Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1946, p. 3

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thursday may 33r4 u the acton free press rjuan of interest to women the jt bowl llellu llomrmaker the twitting muddle of a traffic tie up on the treatl 1 thought of u lin i saw dirty car in main street the tangle clothe in our laundry last meek ii- oe dh t y play tulla atobboa streaked collar and grimy work clothe we hart rt i led wash all the woollen blankets a well the had unen after itie lino up of rlothee ware all moving tn the hreeje three blankets traced to the round ai pari or the line broke may w re mind other ivomemaker of the pol iceman dlieitlons to send few heavy using al a lime along the una oth erwise re toute them lo anotlker pare lei keep things in order from the beginning and sort ihe rlothe itie main idea being to deal with the cleanest thing ftrat llgtiily soiled ertlrlea iwt after that aprons drees play ui then mens work rloth unreliable dyed materials ahoukl be done separately aoak for 3 to s mlns in strong salty water ihrn wash in a high suits two basins if dlrty and rinse uutrkly dry thor oughly lu- the garment in an old lowel press out e a rats moisture hang in a hieeie to dry quickly or pad with a lowel lo dry indoors htalns rompttrste uundertng many are no trouble to remove when freah but liriomr permanent if the article is left until laundry day or put immedlal l into hot soap wet er make a practice of iemowng stain as xn jkosalble lie sine to hake dusly garments outdoor l gel lid of loose dirt t m ply and whisk out pockets and tuffs hard water is not her rttmp ileal ion brausr it is harsh hanl to use hard on everything and rouil ot spe klly treated ttefore it ran begin to clean rlothe trrat ihe water wlih washing soda boras or ammonia lmksolve the softener first make up a strong aolullon and keep it tn a well corked bottle out of reach of child ren use h bottle or crystal and fill up with water measure from ihr bottle exactly loo much wii harm fabric too little will fail to do a good job moderately soft- s rr quires 3 or 4 thsps hard water neetts to 7 thsps in 10 gallons of watcr now add the soap and aw ish the water to create about a 1 irw h suds from time lo time during the washing ou will need to add mora soap be cause suds die down unless a good lather is naintalnid there is danger of wumm cuitli forming on dot he freah water is important for n good cleansing of aolled good soften rlne water to prevrnt part idea or soap remaining in goods whit h will turn ellnw when ironed lt the roller prrts out moit of tht oap wash water hut if thi dolln ere larelesaly fed in or if pressure oi wringer it loose the rinse water toon bhximi soapy all these points ha e a direet influence u the whiteness ul the wash take a tip 1 rruit stains on white or fast- nlur mateiial usually disappear ciunplelvly if the mateital is stt1ih d over t lnwl ami boiling welt r poured front a height of j m feet x hmall oil spots as a rule respond in cornslanb or isuum powder palled on immedlptel lit jtowder snauiba the oil before it seep lut the threads if this la not sunessful srthm telrachlorlde will ilo the trltk it safe to use end ijuilr effective 3 1r tulblng ordinary lard llior oughly into ihe siot made bv lila k gtruse or tar mis aoflens the grease ilin it may be removed with laitmui tetrachloride or a good clean ing sol wit if the doth it washable ihe remaining part of the stain may he bleached out with javelle water if garment in t laundered use j r 1 applications of solvent mliong am n ton la water good mil u i ion in wbli h to soak a rust stained garment mr qi nmon iwix miss i m asks what are the in titlltnl of ihe woollen wash we wrrr git eh lo the laundry das of household uimtr course answer make a solution of i largo lnr orl ox of mild soap in 1 ijla of nter s hin tarllall cool add j lljw tkr nnd s up alttihol soak karmenls in mtlutlon for a few mlns he ton txlng laundered in sudsy wat i r mr it m asks lnn 1 dean f it lit red flowers answer shake up and down in leaning solent and put in ihe ah to dry mr t j asks m 1 clean a iren h ton without detroing the rain i roofing jualltyr answer es brush wllh sapy wa ler hip brush in suds and scrub tost iour dear water over it to rinse allow it to drip dry 1h hnthluh u an i do i place to do the job l ii v kxteni1s school arkas iohia icim iltltlsh columbia u following ihe lend of alberta and iihkatt hrwnn nnd is instituting larger ichool dlslttds for admtnlstrat e i urxmm s legislation enacted at thi hgutntuie session just completed proxubs for rtmdlng the province ln- sthool dlnlrlct the trustees chronicleh ol ginger farm 1 wrttlaa liaaasajly far i tate aatas ra praaa by owstnlwhjnk ctusulk ihe same proportion of rhemlcal for the machine mtlch dclcndl too f the pr lniallcr dialricla wl i pni f hu end on the wringing when properly done ad unlll the end of thts ear when hui ml i r i in u honrds w iii be electod for each i n thes ttlffw tilt have you ever laikbst a job with forelmmllng and dislike and flnllet op tealty enlng ihe work 1 ant sure you haw we all suipil- utu irhn orn e in a while well i wib on what 1 ttnugt t moukt l en unpleasant jolt hut 1 soon found iuself getting juh a klk out of it it look me into tutmes wlre 1 bad never been brought me into 4mtart with pols 1 had never in and showed me a phase of life i had almost forgotten incidentally 1 walke into one house w itere lhi was measles one adult recovering one dilld sllll in had and a tuitiy at the sniffling stage hlnie ii was my privilege to have measlee myself m few yeatv ago 1 traded on ihe as sumption that i w theivfoia tin- inunlaad itie places thai 1 vulled were rarm hontes and three of tham war oc cupied by young touples ea h with a family of three utile lots all urulci s4 hool age here was young anada growing up here were husky young fellows will i hope enthusiastic and optlmlstl young wlvea who were not afraid to have bable nor to 1 k lr the hard bul satisfying job of i wing a farmer wtfa a us hlldren were sut h darlings aiwl oti vlously wdl tarwl for one little 2- yeai old who his mother said near ly alwas litade strange dint tod filing over to me almosi as soon a i sal down and held up his wee ittt to be phked up it sewmed to me tlirie a gltnl hoe for ihe future of lural anaila soils i unret nut w llhstautrtilig while ihere sn aim families aiound like those 1 uw that lay in contrast i im inte at rots soma veiy lonely folk 1 here was imo ikmtr old fellow living alone his barn htirnt to tin ground his son in hoi pllal no one around hut he and ihe dog nmld the t harred and blackened lulihle of whal hart once been a splen did latrn and w huh at the lima of ihe fire had housed the season truti and some sheep all of which hnrt b n lost i stood looking at the hhkl rrmalnt of n life unit work a thi old man told mr his story lh next cull wus a lot more heerful hire was nrt n irtish couple happy in mill other- company n the rands of life run hlowly out i im i kirn tliut w ns now nil liny wanted nil thiil a lot of agatt nuplei want to live out thir llvis log tlor linn i came to a farm woman liv ing nh ii ec pt for hinit help she scented jierfe i ly contt nt i ept for lit r worrit in g tllnj nrenterh olrw fntnt hflji nrkd if th inrkct district n i he real estate insurance ocean steamship tickets insurance now it the time to renew your inturtnee end bring it up to dete values of properties end content hive increased insurance rate on fire have decreased and new benefits added real estate we have a number of dwellings for sale some are owner occupied and immediate poaaeasioa it iven others for investment some choice firms far sale large and smalt acreage i sva roum hou bath and furnace llouu wrll built nmt post ofrtc and business owner occupied pouenlon clven artistic brick ten rooms ill built brautlfull located well tenanted gond floors steam heated could be conwrted into duplex or small institution soudopkuhouee lwot n f n u built all conveniences harduood floors well tenanted good residential dutriet rent your spare room to returned men for further information epplyto fl wright realtor and insurance phone 95 of in t on iiik on mj imkllli in f4 ulldl wolllll i ilo nwnv from th finn lnuikine no in it little two h four town i muht h r point fill ritvlil ik i ante t n nx m went to ih hr i lilt k ns tvso llltli m t inmhs kxii i nlli d nloim im hltd us in nulonnllv hl nllnt imnllm ly 1h hum the km v it urn mnru imiih tlm 1 l inj on n farm tind iuhldl keu i im it iimi it or shall we sny the tool i n puti dowi uf i ki l lisp roots if hin ntlinpt im minlt to tilt up i im mnin unit tin n is still lots f lift in the luniors mnn farm folk an itail doliik hit haul wot k inddenlal lo farming hut et then nrt still so manv kmnll root that nrt still aitlve iov of tin outdoors ihe satisfy inn sense of working with dependent hung thine the iveren nial fasd latlon of watching nature at work all tied up with and an inllm ale part of nur dally life for in stance on- crls far more satisfaction from watching a tree in bloom in one awn backyard tljmi hv druinu in rough ihe niagara fiult belt in hloason time hist dilmittedly is a feast for the eye but in our own backyard one takes as much iplereat in the tret when the blossom is dying as when ii is in it full glory warn ing to if th fruit has set guard lrfc against tent worms watching the small fruit grow and develop ihi war- especially the applet atom bomb drfriihe h a f ksprt off hh afur ymt or lmia4ud ieara ilia oily military defansa now j- t sllile i bafoia m tliuotlng atari sabl nup t aptaln andrww coomlse it a v t year isolder of th world s ling dutamw flight rthord in a rweiil inlervlaw tfoup aptaln ciunlu is th k a k repiasentatlve al th u s ornmand and eneral staff hrhool karl imv enwoith kansas wtiu h ha trained jnmn senior offi en for staff duths froiit 111 nations during the war var fatly in the war ha worked with trading stienllsts ii fet ting hoinhlng ti hnuue and ttwn seivtd on antl u usat saliol in the atlanlh and medllrriaoean laler in the air ministry tils work was lo plan fuluru aln raft and weapons and ha mh maitded a team of sdenmsls analv log on the smi result of air war- fate in the kurofiaan hattleflalda i have ueen lialned to think of ihe futuie he went on and my respon- slhlllt is the defense of i ha hrltlsh omnionwealth against aggrelon frtmii lie air liter ar in sslstanr to day wamiiih of aartal aggralnn su h as th atomic bomb against whuh whether we lib it or not ihtl is no defense only th shouting has slatted die only possible de fense is in tare time it tie tn hanging ihe mind hearts and de- slle of the aggrssautr or otenll aggiesaur i have teen urmigtit her to work with the forces of mka and dr rraok murhman by the ronvlrtlon that moral he armament 1 the one thing mak ing h iosthle tn accomplish that otherwise impoasjhl taak rbu world wide force i forging the link of hanged peopl who alone can prevent ihe drvaalallon of another war that is my absolute military judgment hey know how to give purmse to the vs nihls stlentlflr knowledge an 1 how to pul ihe all knowing mind of od al the controls of the world solution in india loshihij hi rough these momentous day when the framework of uno has let n hammered out i hove im m pi of tun ly impressed with imr overwhelming world need the need for sfllltuhl power to supplement mans scientific knowlnilge in am rlca i tubulin aiioalnted with the tremendius pi idem of in dustrlal conflh i in i- uroii wllh th t lash of eulltl al pressure group in the middle it with issues in relat ions among neighl orlng counl rles and just now i have rrlurnetl to my own i unity t find her faced wllh famine an officially estimated grain shortage of six million tons for the luirml ejr at the same limn india will soon im mnklng dedslnm thai wilt affeel the destiny not only of her 4hchmi0 0u i but ihe destiny or ihe other f ut fifths of the hum an i nee n well everywhere i find ihe need of a nt w moral climate new mi ml foun did inn for ikiiiii life a m w spirit of leimw i k in field anil factory nt w iniiditnta of inlttlly at mfi i t in e inhh i iiinclhlni thnt will k fn sli iiojn to millions at th domng ktmson of the t no fnferw- in ka 1ia -waa- tt ilt sldent isolinl im lief preciols cheese canorasaik tcp rhere in old aing about throwing money to the dogs but a ihas sak man la helleved to have fevt 5 000 to rati and mice i r the man kept hi money in wooden box hidden under a pile of po tatoes in th cellarthe itnrj li that when he went to count u he found only gnawed fragment 0 th sqfo he had hidden the logical- explanat ion rata standing in other fellow a ihoca wont help him if ou younelf are off on the wrohg foot tn ntly en nurngil to h rtuninn entpinli his p in ilidm kuidinie th xolnt lo i hirtnruj conflict in lnlnnd i vh lnimkol t find tin sinie spirit toui hfng lh nt r t centers of national life llrre in m own country i ha al rem hit i ri rvoniil t rilence of how midi n spi il inn rnlse the rdatlon- rtii between public officials loth i indian nnd rtiropftin tn a new level wl t r hit term ss and suspicion are i eliminated and honest solutions are sought nnd ntci pled by rvt rone i am conf di nt that ihere is no problem fm ing my country inday which could not lie sotted b men of statesman hlp and vision inspired with this spirit hy sir v r krlshnamarach art kcir foimt r prime minister of ilarodi niul indlnn representative at i uno canadian horses inaie france if ul iocs io frame in the near future see outstanding draft horses at work on thnusande of farms the pro hstblllt is the hones will he from canada iast year france bought principally in western canada about fcsrt well broken draft horses chiefly percheron and belgians from 1 to 8 eirs old weighing 1 too pound and upw onu a french purchasing mission t irf canada butrri several thousand more hors of ihe same conformation hut ighlng not lea than i 500 pounds fob monti al so far about 1 4u hove been hipped in 1916 and b the end of the year it is expected that a total of about 0 000 will hiir landed in france j for the horse bought most of which are from wvt- ern canada run from 110 to jigs each fob montreal ooal prodtfctlov dovx victoria cpi brftlah columbia coal- production is on tho dmvngrade output ot all colleriea for february was 127 673 tons compared with 112- 2g5 tons in february a year ago hoimi african emm in rowing ihcmano uintmn h pj wllh houth af hie itself noie dlamufhl minded than r laefoie and with tlie world clun ofifig for tut and rough ston hit diamond trade i ltupjiiing mrrthanla uwiutrn legging us hy t aisle and lettg for diamonds a lulling fttdoiy manager said if ot lutteia ittuld hands ntsii lines live iusiitity of lough 1t4y find ott 11 tables at kimlteilty ughl half a twn lllnes a vmr they i ouhl still every slime i i jaweln tf lh union air letelvlng only j suffu lenl supply from ihr lumtis to ketp thrlr huainesstvs going ailetjualely f vtiy h ffimu ihe ill on take away hlg jualllltlft iff tut dlttllhstul tl r oiuai mal ktsl nicol bros monuments and cemetery lettering asvoliatrd with a j orbctf mount horc t out rqi ihtji w 04 al agar coal offica iimivk is aiton mmfmimmmmmmmmm iladv momiv oft thi ooahia0 faimh tsmsym althttugh vimj may ha shcta of readf muney you tn now py cash for dial maihlnery or equipment for svhih fou hse waned lluv fiir and save b means f a vnk lusn see your nearau hufm msnsger ttmjay aa ae ur7e jtr itr jur jki fur a o ajiead franr bank or montrkai temyoji nop lokchstahclcmu vm thmrv wjurur 0 jtst tyrr sr 97 h tlirte re now 1 30000 telehe snj ril im lulunr rsllm lus uail nrrrj r tlwijli ur ia rr artll tlw jume d cjuu n kh kki hiflier than 1 ihe r urjsn tw hy il is wplul lien at il if wqueorev ss shown iielw in making im llan ralu we are luum new line and n ailrhbnl but ii w take nr tme lo tl lliml mlu uar in the meanlini weu sciat jwr help ssvl inaerlsnaat epecll if yuur call i delayetl whin vou hjecf um p o rtst iee ih nparaur the nanse of tbe dbunl ny thtm the lelphaae auathsrof rear part thin kaa ike op star safta it year own auauw v you afool lusaw sks ebalaas lelepnoise nunsew pismas mmks m not e it frfutwm usf elieis wlu hsme thi opntor ppal ii v iti jfjjitmtlajib isjf

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