Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1946, p. 2

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the acton free press thursday may xhm 1m qjijp arlbtt jf rrr jjrrea ttwvnwr lattmu tulfl lutm w aa i hub t tkwu ou uvvkbttuno aatta lui- 4 k fmtdtttmaja wlu s svn w clw v4m m4 umjuu ftf im t1lttt tkm u vttt m fe ml i ww to tay uwnuwih paaaitan1 mau ft hml mm m u mw fct unitimf ul rwwa w tu t uum 4m mr ujmi fci it mwtiw ui vwt tw wyw w ihtcnuu jatr m4 u vttom ik im to u mh m a4 t m w fcr t rw frill tu lltkiiiif lawlam uril wb r l 1 j lift laht cat wfc lillulllbiii m lau cm erm w k uu4 ff tm 9kto um mt a atutf dux umm j oft atturtli uviigc and wording totmhw there was a day when men joitig n mnlu in the united stale was of little concern to c who lie in hilt section of anada s me t i van c n uh1i when a strike in toronto as far enough a iy that little convenience was uuuj 71um vondih ns pr vailed of c ure before the day of highl eoalijcd manufacturing nd highly organicd labor it wn before these days too of rapid and casv travel the intervening cars hac seen man benefits derived from pccialied and rapid manufacture highly skilled and organized labor and more apid bd easier travel man conveniences in earlur cars were not possible in the average household wtiere nev they arc commonplace the worker is enjoying better conditions and a higher standard of living nut u much because of being organized but also because machinery was put to work to assist in making more article at lower costs with less actual labor being applied the past weekend and its threat of almost civil var to keep the united states from losing iht fru ts of its years of industrial progress have surely been a lesson to all people on the continent to show that aaaas control of men and women in industry by a few individuals can wreck the achievement that has been aside by years of labor and management and capital invested working together too irany workmen m anions are willing to be led like sheep by high prcs sure leaders who are too often more ruthless exploit era of the workers than any industrialist ever dreamed of being w rcofje opinion that labor should be well organized ust as industry should be organized but when labor or capital lose their individuality and i to think for themselves and allow fluent orat ory to lead them like sheep we arc fast approaching a crisis where ears of progress both made will be loot and the job of lmng together will have to be ap preached from a new angle waterimg a lawn about this time of year the man to whom water ing thetawn and garden is a rite as well as a content ing pleasure begins to have his innings irom now until october he can loaf away an hour or so each night while seeming to be industrious supplement ing natures contribution to the green of his lawn and the color of bis garden and widening his philos ophic horizons through contemplation the true lawn watering enthusiast is definitely not the type ho attaches the hose in a hum dir rt blasting stream to the grass for a few miouirs and then tovtct it back into the cellar nor is he the tpe who use a sprinkler and goes about things he consider more important the real enthusiast take at least an hour about t and scorns sprinklers me works best if he had a garden chair or verandah steps on which to bit lhnr should also be a stretch of law u or garden will within the limit of the stieam of water he ton tiols larger plots involve tiresome walking about and dragging of huw across grass both destructive to conteinplati n deep well tilled pipe or a cigar that will last a long while is almost a nccewit y citvcn the our man as almost content hut he mut first adjust the noixlc to just the right spray fine enough to provide a light fall but strong enough to reach the far border he storns those who can not make up their minds and are forever whirling the nozile from one spray to another and then there is the matter af the sun perfect condition call for a chair facing east so that the setting sun will nhinc over has shoulder and into the spiay dreaming up dclighful rainbows that can he moved in and fn with the eay swing of a writt making our on rainbow i one of iht nictst things about watering the lawn under this svticiii another is nlnotin he water high mtg a trie so t hut it fit ik thn ugh the leaves giving all the delight f cooling rati aiii none of it discomforts most important of all i he lime all hi affords for contemplation some ill hold that i man lay enough to sit fur an hour watering a lawn won t think of in thing useful hut its un idea that some of the most satisfying thinking ever done has been done on front lawns in the cool of evening with the music of water falling a peaceful acconip animent hntains eitormota ilhting hill when the hritish government finance b ii cover ing the hujgct resolutions was under consideration jp the house of commons it was stated that britain would be raising from revenue 18 shillings 2 pence out of every 20 shillings to be spent this year sir alan herbert independent member of onfotd university said betting should be taxed declaring that britain s total betting bill was between 400 000 000 pounds and 50 000 000 pounds 1 7 ho 000 000 and 2 2zb 000 000 annually that means that in two or three years we could pay off the american loan by the sum wc are liftuij in gambling he said yet there is no tax wheth er vou win or lose taxing the funds spent in betting would be a perfectly legitimate source of revenue and it seems to us strange if the government hard pressed for funds does not accept sir alan herbert s suggest ion however it is understandable that a very larg pariantagaof the population must be particip ating in this type of gambling to make such a trc mcndoxis total and consequently politicians would regard it as dynamite- to touch such a proposition barrie examiner editorial notes holiday change no doubt one of the reasons so many folks from the larger centres arrange to take a holidav in the far awav parts of ontario is because the inacces nihility and lack of communication take them away from the unsettled and more selfish wu ot living which appears to prevail and is the constant subject of conversation where radios tell of the strife on the hour and man times between and where news papers headlines not the better things of lite but the sordid and tiastv side where the murder of one in m bigger topic than that of the thousands sived jailv i by the untmng and selfish work of those who jcybte f their lives to relieving sick and suffering wc have on several occasions been fortunate each possibly the government hopes to avert any un employment by putting as many people a possible at work making out government reports granbv que leader mail thsc arc davs when holidavs arc heing planned and with this the first year without gas rationing our highwavs will sec heavier traffic and a need for more caution in driving the price of milk goes up two cents next month j hut it isn t any comparison with the advances in sonic other commodities but then the cows haven t gone on the tortv hour week vet and neither have the ear to spend a few davs so tar aw ay thai wotltf news was not impoitant wc have met on thee trips quite requarlv people who knew little t current world events and wc have njanv times envud their happy enjovment and outlook on lite true thev had their own troubles but unlike manv of us they w r have been let for the baseball m ison op tied again as it always i should in ma its great to have the 1 cal bovs back h nic igam and enjoying the games agmn th it the wur irricrrupted tor so main vtars bucvcn strikes bring nothing but a groan were not weighed dovn with the troubles of th jwtorld who can sa that they art not making jut at big a contribution toward world problems as wc who hear and dwell upon world troubles dailv holiday time is coming to hand ontario air and the quietness of the great outdoors can workrtheir recuperative marvels for tired folks beat when the strife and turmoil of life are left lrttthind perhaps we might go a step further and l having lost interest in such things for the holiday c period neglect to take interest in them when wc scomo back to everyday ufe it might be that we ficultl then see beauty at hand every day as well as i during holiday time supwt highway from toronto to barrie paralleling two present high wavs it wilt accommodate heavy tourist traffic for three months of the year a highway of twelve miles when you fi0 hetween acton and milton that series for twelve months git- a coat of tar each year and it in t supr but soup workers who go on strike in canada are not el igible for unemployment insurance this principle has been clearly established and adhered to since insurance benefits were hrst instituted in itm in canada anyone directly or indirectly connected with a- strike or any worker in the same group as those who arenatnke is ineligible you may nmvmr mii gas to us motorists canadas toubist business is your business tot but mn7 tfaftttiu arminil tl gataff man tltr gr uv nunvr fl larimflu jointly tit ifxll frily liar huf l iff itilry f fitlalf 1miitra- tomtit pit in tin firukll inl yrmj lr nn 141 ailtrf ati vmllaaf tw a t tlt 1 1111 milt infill ajiavu i una i if xl a try 1 1 1x1141 ii i ik- i i 1 canadian tbavil suaiau diav f 4 a cmmw o babt rood rxm an uma bkahs e tw ih vas m wim auixzb v w 9tj i shoe polhm 1 mai laixar peas 2 23c aeamsat out wax beans 2 23c itum memo beets lie olaaaa tomato soup 3 22c oaairn its food ioc mwnumumu claoomjats a sa 1 a im wuba s ma ha mum joica ma i 41a rmamiitg iwui dinner 2ie tvuiss ms carrots lie prune rsm 51c mustard 9c rasa nsmaa aasiaa mm witb uw custard tx earrfoirls t e bisd hid iy ruwi olou aauaaav tla4h aaaaavaaam tiavih aaaauaw tla van mawav umam oh if ma kcnhil kisble ata ka cumaa a meal u ia cerrie irahon t u rati km a ave ss uat nuhtfatuhaf uaa amhhia alm0uvb u u ih eahaba vtmeoab 1 t wffyj oto f l j smack lm aa uavtaaai fresh crp lf h lfttu b 2 hrgc lunchc juic california oranges sue 2hs doz freh homegrown spinach lb 15c 42c 10c cauliflower tomolom celery asparaffus info keani specul weekend prices we specialize in attractive printing buaineag directory dh w g c kenney mtyalaaa aaj flawajaaai isucaaaur to vr j a jicnlvaau olnr la bynua bluck u1u kft acton urhaa rbao ii liiilllaii flmnai uk ii g joyce harailir t aliwaam fanralataa ims a orh nail ooor lo hall talapkaaa cat trail ty mill and jaala su jrn ihone n 111 uu u a uakkett patyrtntaa ajaj a viwurkli mrrt artoa urmrrly ir stla s otflaa orrii i hn at llruoaausa it dental dm a j buchanan omca lalahman iliac u1u oatm llaurat am u asa x lu ga tejj3iione lu gbokoea sihr3 luataj auraaaai mill bliact conirr t radarica actaai offlia hour vuu m to 5 ajak rhijiidnh it i ktjiai c ii a1hi ui am at ros rarrbur a4 halirtim nlay t luutr of maliuk uraiura itrklblrar u lllilha htrrtaara liaatlta ihtum ii i aa h k laj lanfdon it aylswokth bantatar hatlrlufa eta oritm a tun i tx rr lluiullng k marlnlyra ayli acton uhli liaw pkaa oaoffalown graaory thaatra bulbfa ihona shw ojk iuj lbvek hubkin ualbn4 aacauattajila succaaaon lo jcnaunu a ilauuv 13us mttroiolltan hmf 44 victoria su toronto til 9131 veteb1nabt b d young vs bvsc vttarlaarj f otflr drookvllla ontario phonaulllon 141 r f g oakes vs bvsc vaiaruaarr na orrica and rtaldanca knox avaaua acton phona 130 j i eeal eattatk willouguby farm agency lartrat andldaat afncy la canada head offlca kant bide toronto caorgatown rapraaantatlva tarn llanaa phoma oaara ist out i wm i hhose 36 bracken acton time tables ray coach unest coac lira ueave acton ial i joiit 44avino ttmfc xf 11 11 0 i it b7 c a m 0 16 nut p id jf p m m 0 06 pin bh 11 pm waalswtaid 1 ts i i 1111 am n p m 7ii pm b33 j3 j m y128 pm lo stratford 1 u london sundas ami holidays only iakly xif 1 1 sundays and das lo kitchener 1 nad1an nstioal railways ntandard timb olnt hjut ia t r rjt suntisj 6 00 am ms n m 6vim sunday only 8 19 j m daily klyw at orgetown 10 11 i m i oing nv ct dailn cri mnnds 1 1 un monday onl uuonm uail xedl j s 9 01 a in 6sopm 725 pjn shiurday only 1j16 pm hverguatph dally except saturday and sunday fa 1- pm w t pahbalson ro gpuiua i tjr etanalaailaat nilhanllat 1u wvnbnah st queefb rkaaa xih comnutery equlppad ohioaa batow fcuhar sboa stora s

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