 14 1 he prepared tht way for ills own approach ny sending his disciples hs messengers before lllm iv 5j 7 27 10 1 mai 1 1 we may have the same privilege today of preparing the way for our lord when he should come again on a previous visit of the samaritans he had been cordially leolved jno 4 4043 the recept ion was different on this occasion and the reason is given in v 51 the dlt clples were so unlike their inrd that they bltteily resented thlat rrntment it was not pure love for him that in spired the suggestion that thy mad l 54 pie profissed dlmipit if it bus todav often show a similar spirit jtsus rebuked it in themand also icbukts it in us tv 55 he r huked them iks a use he loved them irpv 1 191 if we treat with ang r and blltrntss tvtn those who rtjetl our i md wi shall hn his rebuk 111 ihe iiur sptiit of sons 4 s ioi i of tiod is of dlvtm or kit tmgotttn of iiod iht woid tianslat ed of mint hit ratl translated would bt r ndereri but of it i m phaies tht thought that all love has its origin in dod ivtrv parllt le of real love thtrt is in the world ik not lve at all hut selfishness love is the divlnthi thing in all the universe since love is of tlod every one that truly loveth is born of iod tl jno 1 14 tlie real let of love is found in 1 jno 1 16 17 not only is love of god hut uod himself is love tv 8 16 love is the very essence of cods character in th l we are told that caa is light and in him is no darkness at all light tt love and lave is light tth 2 9i cod it love is the great central truth around which the whole system of bible truth revolve it is the great foundation truth uion which the whole superstructure of christian doclrtne it built if pod so loved us we ought alto to love one another that lesson need tittle comment but it needs much exemplification in our dally uvea how absurd our selfishness looks in the light of gods wondrous a unicorn fob fifty tknts llx hovnl ontario mum um was itenll prtstnlid with a ion slen tier twisted shaft of ivory whlrh the dinoi hontstly im lit ved was the horn of tlmt fabled trtalure tht unlcom 1 he unlttin wtt d n rlhed by rt k phi i it ht is ns ti mnll iioim hul having ft whllt imm1 retl head 1 i loi ms nnd n xiiikle mtl w hlti mid hla k i rn in tin middle of its for hi ad our spm inn n wni inlunlly the m u i in i lu i till tusk of ihe nurwnl a small art hi whnle ofti n i ailed the j n unit otn allhoukh it nii r e ottt1 in ta t the unicorn has had a i 1 n nn4l piisttnt life in the publli mind nv evinced h ht rnldry lit rit urt nnd nrl if you don i belli e us i amine th next mv ple e you et ihi ri vou will flntl n unitom j uranium thfc source i of atomic knery uranium the basis of the atomic i homb is a heavy element of complex atomic structure in an uranium i compound ratlium was found by the i urles this compound slowly glvts of f radium emanations thereby un dergolnu a chanse in composition on lh basis of tnls information uun lum was chosen as the substance to be bombarded with neutrons to break up the atom and so release an almost incredible amount of energy uranium oeeart fta era daposlu several minerals the most common being uranltr an oxide of uranium which is found in crystals or in a tlaik pitch like solid called pitchblende a few crtala have been found in peg matite near wllberforce ontario and large quantities of pitchblende have been mined near rest bear lake phe belgian congo ha a great amount of the mineral and some oc cur in saxony bohemia norway the united states and in other coun tries r ine specimens of pllchhtc ide from great bear iake may he seen in ihe hoyal ontario museum huge wool stocks hku in australia tamlrltka ci when the war in the i aijflt ended the british government whkh bought the whole australian wool clip for the duration of the war had 5 136 006 halvs of wool stored in australia worth 330 000 000 each bale averages about three hundredweight of wool so that jno txk pile ran to more than 800- oii short ions or lgoooooouo pound this quantity ts equal to nearly l vears wool clip with ihe large stotks of australian wool stored in anurua on behalf of the british gov- einmtnt it will lc fed to the market gradually britain australia new zealand nnd south africa have join ed in- putting a floor unrie wool prlrts for ihe next 10 years or until the w uptime stocks are ihiuklated advertising is news hie sotailed news columns of a paper dd not contain all the newt there is also the story of what bus iness concern are doing what kind of goodi lhey are celling what the price are it it a story j bargains and special opportunities when business people advertise ard tell the world about these things the world listen people are keenly in- tensted they look over the ads to get an idea of the cost of living and about special chances to buy they get a notion of the klndst of thins that are popular they ultvthe ad vertised places and they are apt to buy nof only the specific thing ad vertised bur alto something else your rightofway to canadas market canadas weekly neajers are an es sential link in everv marketing and nier- ehandisinr chain the most thoroughly read publications in the smaller commun ities they wive you friendly access to more than half of the countrys consumers they are your rightofwav direct to the people who do 582 percent of the nat ions retail buying for it is in the towns and villages of canada where local interests top all oth er that the weekly newspapers top all others in reader interest they are as it were the community centre an influ ential force in the lives of the millions of people who regard their weekly as our paper ii usiug the weeklies ou reach con sumers under the friendliest most sales- making auspices nd you reach dealers too sviire their cooperation by giving them advertising support they can see and by which thev can profit consumer goodwill and dealer goodwill are a surefire result of advertising in canada s weekly newspapers the actonfreerpress a member of the canadian weekly newspapers association