rxes bcbt the acton free press thursday may tth uw b tkte sil m bqtfn kelly la othawa gnrl ju- plul on monday may ftth img to mr and mrs- itenry rally dm sadl furk a son mother and baby doing an bou mr and mil delmer boies of kockwood vstsh to announce tn unvtl of uveir son april wh at lh nursing ham goelph slrt arton eorg edward brother for margaret hvhkffl day ui mar prrious than all th treasure thu cmt wtd world could hold is the love of a kind wt mother with a hrt el purest gold should fortune smile and bring sue caa and crowd applaud your tarn if fates cruel hand brings dark da- fu hne would lose you just the sanu take hr bowers uf cholnast bloom and write her letters gay wansjikoinh- in lomng memory of mabelle u tntbivuh who pass d to her heavenly ieward m mh 1w1 kver remembered by husband son and daughter also slttr i mary and brothers john and red lawson in loving memoo of a dear husband and father tlarrv 1 lawaon jr who n away may 13th ims in hit msl yrar times takrt a ay lh edge of grtef but memory turns hark every leaf lovingly remembered by hu wife hae and sons harr paul and ivter akdh ok tiia sltf 1 hemrmher that she need your lose although yap re far away to all those loving m thers who are safe with hod abov we ulll wear a bloom of snotty whlta in memory of her love bertram t igntinirale ittmktkuud ontario and mr and mrs t p iuthrt family ih to thank the men of the arton klre brigade hw neighbors and i rienrt who to quickly ram to their assistance whan the house too rtre on monday si albans 11aer th to thank publicly all those who in any wa contributed to the success of thetr play aunt tlllle coes to town worthy of special mention are hal robinson the director who assumed eontrol just three weeks before th first arheduled dale of production johnstone and hum ley for the loan of ther trurk and also furniture for utw tiss r rr stage sett in tom ware hairy l uanu avfc fs- lm r- nne concert on rhle mrtuern props arton y m ca loan of irener mrs w hall and mra art roy prompting messrs jack chapman j jollev and w tvn ny door men bob howies fred tnrtnger and gordon lawson ush tom st aljtavs lllus uxjuahy comes tlllltll l festival on sal unlay ma 4th the cilu auxiliary of st albans chun h with mrs ii jul ley in charge travelled to hamilton to attend the tlrls aull lary leatlvaj for niagara luoreae ompetiluina were held in handl crafts essay w riling folk dancing nursing singing and dramatic bar tonvllle a won 1st plare with stag tvra all viminjr 2nd and a ton vd llaitgvs won during the rar err al mj preatrnted betty lawson and iju kanney received the flandlrrajt tnd nursing badge and joan jullry and barbara lawson and lots hunt er ihe nursing badge a delirious supper rounded off an sfltrnoon of fun and arrompluhment auction sale or household rvbnttvsc the ujulerugiiad hav nnivtd l- slrurtlona from job okaiiam to aril by publle auction at hla ra lwnra pin slraat alulon on ratlrdav may lata al two oclwkd it the ouowtns chauarlukl and j chain to match jiut ilka nn uay ilad 7 chain with ran avata and barks cabinet 4r uu radio mmbart wamir vlrtrola and kvourda trllllr itaur lami 4 i lmpa i stole truck and sentenced next day to two years shmmmhmsmmlllasal foot ailment tbbatbd m miss allan traau loot allauat uvonlwly coodiut cum bring j uns and jail scauncoa in mutoto court urst ok season arton tlo s rand under th lew 1 rrshlp of mr chas mason gave a fn fine xmrert in the town hall mr webster programs jon jollev parted and all attending noted the caroline oakes l v mason a lub imprtnrment lie band has shown ticket and ioster committee kran t w uh the winter s practice there um oakes ond cheryl morion 1st and 2nd j m crowi t thft i able lam i i bedroom 1aige minor i lnd tables j iwaall laoirs lrapr and curtains udd usluon odd wasiuttand snusll htst of ivstkvii oil ijinifu rnani el ook stuve with warming lose i ami irtervor iueoec heater round lak ximislon i able square lal le l uitoard baking sunrt mediinc ablnel r le 1 1 1 i 1m k llrvakf ast null of f mir chairs table i hlna cabi i el and kitchen cabinet combined with o- r lain tops llnishrd in ur nd black arruovalr mtntrlr wash ing mathln locowasher longoleurn i ug oilj unoleum rug usli h mw pillows tasa rug jij 2 odd hugs vu odd bed springs larr oolst4aols rernery 2 lyunks i id table sttp ladder t gal oil an red barn paint not opened n chairs uvin mowr oil drum ice bos loldlng ironing board 3 sctwen ioors rub stand j ine tubs lectrr toaster mec trl plate makes shovels hoes 1 i amir crtitchrs and many other num rtous avtule tljtms ash settlement with th clerk day of sale nothing to he re moted until settled for this sale consists of furniture bought new in the last four ears and i as leen well taken rare of no re serve as the proprietor has sold his home and is leaving town r r ford clerk hindi fy m ijott imiij auctioneers law clcarino prtte winners respectively in ticket selling contest jaojuelln cunie peggie oakes caroline oakes ross morton iena lawson joan jolle fran oakes marjone iountaln tj mrllugh joanne stucke cheri morton and roc he lie hudson beatle anderson and rare nrlliv ticket selling committee mra alger mrs coon phlls mackle and rare nel lis lunch for cast mrs perkins xtrs sprowl iorrsine pa man t mrs ha robinson miss bell and mrs frank oakes assistance with ctstumes mrs t jones h ware ur frank oake e hookes transporlati n to llotk wood mr norman bainl gave tenor solos thst were very much apprectat ed and mr sid lorne of thf ys mrni club spoke bnefl uf under- tand the hand is preparing to take iwtrt in the waterloo musical estu al next month there are about s mrmbers and it is a band of which acton has er reason for justifiable ride and their leader mr mason orserves the compliments paid him at the ronfrt and b citizens jmdftmi the weather la still cool snd hack ward for the month of may the showers of the weekend gave seme much needed moisture th ht hmtl is victoria la tjt two wvk iram lomorro motbrs pft tn sundaj there ii be serlvjil siecal intriot in the churchc the tilling of a section at the park where the cattle display is shown at the rail rulr is being com pleted this week si spended entence to trio for theft in gitelph court beverlv hepburn r verton red hepourn acton and william ii i csl acton were releawl on sus pended sentence b magistrate frederlck uatt k c in police court in uelph on friday the llrer appeared inst ednesdav charged with theft of articles from direct winters transport the imanded until toda for sentence thomas iiwin manacer of the transport companv said the three men had been employed as freight handler at the wnrehouw here art c r in trnrslt bid dtanpeared and some of t ie goods were found in the home of beverlv hepburn in th auction saij2 h regtstered ajsd ornsv haisuln w and llrlfers llaraes tmrtas and tmple tamlslne rsairy vulpteat and m are fmrwt the undersigned have received in strut tlons from cham psuihhkb tc sell bv iubtr auction at bis farm 1 t 7 on 7 township of nrlson i mile toulh of milton on i tl kmday may zim ommenc ng at one i elm k stnndard time the follow ing horsks 1 roan belgian elding s vcars atnut 1m ihs 1 rr let r heron t elding about 1600 lbs bfo iioiatun cows and iim i- r rs dutrhland pontine burke j fresh marlrna burke ahterkrrk f reh millie mercedes rer cho fresh jeanrtte mercedes burke fresh lorta bell burke due se i 1 patricia avon re he ho in full flow hrtd i- eh 1 juliet comet burke open paulette omrt burke bred mar jo antoinette mercedes burke hred dec 11 joy mercedes re y cho born hm4 alt mercedes re h cho born iwt alerie burke abherkerk born 1m4 feln comet burke born 19 svlvla mercedes re rrhollurk born im sharan mercedes burke horn 104 i inda d svlva burki born ljmfi bonnie mercedes burfce ixtn tmfi herd sire pathflndrr d- 5lvn l horn 1041 cradf cattif 1 holsteln cow fresh 1 black jersey cow due june 11 1 jere cow due time of sale 1 black ow due june lt l wn k jrse cow due julv ib 1 holsli in i ow in full flow hred 1- eh 1 2 hoi wed frorbe was mmvcd to two years less one day in the ontario it- i for ma tor at uelo when he p irrmh tore magistrate k m 1-ang- don in police court in milton yester day he pleade1 guilty to a rharg of siealirih a light detlver truk be l nging to s ii met run arton hi truck was stoleti from in front of h llate where mccron was working met roi sputlrd the truk whlu telling onstatile ray mason about i tr lheft and unstable mason gav has he trailed live truck for on utile sihjiii of acton at a speed uf rlghty nil lea an hour the truck up- mt going over a rise in the road and landed usld down in th ditch forties was standing beside th truck when on st able mason came ha k to it isragrvncn estimated the dam age to the truck as o0 fort i leaded guilty to live charg harry iaurenre was tlntid 115 00 and costs w hen con v it ted of causing a disturbance by being drunk and using had language on the main street of milton unstable w canning had been called to the kennedy hot because 1aurence was causing a dla 4urbance canning met him at th town hall and arrested him because of the language he was using a charge of stealing two pairs of socks imm ihe store of 11 knight was dismissed when the town said he dldn t feel very strong today when asked by magistrate langdon if ihe ruwn had any objections to with drawing the charge as ijiurence was drunk and dldn t realize what he was doing i william mrraddcn haded guilty to chart of vagrancy and being drunk he had accosted 11 arc id karl and asked for money to buy dinner mr rarl offered to pay for the dinner i ut mrr adden wanfed the mone mrv david lawson laid the complaint that mcfadden who worked on their farm w ss drunk and disorderly v hen sht saw him coming up th lane she locked the kitchen door and barred the front door he managed to get in the front door and smashed some furniture and then went down i cellar and got a basket of eggs h put the eggs and his baby in the ugg and started down the road i he upset the buggy and when he got home he smashed dishes threw silver ware around and took anme of his wife s clothes outside and burned t them he was sentenced to one month in jail for tvegvlnt and one month in jail nl hnnl labor for bring drunk and dlhonlerl sentenci s to run ronve- tuttv rlv for u m m vsaksg m lsllalt am kg j ms lamj ft ahaar u m guelph h bhuuflutfbbatstaf farnworth memorials hsaasssaal a mllilill isiea cemettky letrcilolo outxrii ovr sinnrhitti rs mr- r 1 lsiidscui kit rtrd pnidtiit rton institute rr nlhlv nun line veals cldntl esf pt- n intttut- nnd aug 1 holsteln heifers commt j vi niv i id 1 hnlst in l alves 1 vear oil 1 holsteln hrtlrr vlf hi ht nnl is fulh arcmlilcd nnd nn nitl all oung rows nt actor and imp1 tmvs ps m ii tractor ru on steel w tl starter nearly new m ii douhl hollow i i nl h me ol mrs 1 jil pin th i m hi loi moth r om nl th me tint llomi hionomirs w i ich nu mix r wllh in sti n nnd nnvu with mn in chnil a v nml i rner ih i ill c ill n ntitw iretl how l in i 1 h ni tlo r nd mrs harold mow at of oppei cliff favored the congregations at the i united church on sunda with splen i did vocal solos and assisted the choir a ear ago the world wat just recovering from the relehratlon of th end of the war with erman the surrender was signed a ear ago tuesday the meetings ut llalton presbv terv and llalton preshvierial w ms of the i nlted chunh are being held in arton toda with sessions in the i nlted church and bai tut l hurch the hollow on frrrdet1 k street hear the hoarding house of baard rrore a o nnd the groui d amuml the new houses in the new beard more subdivision are being ailed and levelled a tine new display with white glass letters form the word bard more down ihe side of the big smoke stack at the tannery the letters are several feet in size ant ran be seen almost as fir at the chim ney is tithe each letter wiigha ap proximately 500 pounds ir vfvm nqiourn in the i k no 7 ornhlne with i fot th wr ihc m u11 0ur ome of fred hepburns father in pick up atlachment near t new m it v t i law and in the home of peal v 1 eulon i ulllvntor m ii burrow n it h hnd ikhh preparel f- it concrete llocks manufactured by cheltenham con- crete products iiarc walters sole agent ttone acton 37 the toronto psl pec ifuation b chcltcn him m ii h inch rain trindt fndlesa drlvi bell ortulni i i y and frame iiohsf drawn imlmimrnts ng binder 7 i 2 one man hay ltks m d mower jl culllvm k it lockshutt dump rake new scales j d manure spreader ca er bunrher m h single furrow rid ing plow oiksliutt walking plow i not putper 14 pute qut throw disc utter orchard d st inthrow hay r ork cotkshutt 2 row lorn scuftler 1 drum steel land roller iorks lrfw truck wagon lovet w tndrower low steel w heeled wagon hoes sleighs and fiavil u carden scuffler spt ayi r an 1 rami cider mill an press m ii iam separator m 11 reap c tanning mill perfrt tiois jh v n hand power clipping vathtne bars 4 section hntrows isettihn hai low isettim hle1 rivith drm blocks manufactured to mett y hams itt 1oud n snur m f awards mie -eytrwar-nlral- physical distisay on rhuraday evening the second night of the acton ymca physical display trophies wer presented to the winners of the yearly contact out sroeron pifsented the hexathion l tophi to lorne arble mr cowdy the proficiency trophlea to batty wilds and donnle anderson mr bean th badminton trophy to helta mcnabb and george v ill lams and mr bean also th table tennis trophy to patsy chsw mrs gray waa given great ovation for her work in the display there waa a fine crowd in attendance the jecond night who greatly enjoyed the duplaor v ttnl tra k s t f sink drvin harness almol ni w mi of lnm harness dair jqllpmfst woodl milking mnthlne with hlplng alu e mtnum ivails unit nnh umsi on i vear milk pails strainer stifn r etc kal rtatf at the same tme ami plate thin will be offered f r xale suhjett to a resre bd thi farm consist ng of 200 acre more or less on which is ere ted a nine toom el hrtck hvue with hath tt 1 phone i v a small f h iuse leelitabllng driving nhed dvlritt annual ontcst an n ienl won retviil fiom th lender oi the new brow me i k n rrtlv or iniid or help to purchase unlfoi ms tliination of 910 00 um voiod x in w rk mr et i nrn b um appointed the dilenti to nttentl tl distri t rnnunl ni i lint in n iditlon to th iesdnt nnd secretary phis in ink ll minu it meeting el nleil oil i rs wr as its hon past pr vldt nt mr im in i n wiirnl mi r 1 davidson 1st ice pr slilent mrs f hunter jnd ire i n sldent mis 1 ol lir s itttirv tnnsurtr mrs v red an denu n rrnmh din tor mr in w 11 mrs minhni nt nnd mrs c jrn i your do vour cc fpt1 strained and urcd after cicmir iionc a ork ii o consult robt r hamilton ro if st gearg s goelph oat htrn 1vt out foundations tfixfio new hog pns s acres of mottlv hard wod buh three wells supplv watt r in buildings also small pond in bush a suitable re port i on of this farm is seeded o spring grain 11 acres whent end balance seeded to pasture ind ha this is an ideal tractor farm nnd in a good state of cult k at ion divtn t dire tn mr r ndei t n onvrnnr tt l ommlltee agnc ultuie ind l nnn tl in industriis mrs k 1 dldin cil wilfnn mr w mnddox home e in tics mrs f 1 nmhcit puhl city mrs f hunti r hlotoiical resenrih vis jn wild iuhre rluh mrs ijizenby anl mrs hollow av invelte mr e f colli r rvooth mrv 1 f w it it unr fiddov arul mr hol- loun vlsirlng mrs lnmtwrt mrs and rvon nnd mrs mnddox nnist mrs t tjtmu rt auditors mrs geo lant mrs j f wilds a m il time vvns injoved hv ill whin thi so lal croup of mrs colllei mrv j w lids mrs laxenhv and btincne served a del khtful earls annual may save 10 to 20 dun i rnist this grand opportunity to save up to hi per tent oi the vtry pick of the new con tlc in ladies sufis co ats furs saij- now in lm rkss we limited uimer wyndium st hkijll acton y mens club iri sfnts that highly rated kojajly ilay nothing but the truth a comedy in three acu ll star local cast by pcrmimon of samuel french canada ltd town hall acton thursday friday saturday may 16 may 17 may 18 tickik no on sale knkkai admission mt reserved seats 50c on salr conprra lru suw ihtlntlirb lag dunbag fflntj 12 194b a man n v r see nil i hat hi m ih r hns be n to him till it s too j i hi to it i ht r kn v 1 nt he mti ii w d howll some suggestions rlmr innl bcnclmcs sheer housecoat printed spi hcnillc i om sajr rt to 7 95 dresses lhints sluns 01n hamb sffrsuckfkb 189 4 05 glow- silk chamnisettts vvhik iifd colors also ostiime jewujiy jiand kas sheer scarfs 100 etc etc tnnncrt tru arm and jntiriopro lun m mra iiouoa bettlnr th- pr nor prloui to ae rermr of w y ria rial mat made known ria of ale hidden penn mrs r x damiuon terms ofchatteu caih with moved a ole of apprerljvtliin to the clerfc day of sale no reefe as serious ulneu of proprietor a son neccttltatea thli tm menlate sale j f robinson clerk hindlev a eujott 48b2 ajictloneem aucl ianr hostannd the eommlltee our blskost job is to teach the world to live touether but its a job ua u havt to loam ourtalun first mill st acton