Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1946, p. 3

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thursday may mb ims the acton free press r aq8 ttou famous caddy ska uon hbrdt nanaxmo u c idltw luul a sarpaat known a caddy whoss anpaarajuw has bwn raportsd in par tite coast walara from urn lo urn la la lut savaral yn snay b nothlng asor than a m lloa hard in in up laloa of j f tall supsrvtaor of flahamh mr tail said that aaauoiu trawl u hards for sfl whan in laad- hainfa lalt ha dura attd ttr ouiara tallow in rapid ii tiua tuhl froaa a dlrtanca loolu uk a kua aaa at rpant ttdlng ik m durtaf a raraat thra4ay hunt tail party klllad 337 aaa lions wlih rilaa a hunt u tlasad ah yaar to pravsau tha aaa uona from nraytns un flak travailing to spawning rounds its aanulna thrul to sas ths ug bulla bob up 300 yards away to blow said pour inapartor j kusatll vau l tha run lka jumping baa lions hav haads and fangs ilka dog ad bonallks whlskara snaaaur lag a la 1j larhaa rhsy walgb anywhara from aoo pounds to a ton tfcay uaad thalr ruppan on land llks asal and ars fraquantly rapahad bathing an a rocky ahors stannrnunsira urnur iieuunkl ol maid marshal carl gutaf emll mannarhalm t is studying agrlrullura to taks rlxarg of a largr vststs ha has purchased ai a ratraal folltmtng his resignation as pramtdanl of finland the 1 bowl 4m lirlto llomrmakera it la garden mgiiiyfcr tlma and mony apeni in tr ou will do whi lo m that you krt healthful recreattun and an am pi aupply of freah produc from your un ut ii trua wary muarle will arhtr after the hrsl day gardnnr but if th- wlsul family lab their vihtiif ii will br a mutual bmfii than kvlvtn the rmduha graen union and lattur are rdy tit pleasure of aatlng w 111 ba apprtrlat4 by evvryun a plan akelched un paurr will iv mwtry if ther to be mo than un irnun handling tha rake and hoa in man parts of ontario thw it fading time arrina are now dug up fertilised and ready to ba puotad but there la toil lo do yrt wt tug geal you airk up another ropy f taarttenlng from the ivttartment of agriculture and red it tivrr again alau a bulletin un ardan lnaecl protection here are a tw hi motih cuii flderlng tuo 1 tu e a tend i h araataaii of auih ro at iteana peat and rum tmr thtimcmh hnruf thr aais may made at intrrvalt of t0 uiawrs itrcmtvw rr6irnl apllr tu ttttu radlilicav tpln rh and bl rmrmhr you arr planting that a nup of radiahaa brgina to go lo aaad in h or 10 ta hay l yuurilf ran at all lh radialt from thjf tsada tn ona waak i odd ad ran b obtained rum tha local tdman but tww ar oi tblrk towing it aat- fl and inrrtataa tha lalur of thin nlng small saadt ran ba town by trartig off a cornar of tha nvlops holding lha ai kit hurtaunlally and gantly tapping 11 at tu mov- along tha drill t n maka a mralghl lrwwh or aaadbad alratrh a una uf cord tightly u a markar 4 tv mark rowi oi alttw grrmlnat lng tada aurh at arrolt and tkfvla plant an trrauunal radlth bgrnml tn ihr row 1 hit will ruiua up quhkly and art at a markrr t follow lnatrutluna at to tnt d h tmto attould lv row rwt and raa arth firmly over thm cannim ulluiiahh wath and tut ttalkt of rhulbatt in inrh plmt 1ark into ttrrllo jai arvl ptuir cold wht into fruit until jfra air full hral wllh tlcrtlt lm wrap jrt tn rwvtpapr and ttnrr in n oo1 dark rimmi kiuiiaum satk r kbh and rui ihutarh in miimii ifxrt a ild 1 rup tugar fur a h iuatt of thuharh heat thmly and mik a frw minute in h con miiuiiy tour into ttrrile ar and mal tiir gitvtion nct mitt it atka hat aro thr proikirtloni f wla and walrr ud for rlranlng atlvrr antwrr r or ra h quart iut watfr uw 1 lap tall and 1 up baking toda in an aluminum an inol tnmlavttrd ittrrr tltould im rnough watrr to rtrr ulvtr lhal until tarnlah dlt- appdarv almut 1 mlnuta ihn waaii in oap water nnd dry mr 1 j ak mow to rlrtr vbixbitrn hakt tahlr with oil tplllnd it antwrr 1our roll wtr in lak- tahh to harcwn oil uprinkj- with dour tu atvrh rx then r nrwl arrut with ihr grain ualng hot wrtrr nnd tuap hlnxr wrll and dry thoroutthl mrm t xi ta 1nrth parknl in n tin lnke pan for wrrkt rrmovrx rut triurtng wrai t off tin mr m j u 1 f difccmrrrd ihnl n ht of mntrhrt ttorrl in un ml of titrr diawrr tarnlthrt ihr sturi ra thai l truo mntihr nnd ruo in r lunu thould 1h kt pt nwa from allrr chroiiieles ol ginger farm ri- wrtttaa gjr far tv axaa faaa prsaa ky owknimujnb p ijuuik -r-r- ttihcc and t ctttcmef they offer a chance for immediate jobs steady jobs too they also offer jobs for experienced farm workers for mechanically trained workers and any others able to help seasonally then there is the challenge to fight off star vation threatening many nations join in tni fight against hungtt jobs atl availabli in your district pplyttayfguworiljmie for to either katk smith stiij i5jqth air w itrff wiling at auiipar xalur- day night irrwnlly iui glarwvd up t tha 4lndar and tald rrminlaitnl i hilt tinir a yar ag j tl whrra wat i yaj i wnambar ii waa a mil plar ujl arruaa ilia ithtna 1 wrula you a utlar frxtm tlr mum did you happm to kap it yrt i krpt wr lattar it u avan mora inlrraallng than whn it wa wtllta llrrt it ta in bait hatuirtay may mh iws anad ian arntv ovrraaa i inlmdwt to wrlla yaalarday hut lhara wu no opportunity nor any oftvlal naw now i am wot4- rrtng will ihu ba tha day to ra- mrtibfr ihruugh lha yara to nam at 4 10 ihlt nripmmm w wrra glvtn thr oltlrul nrwi of rtrminyi ur irndar hy army diikalii whal waa ii ilk lfk horn i am tur no on- in canada could quit rallra whal it wa ilk out hrrr but i am fcoiiig tit try and trll you on may 4lh tha mrn bagan 1o ttk a nw intrratt in ihr rww ni wildly but raiually atklfig hi at on aimin and linn anothrr wr had a vrry lng dilvr that da and hmnlly hilt of rumor would b plrk rd up along thr way and rral anuiad among thr imtyt then wot itally no ixilrmrnt i if wrnt on jutt thr mimf at twforr ijfr wd ittuih outwanlly no t xpr mh1 an mirtuour rlalhm trtday rvn ln wr wrr ilrlrl wrll foiwaid in i ninny simiirainr ttnitrxt n turn or ihnl ici wnt lo lr tlgnad tn xtnv ii did not rrratr mui h of a atlr ii wan arrrplrd raaually at juxl molhrr rumor satunlay mniinj wr wrr lllr watting ordrra thrrr wrrt all klndt of rumor ihnl wr wrrc moving tuirk to holland thai wr wrrr to atay put that wr wtrr moving at 111 further up no imf knrw anything no on rarrd rr murh it writ jott anihr dav wllh anothrr drlall to im nihil frron knrw thai pra wat in hahl n or hut no nr h t up on lit j h nor lld hr want t in thr hlllrl hrrr onr ktoup f mrn wrrr 1alri t nut- nnotlirr grmip tinging ti tin ni fompanlmcnt of a miliar 1 nnd hninifvrtltn somr wrrr tlrrplng i bnir tnlklnn and nklng nlhrr woiktnk on lh lr tnirkt onr fellow wat doing a paint joh llirrr wnt n i rrnt fi t lliv of oplimlxm or of srx i flmlim for that mnttrr yrl rvrrv i onr waa hnnp hnppv w lh a irnxr i nar of rn lanry wr movrd n tin tip int holland ht r wax no morr nrwt hut thlxj niormni w wr infoimrd wr nokhl hnr lh tln off our rrv llrl nat inllrvr ni rrnlly brought firth ihr hrrrt hut rt it dldn t mnkr ihiv m ntr frllnwt mini out tn j hunt n w k friend at 4 to w wiri mmmnniil to thr onli rl ilonm nnd civ fti thr nrwi it wu officially nnnonn nl ihnl t irmn had tur trrmirrnd ti llrnu nl ni rltrrrln jul thr onllnnt numiuii hi nnl afl r nn li itur i1i m n w nt hat k to tin ir nlw okk it 1 i 1u- nux t xountlx lik ht kill in t do r kni mill rn li t ninj i und t oi n tilatni hnx mihii ni hi toj in indio for 1 t rt ml aomn talkd amn ishnvd hin ihrrr waa no great them 1 twit t l it m st ixpl innti n ihr pctlt have bun nbu tt iirnvn nt tor ih unprr lib ntrtl nnd xuslnltn opulnrlt of hut hrntty wholrtomr vtur who ix it nnl cm h nk h i j mmhhn mihon lit r lonlmllo ol ix dili nild ph tnt hut not of m i itolitv tin mlihrr nrilhtr tir fnt- nor ht r f gun would i ik un hi nul pi let h hut hl put on no full nnn air r- k uda nil thoa lut i n n miluonx i juxl is n id frit nda knt snlt n u hi ilt in d kitir n 1lkutmlh was uiin mi 1 1 hf tl dnughurof n luuwl ilir tn wnthtng ton d t shr icsnn aliiklng in i i mlrch t holt knng for aoltllrra mound nshinisttin during tin v trit trrat wnr and thrn trgtin mining up rr ulnrl for amntrur nlghta at hirnl movie hutoi aftt r train ng hhfu to hr n nura kntr camp to n uik kt a kinging pnrt in n them llontmnon ijtnr nnd nt 17 wis tinging tho ttmody it nd huh hut kntt wit a fnt g rl ind wnti nllowtnl to foigrt it crlllca poked fun i t ht r audifnrrt giggled then una 1sl col ii na talea manager ft r a phonograph recording companj hi tint kfttr one n ght and aked her to f forllng tirmorrow our plaloon will ivr oiil on tlrtnll again hit rr is pltntv nf lnughtrr going or right now hut no onr i an optimistic as to f ii i our joh it done lloh 1 mkrd mit thr mtn quietly s hr aald to mm row our plat oon- will vvr nut on detail again i it in rnhr that nil right it wit r in hut wr wtn working at uminl onr of our tiurka hit n mine tin irutk waa blown up tlirrr of nur ho s wrrr klllnl that waa whnt ln mrnnt for ihrin s w it is lvr nnd w nrr rn jomtig lh ft nit of w nrr it u not war in drrnmni now that i ninklng the h adtlnra it is atrlkra nnd mor strlkraj and we wonder while it it going tn rnd i wondrr if anvnnr rrnlllra whnt n drprtaalng effect nil thlt induttrlal untat haa on the farmrnt wr art in km to row more rnlar mor nr dun more hut 1 nak ou what rn courac m nt nrr we glvrn to do flmng j half thr time wr rnn t aft whnt we need to work with or if wr nn thi i your national employment office g provincial agricultural service of laioui a mecnamara dpuiy mmrfr dipartmbnt uumfhwey mitchhx mifiuhr el labour prlir ih jual about ak high a firmir working alone doran t icim where hit help la timing front to lake tiff the crop and yet we rai ry on it mn be better next enr in themenntlme we hne had a million nihkr aome rrtonla from then oa tollar rain and are we ever thank thn hap venthl in ltt kale mad ful lui debut in radjo ovt r chfi with i tid collim at her mnnngi i l 1 mbin hna loatl through thi enr i rtrorrkararthartrlrronisluf dearer vialinscri nulu1 l and atthulm j j- vile rntlncram twgs i sa- kale i retail price ceiling b 12s pr cent i am proud of the 15 tart x rc p aeetink and fertllliln iim proud and happy not becnute of i n laurel or tucren that may hic come my wa but beaute of the mnn frinda who have hoen to kind and the many auocutlons ilnce my flnt broadcast in 1331 a ions time ago ted collin my mentor told me that the people lutentns m were just folks and friends iii kpep right on inning for- these friends a long as thoyvant me to machinery ploughs tillage imple menla and cultivator haying maehln- ety haretlne machinery sundry machines for preparing crops for market or uae farm power machln- fry farm wagons trucks and sella hi dairy machines and equipment spray ing equipment and dusten domestic water systems and pumps barn and barnyard equipment and miscellan eous equipment of interest to shoppers ucfav your duncr lo oulf li ihr family tttarv ar lkr ways in buy at kiarns i ta 9 lay away i ian j inatajaanl liar arrwdlrg to w v t b urnuullona comk in and limk akohnu l h llonl font ua suwuy may i2ik i motbara itay ilaaata kn ltk rift rata kaaatia eisens clothing store aat naat l hall tlllnill uala htrm naat to ball arlmlilt sruk naalats daaa 54300 ooxfe tn order to itronrthon the ami or tho church and enable it to meet tho challenge of postwar noodn with intensified effort at homo and abroad momlierh of tho church of england in canada aro nuked to provido tho hum of 4 100000 thw money is urgently needed to carry on tho churchs educational and social work in canada to moot diocesan and general synod needs as well as tho expenses of organization and administration to carry on missionary work at homo and abroad to assist the mother church in knglnnd and the churches of europe in their work of rehabilitation to strengthen the pension fund for miijiionnry clergy tha manay will ba ollohad iw lha lollownp woy fnlon fund 1 300000 miltlonsry ward 1400 0o3 educollanal ward 100000 social work 55000 church in britain 100000 churcha in euros 90000 oanaral synod administration 305000 catantlan ol church houta 50000 diecaton naad 100000 orgonliotion and administration 300000 spiritual rededication must bear fruit in selfsacrificing practical endeavour if tho church is to meet its christian obligations be prepared to lend your support to tho limit of your ability when tho visitor calls dunng the week of may 12th to 19th or mail your offering to your diocesan head quarters ixhal ompalim chairman mr tiios josfcs jf m iwal objwthf si 600 guppolt uic itciir advance wok ship sfryf give we specialize in attractive printing r

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