Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 30, 1946, p. 3

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thursday may smk 1m the acton free press pack mot the bowl chronicles ol ier farm gingf hello homemakriv many folk lell u sert are m wont problem it it no wonder with fruit arerce sugar low in supply and utile fat ant eornsianh hut it wmi with l ctrtc end wood le i ve dilfn ul ly thinking up tvii thr tw t mnt plat cook ar really up against they h to ellm nale a i those templing men naked pudding- and rely on top iiom deit e rlusively yet whan you atop io think srr kmlaly about it and aludy ctmk tfc you discover thai the situation 1 not kopaltm after all pudding good one too ran be mad on top of ih electric blal today wa hat a numur or dei t ideas hot and cold off lb top amenta add i hear to the one ou have aln arty collet ted and youi dessert problem wllldlapir dbuucutf rxw tmcvic1jcmkmt htovt oinnekj j for a hot hearty dessert maka double boiler collage puikllng trfik ins vegetables or other food in the hoi ling hater undamaath leftover pudding may alan he heated in the double boiler at the same lime ol her foods are bring cooked 2 steam tiattet pudding iok mart fulkl in individual greased custard cup than casserole it ol have not a steamer put carrot puddintr in ctwnlrnsed soup una riaff with wnt paper and sm in a mufmuiit containing two tnrh of watrr and itnum to reheat iul two servings ofl and beat in a sieve srve with top milk i me rhubarb add a fr talaina for artet ser e w ti ti if i a bam rracfcers plan or put together with date filling 4 make milk pudding and rualards in advance and let cool while cook ing first course ror eaample mapla rennet honey junket chocolate meringue custard ithuhaih custard and other flavored custards cottage chaea thudding dread and milk pud ding barley pudding commeal lu ding i em on hire iuddlng vanilla crumb pudding and farina pudding 0 quirk krull shortcake drain juice from leflor canned fruit thicken with cornstarch 1 ip in 1 thap cold walei for cup juice add fruit and nenl allghtt pour over alters of sponiir i tike thought or drop cakes a topofatoe arones ma be made aucccssfull to a rve with slewed prune fig r rhubarb 7 cook hoc ser hot with canned fruit flrt time with the remainder make n rice utarri nrl im mike custard in doublr boiler add rice r heat and iour into wnini dishes ttbayurian uklluei teqwll wnnll mount df heat 1 he gelatine may ba dlaaohrd in a dipper ovn the ten kettle and the dt aesrt fn slit d at the kitchen table aornnl nc to ret i pi 1 pant ekes reiiir n nhurt o k ink inn s ti vmi i hntl in fru t ftvrup oi inikin mim i n mi i quota u law 10 pits- mu n 1 imii i km ireafl muffin tliu tnd pin t ui nn it mint turiittl nuttuiiu liu i t mlit itl tins mil 1 xmtli muni i id hi cuitnitt tilling ii fruit itumpllnj im b niuli in tii of mow this u itxk irult ki n little smti atkl 1 immi i iv 1 tup mi ir mid i n hikii ui ik to ni n en to tup pit p it id i s uit im hxm b t oonf nk on i p if inmit i mi fi nit and julu o i and u i unimi r with ml n nu iij i il ir l ntimk i w nit unui 1 1 mi so tuinii lint hi tun ih crowded dovb1k uuult hittalf pitiding 1 cup klfted pasttn floui is p baking ihw1i s tp mill i tbspk o ft shortening or butter s up an- ulaj l cup sugar i egg well ueaun i v cup milk s up jam or swittene1 i fresh or canned fruit if dealrvd i mix and sift flour baking inrndir and sull crvam khortamng or but- tar add amla then atld ugar grad- ually add beaten egg and tent until mixture is lgbt and fluffy add dry ingredients alternate w ittt nllk rea thoroughl top part o4 doubla bollar us quatt capatlt put in jam or fruit if used pom hatter ovwc jam or fruit coxer and place ovarboiling uater iln bottom part ot doubla bollar cook for m hours or until pudding la firm on top kaep water boiling attdu turn out and mtv wlthputfunc aauc or craam ylld 4 to 6 servlnga note if pudding l made utthout jam or fruit turn out and garnish with liawd prunes or serve plain with a fruit or any desired pudding amuc topoftiiststove soones utt h cup milk 3 tbspa m fuvored fat melted m cup t flour 3 nspa baking powdar u un mall i thap sugar bat mm add milk and melted fat mix and sift lnrdienu and add to i hi milk mixture imuture la vei hifti litn n to a loured twiard anl lat out s in h thick cul in til angle heat f tying pan mid iovrr ipivfeiatu an mn pan until ty it put nr in fiyfng afi cver nril raluct the brat olk ontii wrl puffed and atoiiol ihikal about i l mm ium ainea and brown llglitb im ilhn lde hr tiut like tru ulat u l uie to ktep liral a liw a poaa ble during ixioklng to avoid bunting irld 4 laiga oi ti tjnall tmttne tt tmk tuarjy ok iuvok a national aulttorlty on ttta affect o rcealvt drinking professor 1 joalyn koger predicts that anad tans will snort i y turn from drinking a the sordid calendar of crtma ii er to atlr up strlfa suiting baexsmaa apparant to tha pub ppla w ho ht lir piufeaaur hogwr la attained to th faculty of chamutry in i ha un l rally of rarrnl in his capacity as advtw r to th attoinymeral a lparlnient of tha i to vine of on i arlo be he investigated a great num ber of murders and leaser trtmae in ontailo what thante ha the present geti eratlon of imj w hoaa motbara an tliimrliu in lieer parloc aks pru fismir lingers -pwiplr- have u to am ilia i my work at time must make ma dimutet1 with human nature it doekn t becaus 1 know and am con atantl reminded that there are so man fine people that s why i can not help feeling that thl country will stum rome to ha senses so far as e- ck drinking is concerned i think there ery oon will ba a revulsion aalnt drunkenness the drinking situation i going to get worse for a utile whlla 1 think and tha people will be ao revolted at the foolishness f i that there will br a drftatlc t hange tbat s not wishful thinking on my pait the man is fottunate who can look up to his wife but there aren t a many such men a there were in 1 ears ago its inevitable that there will be a awing bark to tha con ditions where a man was proud to look up to bis wire not juat look after a heer w iller prof linger u that an ontario ntagutratt checking over the cases which have appeared in court estim ated that over a period of many monihs mo per cent of them arose dir- ectl or indirectly from an excess of liquornt rink tug prof linger said that 45 per cent of all motor accidents are due to drinking cither on the part of ped rmrtnn or dilwr vr will e in rrealnil hnmh sentences given to peron found drunk nlhe wnwta ofp car he wild nrunk pedestrlant wrtssaa mame4ally fa tvs artm ree praaa k owstnlhmjnr r juskk well i could will what i think mimhji the railway strike the khl ard kttlke i ha rial miners si i ik but i certainly am not going to tu an read all you want to knw in hie news and if you do it will ptosiahly it ate you just as bewildered and diatreaaed as it dea us a strike i im h an awful thing s on col umnlil put it in a atrikr everyone oa even ttte atrtkers hut out in hie country whet e erytliing is fresh green and growing after that wonderful rain or working in the garden or among th chu kens one can forget for a while how estv il la for men who should know het- and unrest among people who hav baan caught in a net of their own weaving in th cat den as i woik among tha flower and shrubs the only thing that is unhappy la a robin who has lost her neat in a small sprura trew at thr liark of the border poor mothttr kobln and t i have been out in tha garden so much lately you would think aha would know by now that i winildnt hurt her fledgllnga howev er she evidently doasn t like the i mik of me for she file a nearby api le tree every lime i appear and theie asv alts chirping and scolding a long as i atay around i am beginning to n alls to my borrow that n garden i one thing that cant w nrgletted with impun ity at spring when i wu really er worried about partner a health and about getting itob home from oveisca i gave tittle time or atlent ion to tha garden as a result the khrub weedi and grass have surely had one great old time trying to sa w hi h rtvuld choke the other out the lras and the anowherry bush were definitely in the lead but now i really twtleve 1 have tnem both in check partner and i work outside every night until it la too dark to see partner at the grass and i at tha flowers and hruh hut oh that an ow berry ahrub have you any in our garden if you have then you will know what a fight i ve been having if you haven t thn don t let a anowlterry bush come within a mile of you it venda out runners that come up whete ou least want or expect them if ou try digging out a big root you lum to foltow their runner alt ovi r the place ren to the lawn itself and to think that i of my own free will once plnnted snow lurry huihes in mv border i juki lovt shrubs nil but minw urn but there u this ncnlnst them iuirffim m tt mayvewl do- i 1 rwn ithiie are nnv rabbit ntnund thin nd drunk driver will kill and he b rblhrr lmxvj hokln number during snr thjl u hnrn to r 1 grow itnothti shnil in its pin it tnkt s i linn i hen loo if one hum too mnnv hi lib ont hpme or krovvtng flow r u iintuiiillv rt si i it till ror ll it n is n liuithtr mild i n t in t h n flu was honu m1imi for l hiik s mike don i j ti vv nv inort l i litis will i am doliiw nvv with imii it livv tut tlin nit siill ithirs 1 woulllkt soiiktlnii i link in gi t tjiinnruk i sm kt tiyt i 1 n hit- oplt imni in mn goc the tt rflv hush in ihp in antime vi hno kule1 in the enrs to come pr sent i in thr human stem of w n k inre of nnhnary w hlsky whtih i io to 4 jier cent alcohol is nctcpted h iourt in mnnv pnrt of ttio tnltd slntoi ns sufficient proof i f drunkt nncs my iiiirntstonk imincs hope vo jo t socuuhm bv taxation in drawing up the new budgt tha minister of finance will have lo eon- aider that whlla during tha war tha payment of tax a was held out a patriotic luty taxation in peacetime becornea esrluslvely a social and c onotnic itrbbuos j the methods on whith taaatlon and vspat ially liuuin tan la lelad in th futuie may decide whether free eat- 1 1 prise caii online or whether slala i uiciui in will take its place iliefa l a been a sntall redurtlun in liituine la itkelpts from that i stiutc have imteasad marly u fuld line ifj 10 and while the puiajy war time normal la toitttnu thai tloet not 4rta to br inu h pmt of leal t1ltf noi u lnduiiy ik i tu get icallv uiiltr way while th resa piuflts tts 1 1 is lotttjtiy all vital inlllatlve on the administrative aid reforms have tievn i mg ovi nlu it u an old piliillle ot laaaluui tliat the lax rail individual la imiuiiii to pay ought tu lie teitaln not aitatiary j hie upmnlle it th vas in canada ilie deputy tnlnlslvr of agtloaai irveiiu whl h in practice means his official subordlnalaa baa autb dlstrel lonary power that usatioa u aaoasv tunes a matter of wtilm father ttvan of piecite law i this u not overstatement tu druuty minister himself giving teat i mony before a senate commute has aiated that for the fiscal year ending mart h 1 1u4a assessments of inrosne tas declared by ta payer were in creased by xt ilo t pirae increases of asemanl whether justifiable by fad or nit were purely arbitrary lbe war in- i i une la a t in ctmtiwitlng tha amount of the profits or gains to ba aaseawd p milts no deduction e cept as the mlnlatrr in bla d let ret ion inxy atlow phe minister furth ermore miy disallow any rpew width he in bla discretion may deter mine to tie in ecea of what i rea- onabb or norninl ror the pur pose of determining earned incunvu the minister mny rrdue the amount of any salary wages fees bonuses gratultlt or honoraria which in hi opinion are not commensurate with the services actually rendered here we have a situation that has grown up almost imperceptibly slnc the original act was drawn in 1017 hie amounts involved years ago ware comparative negligible to day they ar crushing ihe first appeal allowed the tea loer is lo the deputy minister who since he makra the orders against which appeals are usually made is a definite party to the caaa and a judge in his own cause the aggriev ed tax payer may appeal further to the r xcheque r court of canada but he must post a bond of 1400 in order to do ao in bualnea there is mill inequality in t a nation there is the double tax a i ion of corporation profits and the question of the preferred position en joyed by cooperatives and crown corporations all these problem have been satl fartorlly tackled in other countries ilefore cxtevalve taxat on entirely de stroys the incentive to work and take i ihk in anada attention mind be ilvt n to them h re a socialistic atnle enn be crenled it nilrht in ot mrtd jim aa cnnlly hy tnxatlon na it tia llul iteprlpt fr the halifax chronde tueadny apr ml imi big reductions on spring wear for the family come in and look around 1juli um at our aelrrtimi of work rinlheai in thr alrticftl and km ait durable makm at lowest price eisens clothing store main htrfs nyit t fteil telfhne aniiaiad wttk haagate d4 waea oialati dstaw rtle wamt1vmb vantytjvkll clttfly fi were surceaaful in a draw for u war surplus trucba so many wanted to buy th trucks that a drawing was derided upon and it la hoped that others soon will ha obtatambu rb war assets orporatlun mi3uv mm uonr 1iaijkax tt p ompleung har last voyage as a merry ship the ldy nelson arrived here recently with 4h anaduut overseas casual i laa and s imtblea it is reported aha now wtll iw converteti for bringing aarvtoav mens brldea and children to canada pht jatwjnej ohkltn saak cp pies ai on the ration list in mtaurante hare only on type of plea is on menus and it a ruatomer insists on a different kind he has to pay extra for it on tha other band butter ia served with nil meals rindnkfl liuniiaijc onl ci a svyar- old woman s life- wu saved kyit dog she befrlendadl tha dog by a neighbor casne lo gat hie i hand juat as mrs ham mtuttaasi suffered a severe hemorrhage- eske tied a nola to th dogs neck tfcat log tarited th maaaaga to hie 1 who called fo help milton welding tlmrlr uut artyun w lupalr wldlrf ot all trpm rortabto equlpnmrl phone sis wnx wt mhtoh ff natiomal clothing collection krnri what you ran lo your loral rollrlion centre june 1t 17 sa1ajja uatkal social skk it k i o lit iwiim tu n o tilt inmtt prv l uv if ih kinn n i hi r hirthmm tit mi ml i 1 his lit kretntrnnk i innl jnieln of the mint ml ittryi hiuns in th fin st m in uuililv in hi i rnl mountain hussla and in olumbia hut clear flawless iottk ei rnrelv found to the gv il run f j o1 i i 1 innuiik inn hi kii iptlrni ns etuiiln silun riinih mm isolds pmsh t and i f int i in othir d iv 1 wn out with r b n one o htv ulp t iu he w us unlondlnr bin hirnvnid bonev ni le calk it i did a little i plnr nc tulttr tlie i nit raid presents a dlf fie i vlmlid i man net dor who ke v ult ptohltn thtnuse it x extremelv ki nnrl cixker spanh u nnd bull brittle and tracks rashly there lv i terriers one tannlsh color cocker one cut emerald poluhed hut unfac- i paiucularly took m fanc and no eltrd in the mineralogy gallery of uonder he had juat been awarded the the koal ontario mustum and sc- tiamplonahlp ot his class for all tial fine crjstal both in matrix and nnd i jw several litters or puis v tract m synthetic emeralds are black tan and burf two little now being produced and it is tmpoa ihaa about six weeks old were xible to ivcognize with the naked eye tunning around loose and oh my naturall occurring emerald from n produced ant helically for spring no predoua stone u more appropriate than the emerald its color it that of nature for nature clothes herself with green when she awakens from her long reat of winter mocking but they were not nylons this man also had a couple of peacock and it annoyed me to not ice how handsome the cock bird waj and how hiwnely his mate dob still waan t read so i went vis iting again this time to a nearhy rejuvenation hope and joyoutneas areenhouse ou don t need me to areclatmcd for the perion who wears y w there your im the ma blrthstone cliivetut oftolck stock 1 new westminster bc april cp canadian datr stock is now in demand in china already produc ers in this fraser valley have orders for several hundred head of purabred stock for shanghai and hong kong dairy farm government dairy officials report that shanghai and hong kong re quire gp to 3000 head of dairy cattle and a fair share will be purchased in brluth columbia agination will tell you how i gloried in the riot of color that was every where one aectlbn particularly caught my eye because it contained a specie of plant that wu almost lm- itoasjble tq get during the war tub erous rooted begonia of course i hail to buy one and then when i got home i gave it away i suddenly thought of a friend to whom i knew it would bring to much pleasure gltazebury england cp a pram containing a lemonthaold baby wu run down by emroler and crushed but fh ehlld was unhurt at fit id glnnic tin n1mohtte of ih mill malt 11 n i lub not xikh n woull emit it ll t mm iul rt fiirin its r i i ol tiling 11 i ul 1 t ut it with i knife tmminll whin tin ri u n lik nintlnk ttnd it ki filltnl with i ion it of tolijk i i imokt ntid funn i i i i i r aru1nt nts lire fttiii nt un i no 1 hi i mkungi i unauitcd to thnw nj rooms i t in its towd wn tin lub dot i imii h k 1 n mnn mure pub lutid oikjinuatt mi 1c a mnn of the id mjyth mits inlo trouble tht mem i itii nre undi io lulp pie iluh is n tifiik foi thi mnl animal rnd j juktlnk himlf lo fulltan life or re milling nitiktist the cans nnd prob lenis of tlomi xt ilt 1 he club holtc its own problems with a ditextntift unknown to legulat i tve cln it for uutanre a few nighls aio the chairman reportid that three recently di eter inns had not been able to find ob the very next night he was ahl to rtport that three jobs bad been i found through the efforts of th members and two of the veteran 1 had accepted the case of ihe third eteran bill i called for special attention the job ctfered to htm was suitable as he himself admitted hut bui thought that he wouldn t go to work for a while yet he was still doing prett well on hi gratuity instalments and unemployment benefits sitting around the dub every day during the hours that the bar was open he figured that he d carry on that way for some week to com but bui reckoned without the spir it of the old 900th when hi decis ion was reported the chairman called an immediate emergency meeting the meting decided that until bui went to work hi beer would be cut oft s two da later the chairman re ported that bill had taken tha job the printed word was your long distance call delayed m fost lonf distance call go through alt right but from time to um ttware t a ula that ia becaoae there are ao maayl mora telephoriaa now and ao many moire people an using lang distanoa were hard at work add ing new witchbcard and linee and training maay more operator to get long otslance aerrice bark to prewar speeds and treea faster in the meantime when you find circuit extra bust you ran help relieve the load br observing the proper se quence and by being patient tf lucre ia a del v whtft you piact lanaj duunca ch rttst give the operato tha auuae ef tha distant rstj twpi the talealiosie smasher ef yotw party tratk whs use operator aaka tt yasir mrs bdepiwmm anas

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